Richie Anderson

A slow, slow, quick, quick slow cunting for this poofter who’s in the ‘Celebrity’ line-up for Strictly Come Dancing. On the Radio Times website he comes up with the quote, below:

“I’m going to have to cancel my legendary Strictly launch night kitchen party that I throw every year, I’m sure my friends and family will understand. It’s also a massive honour to be part of an all-male dance partnership, it’s so important we have that inclusion on such a huge show.”

Because there’s not enough ‘Inclusion’ on the box nowadays, you patronising fuck.

(Don’t get the impression that I watch this unadulterated shite, either, it was brought to my attention whilst listening to Pop Master).

RadioTimes News Link

Nominated by: DCI Gene Cunt

79 thoughts on “Richie Anderson

  1. May the aliens that have been studying us see no reason not to go ahead with the great annihilation upon seeing this.

  2. Inclusion of weirdo’s oddballs nuffters mufters really is becomming way to predictable and boring. They need to “branch” out more be more imaginative. A pair of chimps in tutus or maybe two gay canines might improve the inclusivity of all creatures on earth.

    Just a thought

      • I once saw a horse trying to give a cow one.
        Definitely diversity and inclusion. The horse was brown, and the cow black and white. Neither were crippled though.

      • If old Emmy ever gets on her knees, she will never get up again- they will have to mount her on a piece of hardwood with 4 red wheel like they do toddlers toys.

        Even as we speak, they are examining the logistics of getting a block and tackle into the Conference hall, to get her and her mobility scooter and a dozen doughnuts on the stage.

  3. They have a dwarf this year, so I’ll take a look for the laughs. The poofs can fuck off.

  4. The decadent West continues its slow, inexorable slide into the cesspit of its own making, and taking with it its global hegemony.

    • Like DCI Gene I’m heartbroken .
      Nowt better than puffs dancing….accept midgets dancing!!! ????

      So Richie can get fucked.
      I wasn’t invited to his

      “legendary kitchen strictly launch”

      Because I’m common.

      Well Richie, I’m having my own with proper ale , pork pies, crisps and a stage show were I set my dog on a midget.
      Top that.

    • And we have a brand new flat top at anchor outside my drum chez Ryde.HMS Wingnut.3 billion nicker but with an insufficently lubricated prop-shaft-issue just as it was en route to ‘project Windsor maritime power’ to god knows where.Imagine the number of razor blades ?

  5. I’d rather be suspended on hooks through my testicles than watch this.

    Same goes for 95 percent of what is on the telly.

    Barring the odd documentary or football match (old habits die hard) I would happily throw the telly out with the rest of the rubbish on a Friday.

  6. Was a time when fellas would graft for a living and go the local for a pint, a cigarette and a game of darts or whatever.

    Now your average bloke is more likely to be working from home on his laptop in some imaginary job, never goes near a pub (probably because it’s closed due to a variety of state sponsored reasons) sits staring open mouthed at his smartphone and watches shite like fucking Strictly with his “partner”

    I’m in a bad mood this morning.

    • you’re right Herman. I am nostalgic for the old days. Another half-time preaching about poofters and trannies at the emiartes last night. I think this may very well be my last season. however, it’s like being in an abusive relationship – I know I should leave, but I can’t. I was in Belgium at the weekend – how can the blokes who went away to fight in the trenches in any way be related to the nation of soft twats we are now?

  7. They could use this shit to make murderers and terrorists crack.

    Half an hour of it equivalent to 2 weeks of waterboarding and electrocuted bollocks.

    What a set of degenerate cunts.

  8. A collection of no-marks. Did Tony Adams drink all his money?

    I notice that the future Lady Ellie of Vast Estates in Northumberland is appearing. Gemma Arterton must be heartbroken at being so cruelly spurned. Unless Dick is quietly keeping her in one separate wing of his (vast) mansion in reserve for when Ellie is up on the blocks.

    Do midgets have periods, Miserable?

    I am a bit pished tonight. Sports day in the heat followed by a few Heinekens.

  9. There are two types of people: those who partake, watch and celebrate the annual Strictly Cuntfest, and those who don’t. The former should be herded up and boiled in dog piss.

  10. Let’s just hope that Anders Brevik doesn’t show up and become the surprise guest at the strictly launch night.
    The man from Oslo would quickly teach these lot how to dance to the tune of an AR15 I’m sure!

    • He’s obviously a closet pwff, so he might well leave the child killers weapon of choice and pull out his little maggot and have a tug.
      Spineless cunt dropped his gun as soon as an adult popped up.
      Shame, he didn’t get the ending he deserves.

      • Cunts like Breivik never get the ending they deserve.
        They get a cushy life inside without a care in the world.

        Criminals like Neil Ferguson and his great many ilk, who are indirectly responsible for the deaths of a great many more than Breivik are still walking around as free people.

        There is no justice.

  11. How sad he won’t be mincing in the kitchen on a Saturday evening. Absolute disaster, duckie, my souffle’ has collapsed, my poof pastry is too dry and Emily’s dumplings keep getting in the way of the soup bowl.

  12. Fucking legendary Strictly launch night party indeed.

    This arsehole acrobat deserves to be lubbocked into a deep coma, sans lube, for being an arrogant bumder and hastening the slide of UK weekend TV entertainment down the crapper.

    Fuck off.

  13. Never heard of the cunt and don’t watch it. But it did prompt me to list my five favourite Andersons:

    Pamela Anderson – Big tits and small swimsuit
    Gillian Anderson – Very sexy X Files actress
    Gerry Anderson – Creator of Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlet
    Jimmy Anderson – Record breaking English bowler
    Sir John Anderson – Minister for Home Defence who promoted the Anderson Air Raid shelters in WW2

    (to be honest I was struggling a bit for No 5 and had to Google him).

    Obviously a quiet morning at work today.

  14. In reply to Gene, I haven’t listened to Ken Bruce in years. I think the BBC evaporated my piss by boiling it away.

    As for this other gayer in the nom. Never heard of the cunt before today.

    • ‘Boom’ radio, over to Radio 2 for ‘Popmaster’, then back to ‘Boom’. Except at work as the trucks only have FM radios.

  15. “Strictly launch party”! I know cunts who do this and for that jungle thing and Eurovision. The strange thing is none of them are poofs or lezzas, as far as I know, but they are thick as fucking shit. They wouldn’t dream of voting anything other than Labour. They care, you see.

  16. Hang on. In ballroom dancing, the man takes the lead and the bird follows.

    How the fuck does this work?

    Asking for my Aunt and Uncle, who were UK ballroom dancing champions in the 60’s.

  17. Inclusion, inclusion! Fuck me he’s taking the piss. Everywhere you go tribenderism is the new norm. Every kind of weirdo deviant is welcome. I would posit that to get a job at Aunty beeb one would have to be a gay, disabled, trigender, ethnic, extra terrestrial, peaceful persuasion type individual.
    For future reference my pronouns are violent/cunt

    • I normally wouldn’t be seen dead watching something so low brow,
      So,..prole ,
      On my massive 60in HD TV.
      But midgets is midgets !!

      Some say snootily ‘bread & circus’s’
      I say
      Shut your fuckin yap.

      I won’t here a word said against Warburton’s bakery or the delightful Chipperfield family.

    • I would rather put a cigar out on my Bell End than watch this Mincer scream his way through each week, I hope he goes over on his ankle and gets a compound Fracture!

  18. Imagine this,

    A TV show with no

    blacks,Asians,rug munchers, bum boys, trannies, spaccers, circus freaks, empowered wimmin, opinionated twats of any oddball gender.

    Nah, no time machine yet, can’t get back to the 50’s….

    Oh well….? happens….


    • My Mrs can’t understand why I only ever watch ITV4 on the ‘normal’ telly box, in particular Minder, The Sweeney, The Professionals, Fawlty Towers et al.

      Says I’m stuck in the 70’s and 80’s so I explained to her only a few weeks back the reason I still like them 40 years on is partly because they take me back to my childhood and actually to me they are still engaging but most of all they are just honest.

      No bullshit agenda’s being pushed by right on Producers just loads of funny characters, gritty characters, casual sexism and just ‘stuff’ that you can relate to.

      The world of TV is a fucking closed shop stuffed to gunnels with right on metro champagne socialists, Greenists, woofters, do as I say not as I do massively overly remunerated cowardly cunts that wouldn’t recognise a days work of it smashed them in the face.

  19. The only places this utter shite should be shown is the communal rooms on Dementia wards and adult day care centres.

  20. I, personally, cannot wait to see the vertically challenged person dance the fandango.
    On stilts.

  21. This annoying Faggot has jumped into the top 5 Wankers I would gladly kick to Death, the prick has forced himself on us through leftie idiot Zoe Ball’s radio show, elbowed his way into Ken Bruce’s show and now is standing in for any fucker who’s off sick, this big bent cunt will do anything to push himself forward, I hope he gets Monkey pox from some infected c00n jizz he must guzzle down by the gallon in gents Bogs.! Just listening to the Powder Puff’s voice makes me squirm, it’s like he’s holding his nose whilst impersonating Keneth Williams.!

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