Mermaids Transgender Charity

These cunts are offering chest binders to 14-year-old girls, without the parents’ knowledge and offering legal advice via law firm Latham & Watkins to kids on how to live under a different gender.

MSN News Link

According to the link, so far these cunts have received about £20,000 of taxpayers money and £500,000 from the National Lottery. That’s yet another reason not to waste £2 on a ticket.

If schools, NHS and the police had any balls, they’d tell them what to go and do.

Nominated by: mystic maven

94 thoughts on “Mermaids Transgender Charity

  1. I like the way they talk about a “Name Change Clinic” to try and give it some medical legitimacy. Rather similar to “Workshop” when everyone knows there’s no work going on just a bunch of wankers talking bollocks.
    These fucking kiddy fiddling cunts need shooting.

    • A workshop used to be a place for light engineering, now it’s a place for genetic engineering. Cunts.

  2. A nest of toxic little vipers.
    They’re called mermaids because they smell of fish and it’s debatable if they’re for real .

    In my day young girls developing a nice set of tits would be glowing with pride!

    Passers-by would clap,
    She’d get a lift home off the teacher after school,
    And she’d have plenty of bookings for babysitting.

    Nowadays they’re getting them strapped up like a mummy.

    • Yeah, there’s that aspect, but another aspect is that girls are super-self-conscience when they get boobage and I think that these ‘activists’ play into that. When your body is changing, it’s scary, hence the success of ‘body-horror’ movies of the 70s and 80s like Shivers, Rabid, Videodrome, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Re-Animator and The Fly.

      There’s a lot of ‘fear-exploiters’ these days, tapping into our primal fears, these ghouls aren’t stupid. The whole ‘Putin’s gonna nuke us!’ crap is working on a very small amount of people, nothing like it did from 1950-1990, thank God. But I can see the tide turning against all the insidiousness we have been subjected to over the past few years. People have had enough of this crap. It’s a question of how you take these people on without coming across as a hateful bigot, which is there trump-card, of course.

  3. Government should give absolutely zero money to ANY registered charidee, especially deviant ones, otherwise they are not charidees.

    Most of these shit-show charidees are nothing of the sort, simply massive businesses employing huge numbers of people to professionally scrounge, using guilt tripping psychology.

  4. Chest-binders? They need to hand out RING-BINDERS to these kids!

    “Get away from me, mister/mistress!”

    • It’s even more difficult to tell aftet you’ve been taken to Thailand and had your testicles removed. This sounds like the introduction to a gag, but no. The woman who runs the Mermaids charity took her son to Thailand and encourage him to have his cock and beanbag sliced off.


      • Unbelievable! She took the lad to the US at the age of 12 for puberty blockers before the 16 year old was whisked off to Thailand for the chop.

        I saw someone the other day saying that when they were that young they wanted to be a pirate, but were glad later that they hadn’t gone through with taking an eye out and chopping half a leg off.

      • I don’t recall that episode of Judith Chalmers’ Wish You Were Here?, Captain! LOL! 😀

      • It wasn’t Wish You Were Here, it was The Price Is Right, Le C.

        Win a holiday for one in Thailand at a sunny resort where you arrive as a boy, and leave as a ladyboy!

        Come on down!

  5. Mermaids! MERMAIDS….I’m fucking incandescent, what about MERMEN. Fucking cunts, where’s the empathy there. I clicked the link, what a smug cunt she looks. Jail is the only answer, our kids are getting shafted by cunts like this.

  6. I understand JK Remoaning has upset these filthy fuckers, describing one of them as a “p**dophilia apologist”. Naturally they all burst into tears and she invited them to sue her arse off in court. She also slagged off certain slebs for supporting these cunts, among them one Emma Watson, the thick fucking bitch.

    • She is having a go at Nicola McKrankie Sturgeon too, calling her a “destroyer of women’s rights” after plans approved to allow Scots to self-identify their legal gender without medical proof.

      Sturgeon needs a fucking gob binder.

      • You can catch crabs off mermaids.

        You hawl Ariel out of the sea?
        Touch below the waist you’ll have Sebastians!

        Why sailors gave them a wide berth.

        Neptune’s curse they called it.
        Why capn Ahab was always scratching his moby.

      • Lusting after Ariel is where Captain Birdseye got the idea for fish fingers.

  7. I had to read that link several times, I really found it hard to get my head round it.
    When we talk about “P… files”, most of us imagine men with an unhealthy interest in young children.
    Well, although it’s not as prevelant, woman can be one of these abominations against natural order, also.
    Myra Hindley, for a start, may Satan spit molten lead on her, daily.
    It seems to me that this is just grooming under the guise of good works, and I’m glad to read that they are “under investigation”.

    • IMHO a lot of the so called activists simply hate men and masculinity, and do everything to destroy both.

      It’s usually on a subliminal level, because most women are simply too stupid to verbalise their emotions, but look at trash like Amber Heard, not really an anomaly, pretty much representative of all women who imagine themselves scorned. I see Jolie is up to the same, after having her tits cut off and buying vagrants off the internet. They’re fucking insane.

      These rainbow-freaks are mostly lezzers who despise men and take great pleasure in ruining them permanently. They also like the deviance of ruining young girls, making them useless to men.

      • Lesbians were never like this throughout history, until feminism was added to the mix.

        I’m a live-and-let-live person, but these LGBTQ+ extremists have to be shut down as all extremists need to be shut down. And they will be shut down, but it isn’t going to be easy or pleasant for any of us. We are in a spiritual war, for want a better term, it will last at least 25 years, I reckon. But the natural order of life will reassert itself. That doesn’t mean that we’ll go back to persecuting gays, but it won’t be this ‘dick hanging out in the streets’ crap.

  8. What is this shit! Sounds like a scam – I might start up a charity for straight men who want to fuck more women, think I might get funding?

    • I’m in for this charity.

      There are requirements though.

      23 – 28 years old. Brunette and ideally with the bedside manner of Remy LaCroix or Liza Del Sierra.

      Plus I want a plastic bag shoved through my letterbox once a month, not to give away old clothes, but to use as a bin liner.

      Thanks Maximus.?

  9. Many years ago, me and my partner ended up in a hotel in Spain overrun with chavs.
    One extended family had a little girl, about 3/4 years, took a shine to my partner. Spent a good hour with her, went to the playground, went for an ice-cream, at no point did those deadbeats wonder who we were, just too busy getting pissed.
    We could have been cannibals, for all they cared.
    We checked out the next day and spent the remaining 5 days in a faded, but quiet, hotel 30 km away.
    Not because we were cannibals, honestly, we couldn’t stand the company. Revolting people.

    • I heard a story of a family who went on a 2-week cruise and…
      the ship was block-booked by motorbike gangs/clubs! Urgh. They had to spend two weeks with fat, hairy, drunk bikers who took over the entire pool, bars, every square foot of the ship. They got their money back, but… cruises, don’t go on a cruise, they are horrifying these days.

      • Cruises used to be lovely.
        I’ve been on several.
        There was always a bar that, despite the no smoking ban, allowed smoking.
        Flunkies, sorry crew staff, would leap 30 feet in 1.2 seconds with a Zippo, to spark you up.
        The food was good, too.
        And I particularly enjoyed watching a family of land whales put an entire 16 portion chocolate cake on their table, before waddling off to fill their plates with 16 pork chops embedded in a mountain of mash, and not a fucking vegetable in sight.

      • Yeah, cruises used to be like… David Niven type stuff! Then they devolved into being annoying couples who would glom on to you and, well… annoying for ten days. Then they devolved further when people started bringing their fucking kids on them. Now they are scary-scary. Get quarantined on one for a year! JESUS. And some elderly people LIVE on cruise ships. They go from one cheap deal cruise to another, they don’t have a house anymore, it’s cheaper to hop from one to another. One woman gets on them for free as she has been such a great customer for so long, they just comp her on a bunch of liners! There’s a Maggie Smith movie for ya! LOL!

    • The ‘cat is out if the bag’ again it feels like. Like ‘homosexual liberation’ once it was accepted.

      I notice the ‘Supernormies’ on here are accepting if this. They’re great principle of ‘freedom’ for everything allowing for it.


      There must have been a cat IN the bag for it to have been let out.

      Giles on Gogglebox owned up to feeling like a girl in his younger years.
      Much to the surprise of Mary.

      I wonder were Cunters confused about this in their younger days?

      I remember thinking sometimes that I wish I was a girl because i 2as a timid not wanting to fight.

      • Would you care to name the
        “super normies”
        Because I, personally, haven’t read a single post on this thread, about this nom, that gives any hint that a single poster is supporting this idiocy, at best, or deviancy?
        Or did you just comment on the wrong nom/site?

      • A supernormoe JP is some who is predictablle in their opinions

        Someone who holds to MSM opinions.

        Regardless of any opposing pov..

      • Oh dear, Miles.
        You’re going to read this tomorrow, and your previous post, and cringe.

        I predict a Plastic ( self) ban.

      • @Miles Plastic.
        I apologise for my earlier posts.
        You’re pissed and I was pissed off.
        The chu had just vomited his entire day’s intake on the freshly washed throw he sleeps on.
        But that doesn’t excuse my bad behaviour.
        I’m sorry, it was written in bad temper that should not have been directed at you.

  10. A charity for fucking mermaids? really?

    What the fuck next? a helpline for minotaurs and werewolves?

  11. I hadn’t heard of them….apparently it’s not just handing out binders but has been sailing close to the wind regarding kiddy-diddlers……..while also being supported by the usual celebrity “we-know-besters” like Emma Watson.

    Extremely sinister bunch indeed.

  12. All these protester fags and lesser quares and trans phobias Bi holes or a mixture of the lot covered in tattoos with blue and pink hair, as well as BLM and and the end is near extinction and just say no to oil and many more i could mention has withered the will of the majority of people worldwide.
    They Have taken and sucked dry that well, that is essential and necessary for healthy protest in the majorities, the shower of paid for spoilers of fun that they are.
    Everybody is angrier inside than before and its because cunts like this get tolerated for the obscene.

  13. They have gone offline (webchat) and suspended the helpline, looks like they are getting some shit thrown their way ???

    • Oh, jolly good, SOI.
      Hopefully, they’ll be shut down, and someone’s working on what criminal charges can be brought.
      Abuse, or aiding abuse, of a minor child, perhaps?

  14. There is absolutely nothing amiss with these Special Sea Creature Lesbians that a firm British bayonet charge couldn’t fix in a jiffy.

    The fucking evil cunts.

    • I’d like to think that one of the fine gentlemen of ISAC has been on the blower to these evil pėrvėrts, calling them out for the pædophıle apologists that they appear to be.

      • I wouldn’t like to name or shame, as there’s no shame in calling this bunch out, but I’m fairly sure it was.?
        Low battery, apparently.
        Good night all.
        May your bedding be infested with fleas, if you are not a honest, decent person.
        And may the God of my fathers piss on you, I’m Jewish, and not one of you came to my defence when my religion was attacked.

      • I did do my tiny bit last night JP…mentioning antisemite scumbags in the Labour party…

      • Well, I’m actually saving up to become a Red Sea pedestrian because they get more public holidays! Not having my foreskin lopped of though! Oy vey!

      • @JP….every religion is attacked on here…Jewish a lot less then others,tbh…didn’t notice you rushing to defend Miles when Catholicism is attacked

      • Lord Fiddler, when and where was that?
        I certainly didn’t see that, and I would definitely defend anyone whose religion is attacked.
        In any event, its my race, not my religion.
        I’m Jewish, not a practising Jew.
        And no, I’m probably whiter than any of you.

      • Don’t know what you mean about “when and where was that”….if you mean religions being attacked,you must not be looking too hard…Catholicism and Islam are often attacked and I’ve never seen you defend them.

        You refer to it as “my religion” in your first post ..” I’m Jewish, and not one of you came to my defence when MY religion was attacked.” but in your second post say it is ” NOT my religion”…..strange.

      • Why do religious types take everything so personally?
        Surely all religion is fair game for discussion, as are political ideologies.
        As long as criticism of religion does not descend into personal attacks on the individual, then surely it’s something to be encouraged?
        Condemnation of Judaism does not imply a disapproval of Jews, any more than denunciation of Christianity means that all Christians are cunts.
        Belief systems are simply that, they are not objective fact.

  15. This is despicable. Children being sent there is child abuse, pure and simple.
    That’s the job of the Catholic Church.

  16. Why choose the mermaid as their symbol?
    Mermaids are trans-species, not trans-gender.
    Did Billy the Fish have a penis?
    And he’s a merman.
    No fish has a penis.
    Neither do girls or women.
    Biological fact.
    Why haven’t these sickos been done for child sexual abuse?

    • Daryl Hannah was a mermaid in the 1980s movie, Splash!
      Daryl = male name! Maybe that’s it!

  17. Dr Jacob Breslow and saucy Welsh crooner Ian Watkins follow each other on Twitter.

    • Not the flamboyant bum diddling Ian “H” Watkins from Steps Thomas? He’s been on Dancing on Ice with Philip Schofield for fucks sake! I assume you are referring to the other one hopefully getting arse drilled daily by a fat sweaty muzza in prison.

      • Indeed, LL…I’ve never heard a stronger case for getting your name changed by deed poll!
        Well, apart from the time I changed my birthname, which was Adolf Josef Zedong.

  18. Just drop a dirty great lump of semtex on their HQ with these deviants locked inside.

    Then home for tea and delicious scones.

  19. What would constitute a freak nowadays in a circus?
    Hard to imagine!
    Straight white male/female, no tats or piercings, and many more I guess .

    • That’s why I got the job straight, white, no inclination to change gender,
      Christian, married to a biological women.
      Start in April uncle Johns curiosities and freak show, Skegness seafront. The old bastard reckons I’ll pull em in.

  20. This is where tolerance leads.

    Anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together needs to get seriously fucking intolerant to this bullshit and quickly.

    ‘If you tolerate this, then your children will be next’.

    Which is exactly what this bunch of Not On Normal Courtyard Exercise cunts want.

    • I can’t do anything, but agree.
      Enough, tolerance works both ways.
      Don’t rub my nose in shit & I won’t take you out with my Purdey over and under.

      • I’ve told you all before about when a teenager the older blokes on our estate tortured a paedophile.

        He had to leave under police escort,
        Because he would of been killed.

        That’s not hyperbole.

        They openly discussed it,
        They wanted to kill him.
        No one would of grassed.

        We were sat outside, heard everything,
        Knew all the older blokes.

        Every one was of the same opinion,
        They’d done a valuable public duty.

        I believed that then and I believe that now.

        You can’t cure paedophilia.
        And you can’t repair the damage they do to children both mentally, emotionally and physically.

        No matter how they try to dress it up it’s predatory behaviour towards kids.

      • Sorry admin,
        It’s the correct word.
        Didn’t want to change the spelling.

    • The plot thickens further, Odin…now the Manic Street Preachers are involved in the potential kıddıe-fiddling too?! Not so much a song lyric as a threat.
      Stands to reason really. They are Welsh.
      And preachers.

      • And don’t they have an androgynous geezer in the band? Dresses up in women’s clothes?

      • Much as I despise the music of the Manic Street Preachers, I don’t think I would go as far as accusing them of hanging around playgrounds, Thomas.

        Although being Welsh should carry a life sentence of being forced to live in Wales with no means of contact to the civilised world.

      • Nought wrong with the Welsh that a diet of meat and tater pie, with Hendo’s, wouldn’t cure.

  21. It’s not a charity it’s a fucking production line. Want proof? Try and set up a charity’ to help confused kids understand there are two genders and give those suffering from delusions the therapy they need.

  22. Deviant scum. Get fucked. The thin edge of the wedge before calling nonces “minor attracted persons”.

  23. Absolutely horrifying article in one of the papers at the weekend about what these fuckers have been up to, and their fellow travellers in the states: Chopping off young girls breasts and then tattooing nipples back on. Dr Mengele must be laughing his arse off down in Hell.

    These warped cunts want prosecuting for conspiracy to commit GBH. Throw the fucking book at them.

      • Only can say what I read – there are surgeons in the US who will remove a girl’s breast tissue as an aid to helping them “transition”. Utterly despicable if true.

  24. How and why the fuck are the BBC putting mean piss all international wimmins football results ahead of real european games featuring real British teams in their news headlines?!

    I hope the ‘Beeb’burn in Hell….???

    • I also noticed that the US sjw man hating bint Rapinoe, along with kneeling in memory of dead black criminals are back on the Beeb menu an all. ??


  25. Redacted, had it on they’re presentation tonight regarding these Quare Peters
    I think they read ISAC for any leads and opinions for there show, just a suspicion mind you. It could be that some on here are more famous than they might like to be.
    Just a thought.

  26. Anyone know who the BBC presenter that got the stripper pregnant is? Only found speculation on Reddit. Think there is an injunction so I cannot say that Paddy Mcguinness seems to be the bookies favourite. Or that allegedly got his brother to do the paternity test. Clearly a thick cunt who never heard of familial DNA. I have some ideas about potential suspects, lets look at the evidence:
    Primetime show ,
    Low IQ
    Nasty devious cheating piece of shit.
    Likes to lawyer up to maximise his wealth.

    It has to be Gary fucking Lineker!
    Though I can’t rule out Michael Mcintyre entirely, there was nothing in the article about the perp being an unfunny irritating dwarf.

    Just thought of more! How about Anton Du Beck, or Dara EIEIO’Briene?
    Chris Packham!,
    David Attenborough!!! He has watched loads of monkeys fucking so he should know the mechanics of the process.

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