James Jordan – Strictly Gone Homeless

Ladies and gentlemen, may I nominate this narcissistic cunt Mr James Jordan…..once of strictly come dancing until he was sacked for being a cunt, and of late for doing fuck all except celeb appearance stuff like ‘get me out of here’

Here’s the story:

Kent On Line News Link

States him and his family are ‘homeless’ and pleads for a gullible local to put them up over Christmas, because the house he was going to rent, he now can’t because the landlord met him…thought he was a cunt and they fell out.

All this is, is a ‘poor me’ story to massage his incredibly high ego and opinion of himself- he, of course is not ‘really’ homeless but like a lot of us at times is actually between homes whilst his new place is getting finished. Most of us move in with family and friends… or maybe you can afford to rent in the mean time.

However unlike us……he has just sold his previous place for near £2.5m, and the new home is of a near similar value. This just reinforces to me anyway, that this is nothing to do with a genuine ‘poor me’ homeless story, but is actually a ‘look at me’ narcissistic bit of publicity exposure….for a total cunt.

However, I would take Ola in over Christmas and ruin that nice tight arse before I handed her back to her fucking wanker of a husband in the New Year.

Nominated by: Chuff Chugger

69 thoughts on “James Jordan – Strictly Gone Homeless

  1. Never heard of either of them and I’m not listening to a 20 minute podcast to find out who the fuck they are.
    Fuck ‘em.

    • Dunno who this disco dancer is,
      But if he knuckles down and works hard he can go from being a dosser to the heady heights of Big issue seller.

      Why don’t serial killers target the homeless more?
      People would be more sympathetic.

  2. Never heard of the fucker.

    All he has to do for free money, accommodation, heating etc in these austere times is look a bit swarthy, paddle across to Kent, claim to be from some non-British third world shithole and the UK taxpayer will sort him out, just like thousands of other scrounging cunts. Sorted.

    • The homeless are a trip risk.
      They should be imprisoned on Health and safety grounds.

      And they pong.

  3. He looks like Chris Martin and his name sounds like James Corden. Thats enough for me to consider him a cunt.

  4. Fuck me, so many cunts, so little time. Still, it’s nearly Christmas, so, here’s a little quote to cheer us all up, from your own, your very own Hate filled cunt!!

    ‘Any issues feel free to come visit me, lets have this discussion face to face, not that the sackless cucks on the internet are generally brave enough. I live in Worcestershire so any takers drop me a message as I’d never back down. Keyboard warriors need not apply as those cunts never turn up.’

    (I genuinely laughed re-reading it!).

  5. Dunno who this bellend is but willing to take Chuggers word for it and for nearly sounding like James Corden seals his fate.

  6. He needs to either:
    A) Fly to Mexico and walk over the Texas “border” where a red carpet awaits.
    B) Take a dinghy out and show up on the English shore where a red carpet awaits.

    Oh I see, by “homeless” you mean accommodations below what your are accustomed to?
    Fuck you!

    • Alfresco dining too although you may have to share with a Romanian tramp at night.

      • Indeed Miserable. I saw a black man today in the village!
        There used to be an early warning system years ago but its been so long since it was last used that nobody can remember what to do.

      • Asking for directions to the A52 and Nottingham so I naturally pointed him towards the A1 and London.

      • Good man?

        One round here few years ago.

        Next day the church was missing.

        Wonder why he was going to Nottingham?
        Did you phone ahead and warn them?

  7. The silly cunt.

    A cursory glance at today’s news tells me at least three hotels in Cornwall are housing some nice “migrants” so he can take his sexy missus to one of those hotels quite easily.

    See how that turns out.

  8. Who is this non entity and how did he grab hold of a bird like that?.
    Obviously a star celebrity in his own meagre life, typical modern ego driven me,me,me cunt. Crawl back into obscurity and stop wasting valuable oxygen with your girly whining.

  9. Everyone of us are in complete agreement. We don’t know who the hell these nonentities are and are taking up space from other cunts we genuinely know and despise. We are waiting. Time is of the essence.

  10. As we say in Gods Own Country

    The man’s a legend in his own lunchtime.

    Or should that be ‘bellend’?

  11. Try a tent in winter, then tell me about homeless. Worthless cunt. Not worth the space of a cunting, in fact.

  12. I was going to click the link and read his back story but then realised I couldn’t be arsed to give this show-pony cunt any more undue attention than he has already received.

    I also agree with the nom that I’d smash the back doors off his Mrs.
    Better still id get some lads from my old regiment to spit roast the slag and make her airtight whilst I film it, then send the video to her shallow cunt of a husband and show him what a real star looks like (grunting on all fours)

  13. Reminds me of David Van Day.
    You couldnt specifically find anything much to define him as a Cunt.
    But you just know.

    Maybe its the blond man. Yes there’s something about blond men that’s cuntish.

    • Anyone got Arfur Fowler in Deadpool?

      Hes only brawnbread innit?
      Gawd bless I’m.

      • Bill Treacher?
        I’m sure some of my picks are dead, but have been stuffed, and are wheeled out briefly, so their descendants can carry on receiving their pensions.

      • In fact, I’ve told my kids to stuff me in a chest freezer for however many years I missed getting my pension that I was anticipating at 65.

      • DeploytheSausage will be gutted!

        He’s had Bill Treacher in his deadpool from time immemorial. ?

  14. If he’s a dancer,he’ll be a Homosexual….the wife is probably a butch who does him up the Kyber with a strap-on.

  15. Given the state of the economy……..

    Fuck off you nobend, as hardship stories go it’s a nonstarter.

    Is there a go fund me for blatant Cunts?

  16. Most dancers end up homeless.

    Fred Astaire
    Minger Rodgers
    Poor old Gene Kelly singing in the rain,
    Wayne sleep,
    All kipping rough.

    I worry about that dancing water midget Ellie Symonds.

    If she ends up on her arse, a derelict I’m going to offer to let her live in my pond.
    Step up from koi carp eh?

    I have a beautiful pond.
    Best on the street…

  17. I almost feel sorry the those facing hygiene poverty after reading this.


    Still, i’m sure there are mongs on Twitter and Fuckbook who will feel sorry for James Jordan

  18. I thought that programme was only watched by fruits and old biddies?
    Absolute zero fucks.

  19. Stick him in Manston.. let the peacefuls bum him.. though he would probably like it.

  20. Off topic I’m afraid but I see “Just Stop Oil” have been out stopping the traffic on the M25 again today. I am inspired by their self-sacrifice and conscientious action. I would like to join them. Does anyone have any of their home addresses?

    • Silly cunts made me take a 10 mile diversion.
      So I will be out burning car tyres at the weekend..
      Shame it’s not round their necks.

  21. Off topic

    I’m watching Nigel Farage interview Mark Lamb sheriff of Pinal County Arizona.

    What a great bloke!!

    The type who you don’t see represented normally on MSM.

    Tough on crime
    Tough on illegal immigrants

    And wears a massive hat.

    America needs more of people like him!

      • Cheers?

        Are you LeCunt/Cunty Gordon?

        I sometimes lose track.

        Sheriff Marks great isn’t he?

        I lived in Pinal county I’d definitely vote for him as Sheriff.
        Top bloke.

      • It is I. 🙂

        I haven’t heard of this sheriff until you mentioned him. There are loads of sheriffs like this in America, sometimes they make national news. Honest, humble, hard-workin’ folks can only take so much crap before they fight back.

        US midterm elections today. Of course, unlike “backward” African countries that only take one day to count the votes, America takes over a week.
        Odd that, innit?

      • Hello Gordon,
        Wasn’t sure if it was you or not!

        Gavin Williamson has resigned.
        Bullying allegations.

        Imagine getting bullied off that little Frank Spencer motherfucker?!!!

        How weedy were those bullied?
        Any normal workplace,
        Factory, building site, whatever he’d have no chance.

        He threatened me id shove that pet spider up his hoop.

      • Be fair, you can’t expect dead people to turn up at the Polling Station on time.
        Especially when they’re carrying sacks full of Democratic votes at the same time.

      • They have elections in Africa?

        I thought the current dictator just feed the opposition leader to the crocodiles.

      • https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/trump-mafia-1802164/episodes

        excellent podcast about Trump, his crooked cronies, and the staggering amount of fuckery the wigged wotsit looking cunt has done.
        Its not some lefty cunt either, the guy has no time for Biden or any of them, so it doesn’t come across as biased.
        Every time Trump was accused of something I tended to ignore it because it seemed like a biased media was out to get him, and I don’t think I’m alone in thinking that.
        A despicable piece of shit.

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