Mark Lloyd CBE

As ever Admin my dismal IT skills prevent me providing a link but on my return from a splendid autumnal ride on my motorcycle I found Lady Guzzi laughing out loud at a story on the Apple News website.

Mark Lloyd CBE of the Local Government Association has banned a whole range of words which he finds to be inappropriate and unacceptable.’ Mum’ and ‘Dad’ feature in this list; the correct term is ‘Birthing Parent’.

One only has to think about this for a couple of seconds to realise that an adopted child will be stigmatised by their peers by being unable to use this term. Even worse will be the child who is a test tube baby due to the husband of his female birthing partner being infertile.

I would ask the more erudite members of IsAC to offer their solutions to this seemingly intractable situation.
(I’m sure the cunters could come up with some alternative interpretations of CBE – NA)

Birmingham Mail Link. (Link provided by Cuntstable Cuntbubble)

Seconded by: CuntyMcCuntface

I sort of second this nom but far from me putting a dampener on a richly deserved cunting this middle class, massively over remunerated twerp actually hasn’t banned any words or phrases.

However the expert Non Job Shit Cunt has produced at I’m guessing massive expense a document which issues ‘advice’ to Councils on how the use of language in a dynamic society could leave the terminally offended, offended.

However this pencil necked no mark hand ringing nimby shit cunt deserves a cunting firstly for stealing my oxygen and secondly for being so self important that he has no shame or self awareness that he thinks can produce a ‘guide’ (which will become gospel) to tell the rest of us how to speak.

And without any hint of Irony.

There’s been many attempts at this type of ‘policy’, I think a chap called Adolf once tried it and that didn’t end well but it’s ok because he was a fascist.

79 thoughts on “Mark Lloyd CBE

    • Same same! Mine refers to me as Dad, and her real father as her ‘biological’ Dad. Who is this fucking bald cunt, anyway?

  1. Bit of a mouthful for a baby to grasp isn’t it?


    ” How many times Cressida?
    It’s hate speech.
    I’m your birthing parent”


  2. I’d love to see this plastic woke fucktard argue his case for this liberty eroding bilge with somebody who knows what they’re talking about. Yo, Jordan Peterson, come and sort this cunt out will you? He’s trying to get all marxist on us.

  3. Never heard of him but he looks like a complete cunt.
    Let’s just hope he does not upset a peaceful Alan Snackbar lover by misgendering them and therefore ends up on the wrong end of a scimitar…………
    What a tragedy that would be eh?


    • He won’t be getting a Father’s Day card then, his kids will have to draw him a CUNT card

  4. Cards Plus & Hallmark will be fucked come Mother’s Day & Father’s Day…Happy Birthday Mum, I mean birther? I mean adoption non birther, fuck it, Happy Birthday They/Them/It. Bad as Mad Markle saying she was raising Archie & Liliput Lane as non gender and now demanding Prince & Princess gender titles…fuck off to all these mental cunts

  5. Just looking at the photo before I’ve even read a work is enough to cunt him.
    A guy who looks like that should keep a low, low profile in life. Perhaps be a lighthouse keeper or fisherman so few people as possible have to encounter him.
    But no! They’re always the ones pushing themselves forward into high profile positions with their massive egos and vanities.
    We can all laugh, but I actually view this kind of Marxist bilge as quite sinister.
    A very deserved cunting.

  6. Well, our late Queen obviously saw this bellend for what he obviously is when she invested him CBE, or as she actually meant Cunt with a Bald ‘Ead! Very shrewd, Your Majesty!

  7. They give any cunt a CBE these days , a bloke in my office has one for the super brave feat of blasting the Taliban from behind some trees a mile away in his Apache.

    Laughable posh cunt, geezer thinks he’s Stringfellow Hawke

  8. Couldn’t give a shit about spiders…it’s “live and let live as far as I’m concerned”…occasionally dust down their webs in the house but leave them alone.

    There was one lived in the vent in the Hilux over the summer…if I was sitting in it having a cup of tea, I’d shepherd any stray fly in the cab towards his web in the corner and watch him dart out from the vent as soon as the fly was snared…fuck me,he was quicker off the mark than Diane Abbott at an “all you can eat” fried-chiggun buffet.

  9. This evil cunt doesn’t want anyone to have nostalgic thoughts of running into mummy’s arms, to make them feel safe. Once on that psychiatrists couch, he’ll soon be blabbing like a new born baby.

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