Oya Celasun of the IMF

(Who the fuck elected you to decide our future? – Day Admin)

Oya Celasun of the IMF – “Let energy bill soar in order to achieve Net Zero

This smug careerist, well-paid cunt has suggested governments should not subsidize rising energy bills with tax cuts and benefits. Neither should governments consider re-opening coal mines, fracking or gas supplies.

Instead, according to Celasun, energy prices should be allowed to rise based on market forces with no state intervention. This will mean people will have to cut back on their reliance of nasty old fossil fuels in order to speed up Net Zero Carbon targets.

Celasun goes on to say that by reducing dependence on gas from Russia it will somehow weaken Putin’s position on his threats to reduce/cut off gas supplies into Europe.

Basically, therefore, we should all freeze to death in order to save the planet, as well as bring the war in Ukraine to an end.

Or more specifically, let all the poor cunts on low incomes freeze to death while the rich elites can carry on pontificating and finger-wagging at how we’re still killing the planet by us reckless cunts turning up the central heating by 1 degree because its -10C outside!

It is rather telling that cunts like Celasun have actually said this publicly. It makes you wonder how many other global organisations are of the same mindset but haven’t been so vocal about it.

Perhaps the IMF are in the pockets of the WEF in order to achieve The Great Reset by any means.

It also begs the question why global organisations such as the IMF and WEF have so much power and influence over national governments even though by the most part no one from the general public elected them to power!

Can you image what would happen if all governments in the EU and the UK decided to follow the IMF’s edict and announce “Enough is enough.Prices need to rise further. No more handouts to the masses!” There would most definitely be massive civil disobedience and protests throughout Europe – protests not seen since the days of the Poll Tax Riots back in 1990.

There is a certain inevitability that renewable energy will be the primary source of our energy needs and in some respects that is a good thing just so long as all countries play ball. But the biggest problem I find is the reckless headlong transition from fossils to renewables when we are simply not ready for it.

We have no Plan B for situations we find ourselves in now, thus dumping us between a rock and a hard place, while cunts like Celasun simply shrug shoulders and resort to the Greta School of Thinking  and say “Stop moaning, get over it and think of the future!

Neo-Feudalism – Globalists are on the warpath and will resort to anything to get what they want.

Telegraph News Link

(Paywalled – if so, try this workaround 12ft Ladder)

Nominated by: Technocunt


78 thoughts on “Oya Celasun of the IMF

    • A swivel eyed true beleiver.

      Also found in

      Californian cults and the ones most prone to drinking the kool aid,
      Picking up a gun
      Or acts of evil.

      Shes got that 2000 light years from home stare.
      Although to be fair she might just be shortsighted..

    • Don’t tell Mr Boggs I suggested it but do I detect a bit of Lisa Nandy sans soft focus lens in there?

  1. As a species we are regressing back to where we came from. Burning fires to heat, no pride in what we wear, cheap practical clothes, violence so bad, we now have security in coffee shops and food outlets, people can talk in little more than a grunt or a click, people in a constant stoop due to too much looking at phones, no manners or politeness- dog eat dog. Soon it will take a week to get anywhere due to the demise of petrol/diesel transportation. Traffic slower now than it has been for years….bring out the guy in front with a red flag of each vehicle. 20mph zones contributing to even slower moving traffic. People living outside on the streets.

    We are going back to neatherdal times

    Worlds fucked….starting with the UK.

    • ‘no pride in what we wear, cheap’

      There were some very smart Neanderthals; strutting their stuff outside the cave.

      With their Calvin Klein loin cloths, rather snazzy moccasins.

      And that was just the men
      What about Raquel Welch fighting Dinosaurs (the evidence is there on celluloid) not a hair out of place.

      Yes the caveman and woman had their ‘Gucci’ bags and Jimmy Choo ‘accessories’

      It was all going on back then.

      • Exactly!

        Where we got Ugg boots,
        And designer stubble.

        Bring it on!!
        Yabbadabba doo

      • “And that was just the men.” Sounds very much like Dover & the surrounding district, after the Illegals have been given their free hand outs!

    • Great observation CC. As long as we’re going primitive someone needs to club her over the head, drag her into his cave, fuck the shit out of her, then demand she make a hot meal.

  2. I wonder how many flights this dried up nutter has taken in the last year or two?

    How amusing it would be if European governments followed her advice..she’d be decomposing off a lamp post within a week.

    Along with great piles of various EU shite and windbag globalist rubbish.


      • I have noticed your affinity for the oven, and like it.

        I too have a similar thought, involving an enormous machine (coal powered, obviously), rather like that one from the Pink Floyd video, but bigger. Stuff all the scum into the machine.

        I reckon I’d look quite fetching with a clipboard and a nice black uniform.

      • Turkish economist. Should be listed in the dictionary as a perfect example of an oxymoron.

  3. Oya, Oya, Oya, she may have PhD in Economics or whatever but she certainly excels at bullshit.

    The market isn’t working which is why prices are soaring, her solution, well nothing because it fits the green net zero agenda.
    I agree that spaffing money on the bone idle pisses me off, the benefit cunts who have no appreciation of money cos it all comes without lifting a finger but governments aren’t likely to allow things to descend into chaos.

    Coal is king, it’s everywhere! OK, it’s dirty but reliable and until a plentiful supply of a reliable power comes on stream it will dominate (India and China).

    She is a Turkish cunt, fuck off.

    I had an email from Shell today outlining what is happening and offering advice, great thanks, there was one interesting bit the £400 that the government are putting onto everyones energy bills is coming in instalments starting in October, I guess that is to spread the love ???

    • Corbyn vowed to reopen the coal mines if he became Prime Minister in 2017. Doesn’t quite qualify for the stopped clock adage, but he does appear to have been right just once in his wretched existence.

    • In my experience, most competent people can get by in a particular professional field with an MSc/ MA.. Those who go for the Ph.D are usually overcompensating, and excelling in bullshit seems a prerequisite. Relative to obtaining a masters, there is also no real economic benefit to getting a Ph.D either.

  4. -10?
    I wish!
    Jesus its like a blast furnace outside☹️

    Yesterday, also about the same temperature as the crematorium,
    I noticed a grasshopper sat on a wall .
    When I looked at the grass it was swarming with the little fuckers!
    Now thats not right.
    I dont remember seeing that before!
    A plague of locusts!

  5. What a rich, pontificating, elitist, globalist sack of dog shit. These cunts are everywhere and I’m afraid western governments ARE listening. This net zero bollocks is everywhere and, as the OP points out, these bastards are quite open about their Great Re set. The fucking cunts. Meanwhile the Ruskies and the Chinkies are rubbing their hands together and pissing themselves laughing. We are governed by brainless idiots. We are fucked.

    • Brainless, short-termist, self-serving idiots.

      I have lost confidence in all of the cunts.

  6. What a vision of lovlieness she isn’t. It’s typical of the eco-Fascists, because they earn telephone number salaries, and like to be seen as “on trend” in social media, it is a price well worth paying – for them. They don’t realise that many more people than them have to watch the pennies. Silly cunt ought to have ended up in the “Frenzy” potato lorry.

    • Of course they realise but, since they’re not one of them, they don’t give a shit.

  7. Cast iron 24 carat gold plated cunt. A good example of why we need to clear out of or at least weaken supra-national institutions that tell elected governments what to do.

  8. As was pointed out recently in a post, the climate won’t change in a few countries doing this net zero bollocks and stay the same in places like Russia and China. Even if their measures worked, which I doubt, there’s no point doing them unless they are adopted everywhere.
    As for this nasty piece of work expecting old folks to freeze to death in the winter, she should be sent to the Arctic with no clothes on.

    • Foxy would have her in court soon as look at her.
      Hes spent more time on court than Tim Henman.

      • If the FBI have raided Foxy Towers like they did Donny Tango’s place in Florida, there would have been another Waco style siege in deepest Yorkshire.

  9. She’s just saying out loud what the entire wealthy political class are thinking.
    Time for madame guillotine…

  10. The frightening thing is, someone has given her a platform, and she will be listened to.!

  11. Keep sucking up to Greta you fucking leftist clowns!

    “Hey Octavia , the gas bill is £2,000 this month. I only put the heating on for a few hours when it hit minus 10…oh wait Greta is giving a speech on the BBC, marvellous!”

  12. Already there is talk of the Price Cap review in April 2023 rising to over £5000 for a “typical household”

    One suspects WEF and the IMF along with he eco lobby will be extremely pleased by this news as it will push their net-zero agenda to the forefront and to hell with the consequences.

    But what they’re not saying is what to do in the interim. Even if the government invested billions into renewables, enough to generate all 29 million households, it will take many years to achieve . During that time thousands of people could die of hypothermia and millions forced into debt poverty.

    The likes of Celasun and Greta won’t give two shits of course, but they won’t give a straight answer as to how governments can bridge the gap between fossil and renewables when the answer is so blatantly obvious.

  13. And looking at her CV she is clearly another pen-pushing-lecturer, never done a proper day’s work in her life according to that CV

    Good at talking, demanding, recommending but probably completely out of touch with the consequences of her warped thinking, safe and secure in her cosy office a million miles from the stark realities.


  14. Would one even pay attention to her if she happened to be in your company.
    A school swat that knows sweet fuckall about day to day experience.
    Perfect material for the enforcement of cunt agendas.
    I cannot believe the state of affairs in the West.
    “Insane in the membrane
    Insane in the brain”

  15. People like her need to be very careful. The problem with their deliberate over population strategy is that they don’t have the numbers.

    Let’s hope they all have nice shelters to run to when they realise an armed forces of 80k isn’t enough to protect them because mass riots has to be the end game here surely.

  16. Makes me laugh, the hysterical reaction to the few days of heat we’ve had.

    I wonder what the advice will be to people not heating their homes when the inevitable freezing weather arrives.

    Just need a November mask mandate to push people over the edge now

    Utterly useless cunts

  17. You’ll have to excuse me if I’m coming across as a bit thick, but exactly how is using less oil going to stop the sun shining?

  18. The IMF, just like the World Bank, WHO, and UN, is yet another highly politicised organisation, based on its choice of whom to help, when, and how much. The real solution is to dismantle it, just like all the rest.

  19. Me being a bit thick. The energy companies are saying the price rise is due to people not using as much during Covid lockdown. Does gas have an expiry date?? I could understand it if too much was being used, but less?? Ehhh??? How can not using as much cost you more???

    • All cock and no balls it seems, by the wokey, lefty, wanky spokespersons of the wonderful West.
      Theres definitely a job to do and it starts with the utter scutter that infests MSM.
      Once that is achieved, put on an open fire with blocks and coal and a whiskey at hand come November.
      You will smile so much with the warming of the cockles

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