Profiteering Supermarkets.

(Typical shopping basket of 52 basic items:August 2022 – Day Admin)

The big supermarkets should be ashamed of themselves. Not only are they happy to charge you £1.75 for a tin of Heinz “Beans N Sausages” and upwards of £5 for some fucking tomato ketchup but now they leave half the fucking lights off so you have to wander around with a head torch…….get to fuck.

Ahh you say, this is all about saving power and saving the planet? Nope, it’s about extracting yet more cash for the owners / shareholders who already have more money than they could ever spend anyway.

If the going rate of inflation is say 10% how can these robbing thieves double the prices on some things and nearly double it on others?

Also, for the first time in my life, some of the Shell / Texaco type garages round here are actually cheaper than fucking Morrisons. All in all a bunch of robbing crooks who pretend to be “on your side” but in reality want to rob you blind.

Fuck you Morrisons, for the first time I’m actually shopping around and you’ve lost a loyal customer you robbing fucks.

Nominated by: Spanky Mc Spank

(More info here: Day Admin Sustain Web Link )

123 thoughts on “Profiteering Supermarkets.

    • I despise these cunts that keep banging on about their fair trade products

      We support the farmers etc etc

      I remember the co op shitting on the UK milk producers squeezing them for every penny while they fawn over the banana growers

      I try not to go to the co op as they support the Labour Party

      “Have you got a co op card”

      We want to harvest your data and sell it to our suppliers so they can bombard you with more shit

  1. Yes indeed, the trouble is you can’t always be certain the the cheaper supermarkets will have what you need.
    I buy from Lidl as much as I can, but they either don’t sell certain things, or don’t always have them on the shelves.
    I’ve a cat and dog who’ll only eat certain brands, so I have to buy from Morrisons. I’m flexible about meal planning, so if I can’t get a certain fresh food item I’ll swap for something else, but milk, sugar, flour, rice, tinned tomatoes and the like, Lidl!

    • Did you know tinned tomatoes are better for you than fresh?

      Neither did I till the other day.
      Read it somewhere,
      Dunno if I believe it though?
      Fresh is usually best.

    • It costs more to feed my ‘little Angel’ than it does for me, almost 😂

      I shop at Tesco, probably buy 90% from them, some things are more expensive but much of what I buy is the same and the club card discount helps.

  2. Sometimes fuel up the van at Morrisons,
    But food shopping?
    Sunday few bits from co-op.

    I use bags from Harrods and Fortnum and Mason though in case anyone thinks I’m on benefits.

    • I am a big shopper at Aldi miserable, but they have fallen prey to this profiteering lark also ;
      Their own brand Butter was £1,80 (and very good alternative to the Danish stuff) – but I watched them sneak the price up 10p a week for 6 weeks = It’s bloody £2.40 now.
      Another well known margarine brand has gone up in price ; but I noticed the bloody manufacturers have the scent of panic in the air – the crafty bastards have made it 10 % smaller as well ! 450g in place of 500g = expect the competition to rapidly follow suit.

      For the first time in the last 20 years, I can now buy a dozen XLarge grade A Free Range Eggs from my local farm for less than Aldi ‘cheapo’ medium eggs.
      Robbing Supermarket bastards !

  3. I can no longer afford to buy boot polish, but fortunately it`s getting colder, so my trust wood-burning stove provides essential soot reserves for my daily facial regime. Because I`m worth it.

    • Be careful with soot. It can dry out the skin and leave it looking dull. You need something that moisturises and gives a heathy shine. Get down to your nearest HGV service centre and ask if they’ve got any old dirty black gearbox sludge that they want getting rid of and use that instead. Lorry oil really does mean you’re worth it.
      (Lorry oil / L’Oréal geddit?)

  4. What that completely one-sided report doesn’t tell you is that the £4 billion of profit is on a turnover of £212 billion (Total UK grocery spend, 2021). So that’s ‘profiteering’ to the tune of less than 5%. Hardly excessive.
    If you want to find a sector that’s rolling in excess profits right now I suggest you direct your ire at renewable energy companies. Now they really are cunts.

      • Non the less, GT, someone’s taking the piss, as my weekly shop has gone up like a fireman’s rescue ladder.
        So if not supermarkets, based on a report published last year, it must be the suppliers/wholesalers.

      • It has been indicated that a fireman’s recreational ladder often needs significant encouragement to “go up”
        Whereas a fireman’s rescue ladder goes up very quickly, as the screaming child really cannot wait for you to say
        Ooer! And adjust your trousers.

  5. I remember a time when there was only the one supermarket in town and that was the old Co-op which had originally opened back in 70s.
    The start of the slippery slope.
    The main shopping street was full of independents owned by local born and bred folk.
    It remained that way for many a year afterwards.
    Now we are over run with Supermarkets and have practically zero independent shops left.

    Supermarkets and the internet have seen to that.

  6. They seem to be trying to eliminate checkout staff as well. Their idea of customer service is for the customer to do everyfuckingthing to save them staff wages.
    Fortunately Aldi and Lidl mostly use people and have the fastest tills. Good training for slip fielding as your shop comes at you at high speed and varying angles. Keeps me on my toes.

    • Cc
      I was once waiting at the front of a small queue when a ‘helpful’ staff member said, “You can use the self service.’

      To which I said, “I’ve finished work for today, thanks.”

      She soon fucking served me.

      I do feel a bit sorry for them at times though. Cunts who use the self service are costing cunts jobs and making these workers overworked at times (when the machine fucks up or some cunt gets confused using it.)

      Did prices go down anyway, with the introduction of these machines?

      Did they fuck!

      They’ll be asking for entrance fees next. You heard it here first.

      • Ha ha! I had a similar experience whilst getting my lunch whilst working. I told her:

        “So could ninety-five percent of people that dial 999”

        and was met with a swift response.

    • I would dread having to work at a supermarket checkout.
      Must be the old prostate because I need an urgent piss every 20-30 minutes
      As if that wasn’t bad enough sitting there trying to hold in a nasty diarrhoea after a heavy night on the electric soup would be sheer torture.
      Was in a “superstore” earlier today when the old bird at the till said “can you stick the checkout-closed sign on after youse cos I’m off to ‘the little girls room’ ”
      The peed0ugh at the adjacent queue asked if he could go with her.

  7. Morrison’s used to do excellent fresh meat and a great range of beers and wines. They were then taken over by a bunch of yanks, rather like Cadbury’s being taken over by Kraft. Both sets of yanks paid over the odds for the businesses and are determined to get their money back.

  8. They did Guzzi, especially fresh meat.
    You can still go to the Butchery counter, in our local one, and a proper butcher will get you the exact right cut and weight you want.
    Pity it’s so expensive.

  9. The thing that annoys me the most is the way supermarket counters forced the closure of the butcher’s, bakers, delis etc and, now that they’re all gone, the cunts have shut the counters down too. They appear to be incapable of understanding that if I want something specific I’m not going to settle for ‘that’ll do’.

  10. I don’t know what the answer is, were basically forced to used supermarkets now the local shops have mostly disappeared.
    Being retired I built some raised beds and a large vegtrugg. I also stood some pallets on end in which I planted 🍓🍓🍓.
    In the raised bed 🥔🥔🥔 , courgettes and 🥕🥕🥕 followed by peas in the trugg.
    Our eggs are from a woman with chickens and 🍅🍅🍅 in large pots. As RTC would say it’s not rocket science.

    Enjoyable too.
    I’m awaiting a cow.

  11. only got asda in our town and the cunts charge like the light brigade. last year beans and sausage 65p now £1.30 anchor butter seems to increase 10p weekly. they know its them or drive 50 miles round trip to the nearest big town. the bastards

  12. As a business owner myself I salute anyone who dares to brave the gauntlet of beauracratic bullshit to try and make a profit. Even large chains. Politicians love to blame businesses for price gouging or profiteering but they don’t have a clue how business works. They are cunts on the take. It’s getting bad.

    • Politics, especially the kind we have creeping over the west, is the natural habitat of the economically illiterate.

      And cunts, obviously…

    • Meaty, you’re a Yank, aren’t you?
      Happy Christopher Columbus Day for yesterday!

      • Thanks I guess. Woke cunts want to change it to “Indigenous Peoples Day” or some such shit.

  13. Although it galls me to support the bloody Jerries I’m delighted Aldi and Lidl are eating into the market share of the big players.

    It all springs from Tesco being a set of awful prices for shite quality.

    It’s also safe to say when/if the excuses for profiteering evaporate (such as the tussle in the East) prices will never drop to a reasonable level in the big supermarkets.

    So they can fuck off.

    • The Krauts had cashed in bigtime and who can blame them? The ‘Big Four’ have had a mafia style stranglehold on our shopping habits for too long, especially Tesco, the cunts.

      Next time Russia wants a war, pick some flyblown African shithole where they don’t grow anything useful.

      • Tesco is half Yank-owned so they’ll be squeezing “every little” drop out of its customers. I’d love to go somewhere cheaper, like the sausage-eating supermarkets but in my town they’re absolutely chokka with angry, sweating, swearing, tattooed East Europeans with an odour of piss and garlic ham. And that’s just the female staff.

      • And have no weapons.

        That’s the only type of war Russia could win, by picking on a really weedy country. Like Mussolini did when Italy attacked spear-throwing Abyssinia in the 30s. He then got thrashed by Greece and had to be rescued by his pal Adolf.

        Like Putin a total bullying but inept cunt.

    • I work in one of Tesco’s warehouses. Can confirm that the prices for everything bar their essentials range are extortionate.

  14. Tesco profit slumps to 2.4 billion. Yet the cunts want you, who they have just screwed, to put stuff in their food bank.
    Pisses me off, food banks?? Check for tattoos, new I phones, fags, drugs, booze before giving them anything.
    Fuck em, fuck em all.

    • The only things i’d give to food banks are fresh vegetables. They’d probably get returned with a note saying, ‘wot u fink i am, Goden Ramzy?’

  15. What makes me laugh on occasion are the Aldi/Lidl special buys.
    Fair enough, I’ve had some great fleecy jumpers, ffs Special Buy – horse riding equipment. Saddle polish, horse shampoo, hay nets!!
    I live on a particularly notorious estate in Sheffield, no it’s not Paige Hall, it’s not THAT bad, but we don’t wear jodhpurs, or keep horses.
    Laughable at times, although we do have the odd Tarquin and Henrietta trying to look inconspicuous, in the gardeners station wagon.

    • Any kimonos on offer JP?

      You can get a 1/3 off one in Sheffield Utd colours when you spend over £50.

      • Sheffield Utd, what?
        I’m not sure to what you are referring.
        Kimonos, I have two, already.
        I don’t need more, and certainly wouldn’t buy one from Aldi/Lidl.
        Almost certainly made in China.

  16. Not just are prices going up. Most of these cunts are sneakily reducing the weights/size of their products. Iceland have even been at it big time! And I saw a 750g loaf, down from 800. There is also a 200g tub of butter going around, so again 50g short (25%) of what you used to get, and there are plenty of other examples. So when you do the % increase, you need to take this into consideration

    • Yes, my Lord.
      There was a news article recently about Morrisons selling 500gof chicken wings/drumsticks for £1.
      Except you could buy a kilo of the same items for £1.75 in other supermarkets.
      A prime example of sleight of hand.
      Prime cunts, too.

    • notice cadburys have kept the bars the same size but are now only half as thick

      • Worse than Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Vlad the little boy’s arse Impaler all rolled into one!

      • They made me cry Ruff.
        Hitler or Starling didn’t manage it but Cadburys?
        Wept like a little girl ☹️

      • Your’re right! & as our Saint Justin of Canterbury knows by now Twix only fits, if he uses both fingers.

      • Yeah. I called that one “Gap Gate.” A major public outcry made them Swiss cunts refill them!

  17. Monkey nuts have gone up shit loads. I’ve bought them in African countries that sell them in a bag like a big 10 pence mixture. Only full of nuts. Dug up by a monkey.
    Only cost 10 pence too.

    £1:30 in tesco now.


    • Cauliflower steak, what a fucking oxymoron!
      I couldn’t believe it the first time I saw it, still can’t now.

      • Cauliflower steak? That’s 1945 rationing level of delusion.

        Fucking vegans, tricking people to eat like poor cunts but charging them the earth.

  18. Prince Harry here- ‘I know the UK is going through a lot right now so it needs people like you Isacers to continue to do what you do and to inspire other people to step up and help out where they can.’

    ‘The feeling that I’ve always had Cunters, certainly in the UK, is that the general population, everyone gets it, everyone wants to muck in and help each other no matter what.’

    ‘Like Mr Fiddler I have three emotional support dogs and between the three of them they charge around chasing squirrels and causing all sorts of problems for us everyday’.

    ‘Archie is very, very busy and Lili is learning to use her voice, which is great.’

    Here is Meghan to have a word to lift you out of the doldrums -‘I want to empower young adults’

    ‘thanks Meg’

    ‘Well that all for today Cunters, more inspiring stuff tomorrow, later’

  19. Can’t wait to see the profits announcement this next financial year.

    Would make Philip “let’s steal the pensions” Green, Mike “who ate all the pies” Ashley and Rupert “ooops, did I accidently fall of a boat” Murcock proud.

    Fucking cunts and there’s nothing we can do about it apart from bend over and take it like men.

    • Oh, while you’re at that, if Putin does unleash the beast, bend a little further and kiss your arse goodbye.

      • Just been in Aldi.
        4xpack of héïnz baked beans =£3.49p.
        Own brand=37p a tin.
        So £1.48p.
        2pounds and a penny saving .

        Beanz meanz poundz
        They can get fucked.
        2quid is 2quid!

      • Aldi baked beans are just as good as premium expensive brands.
        After I’ve finished smothering them in brown sauce, they might as well be wood pellets!

      • Farmfoods are selling 12 cans of (415g) Héinz baked beans for £7.00.

        Not that it makes any difference to ya.

      • Anyone tried Branston baked beans? Not bad.

        There is a hot and spicy chilli one which I imagine should be renamed ‘The Elton John Experience’ if anybody’s arsehole can brave it.

      • Willie Stroker is a big fan of Branston baked beans.

        The main difference from what I can tell is the sauce is a bit thicker than Héinz.

        Is Héinz still a trigger word, btw?

      • Prefer Branston to Heinz, thicker sauce and generally nicer.
        Love beans. When I left home I learned there were two things you couldn’t skimp on. Beans and teabags. Happy Shopper, My Mums, Lidls, all seemed to be watery tomato sauce with about ten beans floating in it.

      • Re. Beanz. I bought some ‘Newgate Baked Beans’ from Lidl. Far cheaper than Heinz, so only bought one tin as a trial. Ate yesterday on toast (classic comfort food). My observations – thicker sauce than Heinz, but still full of beans (as it were). Given I normally slow-cook baked beans to reduce the watery tomato sauce (to make them into almost mushy thick beany beans) this was a perfectly suitable substitute. Just add a bit of salt and all is well. Their (Newgate) soups aren’t bad either. Morrisons et al can go fuck themselves

      • I add ‘double concentrate’ tomato purée.

        I daren’t add salt cos that’ll give you a heart attack like Jeezum experienced.

  20. Every Cunt is profiteering at the moment….I get a new pair of hand-made riding boots every year and the cheeky buggers have upped the price by over £200….it’s a fucking disgrace.

    • Berry Bros & Rudd are now charging me nearly £30 a bottle of Chardonnay. And postage. I am feeling your pain.

      • There was a wine shop in my local town that used to get me different whiskeys to try….closed since Covid…I was devastated,the lady who ran it really knew what she was on about and surprised me with some of her recommendations but she was rarely wrong…knew her Irish whiskies did Freda.

        Never been a wine drinker but know that some people take it very seriously.

  21. I really cannot find much difference between Aldi/Lidl baked beans and premium brands.
    Most of their canned, dry goods are as good as, if not better than own brand, and cheaper, too.
    Aldi fruit isn’t great, but Lidl fruit is great. I try to get veg, meat fish from Aldi, though.

      • Hehehe 😄
        The road it’s on Dick,
        There’s a railway bridge there, prince Charles (as was then) opened it.
        He called it ‘ monstrosity ‘
        Us locals were dead proud!

        At the top of the road is Robinson’s ale bottling plant.
        As teenagers we’d rob it on a Sunday,
        And get pissed as farts in the woods with a barrel of bitter😁

        Happy days..

      • I wonder if he brought his own loo seat and toothbrush squeezer to Stockport Miserable?

      • Right little tart isn’t he?
        Can’t even put toothpaste on his brush?👎

        None of us locals met him LL.
        It’d of been a badge of honour to dip his wallet and they weren’t about to let that happen.

        They kept us well away from him😁

      • If it pissed old Jug Ears off then may it stand forever.
        Do you think they’ll have to cut a couple of slots in the crown for his coronation?

  22. I went to Morrisons the other day to get some bread and decided to have a wander round. All the big supermarkets have their own brand of soups which they sell for around 55p. Morrisons have put theirs up to 80p the robbing bastards. If it weren’t for their wholemeal loaves and their wheat, spelt and rye, I wouldn’t go near the place.

  23. That table in the nom would be more meaningful and relevant if the items in questions were identical products in each of those supermarkets…which of course they are not. So it’s pretty meaningless, and stuff you would know already….unless you’ve just crossed the channel in a dinghy

  24. The cunts will eventually have to respond to Lidl and Aldi.

    It’s already happening as their market share is cut month after month.

    Fucking good. Fuck them

    • It won’t be long till they become number 1 and 2 in the country respectively. About time it happened.

  25. If I had a Lidl or Aldi within walking distance of where I now live I’d do all my shopping there. As it is I have to shop around between Poundland, Asda and Sainsburys.

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