Permacrisis! – Keeping the Little People Under Control

The Permacrisis, another new word appearing in our dictionary and according to Collins is the defining word of the last 12 months.

The sad truth is that everything is a crisis as defined by the media, backed up by the ever more influential internet, Can everything actually be a crisis, how often is the word used, if you watch the news, any news, you will hear it every day, I would challenge anyone (except the Worcestershire warrior) the name something that isn’t in crisis.

The attached article sums it up very well and cunters will find the Yips amusing, the young illiberal progressives.

Daily Mail News Link

Nominated by: Sick of it

60 thoughts on “Permacrisis! – Keeping the Little People Under Control

  1. Christmas crisis coming soon .
    Recession crisis today.
    China crisis.

    I tend not to worry.
    They want you worried,
    Rather than rightfully angry.

    Stick your tax bill up your arse, and your egg crisis.

    • Exactly, Mis.

      Get your Christmas lights up, pour yourself three very large ones tomorrow night, kick back and begin to enjoy this magical time of the year! Fuck the doom porn.

      I’ll refrain from posting Johnny Mathis until Saturday December 3rd, though! 😀

      • Too early Gordon.
        Bonfire night has only just gone.

        We put the decorations up as a family when I bring home the tree ?

        That gets me in the mood,
        Choosing the tree,
        And the chase through the woods,
        Driving off at speed with the fist shaking farmer disappearing in my rear view…

  2. There’s an egg crisis now. Fucking eggs!

    This did catch my eye;
    ‘The U.S. essayist Nassim Nicholas Taleb calls moments such as these ‘black swan events’: apparently rare, random and unpredictable contingencies’

    Not sure that’s an accurate definition. I think it means an event almost impossible to prepare for because it is largely unprecendented. I wouldn’t class a pandemic or war in that category by a long shot. The pandemic was allowed to get out of control over a period of 6 crucial months because of complacency and corruption. Complacency is again to blame for the war in Ukraine; This had been on the cards since 2014.

    • An egg crisis, eh?
      A fucking excuse to increase prices, more like.
      My Gradly lass has a bacon/cheese omlete for her tea on Wednesdays, and I’ll be fucking furious if she doesn’t get one. She so looks forward and it’s one of the few things that I can stand up long enough to cook.

  3. There’s a army of Woke Cunts coming up with these Doom mongering portmanteau words


    Guess what that is?

    It’s an illiterate Shit for brains orang utang with a massive Chip on its Shoulders

    Woke is a Cunt word

  4. I have responded to the latest in a long line of crises by retiring to the couch and watching Goldfinger.
    The dog is similarly bothered as she’s stretched out next to me, snoring, whilst the rain beats on the windows.
    Ethel is out.
    ” You’ll be using this Aston Martin DB5, with modifications ”
    Good afternoon.

    • Goldfinger?

      Excellent novel and,of course,film.

      Who can say no to a nice drop of scotch and some Pussy Galore..?

      • Is PG what Bojo is dreaming of in the header pic? Or is he sniffing Truss’ wet farts?
        I’ll pour myself a large Woods Old Navy, and dream of Penny M, The Navy Lark…

      • Woods is about a fiver a litre in Gib but not here, the robbing bastards.
        It’s up there with the best for value.
        Pussers.Red,Gunpowder or
        All good stuff.

    • Yeah, I just created a 48-hour Christmas songs playlist on YouTube!

      And I have a stack of Christmas movies to watch in between the World Cup matches, so fuck these fake as fuck “crises” that don’t effect me… yet. 😀

      • Gordon @

        There’s talk of a tinsel tax!!!

        How about Home Alone?
        That’s a Christmas film.
        I thought I’d hate it.
        Couldn’t breathe for laughing at Joe pesci hit by a brick?

      • Naw JP.
        He’s in good spirits,
        Looking forward to Christmas,
        Let the lad enjoy himself.

        But if he sprays fake snow on my van windscreen they’ll be murder.

      • I loathe tinsel – and glitter (Gary?) never liked the stuff. My decorations are warm white lights, handmade wooden dangly thingies (ooh-err, missus! 😀 ), a handmade in China (“Commie!”) stained-glass church (“Jesus-tard!”) that lights up, icicle lights on the door-frames, etc. And all this in addition to the Moroccan (“Muzzie-lover!”) lamps I have. It’s all quite magical, maaaan! 😀

        Aye, my 48-hour playlist! It only took 10 minutes to compile as 12 hours of it is one video of Bing, Elvis, Deano and hours of Motown Crimbo choons. Phil Spector’s Christmas album, of course.

        That’s it from me until Monday, some will be glad to hear! Got tonnes of stuff to do. We’ll see how England do against Iran on Monday, 1pm.

        “Mae alsalama!” as they say in Arabia! 😀

      • I loathe tinsel – and glitter (Gary?) never liked the stuff. My decorations are warm white lights, handmade wooden dangly thingies (ooh-err, missus! ? ), a handmade in China (“Commie!”) stained-glass church (“Jesus-tard!”) that lights up, icicle lights on the door-frames, etc. And all this in addition to the Moroccan (“Islam-lover!”) lamps I have. It’s all quite magical, maaaan! ?

        Aye, my 48-hour playlist! It only took 10 minutes to compile as 12 hours of it is one video of Bing, Elvis, Deano and hours of Motown Crimbo choons. Phil Spector’s Christmas album, of course.

        That’s it from me until Monday, some will be glad to hear! Got tonnes of stuff to do. We’ll see how England do against Iran on Monday, 1pm.

        “Mae alsalama!” as they say in Arabia! ?

  5. The MSM ran headlines today talking about Russian missiles hitting Poland

    This despite the world knowing for a fact by about 9pm yesterday, that the missiles were Ukrainian.

    The MSM are the ones responsible for these crises regardless of whether they actually exist or not.

    Still not sure why they’d want to start WW3 , people can’t read their shit rags if they are dead.

    Utter cunts

    • I’m not fan of Putin and his United Russia gang of crooks.

      That said, Zelensky deserves to hang after his recent hystrionics and calling to invoking of Article 5. Apparently the Poles are double fucking livid.

      I’m old enough to see a grift when I see one.

  6. Crisis of confidence in the way in which we are Governed is the only real crisis we face. All others are shite, and intended to scare us into submission. Vlad! Shoot !

  7. As far as I can see all these alleged crises are because our leaders and a fair amount of the population are soft as shite.

    2008 bank crisis?
    Easy,guarantee the savings of the individual but let the reckless banks collapse.

    Wuhan Flying AIDS? Yes crack on with a vaccine and be careful with the elderly but for fucks sake don’t shut the economy and start printing magic money.

    Climate crisis?just ignore the mental cunts.

    Energy crisis?Get drilling and get the plans accelerated,on a war footing,for new reactors and plentiful storage for natural gas.

    All this hiding under the bed bullshit and scaremongering wank from the media can Get To Fuck.

  8. The true crises are ignored: flooding in aliens, elections stolen, promoting decadence, ruining the souls of children, willing destruction of domestic energy production, lawlessness being allowed and encouraged, welfare dependence, allowing anyone to vote, destruction of western values, paying cunts not to work, etc etc etc.

  9. As blackadder once said “this is a large crisis”. I’ve given up listening to news. Live for the day. As the late great lord Jethro once said “live every day as if it’s your last, as one day you will be right.

  10. Linked but not the same. Isn’t if interesting how Sweden did not go into a lockdown in the same way the rest of us sheep did and they seemed to be come out of it OK.

    What is happening in this country is a tried and test formulaic approach the yankee cunts have adopted for decades – divide and conquer.

    You can control people with fear, when people are scared they look above them for support and guidance. Once you’ve cracked that nut and everyone is a mongoloid then you can control them with “we will get you out of this”. “trust us, we have the answer”. etc. etc.

    Meanwhile, in a protectorate fashion to ensure the rich and powerful do not lose their status, lifestyle, power and influence they decide to fuck us more, which means we rely on them even more.

    Ever seen the film the purge I’d have a fucking field day but instead of targetting the hoi polloi it should be the rich and the ‘haves’.

    • What you’re saying its a mass hypnosis by proxy. For me to Identify the gullible, can the sadistic cunts responsible, have them doing something ridiculously stupid that stands out a mile.

  11. The Politicians like a good crisis because it gives them an excuse to unilaterally act in their own interests and keep us plebs in our place.

    The Media likes a good crisis because they can curry favor with the politicians (and increase their own power) by controlling information and influencing public opinion and behavior in a manner that suits the pols.

    And as we have seen with any number of the most recent crises it increases the ability of both to steal…I mean make more money.

    One of the more righteous cuntings we’ve seen here as of late on IsaC.

    Well done Sick!

  12. And who can forget Sunny Jim Callaghan and “Crisis, what crisis”?
    Of course he later denied he ever said that but he was a politician ……..deny it all and make them fucking prove it!

  13. It actually worries me that the press ( mainly, because headlines sell) use such emotive words like “crisis”.
    However, I don’t want to tread on another cunters nom, who has more or less used some kind of mind probe and already cunted my innermost thoughts.
    Just because I’m paranoid…..

  14. I had a crisis last night…I lost the special usb lead for my favourite porn hard drive…the one with all the really “speciality” items on it…worrying times, that amount of pernicious filth took ages to collate.
    It’s okay though, I’ve found the cable.

      • Thank goodness Mr Cunt Engine. We were counting on you to provide the post-IsAC Christmas lunch entertainment after Miserable had offered to play the spoons.

      • Evening JP…the fridge?!
        Of course not, that’s where I keep the severed limbs of unlucky ladies of the night, ready for some yummy casseroles.

      • I only mentioned the fridge because that’s where I usually lose my specs, there or the window sill in the kitchen.
        I’m usually very, very drunk when I leave them in the ‘fridge.

      • Also, I tend to keep severed limbs and body arts in a chest freezer, in a rented storage space.
        Fridge/body parts, 2 days max.

  15. I expect there’s a group of cunts, somewhere out there that will say we have a permafrost crisis. So add that one to the list as well.

  16. I agree slightly that the internet has done a lot of damage both emotionally, mentally, and even physically. But it’s easier to put the blame on it, Isn’t it?
    Media these days doesn’t mean shit (has it ever?) so people just follow or listen and believe any old crap thats spouted out to them, especially on the web.
    In the 80’s when i was just beginning to get served in pubs n all that, everything had a certain buzz about it, people in general just got on with their lives. Aye a lot of it was shit but you had a focus point and not filled with a 1000 distractions everywhere to mangle and brainwash you.
    It’s better just to know fuck all and get on with it…..where’s that British spirit?, ohhh wait that ship set sail long long ago.

    • I avoid the news almost entirely and really don’t care. Not knowing what is going on means no sleepless nights.

  17. The whole aim of practical politics and the MSM is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of Scaremongering , all of them imaginary.

    • Indeed it is, ff.
      Which is why I never watch news on TV, and only buy one arsewipe rag on Saturday, for the TV guide.
      The sooner people realise that nothing has really changed, apart from a handful of people ( usually thieving toerags) still wearing masks, the sooner we can get back to business as normal.
      And any cunt, especially Government employed, still wfh, get back to fucking
      work, in your office, at your desk, or be sacked. Fuck your fucking non-contributing pension.

  18. Crisis is for snowflakes. EG :-
    Faceache down for an hour along with TikTok and Instagram.
    No Greggs sausage rolls
    Netflix down
    Uber going bust
    The phrase “ can I get” being banned.
    Apple Pay down
    Monster and Redbull going tits up.
    Strictly cum mincing and I’m a celebrity taken off air for good

    None of the above would have any impact on my life whatsoever.
    My advice is don’t wait until you’re in a crisis to come up with a crisis plan, and manage your expectations about what you ACTUALLY FUCKING NEED.

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