Azeem Rafiq (3)

This is a link to a story from the Daily Fail admittedly but it would appear that County Crickets most delicate of wallflower’s, amongst the displays of anti semitism which have since bitten him on the arse, has been accused of bullying kids and “fat shaming” them.

Maybe a case of mud slinging from embittered former friends and teammates and the likes, but to coin a popular playground phrase – he started it.

Now me personally, I’ve no problem with fat kids being called names etc by other kids because I’m a bit of a cunt who happens to think it probably helps toughen them up or maybe make them actually do something to help lose weight. Plus I’m not the one sitting crying on the telly calling everybody a racist. Anyways – I digress.

Mr Rafiq has recently been threatening to emigrate in order to protect himself and his family.
Perhaps Mr Rafiq hadn’t been hurling stones from his enormous glass mansion, throwing his ex teammates under the metaphorical bus along the way, causing no end of detritus and kept his fucking stupid mouth shut all along, then he wouldn’t have ended up in this situation.

What a cunt.

Daily Mail News Link

Nominated by: Herman Jelmet

78 thoughts on “Azeem Rafiq (3)

  1. This’ll cheer you up – went to an Asian family, today, (Pakistani/Indian, don’t know or care), four week, yes WEEK history of back pain.

    Taken any pain relief – No

    Seen your GP – No

    ‘We want her to go to hospital, and you can take her’

    ‘Well, that’s not happening. You can take her in the taxi parked on your driveway but I suggest you ring your doctor and take some paracetamol, first’

    ‘I’m going to complain’

    ‘Be my guest. Capital ‘C’ in ‘Cunt’. Make sure you spell it correctly. Good day’

    On scene time, ten minutes.

    Little victories, gents, little victories.

  2. Words can’t express the utter contempt and downright hatred I feel for this lying, shit stirring, racebaiting, two faced stinking hypocrite.

    He feels the need to emigrate… well good fuck off back to whatever flyblown shithole you came from and stop ruining my country you utter cretin.

  3. Abdul, if you don’t like GB…

    FUCK OFF…!!!

    To somewhere you attributes will be appreciated….

    Where that is, who knows or cares….?

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