The Government Energy Fund

You know, the £400 we’re all getting to add to our Energy Supplier accounts to help with our bills? That one?
Well, my supplier, Octopus, is deducting it from my regular monthly DD.
Youngers with British Gas. They’ve taken her usual DD, and immediately credited her account with the amount of the October fuel grant.
Now, I’m not the brightest when it comes to fiscal machinations, but isn’t the Grant supposed to enhance energy payments, not replace them?
So, there’s loads of people like me, thinking that they’re paying AND getting an extra payment on top, but aren’t.
I think you all need to know, and pass it on to the oldies. Don’t want ’em getting cut off in January.

Nominated by: Jeezum Priest

(More info about the EPC Guarantee and the £400 energy discount scheme here – Day Admin MSE Energy Price Cap  and MSE Energy Bill Discount)

35 thoughts on “The Government Energy Fund

  1. A neighbour has solar panels and a generator which he runs off old oil from the local chip shop. He lives on his own and never puts the heating on, so he actually makes money selling more leccy back to the Grid than he buys from it.
    Now he’s livid because the £400 credit on his account is of no use to him. The entitled cunt thinks HMG just should give him £400. Greedy bastard.

    • GT – Just a suggestion, but under cover of darkness, slip into his back garden and fill his oil tank up with chips, thus ensuring a blockage. He should then blame it on the fish `n` chip shop for supplying him with contaminated oil.

      • You are the cunning Mr Lau, owner of my local chippy and I claim my five dim sims and a chicko roll, extra vinegar.

      • To clarify Mr Lau is the competitor of the kindly Mr Radic whom changes his fryer oil regularly and hires only buxom young lasses in his shop and always gives you six potato scallops for the price of four.

    • Truss has suspended the green levy on bills, the money will harvested from the magic money tree ?

  2. I checked my latest statement and there is £66 credited, my supplier has informed me that my next DD in Nov will be £66 pound less than normal and that should continue for 5 months with month six being £67 less than normal.
    Using their calculations from my historic usage the energy price cap will require to be funded at £116 per month so I set my DD at £110 (fuck them ?)

    I expect my next DD in Nov to be £44, hopefully

    I think the answer to JPs question is that it is to help with payments, if it was additional to normal payments it would just sit in the account as a massive credit.

    • I pay quarterly.

      As I understand it £200 will be deducted from my next two bills as calculated from October 1st.

      • @RTC
        That’s the same as me EDF is the supplier. They’ve told me I’ll get 400 quid paid monthly (6m) as a credit so yes approx 200 a quarter. They put the first 66 onto my account last week.

    • There you have it, SOI.
      Succinctly explained, thank you.
      If only some massive tool from the Energy Companies or the Government could have made it so nice and clear.
      I actually understand, now.

      • It’s quite funny because the £400 is supposed to help through the winter but when you pay monthly by DD its averaged throughout the year so you underpay in the winter and overpay in the summer.
        I guess it helps those the most who don’t pay by DD and just pay the bills as they come in.
        I wonder what the government will do next winter

      • Send us all an electric blanket, probably.
        You could always trade it with a neighbour who has trees, but no wood burner.

      • On the other you save approximately 7% paying by DD.
        That works out at £175 off an average bill of £2500 per annum.

  3. Not a believer in hand outs apart from to reality disabled folk and real poor. Not cunts on massive pip and motorbility shite. Why pay for a 20 grand car. Buy a 500 quid one do cunts.
    British Gas paid me 66 quid into my account. Still not a believer because we all pay for it anyway.

      • Not certain what you mean ruff, but NHS is just a fucking cash cow. When it was introduced it was an ace idea, people could see a doc that other wise couldn’t; also today the super rich pay far more towards it than most others combined; but it should not be used for trans cunts bigger tits or foreigners flying over to drop their sprogs. State pension we all pay in so mine belongs to me pittance that it is.

  4. The Government Energy Fund is a lie. £2500 bill “on average”. Well nobody’s average and since October 1st the standing charges AND the unit prices have all gone up.

    It seems the average for gas is 15000kWh and electricity 2500kWh. Well in central Scotland we use 4000kWh Electricity and and 29000kWh Gas because it’s freezing. This is with a a 2006 Worcester Bosch standard efficiency (78.5%) boiler, gas hob and domestic hot water used for the shower (no electric shower). We’re looking at a bill of £3600.

    £600 in credit, £400 help from the government and the bastards still want £360 a month “to see us (them) through the winter”. We can’t move away from Bulb because no other energy companies are taking on new customers. Bulb Energy are useless, but less shit than Scottish Power, EDF, E.On etc.

    • They use the £2500 ‘average’ because they assume that everyone in the country is too thick to understand KwHr, the cap is actually set at just over 10p for gas and 34p for electricity (from 1st Oct) plus the standing charges (con trick).

      You pay for what you use at a capped rate, the average use across the country equates to £2500 pa.

  5. This isn’t the reason for your heart attack is it JP?

    The gas bill.

    If so, might be best the missus opens ours..

    • You don’t need to worry Mis, if you never use the heating the £400 will pay for the whole year ?

      • I genuinely haven’t used any heating this year Sicky.
        Obviously JP and some of the more senior cunters will of, but until the missus lips turn blue I refuse to have it on ?

      • I’ve mine on already.
        I’m always freezing.
        The only time I’ve been comfortably warm this year was during the two day ” heatwave”.
        I should eat more red meat and potatoes, except with the cost of living crisis ( scoff), I can’t afford too, apparently.
        I’m currently trapping wood pigeons, chewy little blighters, aren’t they?

      • If her eyes roll back in her head I’ll stick it on for a hour.
        Plenty of time to put a jumper on and make a hot water bottle.

        I’m never cold .
        In a t-shirt now.

      • I am a southern infected Northerner, heating goes on when the room drops below 19, strange because I used to go running in winter, rain, snow or frost in shorts and t shirt ?

      • Turning southern☹️

        I could cry.
        But won’t.

        Cryings for southerners.

    • Not at all, Mis.
      I am concerned though, about people thinking the payments were as well as their usual monthly DD, not instead of.
      I pay £70 monthly, but this month my supplier only took £3, + £67 heating money = £70. Fair enough, but I used £70+, at this rate I’d be in debt by January.
      I just wanted people to check how they were getting it, and not be in debt during the colder months, then end up frightened to put the fire on for fear of falling further behind.
      So, it wasn’t a cunting as such, but a warning to all to make sure your energy bill is covered.
      Many thanks to Admin for posting it.

      • I’m sure there will be plenty of feckless idiots rubbing their hands with glee, and calculating how much extra booze, etc they can get with their ” extra” money.
        Followed by endless weepy waily stories in the press about being ” forced” onto a pre payment meter because they ” didn’t understand how the Government payments worked”
        Betcha ought you like.

      • I:m with BG for both, electricity on Smart, with a pay-in-advance. So far, so good, as it’s only for lighting, fridge, washer, and small CD player. Gas is a pre-payment card meter. I have had to contact them repeatedly, as there is NO card for me to “load” credit onto. I waited two weeks, and the stupid fuckers sent me a duplicate electricity card. Meanwhile, they’ve credited the first £60 onto electricity meter…. I get fucked off having to phone them all the bloody time.

  6. Apparently, several of the larger companies have agreed to a scheme starting November, where they will either give you free electricity, or even pay you to use it, at certain times of the day.
    Octopus have been doing this for a bit. I’ve got up at 4:20am, to put my washer and dishwasher on at 4:30, because they paid me.
    You might have to sign up for these schemes, I did, but check it out.
    They message you in advance, so you can get stuff loaded ready to go, and if you’re lucky enough to have machines with preset timing, you won’t need to get out of bed.

  7. British Gas are cunts. They take their usual DD then credit you the £67 so they get to keep your money for an extra month.

    Doesn’t surprise me as I worked for them way back then. They were cunts then and haven’t changed…

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