Rochdale Groomers and the Legal System

This pair are finally going to be deported, apparently, but I don’t think I’ll be holding my breath waiting.

Grauniad Link.

As if their crimes weren’t despicable enough, they have now spent 7 years and £500,000+ of taxpayers money fighting deportation, aided and abetted by our legal system.

Khan said he needed to stay in the UK to provide a role model for his son and he couldn’t have groomed anyone because he didn’t speak English. Both excellent reasons why his extended family should join him on the flight back.

I don’t know which disgusts me most, the groomers or the lawyers, so a cunting for them both seems in order.

Nominated by: Jeezum Priest

86 thoughts on “Rochdale Groomers and the Legal System

  1. Two top blokes.

    This country would be on its knees if it wasn’t for fine citizens like these gentlemen.

    • Defense lawyers should be there to ensure fair trial/procedure, not attempt to get the guilty exonerated.

      Having said that, prosecution lawyers should be there to prosecute those they genuinely consider to be guilty, not convict all and any because the CPS/Home Office has decided guilt before a trial/tribunal.

      Can’t understand why these things take years and years. A few simple questions, consider the answers and evidence, then decide. I could do at least 10 a day.

  2. Their victims were white and working class, exactly the kind of people the libtards, especially the do gooder lawyers, hate with a passion. They think these girls are trash just like the Peacefuls do. They won’t be going home and you can take that to the bank.

    • If they’re not going home, perhaps thry can be put in the ground? Ideally 6ft deep and preferably after a great deal of suffering…

    • They should be given a choice. Sent home, or stay and receive the Richard III treatment.

  3. Why is it always Pakîstankies? Is there a commandment in the Qura’an Big Book of Magic Spells that says, ‘Thou Shalt Fiddle with Kids? Look at these contemptible cunts. Even their photographs smell of shit.

      • Always remember when I worked for the dole years ago seeing a pajama clad colleague in the staff bogs. He had his shoes and socks off and was washing his feet in the sink. He then did a massive greeny in the sink and fucked off without rinsing it.

        He was also the prime suspect for breaking bog seats by standing on them, leaving shit and piss on the seat and floor when he seemingly missed the target.

        Fucking dirty bastard.

        Obviously, it could’ve been someone else (rolls eyes).

        What I want to know is this.

        Who the fuck in Blighty woke up one morning and said, “You know what this country needs? Millions of Pakistanis!”

        Whoever it was, dig the cunt up and kick his bones about.

      • When I was working CB, I used sometimes to visit a Royal Mail sorting office in Cowley, Oxford, closed a few years ago now. Off the main corridor were doors to the gents, the ladies and a door labelled “continental toilet”. I always wanted to put my head round this door and see what the fuck was in there but there were always folks around and I didn’t fancy having to explain myself.

    • Well, there is. Kind of.

      They follow the example of their main man, who declared his interest in a girl when she was an infant, married her when she was 6 and consummated the marriage when she was 9. Aisha was her name.

      They also believe that unbelievers (the infidel) are subhuman scum that are placed on Earth to be used and abused, literally enslaved, as the righteous Moslem sees fit.

      These people are not Moslem extremists, they are bog standard, obedient Moslems.

  4. Hear fucking hear. They’re so pig ugly they won’t get a fuck by consent so little girls are the only option (and legit in their religion). Get rid of the pondlife scum

  5. I cannot understand why there isn’t something written into law that prevents all the ridiculous claims against being kicked out after being convicted of a serious crime or failing an asylum claim.
    Nationality and Borders Bill.

    You are a cunt, fuck off.

    • Because there are serious failings in the UK’s immigration laws. The do-gooders are too vocal and our spineless, useless, weak politicians keep allowing shit like this to happen. The people of this country must be close to breaking point.

      • I have written to my MP twice about the fucking channel invaders as I am sure may more have, it’s a a fucking disgrace and all the media bang on about is the overcrowding at Manston.
        I heard one MP (can’t remember who) in the commons saying ‘if they don’t like it they can get back in the boats and go back to France’

      • The problem is not one fucking MP is prepare to stand up and say enough is enough. We really have a useless shower in charge, and waiting in the wings.

      • We are.Those poor people in Kent who see the daily surge of the goat shaggers and those criminal Albanians must be at breaking point.SEND ALL ILLEGALS BACK.No ifs or buts.No excuse.Turn them back mid channel.Piss takers.

  6. Mr Khan reckons he needs to stay in the UK so he can be a role model to his son.

    Fucking hell – this cunt certainly has a sense of humour, I’ll give him that.

    You could just imagine the Guardian hack crying into his latte while he was having to type that report up.

  7. I don’t think these role models should be deported.
    They should be publicly executed.

  8. Inbred cousin marrying cunts..
    Even the deep south freak shows would turn their noses up at those mutants..

    • If these scabby cunts are deported they’ll fly first class.

      Their families will be taken care of here,
      With a team of interpreters to explain to the wives and kids that they will keep the 4bedroom house and the benefits won’t be effected.

      We’ll probably pay for the family to visit regularly?

      • In the same way as when one of them gains citizenship the whole extended family gets to move over here, One of them being deported should get rid of the rest.

        Stupid idea I know. Far too sensible.

      • It should be written into the British Constitution, Termujin.

        Ooops, silly me, we no longer have one, apparently.

      • Mr JP,

        Magna Carta is still in force I believe, thou one would never know that from the actions of our governments over the last 70 years.

        Good old King John ,?

  9. Can’t blame the lawyers…they are doing what they are paid to do. The Govt. has had years to close “loopholes” and hasn’t done so. The lawyers would be remiss if they didn’t present the best legal case that they could,regardless of how distasteful the claimant/defendant.

    Lawyers can only work within the framework of The Law..if The Law allows a particular course of action,of course they should take it.

    Blame the Law-makers for not doing their job….not the lawyers who are doing their job.

    • “The lawyers would be remiss if they didn’t present the best legal case that they could, regardless of how distasteful the claimant/defendant”.

      Is that from the personal experience of your own legal counsel Fiddler?

      • It is actually…. I’ve been up in Court and my solicitor didn’t hold the fact that I’m a bit of a Cunt against me…did the best job he could…just as well for him..he’d have felt the rough edge of my tongue if he hadn’t.

      • Should add that on one memorable occasion,I represented myself….it wasn’t a roaring success,tbh. Unfortunately my temper,arrogance and foul mouth put paid to my fledgling career as a rural Rumpole.

      • Furious peddling?
        Strange law, that.
        I was prosecuted for failing to attend longbow practice, in January 1998.

      • Immigrant scum indeed…immigrant scum who will have worked fucking hard to qualify,contribute to society and are doing the job that they are paid and trained to do.
        Can’t blame “immigrant scum” lawyers for our “home-grown” lawmakers failing to set tougher laws and close loopholes.

      • @FB

        Where is your evidence that the lawyers are immigrants?
        Not that it makes any difference, just curious, that’s all.

      • Go down to East London, every fucking lawyer there specialises in immigration law and none of them are English.

      • I see one of the Judges saying that they should be deported is called Siew Ling Yoke…more” immigrant scum” presumably.

      • Aye…the Chinkey immigrant Cunt probably steals guide-dogs off blind pensioners and turns them into Chop Suey…send the buggers back

  10. Legal aid is a cunt especially when foreigners are granted access to it.

    Naturally it would be much more beneficial to our country to publicly hang vermin like those two cunts.

    As it is it’s no wonder we are fucked.

    At the very least change the damned rules to stop this assistance to human garbage.

  11. Khan want’s to provide a role model for his son !!!

    Absolutely priceless. But I suppose in the Pakistani community a peter file rapist is a desirable role model.

    Any effniks that can’t or refuse to learn and conform to British values, laws or norms don’t deserve to be here. Multiculturalism is a sham.

  12. These ‘specialist’ lawyers and Doctors who aid these human filth are as bad, and they should also be classed as criminals. Some bent as fuck cunt fills in all the forms for these unwashed vermin. Then some dodgy quack says that these scum have a ‘disability’ or -drum roll – ‘mental health issues’. Which basically lets these pieces of shit live in the UK with impunity and full pay. These ‘specialist’ bent bastards know that these cunts are scum and what they get up to. Yet they have no problem unleashing them on British society.

    • These lawyers and doctors are always the same ones pleading the case of refugees on the BBC and then you find out later on that they are Labour affiliated with a long history of anti-govt this or that, whinging about “cuts” and “austerity”.

    • Very well said Norman.

      That we pander to these vile cunts and play all these silly fucking legal games makes the law makers complicit in child rape.

      This together with make believe “asylum seekers” blowing children to pieces yet nothing is done,the gloves never come off,that there are no harsh reprisals fills me with disgust.

      Fucking appeasing villains.


  13. Just an observation, but I was watching a bit of the cricket when Pakistan were playing this week.

    I couldn’t help but notice how ugly the Pakistani men were. Some of the women in the crowd weren’t too bad. But fuck me. The men looked deformed. I actually felt like vomitting.

    No wonder they’re so rapey. How else would these cunts get to have an orgasm inside a female’s body?

    • CB@

      They make me spew too.
      Lots of them look like rats?

      Rats in pyjamas.

    • Largely the case in the sub continent, ugly , weedy ,beta males and often quite hot women.

      Take a look at most South Asian couples in this country, the guy is usually punching above his weight.

      Without the almost forced sticking to their own, they’d all be incels.

    • To much inbreeding with these cunts, marrying their cousins from the same third world flyblown village….?

  14. If these bastards don’t want to go, let them stay. THEN deport the family and castrate these sick fucks with the oldest rustiest knife available. Or use the cunts for bayonet practice by the parents.

  15. ”Couldn’t have groomed anyone because he didn’t speak English”
    Yes, the old child rape language barrier. The worst nonces are multilingual rapey cunts.

  16. Gas.
    Sprinkle around roses.
    Wash hands
    Cup of tea and a slice of fruit cake, with a chunk of Wensleydale cheese.

  17. votes is what it comes down to pure and simple, if it was a lot of bankers and other Tory types rocking up at Dover the fucking leftie fuckers would have em on a boat back to France before ink was dry on the paperwork

  18. Eeh… when I were a lad The Rochdale Groomers were folk singers.

    Look at their mug-shots:
    Abdul Qayyum
    Adil Khan
    Mohammed Sajid
    Abdul Rauf
    Abdul Aziz
    Kabeer Hassan
    Hamid Safi

    Shabir Ahmed
    “The evil predator who led the Rochdale child sex grooming gang – Shabir Ahmed – is locked up in Leeds prison and fighting efforts to deport him back to his native Pakistan… He is serving a 22-year-old jail term.”
    At least his jail-term is older than his victims. The cunt.

    Firing squad for the lot of them. Save the tax payer about £30m keeping these scum locked for the next 22 years (at least).

    All good British names. “Diversity Built Britain” my arse. Hitler used a similar sentiment in his “Joy through strength” motto.

  19. Can you imagine what would happen if English Christians were raping the Muslim children.

    As time passes it is clear,



  20. I’m sure I’m not alone on here that would take great pleasure in shooting these cunts in the face at point blank range with a 12 bore

  21. The useless government will probably throw in some extra money to the scum because it’s been raining in Pakistan and it is our fault.

  22. Off topic, but if you hear about Disgruntled of Sheffield setting fire to some cunts car, by means of smashing in the windscreen and putting a firework multi bomb in it, lit.
    It wasn’t me, honest.

  23. What really boils my piss to plasma is the utter contempt our so called ruling classes hold the majority of persons in the U.K. To spend a bloody fortune on legal aid for these two shites whilst they literally take the piss is beyond a joke.
    Time that some real action was taken to deal with this sort of bollocks.
    This fucking arselicking and kowtowing to all the human flotsam that ends up here must stop. The shitting on our own needs to stop as well.
    As for the European court of Uber cunts time for them to be told to fuck off.
    Bottom line the filthy bastards should have been hung and any family that supported them fucked off back to the shithole they originated from.
    Problem is the way things are going, fuck all will change and them two cunts will still be here next Christmas on benefits as well no doubt

    • Absolutely, Bb.
      Doesn’t speak English?
      Having a fucking laugh, or what?
      How’s he work as a taxi/Deliveroo/Uber driver, then?
      Reason he doesn’t want to be deported is because he’s the only person in the family whose actually passed the UK driving test.
      If he’s deported, all his UK shit is cancelled so his 13 brothers/cousins/uncles/etc won’t have a valid, shared driving licence.

  24. You’re only got too look at this pair of cunts to realise they should be no where near any young girl deport the cunts after chopping their bollocks off and send their stinking fucking families back with erm we don’t want scum like this polluting our fucking way of life

  25. Has any country who’s name ends in stan ever done anything worthwhile ?
    Case closed.
    Cunt countries,exporting their cunt spawn to infest the world.
    What could possibly go wrong ?
    That’s right.

  26. I love the crying the done for the muzzies put in camps by the Chinese.

    Strangely they don’t have a grooming issue though.

    I wonder why

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