A letter in this morning’s Telegraph from Richard Thorp (Director, High Speed Rail Group), insisted that the project should continue without any further delays, protests, squabbles or criticism from the general public and vested interests.
Quote “The reality is that HS2 has passed the point of no return. The debate now needs to be about making sure it delivers growth, as well as the urgent need to decarbonise transport. No more time and energy should be wasted on squabbling about whether a project deep into construction should be happening.”
He was very careful not to mention the escalating budget for this massive of white elephants – current estimates suggest anything between £140bn to £170bn and the clock is still ticking.
He also forgot to mention that the entire project would be underwritten by the government. And for government read Taxpayer. This means that the maintenance, repairs, future extensions & expansions etc will also be funded by the Taxpayer.
Which begs the question of where are the train operators in all of this?
As we saw with the privatisation of the railways back in the day, these operators waded in on the understanding that if they made a loss the Taxpayer will bail them out with subsidies. But when they were in profit the Taxpayer saw little or no dividend from it.
And so to with HS2. The Taxpayer pays for it, private operators take over on the same understanding that they will never end up in debt. No risk to them: shitloads of risk to the Taxpayer.
Moreover, as we saw during the 2 year pandemic vast numbers of former train commuters are now resorting to video conferencing either from their homes or offices. No more need to trek 200 miles on the train for a 1 hour business meeting.
And let’s not forget the power of the rail unions, who are currently making life extremely difficult for commuters with their strike action for more pay and better conditions – probably all funded by the Taxpayer.
Thorp is a deluded cunt, who cares little for the old concept of “value for money” for the hard pressed Taxpayer. All he wants is to see are nice profits, dividends and bonuses courtesy most likely from commuters and Taxpayers whether the latter use the trains or not.
Nominated by: Technocunt
I can’t see why HS2 is needed.
It is an incredibly expensive project with no real benefit.
I imagine that the trains will rarely run at full speed.
Leaves on the line, a slight snow fall, signal problems, strikes by staff.
And it’s not like train tickets in the UK are cheap.
If you can get to Birmingham a little quicker, so what?
You could have just got up earlier and caught a normal train.
I have heard HS2 enthusiasts saying that the faster trains will benefit companies by billions of pounds per year.
That would infer that being delayed costs companies billions of pounds per year.
I’m not sure how they work out those figures, but perhaps the people that do could calculate how much the Just Stop Oil cunts cost companies by shutting the Dartford Crossing for 8 hours and then fine the silly fuckers that amount.
This is a cunt project just to get to Manchester 30m quicker.
Their Youtube channel is showboating all the Wokiest shit from women engineers to environmentally friendly diggers to chucking money at schools along the route.
And yes their are plenty of Darkies to boot
Fuck me. As a long time chemical engineer who has worked on oil and gas projects worldwide, women engineers are mostly fucking useless. As are the blacks and asians.
A brilliant observation, sadly rather too astute for the cunts in power or their poodle judges to take onboard.
Let the HS2 train take the strain.
Anything that pisses off XR Cunts, Just stop Oil Cunts, Insulate Britain Cunts or any other cunts of that ilk gets my vote to proceed regardless of the cost.
The HS2 project is so London cunts can go somewhere they regard as unsavoury and be back home in time for their artisan sourbread quinoa.
The rail connections between the northern (Above home counties) areas is a fucking joke while money is pissed against the wall for this and numerous multi billion London projects.
The TransPennine ‘Express’ takes 2 1/2 hours to get from Scunny to Manc airport, an hour more than driving. If the fucker is running which it commonly wasnt even before the strikes started.
They can stick HS2 up their metropolitan ringpieces.
“I saw some frightful nouveau riche Country Cream gates at one house in somewhere called Stockport when passing through on the way to Manchester”.
I saw a bike shed, whilst passing through Worcestershire. Had a bloke, around the back, practicing boxing techniques.
Any ideas?
Was he wearing earphones?
With ‘Eye Of The Tiger’ playing? And he was wearing a dressing gown with the legend:
‘The Worcestershire Warrior – Turn Up If You Think You’re Hard Enough. (No One Does, Though)’
on the back.
Glad to hear he’s still alive and well.
And don’t you forget it.?
LL, I rather think that was New Mills. An easy mistake to make.
HS2, aka the P*ki express will allow more freight to be moved by rail and allow better service on the existing network, everyone should get behind the project, however…..
The cost is ridiculous, money could be better spent improving existing lines and better trains, allegedly the new Azuma trains cut the journey times between, for example, Leeds and London. They still have the the same top speed but Azuma have faster acceleration.
London to Birmingham, one shit hole to another even faster, what’s not to like ?
It’s one gigantic con. Over three times the original budget, with big contracts awarded to cronies.
A white elephant through our ‘protected’ landscape and to what end? Very few people want it, few will use it and for very little gain.
The £120 billion plus would be better spent sorting out the economy and making the UK energy self sufficient.
It’s simply so that the degenerate members of the Palace of Westminster can reach the gay clubs of Birmingham and Manchester more easily.
Variety is the spice of life (on expenses)
Yeah less chance of Rt Hon Cunts like Keith Vaz having to reprise his role of ‘Jim the washing machine salesman’.
If it’s a pet project of politicians then you can bet on a few things…
Envelopes stuffed with cash.
A “budget” that will quadruple at least.
Enough bullshit to fill the Channel Tunnel.
The cunts that allegedly govern aren’t fit to run a bath,never mind oversee a gigantic building project that nobody wants,will use and trashes vast swathes of our ever dwindling countryside.
Local rail services need investment..but there’s no money to steal so nobody gives a fuck.
When/if it opens, do you reckon they’ll re-use this commercial to advertise it?
What “business” was Sir Jimmy on and what “meetings” was he going to back in those days? The mind boggles!
As long as they can run the mighty english electric deltic loco on it, fucking smoke tastic, lord greta will shit herself moaning cunt. HS = hyper spensive. Rotten to the core cunts.
My mate still gets to drive a Deltic on rare occasions what a bit of kit.
HS2 is, and always was. nothing more than a new way for various “fat-cats” in cahoots with their political pals to gouge even more taxpayers money.
It wasn’t needed before Covid and certainly isn’t after. I seem to remember the politicians saying that they wanted to embark on a large scale public infrastructure project..why not replace the housing stock sold off by Thatcher by building on brown-field sites ?….why not replace the inadequate power stations…why not upgrade the roads instead of lethal “smart” roads ? No,they went for the biggest white elephant in history…a railway upgrade which will be redundant before even half-built.
The whole affair is an outrageous….and I’d say…criminal project designed to rob ,yet again,the taxpayer.
Robbing the taxpayer appears to have become the raison d’etre of modern government. It certainly seems to be the only growth industry. Unless you count importation of wogness.
Exactly Dick, around £92Bn as far as I can tell and that is probably an underestimate and likely to rise further. All these business types going to their oh so important meetings and saving 20mins between London and Birmingham are now permanently WFH and Zooming the other arseholes anyway.
Rather like some of the contracts handed out during Covid or in the run-up to “Brexit”, the whole HS2 thing reeks of cronyism and criminality.
I should think in our glorious capital that Suckdick Khan hasn’t been left out and got his sticky fingers somewhere in the Crossrail farce – another overbudget deadline dodging fuck up.
Afternoon Fiddler.
I could never understand why a high speed train link was worth creating.
Why not just build a no speed limit motorway toll road, so they can thrash their preposterous sports cars up and down it to their hearts content?
That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?
Fast, faster, fastest.
Big boys playing with train sets.
Thats right JP.
I like SLOW train rides.
Just chugging along.
You can appreciate the countryside.
Maybe the cunts are planning for the day they get us all off the roads. Twenty minutes makes a difference when you are standing up all the way packed in with a load of stinking foreigners.
This criminal waste of taxpayers money was the brainchild of unelected transport minister Lord Andrew Adonis in Gordon Brown’s fag-end Labour government.
Apparently he dreamed it up while in the bath.
In 2015 this EU cock sucking shit stain was appointed as a new non-executive board member of HS2 Ltd, getting paid £950 per day.
Nuff fucking said.
Adonis may have floated the idea but it was Boris Johnson’s government that gave the go-ahead despite concerns about the rising cost estimates.
Yes. Adonis set the wheels in motion and Justine Greening gave HS2 the go-ahead in 2012.
Legal challenges followed, and a review, until 2019 when Johnson confirmed the go ahead.
Both parties have blood on their hands.
2020, not 2019.
I suppose we’re just lucky Johnson didn’t have time to hand out contracts for his bridge to Northern Island…still be a good few million Pounds wasted on feasibility studies,no doubt.
Probably had one ( or more) of his girlfriends on the payroll
That had an estimated cost of £335 billion!
Never mind, at least he managed to spaff 43million on his failed garden bridge:
The whole thing stinks of corruption and incompetence with absolutely no benefit to the people paying for it (us).
Anyone else remember that cunt Ken ‘newt botherer’ Livingstone and his smug fucking face proudly declaring the Olympic bullshit would cost no more than a walnut whip?
that must have been a walnut whip the size of fucking Everest.
I fucking remember an £8 Bn budget rapidly spiraling out of control to £24 Bn and all of the affordable housing being sold off to tablecloth heads at a loss (to us) of £300m…in the middle of a housing crisis.
These cunts are so corrupt and incompetent, they don’t even try and hide it anymore.
GB is so densely populated, that there isn’t a fuck of a lot of point in having trains that hardly have time to hit top speed before slowing down for next city. The NETWORK east to west needs re establishing, sod all the bloody London-centricity. It would also be a help to make fares affordable. I no longer live in Cardiff, but when I did, any journeys involving London were by NatExpress or Smegabus.
Obviously Britain just doesn’t have enough unfinished Soviet Union style “Glory Projects” laying around.
Corrupt idiots with fingers in the till…
All trains should be high speed, so if you’re unfortunate enough to have to travel on the scum shuttles, at least you’d spend less time on the fuckers.
I bet you the second day it begins operation it will be closed due to strike action.
I can’t wait for Hs2!
At a million £ per ft it must be some choo Choo ride?
Like the trans Siberian express, and Santa’s grotto, Alton Towers all in one .
I doubt British politicians would use this as a massive fiddle,
At the end of the day they have our best interests at heart…?
Chancellor Cunt is trying to close a huge financial gap, caused by Khazi Katanga.
Solution ?
Cancel HS2.
It’s not fucking rocket science.
Twelve years these cunts have been in.
What have they done ?
Fuck all.
HS2 has just been another opportunity for nest feathering with the proverbial brown envelopes.
And fuck the great British public.
I’d tie the cunts to the West Coast Main Line and let them starve to death, before a train eventually arrives and mangles their rotting bodies.
Get To Fuck.
Projects like this are slush funds that are never called such as long as at the end some semblance of a finished functioning produst results. In my city a new bridge is 4 years behind schedule and who knows how much money over budget. The company building it had another bridge it built collapse. Design flaws stopped construction for several months. What a cluster fuck. Who knows what back room deals, wining, dining, strippers, whores, coke, palm greasing, brown envelopes, etc, etc went on behind the scenes leading up to this and all other billion dollar “public works” projects.
HS2 is probably being implemented to ferry the gimmegrants more quickly to their new homes in the Midlands and NW. Fuck the ancient forests it’s ploughing through, those belonged to whitey old England, which is now a discarded currency.
To end on a more positive / random / lets lower the tone note – a limerick … chin chin …….
“There once was a man from Nantucket…”
Is Thorp’s drinks cabinet looking a bit bare?
Taxpayer: ‘don’t worry sir we’ll get that for yers’.
Diane Abbot voted in favour of HS2 on the understanding there would be high speed gravy trains running
That’s on my bucket list.
A journey on the gravy train.
“Top up of Bovril sir?”
“Yes please waiter.
Tell me , are you Bisto or oxo yourself?”
“Well, not to be impertinent sir,
But my family has always been staunchly OXO ”
“Aaahh a man after my own heart”.
“Chips will be ready shortly sir.
Enjoy your journey…”
“I will waiter thank you.
I will”….”
All right, MNC ? ?
I Think I overdosed on gravy at tea time.
I can’t stop farting.
The dog is running around the Rookery with her nose in the air.
Like a furry Bisto Kid.
Due to the spicy atmosphere. ?
Whoops !
There it goes again.
Christ !
Evening Jack?
Maybe it was Bisto reserve?
A rare vintage, but much richer for a poor man’s palate.
You need to build upto it.
I take OXO vitamins daily.
Hey Jack,
That slimy Jeremy Hunt is making it hard for lowly self employed men like me an thee.
The Blackhearted gimp .
I’m imposing a 3day week and a tax free long weekend.
He’ll not win with me the little twat!
I’ll starve him out!!
How’s the dog Jack?
Bet it’s come on a treat?
I nearly got another the other day.
4 German shepherd pups.
I could of had pick of the litter.
But not sure if my akita would accept it in the house?
She’s good with pups but might not like it in HER house?
They were nice pups,
I always had German shepherds growing up.
I’d of named it Wagner?
Being self employed requires a certain individuality and independence of mind, self reliance etc.
Not qualities welcome amongst the lower orders in the brave new world…
I think I may have put a tad too much Cayenne pepper in it.
Risk of follow through is high.
So I’ve gone to Defcon 3.
I’ve had to implement an emergency budget at the Rookery.
It was quite short.
Just one item.
We have gone tax free, seven days a week.
Fuck Cunt, the oily little bastard.
The dog is fine, bit of a nowty fucker.
Very protective.
Christ, I’m still farting.
Got to go !!!
Have you sent Ethel up to the attic to get the rubber bedsheets or are you in the kennel tonight Jack?
A cure for my tummy ache………….
I may be consigned to the luxury motorhome, LL.
Thankfully, it seems to be easing, somewhat.
We in Kent have a fantastic fast javelin train line from ashford through ebbsfleet on to st.pancras, which is also shared by the eurostar. You used be able to catch the eurostar at all three of those station, and be in europe in a matter of an hour or so- was fucking brilliant.
Now, however if you live in Kent and wish to use the eurostar you have to catch the train to London, only to come back on yourself because the eurostar operators have deemed it uneconomical to stop at ebbsfleet or ashford- both had shit loads spend on new stations infrastructure etc and are excellent station….both going to waste.
If it works, fuck it up?
Is the a “Select Committee” somewhere dedicated to destroying things that work?
Yup…here you go:
So if you live in the arse end of Kent, such as Margate- instead of going to a relatively close Ashford international station to catch the eurostar, first you have a near 1hr 40 mins train to st.pancras to catch it, then come back through Kent. People are now just driving to Folkestone from margate (for example) to catch the ferry……and they wonder why it’s not viable.
It’s bollocks.
What he’s saying, essentially, is
” we’ve started, so we might as well finish”
Well mate, this isn’t Mastermind.
What he is inferring ,we are in too deep and we have the taxpayer by the bollocks to keep funding shortfalls in funding.
My question is though………if I repair something in my line of business and my original quote to the customer turns out to be ten time more than I told him, he would rightly tell me to fuck off, and tell me that’s my problem. So how can these surveyors and the like on these large construction job be so way out and the customer is still expected to pay and they keeps their jobs to go on and do another pigs ear of a survey?
I mean, fuck me I could do that job if the variables are so open to interpretation! ‘How much to build this?’
‘A million quid’
A weeks later.
‘I got it wrong…..it’s now 100 million please’
‘oh, ok sure here you go’
I mean, Wtf?
Waste of money.Return our cash back you cretins.
India’s rail network is run still on British steam engines.
Track and bridges all by the glorious British in days of Empire??
And it runs fine!
You can even sit on the roof if you so fancy!!
We couldn’t do it now.
We’ve regressed.
A nation of thumb suckers and Mary Anne’s.
Bedwetters and stutterers.
Our great grandads were proper men .
As were out grandads and dad’s.
After us?
It’s gone.
Mr pronouns RIP
Died due to misgending
A Nation of thumbsuckers..
Not to mention a prevelence for wearing pink, lacy panties.
I point no finger.
Oh pink lace panties are ok.
Dambusters wore em.
And those yanks on Iwo Jima.
An John Wayne.
I’ve nowt against comfort.
A few of my relatives, including my old man, worked at a factory that built loco’s that were exported all over the world. Some are still running to this day.
The factory has gone now.
Replaced by a large housing estate and an Aldi.
My grandfather ( the greatest man that ever lived ) and my eldest uncle, used to build working model steam engines and traction engines in a large shed at the back of the house.
The machines they used ran off a line shaft which was powered by a gas engine.
1d in the meter gave them an hour’s running time.
From a nation of Real Men.
To one of flouncing arse bandits and freaks.
In a couple of generations.
It’s enough to make you fucking weep.
If I ever seize power.
We’re gonna need more piano wire.
A lot more ??
Razor wire also
And a limepit the size of Kent .
The day the world turned white.
Tickety boo.
Working for the railways in India is a prestigious job which is usually passed through families. For the vast majority that’s the only way of travelling any kind of distance and it’s a fucking big country. That’s where we are going …… you are going to be priced off the road. Buses, trains and coaches will be the nightmare travel for you peasants.
This won’t deliver growth, a train to Manchester for example on a normal day is fucking exorbitant , I cab only imagine what the ticket prices for this fucking shit will be.
Ooh great I’ve got to Birmingham 15 minutes earlier having spent over 100 billion of taxpayers money.
Utter utter cunts
And who.wants to go to Birmingham anyway , it’s an excrement ridden shithole full of peacefuls.
Cant see what the fuck is to be gained by getting somewhere 20 minutes quicker, unless it’s the difference between life and death. And you can bet your bollocks that it will NEVER be on time.