Hurricane Ian and those two Magical Words

The hurricane the devastated Florida this week, is of course truly shocking, with many lives lost and homes, offices and other buildings totally destroyed.

It has been labelled as possibly the worst hurricane disaster to hit the area in Florida’s history. But then again Florida is a known target for natural disasters and so it is probably no big surprise a hurricane of this magnitude would strike sooner or later.

The same could also be said for the folks who live on the San Andrea’s fault line in California. They know what the fault line is and the devastation it could cause in terms of earthquakes. And yet they still decide to live there anyway.

However, I am just waiting for the MSM to suggest that Hurricane Ian was caused by those two magical words. (It may have already been suggested for all I know, but it will only be a matter of time before it’s made known by “eminent scientists” for all the world to read !)

Therefore anything remotely unseasonal with regards the weather or natural phenomenon such as the odd tornado, earthquake, tsunami or a few flakes of snow on the M1 in the middle of winter, will be blamed on climate change because that the easy answer to anything these climate change cunts don’t want to accept as being one of those natural events that has been happening for millions of years – and not just on this planet but most other planets and satellites in the solar system!

Am now just waiting for the usual TV charity appeals – “For just £30 you could help some extremely rich progressive liberal living on the Florida Keys, who has seen his beloved home washed away due to climate change! ”

Guardian News Link

Nominated by: Technocunt


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