Quidditch Identifies as Quadball

I want to cunt some massive cunts.

These particular cunts play a game called Quidditch which is based on a game played by the kids at hogwartz the fictional wizard school in the Harry Potter books.

These massive cunts play a fictional game based on flying wizards.

Obviously the spacca cunts cunt fly so run around with a broom between their legs as below.

You Tube Link

Now as if that doesn’t mark them out as grade A cunts they want to change the name of the game to distance themselves from JK Rowling (the person who invented the fucking game for her children’s books) because she doesn’t buy deluded fantasy about men being women in real life.

BBC News Link

Not content with being massive cunts running around playing a fictional game with a broom between their legs they now want to draw more attention to their cuntishness.

I suppose if you are ready to believe a man is a woman, imagining your flying around on a broomstick is not a big stretch.

Cunts Cunts Cunts

Nominated by: Sixdog Vomit


And here’s one from Guzziguy

I know that the BBC is a regular subject on IsAC but there is a truly odd article on their Newsbeat section entitled ‘Can Quidditch thrive as Quadball?’
It would appear that the terminally sad freaks who run around green spaces with a broomstick between their legs wish to dissociate themselves from JK Rowling as she

had the temerity to point out that there are only two sexes.
It is hard to work out who are the bigger cunts, the outraged freaks or the BBC for thinking that any normal person would regard this stupidity as news.
As ever, I look to the technologically gifted on this site to provide the link. Thanks in advance.

With a supporting link from Cuntstable Cuntbubble

Here it is in all it’s fucking stupidity.


84 thoughts on “Quidditch Identifies as Quadball

  1. Moronic young people “playing” a made up game. How can they NOT be massive cunts?

  2. Time travel the cunts back to the 70’s and get the fuckers lying on the wrong side on a rugby pitch.

    A bit of Shoe-Pie’ll fucking learn ’em.

    • Septics I think, rugby would just kill them, not enough bodily protection and helmets involved.

    • We could still kick the shite out of and get the shite kicked of in rucks up to my retirement in 2003.

      • Acquired some decent bruises and strains playing rugby at school.
        I was the small, fast guy.
        When the big guys hit, I for sure felt it.
        I decided cross country running was a better option

  3. I do despair for society, and those cunts ‘playing’ the game who will one day grown up to be in charge of something or somebody.


  4. Aren’t they just playing cowboys and injuns with a hobby horse then or am I wrong?
    Knackers yard,then oven,then glue. Or soap.

  5. Very similar to what Boris Johnson, David Cameron and George Osbourne would have indulged in on a Bullingdon Club night out. Namely pretending ‘to ride to hounds’. A broomstick between their legs for the horse.
    That would be on their way back to Oxford after smashing up the restaurant (without paying the bill) they had just dined in.
    To finish the night off picking on a non member of the Club and smashing his rooms up.

    Thence come our leaders.

  6. Rowling should sue for them appropriating the name (despite later attempting to ditch it).

    In what kind of universe does someone get ‘cancelled’ for stating that there are 2 biological sexes?! Give me half an hour in a room with one of these tranny mincer mongs ?

    • I’m 60 next year and the only thing in this shite world I’m actually looking forward to in the future is my med prescriptions paid for……the rest of it is fucked and glad I’m on the wrong side of being ‘young’ in todays fucked up uk/world.

      Never thought I would prefer to be older, as when I was in my early 30’s I had my own place, good paid job and reasonable good looks and no worries about getting a gut from all the beer I was quaffing. I was fucking shagging for England back then…fucking lovely. Would I go back to being 33? Not if it were in todays world….I would fuck too many people off. If I could go back to being 33 back in the day, then hell yeah……I turned a lot of pussy down back then just coz I fancied a beer with my mates….lots of regrets to catch up on in that department.

      • Aw fella, 59 is young these days.

        I had a temp job as student handing out bus passes in Hampton, London to people 60+. I couldn’t believe they were 60+, they only looked around 40! (Amongst the takers were Geoffrey off Rainbow (had a crush as a little girl) and Royston Vasey, Chubby Brown, if only I’d known who he was then ..

        My bloke is 67, I’m 52.

        I totally get what you’re saying; our country is a shit hole.

        Keep your chin up, mate. 🙂

      • Thanks appreciated.

        I’m lucky……still fit no aches or stuff- just high blood pressure hence the meds every month.

        Still work full time and enjoy it…no plans to wind down- even if I could afford to. Got an 11 year old who keeps me young and poor…..wife 8 years younger than me…and she keeps me the same!

        I pity my 11 year old in this world though.

  7. We could go and help them play their confected game by standing at whatever passes for the sideline and hurling cricket balls at them whilst loudly casting the spell “limpuswristus transbenderius”.

  8. These millennial cunt wombles need a good beating with the broomsticks.

    If they want to take up sports from films try The Running Man with Arnold Schwarzenegger or Gladiator fighting.


    • The TV challenge show ‘You Bet’ would be seen as too harsh for kids these days.

      • Loved that.

        I bet I can smoke 20 camels in half an hour whilst chugging on a litre of Jack Daniels.

        Wouldn’t get that kind of thing nowadays.

    • A bit of Rollerball would snap the daft twats out of their phone induced daze…

      • That reminds me…..Rollerbal (the original- not the shite remake) came out when I was just a bit too young to legally watch it…….would have been something like a 15 nowadays and I was 13ish….anyway i managed to convince my dad to take me, after lying to him I was old enough to go and see it. We were queuing up for tickets outside and I was shitting myself if he found out….so much so, that I bottled it and suggested we went and saw Revenge of the Pink Panther instead that was showing at the same time.

        I look back on that with fond memories everytime I see Rollerball mentioned.

        13 year old nowadays aren’t quite the same as they were in my day it would seem.

      • Rollerball was AA rated you needed to be 14 lol ?
        My uncle took me to see Star Wars at the newly redone ABC in Mansfield, 1 screen to 3. Fucking queue was round the block didn’t get in, the other 2 films ABBA the movie, fuck that and the Gauntlet, I’m 11 at the time. Uncle John marches up to the ticket booth “2 for Clint Eastwood” “you can’t take him in there” “why?” “ it’s an X” “so fucking what”. We didn’t get in, RIP uncle John.

      • That’s it…AA. Was it 14? Either way I was only 13, so was shitting myself if my dad found out I had mugged him off, as he wasn’t up on film ratings and wouldn’t have noticed straight away. I would have been in big trouble IF he had found out I had conned him to get into a film I wasn’t old enough to see.

      • Made it in to Friday 13th 1 And 2 at 15 with lasses from school we were so cool what twats.

  9. Speaking as a Doctor (more amateur gynaecologist really) I see the problem here – “loony little childish cunts who have never heard the word no” syndrome – I bet they wouldn’t be so tough if big tits Krankie Rowling barreled up off her shed on Buckie with a “Glasgow special” arse stabbing knife looking for a brawl! (One of the many reasons I no longer invite her to my high class social gatherings – and pinching the meat paste butties we had put aside for Mnc “did not win her any friends”, the greedy munter!)
    I prescribe 5 sharp hammer blows to the face of anyone infected – they gather in groups at Star Wars and Disney Premieres and can often be found near schools..
    Should be in charge of the NHS me! ?

      • It seems like a western offshoot of ‘Little Emperor Syndrome’.

        Or brats if you like.

    • Ill always take the side of ultra rich wimmen with massive tits over some millenial spastics on broomsticks.

      If Jk is hurt by her treatment from fans im happy to pop round with a carrier bag of Hobgoblin and give her a relaxing massage with plenty of aromatherapy oil (WD 40 do?)
      And ease the trauma.

      Maybe a bit of a suck on those nipples like walnut whips?
      And a quick dip in her jewellery box too.


      • Mnc@ From my experience JK Rowling prefers Buckfast – the clarty mare!
        She is coming round later to collect some scrap so I will put a good word in for you! ??

  10. The silly cunts get their little pussies wet over a made up Harry Potter game, running round a field with a stick between their legs and get upset because the author has done biology at school.
    It’s no wonder the generation z cunts are all mentally ill, Quidditch ffs.

    • SOI, agreed!
      They should rename it Quisling, in honour of those traitorous cunts Radcliffe, Grint and Watson.

  11. Ford Anglia’s might fly, but I’m in J.K’s corner on this one. Strange game, held together with grey duck tape, & the “goals” have no nets!

  12. The Tarquin cunt in the photo seems to be wearing some kind of war paint, presumably to intimidate the opposition.

    I’m sure the gender nonconforming two spirit unicorn pansexual vegans on the other side are shitting themselves.

    • Can you imagine the carnage of Harvey Price let loose with a hockey stick?

      • ….and a bolltle of full fat coke and a couple of twin pack mars bars.

        …his mum would still fucking film it and sell it to ITVBe though

    • That bird hosting the show with Ron Pickering had great legs when in those red 80s shorts.

      That was more entertaining than the Paralympics. At least these were proper mongs, not just some cunt with a finger missing.

      “Bang! He’s down but he’s back up again!”


      “Oh he’s put it in his mouth. Heh, heh! Looks like he’s blowing bubbles.”

      I was disappointed there was no “Away you go!” at the end. I had visions of drowning spaccas, after they all dived in the pool as happened at the end of every show.

  13. I thought this was called “CosPlay”.

    Right up there with Star Wars weddings and Thrift store Ninjas.

  14. Can you imagine being in a pub with a bunch of these freaky Ruperts and Jemimas. All talking over each other, with their loud braying voices, about their ski holiday or how much the value of their house has increased since yesterday. I’ve come across dozens of these cunts and every single one of them needs their stupid posh faces punching into next week. Or, better still, a boatload of dinghy raiders moving in next door. We’ll see how much their fucking house is worth then.

  15. Great cunting 6dog, what a bunch of absolute sad fucks these geeky fuckknuckles are, i think this is the result of stamping out bullying where these dungeons and dragons type twats would now be extinct if they had tried to make this silly make believe waste of time an actual sport.
    That said im surprised its not one of the sports in the up coming olympics, i believe they are now including break dancing, so nothing would surprise me nowadays, the world is truly fucked up…

  16. For fucks sake men cannot be women, how much longer is this totally toilet ideology going to pollute this fairly fucked planet? If the JK had not invented this game what would you sad fucks be doing now?
    Surely this fucking illogical beyond reason shite will flush away soon.
    As previous cunters have stated cuntball is a spankingly good name and description for this mentalist extravaganza.
    What really galls me is the way those ungrateful little fucks turned on her. If it was not for her imagination and determination the majority of the HP cast would be flipping burgers, living at home with Mum and Dad wanking themselves stupid to online porn or dead. Utter spineless, gutless little fucks one and all.

  17. The only way this caper should be allowed is by mandatory doses of crystal meth before..



    • Oh and if these sorry Cunts are so mithered about hurty feelings for Daventry in a Dress then perhaps mandatory injections of oestrogen before every game would help.

      As would napalm.

  18. I identify Emma Twatson, Daniel Ratcliffe and the ginger one as ungrateful, talentless skid marks, who aren’t fit to lick up JK’s blob.
    Owzat?, as they don’t say on the Quidditch pitch.

  19. I am trying to get the company I work for to swallow the cost of a fantastic end of project celebration. Which involves go-karting, clay pigeon shooting, assault rifle target shooting, axe throwing, archery, paintball and five-a-side football, played in rigger boots.

    I am also going to ask if the event can be held wherever these cunts are mincing about playing this childish shite.

  20. I have a mate, a grown man, who is crazy about this wizard shit. Ironically his two sons who are about the right age for it, fucking hate it. Probably because he’s always trying to shove it down their throats. He also plays rap in his car and describes it as “urban poetry.”
    Oh , one more thing…..he’s a Jock and thinks Wee Jimmy walks on water.

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