This little arsehole is a pop songster. He is in line for a “prestigious” pop award:
Clearly he is an Eddie Izzard wannabe with ridiculous inkings on his weak fetid little body.
Being a member of a beat combo is hardly a job for a man, it’s a boy thing – but a fucking “man” in a dress?.
Is this Mercury Prize for artistic homosexuals, or lunatics?
Nominated by: W. C., Boggs
Go woke or go broke think ? the celebrities.
Pander to the media trans bollocks or fall off the celebrity perch.
Needs two black eyes so he’d look like a ? for pandering.
Clearly the term ‘One Direction’ does not apply to this young man’s sphincter.
Read the article. Saw the photo on there. Article says one of his songs is about toxic masculinity.
Verdict is in:
Massive gay. Possibly a serial killer (trannies are mostly serial killers, of course).
I was doing a removal once in Holmes Chapel.
This old mithering cunt came over talking,
“Know whos house that was?”
Me-“Dunno pal, who?”
Me-“Bit busy here mate”
“Harry Styles!!”
Me – “whos Harry Styles?”
‘Harry styles! You know! Pop singer!”
Me- “never fuckin heard of him pal”.
The whole of Holmes Chapel worships the little cunt.
Later in the bakery?
Only got a fuckin hot pie named after him!!
The cunt. Thats my fuckin dream that!
Have a hot pie named after me.
Hope he gets AIDs.
Harry Styles pie?
I don’t fancy a spunk and potato pie, thank you very much.
Harry Styles, rhymes with piles…
Hammerhead Pie!
Where did you get the strange idea it would have potato in it?
When I was a lad, styles (or stiles) were wooden, shit-caked things clambered upon by anything short of livestock.
And still are, apparently.
I flicked through the article and, apart from Pulp, I’ve never heard of any of them.
I’m with you on this. I know music is very much ‘of a generation’ but fuck me sideways, todays offerings are clearly of a generation with serious mental health issues. In this cunts case its more a case of ‘no direction’ than One Direction. If there was ever a case for reopening the old style asylums, this kind of bullshit makes it.
“Fuck me sideways?”
Don’t let our Harry hear you saying that.
I’ve heard of Skepta. Rappity-crap garage shit.
I can’t imagine Russ Conway turning up on the Billy Cotton Band Show wearing a dress Personally, I blame colour TV – you didn’t have these “colourful” characters in the days of black and white – except for Liberace, and we all know about him……
That Liberace used to give me the creeps.
Sort of a camp Dracula playing piano.
Bet the ‘ivories’ were made from the bones of his victims?
My lovely old nan came from an age where gays were treated as weirdos and disgusting degenerates. She hated the gays.
However, she loved Liberace. Had al his albums. I was about six, but even I could tell he was a massive puff.
She was gutted when it started to come out when he was a gay. Fucking hell, Nan. Pretty obvious, I thought.
She was also upset when Johnny Mathis came out. She threw all their records out in disgust lol.
“Bloody dirty puff drops!”
And she’d be apoplectic if Boy George came on the telly (if you pardon the expression).
“Turn it off! Turn it off! Dirty little man!”
My grandad would piss himself laughing and turn the sound down until he’d finished warbling.
Your nan certainly backed a wrong un!
I still think theres a strong case for exhuming Liberaces body.
And im betting even though hes been dead decades,
Hed look like hed just fallen asleep,
And look well fed.
And the people nearby would look pale and anemic.
The cocksucking Nosferatu.
That film about him starring Michael Douglas was quite good.
Came across as a right cunt.
Mind you, if I were an actor, I’d have been worried playing one of Liberace’s boyfriends. Michael Douglas is a well known ‘sex addict’ and may have got carried away and bummed the poor actor until his innards fell out.
I recently watched that series American Crime Story or whatever. First series was about OJ Simpson. Was ok. Second series about Versace and his murder. The Guardian and a few critics panned it, but it was highly rated by viewers.
Why? ‘Distasteful’ and ‘unhelpful’ they said. Why? Well, it showed Versace had gay orgies (without being too graphic thank fuck, it was on normal telly after all.) The serial killer was also a puff.
In short, the truth was ‘distasteful and unhelpful.’
Get to fuck!
It was fucking ace, btw.
My father in law goes into one if a Boy George or Culture Club record is on the radio. “That fucking poofta weirdo”.
Can’t say I’ve heard many Harry Styles records. I confess his “Treat People with Kindness” track was rather good. I don’t approve of all this lady dressing, though.
He should get himself a decent suit and treat himself to some ECT to rid himself of any gayness. He can then enjoy these ladies who chuck themselves at him.
I’m sure Liberace died of Aids?
He was as creepy as fuck.
He was like a cross between Peter Cushing and Quentin Crisp.
Liberace once appeared in Star Trek.
We had Winnifred Attwell.
She was colourful.
A jolly little soul though. Smiling, showing her ivories, whilst tinkling on the piano’s.
Mrs Mills actually had piano keys for teeth I reckon.
Harry Styles, rhymes with piles…
Hammerhead Pie!
Sorry, dunno what happe Ed there…
Pot Black was a bloody good sig tune. She and her sister played Central Hall in Wymondham, but a bit before my time there, I think…
WCB@ Russ Conway would trawl the pubs in Pompey on a Saturday afternoon hoping to chat to a few matelots. Ahem.
Just another cunt who wears ladies clothes.
I vaguely recall this pencil necked Trannie getting mugged in Stabistan..
Obviously the Blek Yoof didn’t do a ery good job of it.
The useless cunts.
Can’t think of anything to say about Harry other than he is a dress wearing arse bandit, he should be punished by Dianne Abbott by licking her hot sweaty minge and tongue her arsehole until he learns the error of his ways and stops his bumfoolery, oh and he is a cunt
Baseball Bat to the face
He’s banging Olivia Wilde, who looks like a bit of a sort, so why mince around in women’s clothing, the stupid fucking mong! Fucking wokery & fear of being shut out is why.
Fucking sick to death of the minority groups controlling the mainstream …& turds like this just encourage it. Cunt.
I blame the scots.
They started all this running about in mini skirts.
And this whats a scotsman wear under his mini skirt?
Put some undercrackers on yer dirty little bleeders!!
Theyre only 50p in Oxfam.
Scotland is cold. They’d struggle ‘showing off’ in those temperatures in a kilt.
I haven’t watched Braveheart for ages. Might watch it later. I love the ending. That’s where I wait until that ne’er do well, Braveheart, gurgles his last breath and at that point I exclaim, “Three cheers for the King of England! Hip, hip…..”
I like the bit where RTC playing Edward Longshanks throws that puff from a tower.
Now thats a king!!?
Wont see Charles throwing prince Edward off a tower when/if hes ever king.
@ cuntybollocks, if knickers less sturgeon doesn’t stop banging on about Scottish independence that would be her fate like Wallace had, although we don’t want to see her naked or her growler, ugh..
Speak for yourself..
I’d rather see Edward chuck Jug Ears to his doom. And all his WEF mates…
I’ll see what I can do.
Is this cunt off the X Factor? They have certainly turned out some mega talent. Whose names escape me.
All you need to know about the Mercury prize nominees, yep mostly cunts.
What the fuck is this wannabe girl doing on the list, he ain’t black!
He wasn’t on the shortlist I bet, but then he put a frock on…
…wait a minute. The lad’s a fucking genius!
Probably the only way a white man can get his foot in the door ?
I reckon if you win a Mercury prize, you should be sent there on a free holiday.
Harry: “But what about my return ticket?”
Me: “Don’t worry about that youth, quick, get in the spaceship”
Harry: “Ooohhh saucy”.
I’m guessing he’s waiting for his popularity to wain before he ‘bravely’ comes out the closet.
Like George Michael, it’s bloody obvious he practises in the brown arts.
Harry who?
Is this one of Nobby’s relations?
Never heard of him. Could not give a fuck.
Good morning all. ?
PS: teen beat rock n’ roll combo Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention all wore dresses on the cover of their smash hit LP ‘We’re Only In It For The Money’ (1967) so whoever this Styles bloke is he’s way behind the curve on that one.
Also Bowie.
This cunt, his house and all his followers
is the prize candidate for vlads new zircon
Harry Styles, rhymes with Piles.
Another sleb luvvie cunt.
Still the sun is shining so I’m off to watch cricket and drink. Perfect.
Nuther heatwave later this week☹️
Oh well, soon be Christmas.
Got this stuck in my head
Breaking news****
Its been confirmed water midget and pin up Ellie symonds has been confirmed to have signed up for the new series of ‘Strictly’!
Dancing midgets!!,?
Oh for fucks sake…I’ve never watched before but I will this time…the sight of it’s dumpy little bow-legs and oversized nodding-dog head doing the tango will be a sight to behold.
No need to go to Bedlam to laugh at the freaks these days…the BBC pipes them straight into your (vast) television room.
Will you be watching with your trousers down Dick?
Trousers down and pot of goose-grease at the ready,Mis…we might get a cheeky glimpse of Spacca growler as it attempts the splits.
Peter Crouch has been confirmed as her partner.
Nice one, Mis.
I also have one stuck in my head today.
Love ELO?
Now im humming that as well!?
Yes Mis, a fucking heatwave when I’m going to Fairport’s Cropredy Convention music festival.
It’s official, I will roast and die in my caravan with no shade. I will come out at dark for the headliners, and that will be all I will manage.
His lass is a bit of alright..
Im off into the peaks.
Hey, is David Mellor chinese?
Looks it.
Same as Judi Dench .
Turned into a elderly chinese once wealthy.
His “beard” more like
Not much going on in the tit section. NEXT.
Never fear, Harry will end up looking like Sam Allardyce!
If he puts on a dress in later life he’ll look like Les Dawson.
Silly cunt.
Having this wooden cunt act was the final nail in the shitcoffin that was Dunkirk.
The John Mills version was far better.
Styles is probably a victim of all those poofy producers at the BBC, he needs to be bought back to the straght and narrow and Boggs Ponographic Film Productions (Romania) Ltd have the very thing – our latest production, “Yvette Does Rochdale”:
Barely legal schoolgirl, Yvette Cooper, wants to skip games afternoon at Rohdale Academy For Young Ladies, and have some fun – she’s ready for acton, and dressed to kill in her new P.E. knickers. She thumbs a lift and is picked up by Paki minicab driver, Rishi Sunak. Dishy Rishy takes her to the cab office, above a Halal meat shop, and introduces her to all his driver mates, and Yvette is soon demonstrating her riding skills to all and sundry, but will she be able to satisfy cab controller “Big Dave” Lammy, an experienced driller in the North Sea?. At the end of the afternoon, Yvette returns to school, satisifed but with jizz tumbling down her bow legs. £50 sent in a plain sealed cover. The price increase is down to Brexit and the Ukrainian situation – and a guarantee not to send your name to the vice squad. Write fir a free colour catalogue of our previous issues.
I’ve had the Harry Styles.
Fucking excruciating they were.
Hanging down from my ring like a bunch of grapea.
Why would anyone name a pie after that.
Are there many peaceful trannies? Seems that a dearth of transbenderism among the “Asian” population smacks of discrimination of the worst kind.
Surely an inclusive approach to the wokist agenda would bring a mass of benefits to the generally totally ignored majority..
By the way who or what is a Harry Stiles? Is it some sort of exotic sex position practiced in Labour lead council town halls?
Diversity is strength surely that should be unity?
I reckon he likes to get feltched and fist fucked in the asshole that’s my verdict. Bet he’s been to one of Barrymore’s parties.
I don’t think he’s gonna age well. Those boyish looks are rapidly going and unless he is careful will end up on the im a celebrity list of suicide attempts.
Annoying little closet faggut.
What else is there to say?
Styles – like ‘Ooh’ Lewis Hamilton – is an undoubted connoisseur of the Cadbury Alley.
No matter how many tarts he’s supposed to have had (like that fat fruit fritter Robbie Williams), Styles is fooling no fucker. All this is ‘allegedly’, of course (I have to say that). But, mark my werds. The time will come when Harry comes prancing out of the wardrobe.
Aye Norman, when he was in One Direction his manager and PR team would have been desperate to cover it up and keep all the teenyboppers buying their shit music. Isn’t he supposed to have nailed Caroline Flack? More bollocks I expect, with the media frenzy mutually beneficial to both.
Prince Harry of Hewitt also banged Saint Caroline Flack of Arc. But unlike that pencil squeezer Styles, I reckon Harry actually did it.
That’s what amazes me about the man. Was a much loved and popular royal, seen as one of the lads, brother to the heir apparent, had his pick of the tarts, fanny on tap.
But he gets hooked by a piece of septic tank trailer trash like Megain Mantis Fucking Ono.. A mystery worthy of Rod Serling himself…
If I was Prince Harry, I’d have milked the royal playboy lifestyle for years. Shagged my brains out with the cream of celebrity and society brass, drunk gallons of champagne, gone through loads of sports cars and rollers, lived it up in mansions and in tropical climes, and then got married to a posh MILF (or even a younger model) when I was about 50.
But, no. He was too stupid for that. The lad could have had the lot. Thick as they come, I have no sympathy whatosever. He deserves the Megain Locust and the plague she will bring upon him.
You know, all these bottybashers who sold records to teenage girls under false pretenses. George Michael, that chutney ferret from the Bay City Rollers, Fat Reginald, that Boyzone fairy, Fatty Williams, Jason Donovan, Dustbin Bieber, and Harry Styles…. It’s a neat and well used trick. Pretend you are straight, so loads of gullible knicker wetting jailbait hoover up records, posters, T-Shirts, badges, and all other manner of crap. Money in the bank.
That said, all the poofs (alleged and otherwise) mentioned above have or had a sleazy and slippery doughnut punching manager who ‘took care’ of them (apart from staunch and straight Northern lad, Pete Waterman, of course). The seedy world of pop showbiz. As sure as shit is shat….