Nasa (3) – Wokeing on the Moon

A Final Frontier cunting for those galactic wankers at NASA.

I’ve been following the Artemis mission on their website for a while & noticed the other day that one of the stated aims is the first woman on the moon and you’ve guessed it, the first person of colour on the moon (presumably closely followed by the first stabbing on the moon.)

Now I’m not against either aim, per se, but surely the astronaut selection criteria must be the best person for the job, not whether or not you’ve got a minge or eat mainly at KFC. If it happens to be a female and/or a POC, great go for it.

Actually it strikes me they could kill two birds with one stone here and send that fat bitch shitting in the phone box (in the Notting Hill Carnival nom); she looked like she already had enough sustenance on board to not need food and they could save weight by not fitting a shithouse, then drop her off on the darkside of the moon and forget about her. Though I bet the cunts wouldn’t headline it ‘The First Spoon On The Moon’.

Apparently the aim in all this is to show that space exploration is open to everyone. So does that mean the new lunar buggy has to be a spaz-chariot? Will the first Peaceful mission to the moon be launched on a winged horse and tie in with the first underage girl mission to the moon?

As a kid, I watched Armstrong walk on the moon, the main aim was to just do it and it was a fucking awesome success. Those astronauts all the way through the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs were fucking heroes in my eyes and now NASA has to shit all over their legacy with this diverse, woke bag of bollocks. Cunts!

BBC News Link

Nominated by: The Stained Gusset

And how about this from The Wizard’s Sleeve

A very straightforward one, this. The USA’s newest attempt to send a rocket to the moon.

Whether you are on the side of the so-called conspiracy theorists and believe that the original 1969 moon landing was falsified, due to many factors including the Van Allen Belt, flag movement, no stars etc. (check out this link: or whether you believe that man reached the moon whilst sitting in a tin-can (this is ground control to Major Tom!) with computers a myriad of times more basic than our mobile phones; regardless of which “side” you are on – the question I would like answered is: Why even bother in the first place?

If you do believe that human beings reached the moon all those years ago, all it showed us is that there is bugger-all there of any interest – It is just a cold lump of rock covered in dust. It’s not made of cheese and there isn’t a man that lives there either. So why return? What’s the point? It costs shitloads of money to do these missions, so why not forget the whole waste of time and use the money to try and sort out some of the many problems we already face down here on planet Earth: surely that would be money better spent?

They can’t even launch a sodding rocket unless the weather is exactly right or the temperature of the equipment is exact (check out:BBC News Link for more info) so watching all that cool sci-fi star-trek stuff with high ideas such as warp speed, teleportation and shagging aliens who want to understand our human emotion of “love”, makes our efforts to go into space look like a laughing stock anyway, as I really get the feeling we will never reach the point where real life matches sci-fi anyway – and certainly not in our lifetimes.

The human race will end up making itself extinct due to stupid wars or scientific cock-ups way before we achieve anything useful in space. It will be too late when the cockroaches have taken over, or Earth resembles something out of Planet of the Apes (those damn filthy apes!).

107 thoughts on “Nasa (3) – Wokeing on the Moon

  1. Getting a black woman to the moon is no real woke accomplishment when it’s white men that get her there.

  2. @ WS. Doesn’t the earth already resemble the Planet of the apes, especially in London and Birmingham? ?.
    I don’t understand why they have to revisit the moon, it’s pointless surely.
    Why not send the Flabbot, it’d be like an eclipse.

    • Maybe Pink Floyd should rename their classic album “Dark Side of the Flabbot” when she gets sent there as the POC…

  3. That’s comforting.

    I thought that I was almost alone in being a moon landing conspiracy theorist.

    This is bollocks about sending some black person to the moon because nobody has ever been there anyway.

    Computers were really in their infancy in the late 60’s.
    Todays mobile phones are tens of thousands of times more powerful than all of the NASA computers of those times combined.

    Do you think that you could organise a moon mission on your mobile today?

    As said earlier, the temperature extremes on the moon are enormous.
    From hundreds of degrees centigrade to a few hundred below zero.

    To air condition and heat a landing module for a couple of day’s would have required a warehouse full of batteries.

    But the main thing is that exploration is not done in the way depicted in the moon landings.
    Several, maybe even dozens of unmanned missions would have taken place before risking putting humans up there.

    But shortly after the Americans getting their arses handed to them on a plate by the Vietnamese, Nixon had 2 guys bouncing about on the moon restoring nation pride.

    The biggest con in history, and that includes corona virus.

    And now, not only do they want to take the piss out of again. They want to add ‘a person of colour’ into the equation.

    • And another few things……..

      In the 1960’s it was almost impossible to hold a phone conversation with anyone just a few thousand miles away in another continent.

      You would be talking over each other, there would be long silences, the line would inevitably drop out, but the conversations between mission control and the astronauts was almost as clear as day.

      The moon may only have a sixth of the earth’s gravitational pull, but it is still significant, controlling the tides on earth.

      To put a satellite into orbit today needs an awful lot of power.
      The bulk of any rocket is its engines and fuel load.

      Although taking off in lower gravity is somewhat easier, how was all that power stored in the landing module?

    • rebuttals and refutations

      – ‘Computers were really in their infancy in the late 60’s’
      No they weren’t

      – ‘Todays mobile phones are tens of thousands of times more powerful than all of the NASA computers of those times combined.’

      False comparison.

      – ‘Do you think that you could organise a moon mission on your mobile today?’

      Argument from/appeal to incredulity

      – ‘As said earlier, the temperature extremes on the moon are enormous.
      From hundreds of degrees centigrade to a few hundred below zero.’

      Space suits

      – ‘To air condition and heat a landing module for a couple of day’s would have required a warehouse full of batteries.’

      Spacecraft need to radiate excess heat more than the need air conditioning. there is no air in space.

      ‘But the main thing is that exploration is not done in the way depicted in the moon landings.
      Several, maybe even dozens of unmanned missions would have taken place before risking putting humans up there.’

      – Hence Apollo 11.

      – ‘But shortly after the Americans getting their arses handed to them on a plate by the Vietnamese, Nixon had 2 guys bouncing about on the moon restoring nation pride’

      Another completely false comparison.

      The biggest con in history, and that includes corona virus.

      Is that why the landers are visible on the lunar surface?

      Like shooting fish in a barrel

  4. Do you deniers really believe that the 400,000 people that participated on the Apollo would keep quiet about the moon landings if they were fake for over 50 years?

    Conspiracy theorists claim that there were no stars in the filmed landings. But the astronauts were on the moon during daytime and due to the surface of the moon, the astronauts’ were illuminated brightly and thus the light of stars was not visible. Some theorists go further to claim that the shadows in the pictures are not right. However, the sun is not the sole source of light on the moon because the lunar surface reflects the sun’s light off the ground and this changes the appearance of shadows on the moon.

    Since the 1970, people have repeatedly proven that the moon landings actually took place, yet amazingly Moon landing deniers still exist. Buzz Aldrin tried the punching method, yet still the deniers ramble on about something they know absolutely nothing about.

    The fact is that Almost 50 years ago, two humans set foot on the Moon for the first time. They were followed by ten more in one of the greatest – and most expensive space exploration endeavors in history. It was one of humanity’s greatest achievements to boot.

      • I understand why people still trust and love NASA. I don’t. Carry on trusting and loving NASA. Life is what it is, just enjoy it.

      • Yeah, people love NASA, they defend NASA like NASA is the Pope, their mother, their pet cat/dog. They wear the T-shirt as a badge of pride. People love Elon Musk – why? Another actor. Great thread. Trashing NASA can’t be bad form on this site, fuck me, we trash everything. It’s a government agency like the CIA. They exist to mindfuck us. Thankfully, the spell is wearing off big time.

      • You can trash what you like, but don’t expect those of us without a liking for tin-foil headgear to go along with your theories…

    • They believe/pretend to believe it’s a hoax because it makes them feel like a special snowflake and gets them attention.
      I’m relaxed to a moon-landing denier.

    • They went, but what did they find when they got there……

      Did you see the faces of the astronauts on their return. Fuck me they looked like they lost a 50dollar bill and found a dime…

      On a less serious note, The great documentary film ‘Iron Sky’ may provide one explanation.

      ‘Black to the moon’ Heil Hitler.

    • While they were up there would it have hurt to take a photo of the world to prove it was flat? A fantastic opportunity squandered. Shameful.

      • Not only did they not take a photo of Earth in July 1969, they never even spoke of how awe-inspiring the Earth was from the Moon. You’d weep if you saw that. It’s sad that we were lied to, but hey, life is still life, the mysterious Cosmic quest continues! Let’s explore the possibility of ultra-top-secret continents beyond Antarctica. Let’s see the Firmament. Time for NASA to confess, we are sick of this world of lies.

    • Well, they reckon that any fucker with a NHS email address is in on the Covid conspiracy.

      Pass the Brasso, someone.

      • Give it up, mate. You’ve been looking for a fight on this thread all day. It’s just a topic. I have ZERO trust for NASA, you have 100% trust, which is fine. Let’s leave it at that. Tomorrow, we’ll been trashing something else. Peace out.

      • ‘Fight’?? I’m fucking laughing, mate. I’m as cynical as they come, with well over thirty years in one uniform or another, being told that I’m lying about people I’ve seen die and dying, I’ve reason to be, but, you ‘Hatters’ are fucking laughable! Still, as long as you don’t hurt anyone, I ‘spose.

  5. NASA used to do valuable space missions. Now they waste money keeping the white elephant ISS in orbit. More a PR agency than a space agency.

    NASA, Chris Hadfield and Tim Peake are barely higher up in the atmosphere than Chuck Yeager and co used to go, but vastly more costly.

    • PR agency – that’s exactly what they are. Gate-keepers to what Earth and the Cosmos really are. We are in a paradigm where it’s, eat, work, sleep, die and if we all started figuring out what the real goal of life is, that paradigm would crumble. That’s why so many people get attacked for questing what the Earth, Moon, Sun, Cosmos is.

      Peace out.

      • Le Cunt, I also hold your view about believing what you want to. I happen to believe man did walk on the moon, but respect your choice to believe something else. Can I ask, do you just think the manned stuff is bollocks, or is it all space exploration? Also, are you a flat earth believer? Not argumentative, simply interested.

    • Not true. The Webb, the Mars Rover and the Parker Solar Probe and many other missions are expanding our knowledge of the Universe. Very valuable work indeed.

      • Couldn’t agree more MMCM, it’s fascinating information & gives me confidence that my telescope isn’t looking at pin pricks in the big velvet sheet that’s pulled over at sunset. Or some such ridiculous shit.

  6. If they can’t find any dark keys to go into space they’ll just change history.

    It won’t be Neil Armstrong who was the first man on the Moon, it’ll be Louis Armstrong.

    Chuggun. Oh….yyyyeeeaaaaahhhhh.

    • I don’t love NASA.
      I don’t hate NASA.
      I’ve never even thought about them before.

      Just occurs to me they’re under achievers.

      What have they ever done?!!

      Sent some blokes to the moon (depending on who you believe).

      Over 50 years ago!

      What have they done since eh?

      Fuck all.

      Lazy bastard’s.

      They should of colonised Mars by now,

      Space Fleet should of conquered the outer reaches of the solar system and the Klingons should be in retreat.

      Not even started on a Death Star!!

      I’m all for a steady pace,
      But they’re taking the fuckin piss.

      • Exactly Miserable, this is why all the UFO’s fly over our planet and then sod off rapidly… they look at the current technical level of Earth, laugh their saggy alien four pair’s of tits off at how behind we are in comparison to them, consider doing a “Mars Attacks” by taking over and then think, “Nah, can’t be arsed” and then mutilate a few cows, shove anal probes up a few rednecks or chavs and then fly off back to planet Zargon or something… 🙂

  7. Evening Gusset?

    I see it like this..

    I think the moon landing took place.

    Others don’t.

    It doesn’t effect me,
    So let people believe whatever they want.

    Not worth arguing about,
    Not something I care about particularly.

    Something for all the space cadets out there

    • Evening Mis, I agree 100%, just as I agree that LeC can believe whatever he wants to. Makes the world (& this site) a far more entertaining place ?

  8. as a young teen watching the moon landing with my parents we were awestruck on the heat and radiation protection properties of a standard roll of bacofoil wrapped around a boyscouts tent frame and its capability to keep humans cool when blasting through the atmosphere whilst mum roasted our sunday chicken in the same foil at slightly lower temperatures, when the foil bag took off like an unpowered chinese lantern and floated back to earth we gave bacofoil a round of applause….good ol days when the great unwashed could afford a capon for dinner

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