Subsidised Childcare and Parental Leave

Grabby Cunts.

Daily Mail Link

Why the fuck do parents think that other people should pay to raise their children? Free schools,free healthcare,free meals,child benefits and yet here there are whinging on for even more subsidised childcare and parental leave.

The fucking nerve of the Cunts… “We want our choices back” they chanted…well here’s a choice you’ve still got…if you can’t afford them,don’t have them. I only wish I had the choice of opting out of paying tax to subsidise their choices.

I’ve a fucking good mind to start wailing that “the Govt.” should pay for my Hounds and pay me to look after them.

They should be told to gather up their mewling brats and Fuck Off.

Nominated by: Foxchaser-Fiddler

mystic maven wants to add this to the mix

The march of the mummies. Not a horror film, although some of them could be suitably cast in one.

This took place on 29th October and they are basically demanding Government reform on childcare, parental leave and flexible working.

They all demand this, that and the other, as if the world owes them something. Well fuck off, if you can’t afford them, don’t have them.

ITV News Link

67 thoughts on “Subsidised Childcare and Parental Leave

  1. Just another in a long line of cunts with their grasping hands out.
    Gonna need a new forest of magic money trees..
    It’s about all these fuckers realise we are skint..

    • CC

      You could offer them your entire salary, possessions and live off bin dipping, but they’d still say it wasn’t enough.

      Which is why I never give to those starvin’ marvins in Africa.

      Fuck me, have the cunts still not learned how to not starve to death?

      Oh yes I forgot. That’s because honky created a climate crisis for the poor Afwicans which is something our ‘conservative’ PM seems to be all over.

      Get your wallets out, you racists.

      • That’s not happening anytime soon. Fuck them and the horses they rode into town on. Not the horrors in the header photo. I have more respect for my dick.

  2. It’s clear to me that there’s massive inequality in this country and that children are the ones suffering.

    My nephew Barnaby had to pay for a school meal and the Quinoa wasn’t fresh!

    And when he went into anaphylactic shock my sister couldn’t be reached as she was in a yoga class and they took him to hospital!

    Even though we only believe in holistic therapy and don’t use western modern quackery.

    The answer is glaringly obvious.

    Make landowners pay for the well-being of children.
    Over ten acres?
    Your financially responsible for a child.
    Over 20 acre? 2 children.
    And so on.

    Not only should they pay for the child’s food, and school uniform but have the child during summer holidays.
    As my sister wants to go backpacking in the Dordogne.

  3. Why not, it’s all heading that way, everything will be free and controlled, carbon credits, ‘approved only’ use of energy, type of food and travel.

    Brave new world meets 1984, better get in quick to make sure you are a Alpha or Beta and not an Epsilon

    Back to free or subsidised childcare, we have cunts on benefits who won’t work, at least these women want to work.

  4. I’m a bit conflicted on this cunting.
    Yes, I usually hate lazy arse, benefit grabbing welfare cunts pleading poverty when none exists.
    On the other hand, this country’s demographics are fucked. As a country, we are aging fast. It needs loads of kids to be able to pay my pension in future.
    Considering the filthy golden shower of money wasted in foreign aid for example, I do think British women should be subsidised in some way to produce offspring. The more the merrier to secure the future.
    (Just restrict the incentives to those who are actually British though of course)

    • Problem is the only ones having liars of kids are those that don’t need to pay or worry about paying for them.

      Doleys after bigger houses and free people carriers.
      Peacefuls (a lot doley, most self employed tax dodgers and tax credit/housing benefit snafflers.)
      The wealthy (if they want to).

      The wealthy can inherit and don’t need to work if they don’t want to, but many will. But they are few in number in the grand scheme of things.

      The rest will produce more of the same non contributing cunts, so this ‘you need our kids to pay for your pension and NHS.’

      Load of shit. Too many cunts are being born or cone here on dinghies who never put a fucking penny in, or are a huge net drain.

      Should be only those who pay in at least £50,000 in tax and NI who get a pension unless proper disabled (and none of this I’m depressed shite ooh me bad back bollocks.)

      Not paid in? Get a job or go to the workhouse or fuck off back to umbongoland.

  5. I got embroiled in a online scrap with some big, fat fucking baby factory last week in this very subject. My argument- You have them, so you fucking pay for them… big, fat, money grabbing cunt! Her reply- I am investing in your future public services by having children. If everyone decided to stop having kids there would be no generation to fill vacancies. What a fucking big load of shit! If everyone decided to stop having fucking kids then local Govt would run at a profit, and fat cunts like her would have to get a job and contribute something to the economy instead of being a drain!

    • “I am investing in your future public services by having children.” What a lying bitch, wheeling out the old “public services” argument. If her kids are anything like their mother, the chances of them making a any meaningful contribution to society is somewhere between zero and fuck all.

  6. A very good nom Mr Fiddler. A subject that really pisses me off. Some baby machine in HR has had 4 kids over the last 4 years and has been on maternity leave the whole time.
    It’s their huge sense of entitlement that gets me.

    • But surely Mr Fistula you would have reaped some of the rewards

      She Nodoubtedly would have brought the newborn in for you to Fuss over
      You maybe even got the chance to buy Her a present and a Card

  7. Top nom, F-Fiddler sir.
    Contraception and abortion have been freely available in this country for decades.
    No excuse for having children nowadays.

    • They thought that in the US, but look how quickly that can disappear.
      I saw some religious republican loon giving his victory speech, saying his county now belongs to Jesus, and other hard liner bible type rhetoric.
      All delivered with his eyes closed, like it was some kind of sermon.
      It will be worse than the fucking taliban, because these cunts will have nuclear weapons.
      Never allow a cunt anywhere near power when they think there’s a better life after this one, as they are happy to prove themselves wrong.

      Who the fuck would want to bring kids into this fucked up intolerant world?

  8. The usual professional demonstrators. Most of them are lezzas with a few genuine wimminz thrown in. They want everyone to be dependent on the State then the State can control them.

  9. If they can’t look after ’em, don’t have ’em. It’s not the state’s and the taxpayer’s job to wipe every irresponsible cunt’s arse. Fuck off.

  10. This the sort of woeful mess that occurs when the Nanny State is allowed to run rampant.

    Ever increasing welfare benefits,NHS budgets,social housing..all part of the modern fairytale that government money will cure all.

    The Tories should have pulled the plug on it but instead doubled down on the path to another colossal recession.

    No doubt despite all the signs that austerity chapter two is beginning the entitled cunts will still be after free money to fund their idiotic life choices.

    Fuck em.

    • It should also be said the financial mess we are supposedly in has been created by these Big Government policies but of course now we have to suffer for their short term “beauty pagent” thinking.

      We’re all in it together…

      An excellent nomination by the way.

  11. Take a look at the specimens holding the banner in the video.

    The usual collection of frumps. I don’t imagine they have children as that sort are far too keen on abortion, and are probably unmarried, but jumping on the bandwagon.

  12. They don’t know how lucky they are. In other countries you even have to pay for the birth. Whilst it is true that we will need a certain number of kids in order to have someone staffing things in the future, surely 2 is enough per couple? And why they need so many subsidies is beyond me

  13. Look at the fucking horror holding the banner ‘Kids not Cuts.’

    Who the fuck fucked that?

    Must have been a pissed up Rapist.

  14. If you boil this down to the bare skeleton, then how did this legislation get passed that the state are somehow responsible for it’s populations offspring?

    “Our inhabitants are breeding and they need help affording them”

    “OK, the country can help fund their decision then”

    I mean….WTF???

  15. Soccer Saturday are moving back to normality. 3 white men 1 black. It can only mean the women are being sterilised. Next week it’s the men’s turn.

    • Bit different but I have noticed, over the last few weeks, that the participants in Tipping Point are mostly white, by a large margin. About fucking time too. Advertisers, take note, you cunts.

  16. Is it any wonder low pay workers are giving up their jobs to end up on a life of benefits if it means being finaniclally better off asking for more and more state aid for their lifestyle choices.

    There was a news report recently of a couple with 7 kids and 30 odd dogs, succesfully claiming over £84,000 per year in benefits – mostly tax free, according to the report. That equates to a worker earning £140,000pa gross and taking home roughtly £84k (after paying £49k in tax and £9k in NICs)

    But these cunts and the charities behind them seem to think benefits are still too low for some people.

    This government seems to support the people on benefits whille constantly hitting the taxpayer time and tme again.

    • Yep, socially the Tories under Mavis and Boris have been consistently to the left of Labour under Blair and Brown.

    • That’s the problem right there. No way should any cunt be able to claim more than minimum wage in benefits, including housing.


      You can see why they do it. Because they can.

      About time they fucking can’t.

      Although looking at the dad of the Pakistani who played in our footy team (two huge three storey with cellars Georgian houses knocked together for him and his 20, yes, 20 kids) I’m starting to think I’m the cunt.

      I worked my arse off and he has more than me. Two people carriers and a new ‘mobility’ car… fuck all wrong with the cunt. House worth more than mine and he’s never paid a fucking penny for his. Cunt doesn’t even speak English. And yes, of course he doesn’t have a job. Never fucking has.

      I’m ready to vote for a fucking nutcase, if he’d drag cheeky cunts like this out on the street and make them homeless before deportation.

  17. I remember during the Covid shit show the schools were shut down for learning but still open for the free lunches that the parasites had become accustomed to. The level of arrogance is appalling to think you deserve the fruit of someone else’s labor.
    Top shelf nom.

  18. It amazes me how that sprinkling of mingers in that picture managed to even get screwed in order to have a kid.?

    Mind you, I wonder how many of their offspring are peaceful or black??

  19. A mate of mine was told by a Brighton trendy that it was ‘right-wing’ and ‘bigotry’ to suggest mothers should have a limit placed on their benefits.

    This didn’t include rent, or the size of the property, just a cap on further benefits claimed for more than two kids.

    The ‘Brighton trendy’ is now a policeman.

  20. Sorry to go off subject but sad news. Azeem Rafiq is leaving the UK. Such a sad loss. No doubt they are queuing up to employ him overseas.

    • Fuck me.

      May I suggest an ISAC see him off party. We could turn up at the airport to see him off, with streamers, party hats and balloons, while playing Kool and the Gang’s ‘Celebration’.

      Or maybe ‘Hit the road, Jack and doncha come back no more no more no more no more.

      Btw, if he actually does leave for more than a few months, I’ll eat my own ringpiece.

  21. Having a kid seems to be one long gravy train as far as I can tell, subsidised by other people’s money, including mine.

    I understand that it’s very challenging to raise a child and requires huge amounts of finance, patience, tolerance, nurturing, sacrifice, etc. I get that. I do. But that is the parents’ choice and HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME! Can’t afford to be a stay at home parent? Tough shit. You should have thought of that before you fucked. Can’t afford childcare after you return to work? Tough shit. You should have thought of that before you fucked.

    Let’s say I buy a new car. Upon returning home, I go over to the neighbour’s house, knock on the door and speak to said neighbour:

    Me: I’ve just bought a new car and I’m going to need you to pay for the insurance.
    Neighbour: Sorry mate, but you buying a car has nothing to do with me.
    Me: That’s fair, but you fucking your wife and producing a kid had nothing to do with me, but I’m forced to help pay for it. So get your cheque book out you cunt.

    We all have to pay for other people’s fucking kids in a multitude of other ways too. For example:

    1. “Sorry I’m late in this morning. Was up most of the night with the new born”. Not my fucking problem. You’re paid to work, not show up when you feel like it. Oh wait, I get it. The rest of us have to pick up your slack because you decided to have a kid. Got it.

    2. “I need to leave early today. Little Johnny’s got a football match”. Not my fucking problem. You’re paid to work, not fit work in around your child’s schedule. Oh wait, I get it. The rest of us have to pick up your slack because you decided to have a kid. Got it.

    3. You’re in the office – an ADULT place of business – when you hear the squawking of a brat. You must be imagining it, right? Nope. Some slag has brought their fucking kid in to work because the schools haven’t gone back yet and the brat needs minding. So the fucking parent brings it to work!!!!! FFS!! Take time off you bitch. If you can’t afford the time off, take unpaid leave. Just get that bloody fucking walking noise box out of my face.

    4. Some cunt skives off work because they’ve got a sick kid at home. Again, not my problem but every fucking time parents who pull this shit they get a free pass. Childless people like me can never get away with this. How is that not discrimination. But wait…..I need to take a few hours off work to take my cat to the vet and I get, “Why? It’s only a cat”. Seriously? Fucking seriously? The love and affection I get from my cat helps prevent me from stabbing cunts who say shit like that. If you dare say something like, “But Dave was out all last Friday to take his kid to the doctor. It’s only a kid” somehow you’re the bad guy!!!

    5. The automatic assumption that you’ll be interested, fascinated, overwhelmed with joy etc. because someone’s had a kid. And if you’re not, then that somehow makes you a bad person. Why, FFS?

    Adding a kid to any situation makes it worse. It just does. Kids: consumers of everything, producers of nothing. Fuck off the lot of you.

    • Hell yes to this!

      I am also fed up of having to pick up
      other people’s work when they can’t come in due to childcare, but if I want to take my house Bunnos to the vets, oh no……

  22. Awww aye, dats dead tight dat!
    Dis nom is nuttin but a attack on der poor.
    Our Chardonnay needs hair extensions and our Wayne needs new trainies,
    he’s gonna get der Mick taken if he turns up at young offenders wearin fuckin no brand trainies.

    Youse lot should feel sorry for us.
    I had a second cousin at Hillsborough.


  23. A couple of nutters with one brain cell each get together for company, but have a million sperm cells. Shouldn’t it be the other way round ?

  24. So this is an interesting non for me.

    As a woman I have chosen a career over having children and have never seen myself being a parent but am happy for those who do make that choice.

    As a tax payer it is a higher band and I am therefore paying £2000 a month for “others”.

    While I am happy to pay into the system I am fed up of paying for others life styles and this includes multiple children.

    How about a rebate for opting not to have children? Saint Greta and Just stop mongs should be pleased as I power my carbon footprint.

    I work with numerous people who think it is ok for me to pick up extra work because they need to run out every two minutes due to childcare. Fuck off, no it’s not.

    Does my head in.

    • My opinion too.
      Should have a healthy rebate for not making additional burdens on health, education, social services or the justice system.
      Biggest service to the future of the planet, not making more cunts.

  25. I’m all for helping out with benefits for the first born … a second child would require the return of the total of benefits for child one. Kids three, four etc would be taxed.

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