Jason Holton

Jason Holton, Jesus I have just seen the report of this blob in the daily wail. 47 fucking stone? 658 pounds of blubber on this cunt. Having a crane and 20 firefighters so they can extract the fat twat so they can strengthen the floor? It’s in case Billy Bunter falls over and goes through the floor. FFS he is now complaining about his human rights being infringed because he has been put on a diet in a clinic.

No wonder this country is going down the U bend having to treat ungrateful cunts like this.

Daily Fail Link.

Nominated by: CuntyMort

(If you think this is gross just wait until you see the 7am nom picture tomorrow! – Day Admin)

109 thoughts on “Jason Holton

  1. See vegans do have a point.
    There is no way that trougher could of got that fat eating avocado’s on toast..

  2. DA…is the 7am nom pic a horny, spreadeagled Dianne Abbott, her chocolate-covered turkish delight moist and glistening, ready for some tiny communist winkle?

  3. One of the more appalling outcomes of our welfare state I dare say.

    How about giving the greedy cunt no money and no help whatsoever?

    See if he can maintain his carcass on thin air.

    If not let the Japs harpoon the cunt.

    Or extra dripping oven,who cares?

  4. Malingering twat.
    Nought wrong with his jaw muscles.
    He should be encouraged to get out of bed ( with a cattle prod) and do 50 star jumps.
    If that doesn’t finish him off, maybe some leg lifts and push ups.
    What the fuck has this whale contributed to society?
    Society certainly doesn’t need this grossly overgrown man child leaching off it.

    • He’s only thirty seven stones heavier than me. Nothing that a few daily exercises can’t sort out.

  5. Jason has a look about him of Ronnie Barker’s character Fletch in Porridge?

    Be his mam made him like that.
    Overfeeding him as a toddler but not play out and burn it off
    Too late now.

    Dug his own grave with a knife and fork.

    • Mental elf ishoos too of course Miserable. Just Eat must have given him a platinum card or made him an honorary member. He probably had his own dedicated delivery driver.

      • Oh goes without saying LL,
        Crazy as a shithouse rat.

        But can’t help feeling a glimmer of uncharacteristic sympathy for him?

        He’s got no life for a young bloke.
        No woman, mates,
        No workmates to have a laugh with,
        A empty life ☹️

        I know it’s of his own making,
        But still, must be lonely?

        The fat cunt.

  6. Fucking hell! Doner and chips every fucking day? You might as well Chuck a tub of lard down you throat. This cunt is costing the taxpayer a fortune! You could bring another half a dozen dinghy riders over for that money. I notice the link mentions the old mental elf again. That cunt gets everywhere doesn’t he? Someone ought to shoot the cunt. The elf I mean not this fat fucker. The cunt will be dead soon anyway , no point in wasting a bullet on him.

  7. I’d crane the fat cunt out of his wank-den and load him.on the back of a trailer and transport him to Wembley stadium.
    I’d charge £10 a head for Joe Public to watch this lard arse fuck as he participates in a new sport I have invented for fat fuckers:

    He starts at one end of the pitch, has a 20 second head start before Hungry Rottweiler dogs are unleashed.
    If he gets to the opposite goal line he’s safe. If not the dogs will eat the fat fucking useless barrel of monkey spunk or the crowds entertainment.

    Either way a good spectator sport and some well fed K9’s I’d guess………………

  8. When I see a fucking grotesque lump of lard like this cunt I always feel happy.

    The human body is a wonderful thing.
    It can stand up to all sorts of shit.

    The cunts that you see jogging or riding their bikes to constantly ‘keep fit’ really are concerned about fuck all.
    The treat their bodies as if they are delicate things that need constant maintenance.

    I am well happy with a packet of Benson’s evert day, along with several units of alcohol over the recommended amount…… And plenty of meat, obviously.

    • I’m usually very careful not to exceed the recommended weekly number of units of alcohol, each day. I usually fail. It’s why I’m 4 months into a dry year, just to see what the crack is about going alcohol-free. So far, I don’t see it.

      • I tried it once, Moggie.
        I was a miserable person to be with. Snappish, taking offence at nothing.
        Similar to when I stopped smoking, some years ago.
        Within minutes, people were begging me to have a fag and a drink.
        I’m a thoroughly unpleasant person when I’m deprived of my addictives.
        Otherwise, I’m very amiable.

    • Highly amusing and largely true.

      I enjoy the outdoors,hiking and what have you..but it’s not about fanaticism..

      It’s about developing a thirst?

  9. The Fat Cunt, ‘doctors battling to save his life’, yep I bet they are ?

    30 Firemen for 7 hours, Structural engineers to strengthen the floor, private nursing home, £398 per week can’t work payment plus £450 PIP and £550 towards his rent, no wonder the cunt doesn’t want to get out of bed (Except to use his special bog with built in bidet, paid for by the council)

    Well, he is entitled! ?

    • Sicky@

      Bet he could give a decent soapy tit-wank?

      See, I should of been a career advisor!?

    • DCI Gene must have a few tales to tell but I suppose everyone has to be professional about it regardless of what they think privately.

      That must have been the day when there were no emergency callouts in Surrey.

      • Indeed I do, LL, but, as you say, one has to be professional. Most of the time. If I actually said what I was thinking, I’d be sacked. Every day. I get away with minor indiscretions with surprisingly few complaints! Last one was when some cunt told me not to patronise them when I berated them for calling the nines for some bullshit, exagerating so they’d get a response. My reply of “Don’t make it so easy, then”, wasn’t well received.

        I have a loathing for these fat cunts. The majority are self-inflicted porkers, some, aren’t and it’s caused by medication etc, and they have my sympathy, and are entitled, whining fuckers who need their fucking jaws wired shut. Most of our fleet has bariatric stretchers – you paid for that – but some don’t and I take great delight in taking a truck without one as if I go to a fat cunt, I have to make them wait for another truck. Because I’m a cunt. It’s the fat mothers, waddling into Childrens with their bean-bag faced offspring, clutching full-fat Coke that irk me most. You might be a fucking whale but there’s no need to bring your kids into line with you. They’ve even had to make crematorium facilities bigger too, to accomodate the fuckers when they’re on the journey to the Great Greggs In The Sky.

      • I don’t know how you stand it, DCI.
        I was moved from a customer facing job, because of my prediction for saying things like
        ” I’m holding a Biro, not a magic wand”
        To the stygnian depths of the back office. Suited me fine, no direct customer contact, just back checking to see if a complaint was valid, suited my personality. Unfortunately, my skills put me on the front line again, except it was the workforce who got the death stare, naughty people.

  10. I want to see him sit on Emily Thornberry’s face. It would make even old Lady Lardarse look small.

  11. He’s quite welcome to come round my new offal an steak no veg restaurant anytime. I think if he’s a regular and my only customer I’ll still be quids in front and I’ll just bill the four barrels of donner kebabs he consumed in a week to the caring authorities

  12. Get the fat fucker jogging with one of those wide load trucks following with the flashing lights.
    Melt the tub of lard down, I’m sure the road won’t get to greasy.
    This is rich coming from me as a fat fucker, but nothing like this land whale…

  13. I have a seething disdain for the obese. This is a completely avoidable condition. This cunt is an extreme example of self gratification. When I see a sloppy fat fucking lard ass in the store on a motor scooter blocking the chip isle, I want to get a megaphone and scream all the obscenities at them I can muster.
    This cunt in the nom should be rendered down for winter fuel the fat fucking piece of shit bastard.

  14. Airdrop from a Hercules, darkest Africa.

    A tribe of Pygmy cannibals could then feast on that flesh for a year.

    Then stick the bleached bones through their ears, lips, arseholes, whatever orifice, inorder to perform tribal dances.

  15. Someone is enabling this rancid tub of effluent. Feeding him, allowing him to wallow in lard fuelled self-pity and not work. I’d give the useless fat shit two choices; two slices of dry bread a day and a pint of water for six months, then six months of healthy food and long walks, or out on the street. Can you imagine him crying on the pavement like a 43 stone baby while running out of breath?

  16. This is why the NHS is failing; they spend ridiculous money trying to keep ungrateful, fat cunts alive, as well as ungrateful alkie cunts, ungrateful junkie cunts, ungrateful chav cunts and ungrateful foreign cunts. Human rights? I don’t think he counts as a human now. More like one of those globsters that gets washed up on the shores of Nova Scotia.

    He should’ve been left alone to eat himself to death, then the body couldve been dragged out by excavator with minimal structural adjustment, and the clean-up crew will be far cheaper than nurses, doctors, surgeons, physios and dieticians over months of pointless surgeries and therapy.

    Alternatively, such vast cunts could be loaded onto a Globemaster, flown to Aus and fed to Salties, great whites and monitor lizards. Just make sure it’s livestreamed.

  17. Did somebody say.. Just Fat?
    Ffs, how much money does he get off the rest of us?
    I understand that food vouchers could be embarrassing for some people, but how can this useless lump who will never get a job whilst in this state be allowed so much money that he is constantly eating takeaways?
    What the fuck is wrong with our benefits system??

    • Deliveroo + Just Eat = even more fat, lazy, entitled cunts.

      Remember when the cunts had no choice but to go into the McDonalds/KFC to order their food?

      Soon enough many of these dives adopted drive-‘thru’ lanes and now they get their fat salt and sugar delivered to their door via apps, so they never have to leave the house.

      I’d brick the doors and windows up.

  18. If the fat cunt doesn’t want help then let him die. Cheaper for him to have a heart attack from a family bucket for one than to try and get this fucker to lose weight. Sometimes the best thing you can do is let people get the stupid prize for playing a stupid game with their health.

  19. Ethel’s back, with her new hairdo…….

    The spell is broken,
    The dream is ended,
    The peace is shattered.
    Good job I’ve been drinking.

    Get To Fuck.

      • Lets hope that getting a new hairdo doesn’t give her grand ideas. A weeks caravanning in Fiddlers top field and a Ploughman’s lunch will no longer suffice, Jack.

      • The official line is….
        ” It’s lovely, really suits you ”
        It’s fucking awful.
        Good evening.

      • She had a Ploughman’s Lunch, a couple of weeks ago.
        He was furious………
        I’m here all night.
        Get To Fuck.

  20. Going to one of these cunts in cardiac arrest is no ball of laughs, I can tell you. You (almost) feel a cunt for thinking that if they don’t make it, it’ll be the coroner rather than us that has to remove them from the premises.

  21. And, take a look next time you’re out and about, these overweight, wok-smuggling cunts are becoming the majority. Disgusting indication of a lazy, entitled society.

    ‘Did somebody say Just fuck off…’

    • Time for grab and tipper trucks in St John’s livery. Snatch up the festering beasts from the bedroom window, swing them around and drop, piled on top of each other wailing faintly, then pull up to the hospital incinerator and reverse.

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