Yes, that’s right. The Sun, according to The Guardian, is targeting people of colour.
The fucking nazi cunt.
Even if this were true, I thought black folks had natural protection against the sun. Melanin. De honkies don’t have it, bwhanna.
The Guardian also said the sun was sexist in another article too
Such a shame. The Manchester Guardian and the early Guardian were respected publications.
A fucking laughing stock!
Well, I’ll caveat that with the fact that their opinions seem to run the fucking county.
Not so funny now, is it?
Donate? Get to fuck!
Nominated by: Cuntybollocks
Looks like a load of guesswork dressed up with fancy words.
Perfect for clever people who only read the newspapers so they know the right way to think.
To everyone else they are just soft cunts.
Anyhow if the sun is full of racism now how come there are so many Africunts then?
Explain that riddle you egg headed cunts.
Fuck off.
And if somebody white stays in it long enough they turn black.
According to these ‘studies’ and their Jackanory bullshit findings, everyone is a victim of heatwaves (even mentals!) other than straight white men. I bet the sun voted for Brexit too, the fiery cunt.
On a related note – made me laugh watching an ASDA advert the other day. Usual load of dark keys in it. Bu this was for sun lotion! FFS!
Somebody should point out to them that it’s cultural appropriation to use western skincare products, as well as organ transplants and chemotherapy drugs.
and electricity, petrol, cars, fertilisers, modern farming techniques, clean water, houses, medicines, anaesthetics, nuclear power, the atom bomb, discovery of DNA, telecommunications, television, radio, radar, jet engines etc. etc..
I don’t think I’ve ever read so much nonsense in my life.
Well done Guardian – you have surpassed yourselves.
Doubtless they are working on something even more ludicrous.
They already have Guzzi. Follow the link to the Guardian and a tab on the right-hand side will take you to an article where it is demonstrated, with graphs and figures, that the candidates for PM are out of touch with the electorate in advocating tax cuts and immigration controls.
It’s rage bait, just like their idiotic piece complaining about Jamie Redknapp (Eddie Redmayne.. that’s the one) being an able-bodied actor playng Stephen Hawking.
The columnist knew that Hawking was able-bodied until his MN flared up, and many who shared the article pointed this out.
By then though the damage has been done and the Guardian have their clicks, which is why i didn’t click the link.
The same rule generally applies to Daily Mail links, and they have often found writing nonsense about celebrities (TOWIE sluts) avoiding puddles or having bum cheeks showing (‘presented’ for fans of Dirty Fan Male) has been clicked and shared on social media milions of times.
I hate the sun.
It should be nuked.
It probably is racist,
But against poor white boys like me!
Sonething should be done about it!
The Sun
‘gimme summore’
Mnc@ – Afternoon Mnc – I have booked the sun on a diversity and inclusivity course where it can just jolly well explain its burning hydrogen privilege and then explain why the moon is so white.
And I wasn’t keen on it banning gals with their tits out either!
Something needs to be done, action must be taken – perhaps we could load all the 6 Guardian readers onto a space ship and fly them to the sun to tell this celestial terrorist and obvious racist exactly what they think of it!
We will get Diane Abbott to pilot it, as a tribute to the Afronauts who colonised and civilised the moon 200 hundred years before waaycist whitey got their by using black mathematicians and physicists – just need a hoist to gat the big fat cunt lifted in..
“Scotty! What are you doing with Grangela Rayner on her knees in front of you and a five Poond note in your hand?”
“If ah give her any more she’ll blow”..
Afternoon Foxy!
Its behaviour should be checked.
Put it on a course for deradicalisation.
Cancel its twitter.
Its ray-cist☀️
After thousands of years in equatorial regions, the dark ones come to HonkeyLand for the dosh and freebies, and suddenly they cannot tolerate our too hot weather! Well I’ll be fucked !
Do I care ? Like shite. If true let the twats burn
Seems the Guardian hasn’t anything better to do than to clutch at a venerable set of virtue-signalling straws!
Just like the BBC and the Woke in general, they’re very keen to shout from the parapets for some tenuous bandwagon, all too keen to name and shame blah blah. But as soon as the microscope is turned on them they go on the defensive and resort to the usual passive/aggressive victimhood.
Dig deep into their history and you’ll find they’re not exactly squeaky clean, especially with some of the issues they seem to be supporting these days.
Inevitably of course they will try to reinvent/rewrite their own history to suit the narrative. However, by the same token both they and the Woke love to dig out damning artefacts against certain individuals/organisations in order to name/shame/cancel.
But if a slightly more right-wing outlet does the same thing against the Lefties or some disgruntled foreign national (that Yorkshire/Pakistani cricketer, springs to mind), the Guardian will again resort to their passive/aggressive posture – criticising as racist the media outlet while defending the person’s controversial history as just “an error of judgement due to bigotry/racism he/she had to endure at the time.”
You’re never going to win a rational argument with these people and the Guardian wouldn’t be quite so bad for supporting the ordinary People of all colours, creeds and genders (white men too). But instead it has to follow a trendy bandwagon and ostracise a good chunk of its readership.
How it manages to survive I have no idea,but clearly it must be bankrolled by some rich cunt of the same mindset.
“You’re never going to win a rational argument with these people …”
Wise words. Confirmation bias at outrageous levels. I honestly think social media is the reason. Twenty years ago, if you’d politely pulled up someone on a political point, they might have changed their mind. Just a one to one conversation in the pub, you see.
Now, that comment is out there for every cunt to see and they don’t want to lose face, so never back down. This has fed ‘woke’ ideology itself and it is utterly pointless arguing with these people.
There are utter spastics.
They are utter spastics.
You can add my fucking phone too.
Moaning Owen Jones is a knobcheese straw.
Technocunt@ Afternoon Techno – it is indeed bankrolled by some very rich and “morally ambiguous” organisations and people.
Tomorrows headline in The Arsewiper?
“White racists are so racist they don’t even realise they are racist, but they breathe in and out so they ARE!”
They beg for donations on their website too.
Fat fucking chance…
Very true.It all goes through the Reuters filter which l believe was ‘acquired’ by the Roths around a century ago following a particularly scathing speech against them that was incredibly intense in scope.Darned if l can locate the bugger online but it was as barbed as can be and touched a serious nerve chez Waddesdon.
That second article was an absolute load of made up twattage, while the first one seems to be a thinly disguised call for more properties to be insulated at the tax payers expense, with a bit of ethnics this and that thrown in to keep it topical.
Here’s an idea, stop cramming your council provided two bedroomed property with every fucking relative you have. You might find the extra space makes hot weather more tolerable.
JP@ Afternoon JP – if they don’t like it they could always fuck off to the air conditioned, democratic and totally non corrupt Nirvana of the African Continent.
And if any of our “delicate and sensitive” posters are “offended by my waaycist hate speech” feel free to whine to someone who gives a fuck! ??
Afternoon Vern.
Of course, they could also do what any person with a brain cell does, when it’s hot, which is find some shade!
Get to a shopping mall with aircon!
Be like me, and ride a air-conditioned bus all day for free. I get the one that loops around between Meadowhell and Crystal Peaks, so I can get a bathroom break, and the pensioners special at lunchtime.
The conclusion is that regardless of manipulating numbers the vast majority who live in areas effected by extreme heat are white, but I guess the 72% can go fuck themselves and I bet they are really pleased there are so many fucking black and brown people living near them.
Under Kath-A-rine Viner, the Guardian is now a just clickbait machine; its humourless, po-faced cretin activist hacks (at this point mostly young, middle-class feminazis) pumping out stinkpieces to enrage the sane, who share it on social media.
Afua ‘chip on both shoulders’ Hirsch, Jessica Valenti, Laurie Penny, Victoria Coren Mitchell, Megan Carpentier (looks like Chris from Family Guy), ‘Van'(essa – grow up) Badham, Marina ‘calls people pricks in print’ Hyde, Zoe nettle-licker Williams and a load of mainly yank and Aussie metropolitan types who look like they send the nanny to get the avocado, quinoa and vegan cupcakes.
Past loons include ‘Bidisha’ (bless you) and Catherine Bennet, who once casually assumed that millions of the people in the UK grind their own coffee.
Other ‘honorary’ women columnists; George ‘Probiotic’ Monbiot David ‘Henpecked ‘Mitchell and Caring Frankie Boyle.
Unkle Terry get your oven on. Gas mark; Castle Bravo.
ALL the above should be fucking shot. Cheers for mentioning Afua Hirsch, I had hoped she’d fucked off somewhere less racist than Great Britain. Now the councilling has to start again.
In other news there are still banging on about the dykes winning at football, give it a rest ffs.
A-fua (bless you) was the first name on my mind. what a ridiculous cunt she is.
As for the dykes, i hope the FA found the cash to award them a Zoom lolly each to cool their tongues after the post match celebrations.
‘Gas mark: Castle Bravo’ – nice one!
I’d have thought ‘Gas Mark Grenfell’ would be more appropriate!
Yea! Someone got the Grenfell picture joke. Well done, DCI. – NA
How could you forget PollyAnna Toynbee??!
I didn’t want to include her as one of the younger generation. Along with that twat Burchill she’s been telling trendy English lecturers what to think since the late eighties.
& the perpetrator of these terrible accusations of both racism & sexism, has no chance of getting caurioned, sued, ending up in court, jailed or even fined. That’s a 1st in my book!
“Caurioned?” I just cooked that one up!
In a surreal turn of events;
Betelguese; ‘I am a-rrestin’ you for an ‘ate crime Sun-ny Jim.
Rigel: ‘You do not ‘ave to say anyfin’…
*Betelgeuse, of course.
Turns out wall-eyed slovenly gormless indolent wastrel troglodyte gutterfolk can’t afford aircon; who’d have thunk?
‘aircon? nobody got time for dat!’
Wonder if these cretins ever twig the benefits of languishing in a cold bath for a half hour when the mercury rises ? I have an ancient scratched to fuck enamel type tub which can keep the water at the right icy temperature.Not the same deal with a plastic one.Standard issue baths are garbage in comparison.
If it’s roasting hot, you know who suffers the most?
Honkies. No melanin you see. Gingers set ablaze when it hits 30 degrees Celsius.
Thick cunts (The Guardian) or what?
Gingers are disappearing from our screens as BAME folk get their roles.
How long before Horry Halfwit is replaced by a Sam beau?
Cuntybollocks@ Afternoon CB – as a proud member of the “Celtic gene hair colour” I can confirm the 30 degree thing! ??
The Guardinazis would have us in camps, but we are much harder than those soft little shites!
I’m sure having ginger hair will soon be considered a micro-aggression, along with blue eyes and being able to use correct grammar.
Beats living in cowshit mud hut in the middle of the bush, shagging monkeys ( monkey pox).
That’s why they continue to come here….. running water and electricity…
The Guardian has about as much relevance or probity as the Beano comic, which I am sure, it is inspired by – a comic for the perpetually offended
The Beano is now cripplingly woke, W.C.
Dennis the Menace is now simply called ‘Dennis’. In case any of the ‘Me Too’ cunts see the word ‘Menace’ mistake a fictional comic character for a rapist. ‘Dennis’ now also has loads of dark skinned friends.
Walter is no longer allowed to be called a Softy, In case it offends the poove and trans ‘communities’.
The character Fatty from the Bash Street Kids is no longer allowed to be called Fatty. In case it offends those of a girthsome nature (i.e: fat cunts).
All true. Complete and utter madness,
Even worse is that mega cunt St Marcus of Rashford as ‘guest editor’ so I was told last week. Everything that was once good is in terminal decline. Sad.
Fucking Hell, Norm, can’t those motherfuckers leave anything alone? I used to get the Beano delivered. Simple, joyous pleasure. I’m in the Dennis the Menace Fan Club and still have my wallet and badges with the club secrets in. Simpler times. I still have a collection of Christmas Beanos from the 70’s and early 80’s which I look at from time to time for a bit of nostalgia. Only stopped getting it when I went into uniform! Fuck me, I’m welling up.
The furry Gnasher badge or the earlier plain one?
Furry one.
Walter conquered the Beano?
And, in The Dandy’ Desperate Dan has vegan pies.
I think we’re all at greater risk of increased blood pressure after reading anything in that rag. Either that or split sides, some of it is such hilarious bs. I can’t believe how so called intellectuals believe it.
Too much dewey eyed idealism coupled with no actual grip on reality.
Coz common sense is racist innit…
common sense
all tools of the patriarchy to silence wahmen and effinck voices.
The reason they haven’t cancelled Kant yet is because they can’t understand him.
Bollocks bollocks Bollocks
The Remoaners Woke Gazette. Fucking laughable rag and all built on the profits of slavery to provide employment for white wankers and chippy brown fuckers. In London.
The reason the sun can’t shine on everyone equally is because the Earth is round. If It was flat everyone would get hit equally. I say the Earth is racist because it is spherical.
The 23 degree tilt doesn’t help either.
Racism ends when the world ends.
Surely, even something that is flat will have 2 sides?
But the elephants and giant turtle are on the bottom side.
They are indeed, Jaguarpig.
If we’re to believe that the Earth is flat, allow us that little fantasy.
Go, A’Tuin!
They must be fucking cold then.
Did someone mention Laurie Penny works for them?
Seeing her getting owned by David Starkey never gets boring.
Fucking brilliant.
Its fuckin roasting today.
Well above freezing.
Speedos, large straw sunhat like Audrey Hepburn and smothered in factor 50 suncream.
My customers stare but fuck em.
And as we carry wardrobes upstairs and ive 20% of my speedos stuck up my crack,
I shed a little tear and ponder
“Hope the dark keys are ok?
Have they found some shade and a cool drink? Hope so”
Gods honest truth.
Lol @ ‘Gods honest truth’. You are Warden Norton in The Shawshank Redemption and I claim my NMC chippy supper with gravy.
Absolute gold! She gets her arse handed to her on a plate and then starts spouting the usual clichès whilst almost whimpering!
‘This is the violence inherent in the system.’
I do believe somebody must’ve taken the piss in the pub/at uni without her knowing that it’s a piss take Python line (about far left idiots).
I was hoping she’d follow it with ‘Help! Help! I’m being repressed!’
I love the way that bloke jumped on stage to shake Starkey’s hand at the end. If I met Starkey in real life, I’d offer to buy him a pint simply for shitting all over that mad bitch.
Although I hear he’s a gay so I’d have to watch that drink carefully, of course.
Cuntybollocks@ – Laurie Penny, rich girl racist leftist lying cunt, invites David Starkey on to what she desperately hoped would be a hatchet job – didn’t work out that way did it, you lying racist bitch?
This is what the Leftwaffe HATE – their lies being exposed and their agenda revealed, and like a nasty, petulant child she resorted to pathetic attempts at deflection and the (every fucking time) time honoured tactic of fucking shit – accuse the other person of exactly what YOU are.
Well done Starkey Lad!
’61 Virginis (abbreviated 61 Vir) is the Flamsteed designation of a G-type main-sequence star (G7V) slightly less massive than the Sun (which has a hotter G2V spectral type), located about 27.9 light-years away in the constellation of Virgo. The composition of this star is nearly identical to the Sun.’
And its Racist.
I will not buy this tobacconists, it is scratched.
Is that from the Romanian book ? f English translation? If so, my nuts crave your tickling!
The dirty Hungarian phrasebook if I’m not mistaken.
Well, you see the n*gnog and his lack of work ethic and no desire to rise above the monkey that he emulates is doomed to live in ghettos with the rest of his ilk. The white man on the other hand works hard and saves his money so that he may elevate his status. Investing in fried chiggun, 12 year old BMW’s and fake bling is not going to get you a very good return on your money, my dark skinned chum!
So, a star (which is what the Sun is) in the sky. A burning star in the Solar System, which has no thoughts, personality, or feelings is ‘racist’?! Yeah… Right….
These woke cunts get worse by the minute. What the fuck will be next? The Moon is racist? Trees are racist? The sea is racist? Goldfish are fucking racist? Call the men in the white coats.
Also, why the frig do these demented woke shitheads bend over backwards and offer their arses to these dark personages? They won’t thank them for it. Believe you me, they won’t. The cunts just take, take, and take again. All these cunts like the Grauniad, the BBC, and scores of social media mongs bigging them up and licking their black arses. They don’t give a fuck or appreciate it any way. As long as they get what they want (and they usually do), they don’t give a fuck. So, these woke cunts are being laughed at by the people they go out of their way to both promote and defend. Fucking laughable.
Im not sure Norm,
The moon IS old and white so probably holds ‘outdated ideas’,
And the sea, well when did you last see a black surfer?
As for goldfish theyre definitely far Right.
They shit in water to poison ethnics,
Purse their lips taking the piss,
And Doreen Lawrence murdered my goldfish.
He was from a fairground so had mixed with rough, gyppo types,
But thats no excuse for what she did.
More like notre dame,
The evil cunt.
Mnc@ – Afternoon Mnc – somewhere Laughing Gravys Family are blowing bubbles and plotting their revenge on Doreen “Kerching” Lawrence!
And anyone looking up at the moon now needs the snowflake filter that says “contains outdated rocks and a very white look about it”..
Dark-keys have been complaining for a while that space exploration and even astrophysics and cosmology are potent symbols of white supremacy. They have given up on the moon – because “Whitey’s on the Moon” – so I for one am quite happy to leave the first manned expedition to the surface of the sun to woke dark-keys. They have the complexion for it, after all.
“surface” – in exclamation marks, I should say. The sun has no surface. Just a core which is Iron and 75% hydrogen with a hot dense, plasma at a pressure of 265 billion bar and a temperature of 15 million degrees Celsius
Have a nice time. Don’t forget to send a postcard.
All the ‘under the radar’ foreign fuckers who lived there and lost their homes, now don’t want the tower re-built, and want something like ‘ground zero’ as a shrine to those who died……..then in the same breath say they want re-homing.
Go figure…….thick sponging cunts.
CC@ – The whining chippy cunts could always fuck off home.
And I am still trying to work out how apparently 48,000 black people could live in one tower block..
If they were Bangladeshi they’d make room for more.
48,000? Spacious.
Also the sun is not welcome in Liverpool.
Or are we talking about the big hot ball of gas..
Plasma to be precise and it’s currently firing out CME’s at a massive rate.Big one heading our way Wednesday apparently.My fellow weird beards are pondering tumultuous events developing involving our tampered DNA structures.(3 when there should be 12) Light-Solar- charged photons are potentially the things that B.Gates and his Rockefeller handlers are anxious to block out utilizing the bogus climate change bollocks agenda as the pretext.These are critical times in the cosmic scheme of things.Polar-shifts,Political-Power-Matrix collapsing as our planet enters the Fith Dimensional shift-timeline.Hallelujah brothers and sisters.Things are getting interesting.
CMEs, like asteroids are fear porn. Have they done anything to us in the past 100 years? No. More bullshit from NASA.
Fortunately…there’s the scientific miracle of melanin! The woke, social justice warrior pigment found in all the downtrodden masses of colored society world wide that protects them from the evil racist sun.
Us white folk have to spend money on SPF lotion but melanin is provided free of charge. This racism charge seems a bit backward to me.
People of colour are more likely to live in areas that experience heatwaves. Africa, Middle East, anywhere near the equator? Yeah get that, what the fuck is the guardian on about.
Just emailed their news desk with a cracking good story about people living near the North Pole who experience severe cold.
I suppose by applying wokistics the paper is really banging on about disadvantaged people of colour in England. Who thinks up this fucking no interest no news equivalent of dogshite rubbish
Bb@ Afternoon Bb, a topping plan – I have just emailed the Guardian about the issue of fish getting wet – it is obviously the work of far right white supremacists!
Henry the haddock is still in counselling..
Everything is racist.
I was always told if everyone has a problem with you it’s likely you’re the problem.
‘Apparently, one in five people in the world are Chinese. And there are five people in my family, so it must be one of them. It’s either my mum or my dad. Or my older brother, Colin. Or my younger brother, Ho-Chan-Chu. But I think it’s Colin’
( Tim Vine)
What? How the fuck do you explain Africa then? You don’t get bleks in Stockholm called Sven complaining about the sun being racist, fuck off
Speaking of raaaaay-sism I just heard on the radio that SOME (no names, no pack drill) Premier League clubs won’t be taking the knee “except in some high profile matches”.
Translation ….. they won’t be taking the knee except when they are live on the telly and fucking Sky tells them to do it.
Meanwhile Bournemouth have said they won’t be taking the knee in ANY match so good on them. I hope they thrash the arses off every one of those no bollocks fucking cunts.