Oxford City Council and the “15 minute City”

Coming your way if you live in the City of Oxford and the council has its way is the latest authoritarian brainchild of kill joy city planners – the “15 minute city”.

The 15-minute city is a place where you can find all the shops and services you need within a 15 minute walk. Like all really bad ideas this has sprung from the twisted mind of a French academic and its the latest thing in urban planning. The idea is that cities will no longer grow as a result of the choices of citizens but as complex systems to be managed with “smart” technology. And a big part of this will be controls and limits imposed on residents with each resident being restricted to a 15 minute zone.

Oxford residents would need a permit to work elsewhere in the city and will limit the number of times they can drive across the boundary of their allocated 15-minute zone. If you don’t comply, the city’s automatic number-plate recognition systems will fine you £70.00. Kerching !

Councillor Duncan Enright says this is about “those essential needs, the bottle of milk, pharmacy, GP, schools which you need to have” and that it is all part of the council’s plans for net zero. So you’ll need a permit to visit your mum a few streets away and can only do this twice a week, all in the name of net zero and reducing urban congestion.

The Frog academic behind this idea has explained that were it not for the Covid lockdownsI the conditions for deploying the 15-minute city concept would have been very hard to instigate. Another baleful effect of covid.

This is an astonishing assault on human freedom and really frightening. These cunts believe it is a terrible thing for people to enjoy the freedom of affordable private transport and would rather jail you in 15 minute zones than risk you polluting the planet and being free. And despite the forced shift to electric vehicles these cunts still want to ban the car.

How can this be making life better? It’s like the worst excesses of Communist China. It’s like 1984 on steroids.

Canterbury City Council want to introduce it as well.


Spiked Online News Link

Oxford Mail News Link

Nominated by: MMCM

(Presumably councillors will also have to abide by their own draconian rules? – Day Admin)

75 thoughts on “Oxford City Council and the “15 minute City”

  1. Make no mistake cunters, this is where the future is headed, should you let it.

    Instead we need to vote in our own people. We need to elect true conservatives (I don’t mean that globalist shower of leftist shite led by shit weasel sunak) who would keep the freedoms of citizens above any of this Marxist clap-trap.

    The longer we let this happen, the worse it will get.

    Time for people to wise up and stop this evil shit.

    • Marxist is exactly the right term. I see red whenever I hear the term ‘French Academic’. Haven’t those Marxist cunts done enough damage already?
      The problem with this sort of thing is that it is ‘death by a thousand cuts’. Each step is annoying and inconvenient but done so gradually so as the people can’t see the big picture of where it’s heading.
      Most people are compliant, they moan but will do fuck all. So it’s all inevitable really.
      The next step will probably be forced organ harvesting.
      Doesn’t stop me raging and moaning like fuck though whenever I see shit like this unfolding.

      • Apparently, according to Marx, once the totalitarian state has built the “utopia” the state will simply become unnecessary and just disappear. I don’t know if the unwashed old cunt was deluded, or just lying out of his arse.
        No one achieves that level of control and power with the intention of giving it up…

      • What you on about “behind peoples backs in secrecy” proposed council plans published in minutes of meetings readily avalible to those who want to acknowledge council meetings

  2. I’ve got to admit,
    I’ve never heard of a more ill thought out or stupid idea before.
    Great way to grind a place to a halt.

    Eggheads of Oxford rise up!
    Throw off your shackles of oppression and fight for the right to cycle 3 streets away.
    Give them a hush puppy to the knackers if they try and stop you.

    Doomed to failure ?

    • Speaking as someone who spent some time there, the only way to get ‘the Gown’ on the side of right in this one is to point out that it will also limit them to only the pubs within their ’15 minute’ zones.

      From experience, a good Oxford pub crawl covers a fair distance, I vaguely remember starting one at the Bird&Babe and, for some reason, ending up in Abingdon at some ungodly hour in the morning…hence the ‘vaguely’.

      Now, I’ll admit that where I stayed there, I rarely had to travel more than 10 minutes to get anything I wanted and the nearest pubs were ok (it was quite common to still be drinking in one of them at 2:00am), but that’s not an endorsement of this fuckwit’s plan, it was a happy accident that I had digs near so many amenities, If this goes ahead I pity the poor bastards living in Blackbird Leys and those in the trailer-parks-in-all-but-name lurking around the outskirts.

      Town & Gown should re-enact St Scholastica Day, only this time with it being their combined forces vs. the Council…and as some of the lasses o’ Blackbird Leys wield a mean broken bottle…

  3. I heard about this.

    Probably a right wing conspiracy though…(yes, sarcasm).

    Once we’re all living in such dystopia, if any lefty cunt complains about their horrendous quality of life while the elite lord it up, I will laugh in their fucking faces as I chow down on my locust pi. Just before putting on my alloted 30 minutes of power in my home, for being a good citizen after not flushing my bog for a week.

    • And Greta Mongface should think on.

      If I don’t flush my shits for a week, the smell would melt her skin like that bloke who fell in the vat of acid in RoboCop. It would reach Sweden, no fucking problem.

  4. In the back of beyond, all some care about is having a pub next to the bookies. Where a furrows been made between the two by loosing punters and piss artists, traipsing back and forth.

  5. Yes, the filthy Frenchie is right……the Chinky Flu lockdowns were just a run through, a test to see how much crap the public can take without realising they are being screwed. If they took that shit in the name of public health what might they take in the name of saving the planet? You know they want us off the roads, stuck in our little boxes staring at the propaganda screens. Think of the Polar bears…….you know it makes sense.

  6. Will there be a Berlin style wall built around these enclaves, with guards manning Checkpoint Charlie?
    What if it takes me longer than 15 minutes to walk to the shops, because I’m old and slow? Does that mean I’ll have to go without food?
    Are they going to fit the residents with ankle monitors, in case they wander out of their designated zone?
    Still, when everyone who can moves out of Oxford, they’ll be plenty of room for the refugees.

    • I’m sorry JP, in the name of reaching net zero you will just have to bed down in that bus shelter until you are allowed to go into Zone 2 for food.

      I will try and throw you a loaf of bread over if I can.

      • Only brown bread though. White bread has been banned for being unhealthy and possibly racist.

      • You’re a Prince amongst men, LL.
        A God, to us mere mortals.
        Your compassion knows no bounds!
        Thankfully, I don’t live in Oxford.

    • You can imagine it, trying to pass between different zones – overweight border guards in ill fitting cheap nylon uniforms.

      “Ihre Papiere, bitte”

      A trip to the Gulag if you don’t have the right permission to be out and about on your designated day of the week.

      Get to fuck.

      • Perhaps the civil service will bulk order black leather raincoats and black fedora hats for that 1930s look…

        “Papers plizz”

  7. I really like the idea. You see people getting into their cars for the shortest journeys. The school run is a joke round here. There are cars on the pavement its dangerous.
    All essentiel shops in ‘walking distance’. Yes plan for it.
    I like the idea.
    Not for ‘climate’ reasons just for a sense of ‘well- being’.

  8. Why not go the whole hog and have running man explosive neck braces..

    To long to in tesco’s, head explodes.

    Clean up in beer and spirits..

  9. Well those of you who want cyclists registered, insured and identifiable will get your way. You won’t be able to afford an electric car so they will need to be able to track you in your restricted zone. You just know the wokies are going to fucking love this. Suckdick has been preparing for this in Stabistan for years.
    This is the future……go where you are told when you are told…….and you know it’s for your own good. “Strength Through Joy” the Nazis used to call it.

    • “It’s for your own good” and “You know it makes sense” are two expressions Freddie, which when I hear them I have a tremendous urge to hit the speaker across the face with a length of scaffold pole. Repeatedly. I once took an acquaintance to the flying club and we went for a buzz round the cotswolds. When we arrived the duty member was sorting out available aeroplanes and eventually he got round to me and said; “We’ve got two serviceable planes available, one has no flaps, the other has no radio, which would you prefer?”. I elected to go without flaps. After our return when we were driving away my acquaintance said; “I never saw a place more in need of organisation and discipline!” When I pointed out that this was not a commercial setup, people were there to enjoy uncontrolled flying and they would tell you where to stuff it, his immediate response was; “Well it’s for their own good!” You will not be surprised to hear that he was from a strongly socialist environment; his father had worked for the labour party for decades.

      • Fucking hell lol. You’re a brave man flying with no flaps.

        Not an expert of course, I’d bow down to a pilot’s expertise every time, but I would shit it.

        In fact, once, on a flight within Asia, the 747 I was on was now just about to take off and I noticed the flaps were still not extended. I was about to stand up and shout and scream that we’re all going to die unless some cunt tells the pilot he’s forgotten something. The flaps suddenly came down and we took off safely a few seconds later.

        Which stopped me making a total cunt of myself. Although I’ve never seen them leave it that late to be fair.

        If I hadn’t played FS2004 I wouldn’t have even known, which would be better in the grand scheme of things. Now, I’m always watching the wing to make sure they do it.

        You’ll know yourself, a few crashes have been caused by pilots forgetting. Damn that Air Crash Investigation show and all.

        Still, kudos to you, you mad cunt.

      • Not nearly as mad a cunt as you think CB. A Cessna152 is rather lighter than a 747 and it is normal practice to take off “clean”, i.e. with no flaps deployed. I should perhaps make clear that when I said “no flaps” I didn’t mean that literally; I meant that they could not be deployed. Their main advantage is that on landing they give a more nose down attitude and therefore better visibility. They also improve i.e. lower your stalling speed but you can safely land a 152 at a speed well above the stall when clean. I would be much more averse to flying non-radio although this is legal in most circumstances. Friend of mine flying non-radio was aiming for Coventry airport from Essex and was flying VFR using the motorways as a line feature. He was following the M1 but became concerned that the compass and the DI gave a heading a few degrees round to the north of what he expected. Eventually he resorted to dropping down to a height where he could read the road signs. He found that he was following the A1M. I’d rather not be there.

        Anyway who are you to call me a mad cunt? You’re posting on here as well aren’t you?

  10. No problem for me. Aldi, Scunny 15 minute drive. The pub 10 minute walk. Stick Oxford up yer arse.

  11. It all sounds very draconian, a bit like the Jewish poles only more sinister

    Local shops for local people, post code wars, state controlled movement, permission to drive to work.

    That will teach the cunts to vote labour ?

  12. Ok enjoying a rare thing. Watching a live PL game on ‘a friend’s’ IPTV (I don’t know what it is). It seems to be an Irish channel.

    Commentary. Two honky blokes. Pundit and host in the studio? Honky males.

    Although they are Oirish. I keep expecting them to say, ‘To be sure, to be sure’ at the end of every sentence or break out into Riverdance.

    Still. I doubt I’ll see a game covered like this anytime soon.

  13. Un-fucking believable Fill the city up with boat cunts then let Vlad the cunt claim it as Russia

  14. Good, I am pleased for the people of Oxford. Get off your entitled lazy arses and do something about it, OR SHUT THE FUCK UP

  15. I’ve been to Oxford a few times.
    It’s rubbish.

    Full of speccy twats on bicycles.

    Not been to Canterbury though.
    Assume it’s full of wankers, quireboy fondlers and Nancie’s?

    • But it’s got a Cathederal!
      And someone famous is buried there!
      Can’t quite remember who, though.
      Be some irrelevant, dead a thousand years ago, person.

      • If you ever get tired of removal work Miserable you would make a great travel writer or maybe get your own travel show on the telly?

        ‘Wish You Weren’t Here…….Its Shite’.

      • “weathers here, wish you were nice…”?

        I’d enjoy insulting others on their home territory.

        Paris? Stinks of shite!

    • I’ve been to Oxford and it was a total dump from what I saw of it.
      No alcoholic detectives cruising around in vintage Jaguars, but plenty of tarted up BMWs and pushbike riding scratters…

    • You’re dead right Mis. I used to go to Oxford regularly when I was at work. It’s a top level shit hole. It has areas which are rough as a bear’s arse, rougher suburbs are found only in London.

      And Jeezum, the dead guy in Canterbury is the Black Prince.

      • Arfur@

        We went in a pub there once,
        And across the road was a house with a fibreglass great white shark sticking out of the roof!!
        Allsorts of crazy shite in the garden.
        Asked a local what the deal was.
        Some local eccentric having a war with the council ??

      • Don’t think so Moggie. He must have been a good guy. On several occasions he kicked seven colours of shit out of the French.

      • The shark was famous in the local area for quite a time Mis. Oxford council tried to have it removed (now there’s a surprise) but they were overridden by central government. Local estate agents actually advertised houses as being near the shark. The hypocrites on the council recently declared it a “heritage site”.

      • It certainly caught the eye Arfur,
        And I admit to a grudging respect for the bloke.
        Not sure I’d be so charitable if he was my neighbour.

  16. Fuck the cunts,just do what the paki droog dealers do and swap your car licence plate every day.

    Good luck fining the rebel academic twats then.

  17. Most concerned about this latest pile of wank. What will be the effect on the stabby stabby crowd.? Will their human rights be violated? Is cuntish the new black? These are serious questions that these far sighted council s need to answer. Along with their futuristic views on self identifying gender for access to ladies changing rooms etc.
    Would it not be better if they worried more about we’re I’m supposed to store another fucking wheelie bin fucking eejits one and all

  18. Just wondering if cunters are aware that as part of the ‘Levelling Up’ policy/law local authorities have been given targets and loads of wonga to help achieve ‘Net Zero’.

    That’s right folks and this was done by a ‘conservative’ government.

    That’s correct a party that apparently believes in small government is actively making it bigger.

    Up here in the North West almost overnight signs were constructed around the roads that would constitute the perimeter of Grt Manchester saying charges applied if you entered the ‘Clean Air Zone’.

    All 10 councils making up Gtr Manchester had conspired to introduce a tax on motorists by stealth.

    Such was the uproar that the scheme is now under review but you can bet your bottom dollar it will be implemented.

    Around 10 years ago the same authority wanted to introduce a similar scheme but it had to be put to a referendum and it was rejected in no uncertain terms.

    I said at the time they’ll find a way to push it through and so it is that they have, albeit under review.

    Pile of cunt.

  19. I’d do it the other way round. If within the boundary, you should be forbidden to use your gas guzzler: Only for trips of more than 15 minutes (at, shall we say, 20mph, the proposed urban limit) should you be permitted to drive . Exemptions for the provably disabled aside, this would mean citizens would get into the regular habit of walking up to 5 miles, enhancing their health and reducing our worrying epidemics of clinical obesity, diabetes, etc. It would also mean an end to fuel – inefficient journeys such as the 200-yard school run, taken before the engine even has a chance to warm up, and traffic congestion due to multiple mummies parking their SUVs in already crowded rat runs.

    I guarantee the benefit to the environment would exceed that proposed by Oxford.

    OT: Recently broken – the French aren’t all cunts:


  20. Climate Change, the biggest con of the last few centuries. Do you think there were groups of learned Neanderthals sitting around discussing why their camp fires weren’t stopping the fucking ice age 10,000 years ago? They were all budding Greens, Lib Dems and Swedish Doom Goblins…

    • Climate change is all down to the flapping wings of a butterfly, FACT.
      But you won’t hear that on the BBC or any other MSM propaganda outlet.

  21. This is fantastical. It has the hallmarks of swivel-eyed utopianism that ignores how economies prosper. Le Corbusier wanted us all to live in vast towers surrounded by Gardens.
    The councillors and theoreticians will use our money to attempt to push it through but, just as with wind is now, will be found utterly wanting.

    I give it a few months before Jocasta and Rollo kick off over fines.

  22. Why not go the whole hog and make us wear ‘smart masks’ then they can tax us for the air we breath.

  23. Councillor Duncan Enright of Oxford City Council says the plan will go ahead “whether residents like it or not”.

    “Veee havv ways of making life horrible for you. For yuu de climate vor is over”.

    Cunts, cunts, cunts.

  24. If Oxfordshire tolerates this 15 minute crap idea, from Oxford city council, then maybe put Oxfordshire under an isolation dome, so only Oxfordshire is under the 15 minute rule. This is a crap idea, what Sick**** came up with this idea, it wasn’t Putin per chance was it. Or was it an expressed idea from Lenin or Stalin, or the like. There’s only one express wish I have, and that’s for the sole individuals who brought this idea into existence is for them to take a long run off a short pier and jump. F*** them.

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