Vanity (2)

Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.

I was looking at TikTok videos of the most Woke. And I suddenly realised the more Woke you are the plainer you are.

Not wholly but definitely it is there.

Lets be honest when you’re young you will do almost anything to stand out. To be talked about. To be ‘somebody’ amongst your peers.

I am coming to the belief that a lot of this Woke nonsense is essentially about getting noticed.

Its a way of becoming ‘strange’ ‘special’ in some way.

Dreadful generalisation but aren’t ‘Goths’ beneath all the make-up and the dark mysteriousness of their garb just average looking Joes and Josephine’s.

Same thing with the T people. They have nothing really that much going for them. So they ‘pick up’ on being Woke.

Not all. I do believe some have a serious inner ‘dysphoria’ but there is a danger yes in having your penis or breasts chopped off for Fashion’s sake. Just because it is the thing to do.

Oscar Wilde- ‘There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not been talked about.’

Switching it a bit to the abortion debate. Senator Matt Gaetz in America described the Pro-Abortionists at these rallies as ‘fat,’ ‘ugly’ and ‘disgusting’. When asked don’t you think those people would be offended hearing that. He replied ‘Be offended’.

But it is a brutal truth. The videos of these rallies show very many on the pro-abortions side ARE fat and ugly.

These women take up radical left wing politics because they aren’t very attractive is the truth of it.

Wasn’t that the case with the Greenham Common women?

More generally -‘Politics is showbiz for ugly people’. Some truth in that.

Nominated by: Miles Plastic

74 thoughts on “Vanity (2)

  1. I remember Vanity. One of Prince’s bits on the side. I’d have given her one.
    Much better looking than Naga Monkeymachete….

  2. Im fucking sick of of kids being.. well wake. i was a destructive litle shit when i was younger….1979 onwards there wasn’t any excuse or parents fault
    it was me being a little wanker, boots n all
    A threat being the provvy man saying that he would put me in a children’s home did it for me.

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