173 thoughts on “In memoriam

  1. The Establishment murdered her. They can’t wait to get the wokie Chimp Boy on the throne. How come her mother lived 5 years longer than her when everyone knows she hammered the gin and liked a crafty fag when the flunkeys weren’t around? It’s a fix, I’m telling ya!

    • Totally agree. I’ve always liked Anne. Keeps her mouth shut, other than to tell journalists to fuck off. Yes, it was fuck off and not “naff off.” I have that on good authority.

    • I’d be more than happy to see Kate on the throne…. all in the best possible taste, of course. 😁

  2. An outstanding woman with a sense of duty to her country that we will probably never see in a public figure again.
    RIP Majesty, thank you.

  3. At least she never publicly said anything woke, gawd bless ‘er.
    🤞 for a paid day’s holiday in honour of her Maj!

  4. I expect the Guardian and BBC will be secretely delighted. Expect a hatchet job on her in a few weeks time,

    Moreover come the day of the funeral procession you’ll get attention-seeking protestors storming the roads in front or behind of the procession whinging about some virtue-signalling woke bollocks.

    I’m no royalist but Queenie did a fantastic job representing the country over the last 70 odd years. But now we have Charmless Charles and his “monstrous carbuncle” in charge – hopefully for about a year before realising everyone hates him and abdicates. Then we might get Old Bill and the delightful Kate – she can sit on my throne anytime she wants!

    • Any ‘protestors’ who disrupt her funeral should be shot.

      And I dare say the Beeb and the Grauniad will complain about the lack of diversity at a royal state funeral,,,,

    • Quite so, TC.
      Nobody’s yet mentioned the poor, unfortunate biggest victim in her Majesty’s death: Meghan Markle.
      She’ll be gutted the Daily Mail headlines aren’t all about her as usual.

  5. I just hope there are those who will know how to behave. Like, what’s the betting at the next England match, that cunt Wokegate will insist that his team still take the knee for that Floyd George cunt? Or that those Oirish cunts across the water will keep their mouths shut? And we know that Megain is going to cash in on it, a guaranteed certainty.

    I know that there are those who will show genuine sorrow and respect. But there will be cunts crawling out of the woodwork too.

    RIP Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

    • My condolences on the passing of yer’r Majesty.
      It is a strange one, as in British imperialism was effectively over when she took Reign at a young age but She managed to somehow to reignite a time gone bye and establish new friendships with other countries symbolically.
      Queen Elisabeth II kept her dignity throughout the most horrific of times and that is thoroughly respected in other parts of the world, including mine.
      I know it is not as simple as that but somehow she managed from the Gilded Cage that she inherited from birth.

  6. Had the pleasure of meeting HM at a number of theatrical functions over the years. Always gracious unless she lost it but the biggest surprise was how little she was. A generation of Patricians has passed with her.
    Now it is on to another Pool and King Charie 111.

  7. Will this mean all the coins and notes and stamps will have to change to reflect Chuck’s ugly mug?

    • They’re already preparing the mint’s presses, TC.
      The new image of Prince Charles on the £20 note will have a speech bubble saying “no gas for you, peasant. I’ve got 4 Aston Martins”
      And on the back, a still of Kate’s “onlyfans” shoot from last year.

    • It will make the cunts demand all cash be handed in to create the cashless society of communism

    • Yep I bet the cunt has been sitting for coin, note and stamp engravings for the last 40 years in hope.

  8. Yeah the funeral will be on TV all over the world so the usual suspects will be out to draw attention to themselves. Their imaginary “crisis” whatever it may be, is more important than any kind of respect and dignity. The coppers are going to have a tough job that day. They should get the Army out and shoot any lefty cunt who gets in the way.

    • Actually, Freddie, I can visualise some cunts from ER ( how ironic) supergluing their selves to something significant.
      Leave them to rot, says I.
      I hope they do such a good job they have to gnaw their own hands off.

    • I’ve imposed a media blackout at Creampuff Manor for the foreseeable future. Hope I don’t miss anything exciting like lefty geeks getting machine gunned down on sight. Make a change from blix having all the fun.

      Will keep checking in here just in case.

      Goes without saying Lady C is gutted. That said, she cries at the drop of a hat.

  9. It was time. This fucked up world has no place for a fine lady like her anymore. Condolences and sympathy from Texas y’all.

  10. Also wish to record my contempt for that Pound Shop commie cunt and former Guardian reporter Kevin Maguire for his shitty snide comments about HM on that Papers show last night. He and the little bumboy were talking about the reports of HM’s illness. Maguire was of the opinion that we could not get rid of her quick enough because she was no longer up to the job. The presenter shut the cunt up sharpish and closed down the programme but left us with the bad taste of commie shite in our mouths. HM dies the next day..

  11. We’re fucked.

    HM was the final living reminder of what makes us English. Or part German.

    May she rest in peace.

  12. *News just in from a reliable source : all schools in Scotland are to be closed tomorrow. Nothing to do with the Queen passing away, just that Prince Andrew has arrived at Balmoral.*

  13. I’ve never been crazy about the royals but feel really sad tonight.

    It’s the end of an era and her passing seems symbolic of the decline of this once proud nation.

    Rest in peace Ma’am.

  14. You don’t know what you had until you lose it.

    I fear we are about to find out.

    RIP HRH Queen Elizabeth II

  15. Today many of us feel our history, culture and institutions are under assault. The passing of Queen Elizabeth is a loss to all of us who revere those things.

    A model of duty, honor and dignity she presided over a realm that transitioned from a once great empire to a modern commonwealth of independent nations.

    With a stiff upper lip and an even stiffer backbone she endured the changes (for better or for worse) in her great nation as well as the individual challenges of the modern dysfunctional family. She did this without complaining, explaining or blaming. Duty first…something many have forgotten was her greatest strength.

    Today is a sad day for all of us who value traditional Western ideals of duty, honor and country. But we can take comfort in knowing that if there is a Heaven, Her Royal Highness, Elizabeth the Great, now resides with the Angels.

    Rest in peace.

    Now is not the time for negativity. No matter what we think of him, we should set aside our personal opinions and grudges and express the proper sentiment:

    Long Live the King

    • I’ll happily give him a chance General. Unless he colludes with the government about all this green net zero bollocks.

      • More likely the government will collude with King Jug Ears. He’s a bigger Net Zero nut than ever Boris, Miss Carrie and Boris’s Remoaner dad Stanley ever were!

      • Well said General…..,except the bit about the King. Having said that you’re a Yank so you can’t be expected to know what a wanker he is. But you’ll find out ………trust me.

      • Hey Freddie,

        Thanks for the kind words.

        I may not have been entirely clear. If I may expand on something the Right Honourable Dioclese said in his response to you earlier in this thread.

        The man’s mother just died. Regardless of my personal opinion of him, his views, opinions or policies, the Queen was a larger than life figure to us but at its most basic level…she was his mother.

        I extend to him my condolences. My sympathies are with him and his (as we say in the states) during his bereavement.

  16. A monarch like Henry V111 would sort out the shit we are now in. No fucking fiddling/No fucking about! The days when they actually had a big say in what went on. Not like now. ‘A Head Off’ice chat, was the end result wirh any cunt that got on his wrong side.

  17. Hopefully Google will show some respect and have a picture of her on their Google Home Page tomorrow.

    Although knowing those woke cunts they’ll probably dig out a profile of some old Afrcan cunt who did something heroic against the British Empire 200 years ago that somehow deserves recognition on the Home Page instead.

  18. Philip Larkin on the occasion of HMTQ’s Silver Jubilee.

    ‘In times when nothing stood
    But worsened or grew strange
    There was one constant good
    She did not change.’

  19. A sad day.

    In a time when virtually nothing and no one stands for anything but themselves an echo of a Great Britain that has faded from view still counts for something.

    Rule Brittania and fuck our enemies within and abroad.

  20. We’re finished.Wokie Charlie Chimp boy the 3rd and his band of clowns.Please hurry soon Grim Reaper and collect him and his rottweiler Mrs.

  21. When Queen Victoria was on the throne it was known as the Victorian era
    Edward VII was the Edwardian era
    George V was the Georgian era
    Elizabeth II was the Elizabethan era.

    Now we have Charles.. what the fuck kind of era will they call that? Charlesian?

  22. My Mother is devastated. I rang her about 7pm and she was sobbing!

    Sad news and profound but it was inevitable.

    Whatever people think about the monarchy, at least the late Queen showed devotion.

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