(But surely, the CoE says there’s no such thing as a biological wimminz! – Day Admin)
Radio 4…..what’s happened to it?
What has happened to Radio 4?…..it’s completely unrecognisable from only a few years ago. Full of patronising presenters, too many fucking women who just try to score points off guests. A couple of blokes with more of a ‘geezer’ way of talking.
Every day for the past couple of weeks at 1.45pm they are even doing a programme called 28 days (ish) later presented by some raggy bird all about her fucking menstrual cycle.
Here you go: BBC News Link
Every bit of reporting now, has to have some kind of emotional back story struggle….a la the x-factor style.
It’s fucking crap….it used to be the only place I could find some sensible, educated solace. Not any more. Cunts.
Nominated by: Chuff Chugger
Menstrual cycle…no thanks I don’t even like the two wheeled cycles..
How about motorcycles?
Bit late now to take you up on that one now Barry, but if you was on your mental cycle, I was going to follow you on me ‘onda.
Er? That was meant to be menstrual, but I can do mental, I guess. Lol!
I’m unsure why menstruating is now in the mainstream. I obviously know it happens to half of the population, always has, always will do. What’s the fucking problem? Pop a jam rag on or a tammy up and get on with your day, which I’m sure 99.9% of ladies do. I work in an office with women, they never discuss the monthlies, and, believe me, they are not shy. I don’t talk about my effluvium at all, why is anyone else interested? BBC 4 can fuck off, not listened to it for donkeys years.
Well, it’s BBC Radio 4. The clue’s in the name.
Bints on Bludclaart and Chiggun?
Listened to 12 seconds of this dross. What a couple of droning bores. Imagine getting stuck in a corner with that at a party ????
Or stuck in a lift…
It’s always been a bit of a taboo subject, & should not be discussed, period!
These wimminz obsessing over their menstrual cycles need to just learn to go with the flow. Maybe they should relax and watch a good period drama for a few hours.
My place is adorned with ‘period furniture.’ I always get a bit of a reduction for any nasty stains incurred over the years.
& as the old saying goes “How can you trust anyone that bleeds for seven days every month that doesn’t die.”
Oops! Lady Scunthorpe has just seen red at my last comment!
– Denis Leary
Don’t kids do biology at school anymore, it’s not rocket science ?
Thinking about women, I just realised I missed the parade, never mind it will be repeated again and again and again ?
One of the many reasons I do not watch or listen to dogshit from traitors and propagandists.
Too right, VF. On the few occasions I listen to Radio 4 or read the BBC’s websites, after about 10 seconds it’s obvious their hidden agenda is the promotion of all things anti-white / male / British: ethnics, the EU, Labour, wimmenz, transbenders. The BBC can disappear up Linecunt’s ragged ringpiece.
This kind of shite peddled by Al-Beeb and nearly everyone else these days gives us normal wimminz a bad name. Cunts, all. FFS.
The older ones are droning on about ‘The Change’ these days too. I don’t recall my mother’s generation grumbling about female biology, they just coped with it.
And the Home Service went down the shitter when Alvar Liddell gave up reading the news.
Fuck that.
I can pick my own music in the van.
No adverts
Or bloody knickered women.
Yes, I have …..a CD player!!
Green wi envy arntcha?
I was listening to this earlier,
Didnt pay any attention to the road,
For all I know that bumping earlier was a school trip or old biddie
Mnc@ – Worry not Mnc – that “thud” followed by some girly squeals was only a cyclist, nobody important – and the squealing was only DCI pulling over to put the boot in! (well, why wouldn’t you? ?)
And listening to music whilst driving is highly irresponsible – I prefer to read a good book or put the panzer on cruise control while I grab 40 winks – the amount of stuff the motor collects always surprises me when I get in – bikes, body parts, prams – it’s the most interesting part of the day!
Foxys school of motoring..
Looks like Liz Truss…
Used to be my background – driving or in kitchen, shed. Only listen to Today now, and then not for long. Also From our own correspondent. The rest not my agenda and irrelevant..
I don’t listen to the radio any more. I listen to podcasts instead. At least you can listen to what interests you and chose your own bias rather than have woke liberal nonsense ejected into your eardrums 24/7.
I have TalkRadio on in the background much of the day, thankfully it’s a virtually woke free zone. Some good discussions and presenters: J Hartley-Brewer, Mike Graham, Ian Collins, Kevin O’Sullivan, James Whale and Ash who often make me LOL.
Never listen to music stations, have all the music I want to hear on CD.
Like the Cuntstable I have the Today Programme on for about an hour between 6:30 – 7:30 while contemplating dragging my carcass out of bed of a morning. The radio/alarm isn’t digital so don’t have much choice, but not a bad start to the day (usually).
Fuck me, James Whale’s still going? I used to love him!
I stood next to him once in a petrol station DCi.
Hes a little midget.
Probably about 6stone.
Tiny wee fella.
A middle earther .
‘Charlie’ from Casualty’s a shortarse, too. Martin Johnson’s a big fucker, though!
Evening DCI.
James Whale even funnier and irascible than ever. Usually on after 10pm.
Cheers, Ruff, I might give it a listen.
I’m with you here RTC. Do you listen to Mike & Kev’s weekly podcast The Thought Police?
No Ghee, I just turn the radio on and take pot luck. Sometimes switch to GBNews or occasionally LBC. I wouldn’t know a podcast if it came up and ripped my lungs out. ?
@RTC ?. Shame, you’d bloody love it. Can you not prevail upon Lady Creampuff or one of your household staff to instruct you on how to find it?
Thanks for the recommendation Ghee. My next door neighbour (he of the Japanese wife) knows about podcasts, I’ll pop round and ask him, be a good excuse to eyeball his missus! ?
Funny how the TV adverts for jam rags have gone from using blue liquid to real blood colour in a few weeks.What next – real shit for bog roll absorbency?
Lets hope so!
I’ve just spit my wine out
It went off the boil decades ago..it used to have some quality about it.
Not any more, it’s all complete shit filled with left wing right on cunts.
Naturally it doesn’t matter if it has an audience of none..it’s the BBC!
Who may cautiously be described as all round Bad Eggs.
Ive never been a radio listener.
I loved 8track , tapes, vinyl, CD,
Live music,
But radio leaves me numb.
Used to be some cunt who talked ‘mid-atlantic’ ,
Faux yank,
Suppose its some vicars son who talks like a yardie nowadays?
Or some genderbender .
My old gran used to talk about Lord Hawhaw broadcasts during WW2 and how theyd tune in for a laugh,
Bet he wouldnt get the ratings now.
Me either Miserable. I don’t know how The Archers has survived for over 70 years? I need something visual but I suppose if you listen long enough you imagine what characters look like. I hear its not been the same since Fiddler had ‘artistic differences’ and left under a cloud.
Artistic differences=peppered someones arse with buckshot!?
Lady Creampuff is an Archers addict. The slightest hint of the theme music makes me projectile vomit.
The archers is easily imagined as the Tellytubbies with a Range Rover and a John Deere.
My other half listened to the Archers for years, I often asked what the attraction was, there was very little mention of farming apart from the odd bit of animal noise. The characters seemed to be always going through “ishoos” of one sort or another and there were gays and foreigners moving into this rural idyll at an unlikely pace and of course brightening up everyones dull British lives. Any character with a British regional accent was always either a mental defective or a criminal or both. Thank God he stopped listening to it and we now just have back to back episodes of Bangers for Cash.
Mnc@ Planet Rock used to be good, and absolute radio – neither worth listening to now.
I just listen to Grandad Adolfs speeches – “Shizen! Why is the BMW ALWAYS out of fuel when I borrow it Oberleutnant Fox?”
“I think some Jews were using it last mate!”
“Ach! Ze Jews you say – ve shall see about this, mark my words!”
Theres a planet x radio station Foxy that is sometimes on in the missus car,
Not bad!
AC/DC, etc
But prefer to choose myself without listening to adverts, or some media div.
Those media divs and their hilarious banter about each other on that night out that we’re supposed to care about, eh?
Stopped listening to it years ago.
Full of lefty whiney wimenz, soft soy boy types and the usual finger wagging narrative.
Come on Vlad, drop a ‘Rod of God’ tungsten bomb on Broadcasting House.
Be glad it’s a radio show and not TV otherwise there would be reenactments with a frumpy fat woman dealing with her jammy clam. In 4K.
“Next on BBC 1, Stephen Fry’s Forays into Fisting continues, with special guests, Michael Barrymore and via seance, Dale Winton!”
Fucking BBC. I wouldn’t watch or listen to any shit they broadcast. You’ll just end up shouting at thin air like a head case. Anyone in the room will end up with your spittle all over them and won’t be best pleased. It’s a very anti social activity.
The BBC (in all its forms) is completely banned in Schloss Cunthausen.
I will not pay for an organisation (BBC) that harbours pàédophiles and has a left wing anti British agenda.
I detest the BBC in all its incarnations and I loathe the filth that they call stars (Fiona Bruce, Gary Linekunt, Lenny Henry and in particular that lazy eyed talentless cunt Claudia Winkelman and all the other remoaner types they have)
The BBC can totally, and royally fuck itself and all of the cunts who willingly fund it.
A debate on a being that haemorrhages once a month yet refuses to die?
Excellent, no thanks,fuck off.
Boom Radio for me, (except at work as the trucks don’t have DAB). Fucking ace station – try it on DAB+.
I was driving through Worcestershire the other day and Saturday Night’s Alright (For Fighting) came on the local station. Put my foot down just in case.
I too was driving up the motorway approaching Worchestershire,
When “streetfighting man” by the stones came on.
I took a 150 mile diversion.
Genuinely laughed at that, LL!
Lucky for you you didn’t stop – you never know…
HFC is the driver of the Lorry in the film Duel LL, he didn’t back down either, he later escaped to England where he settled in Redditch and took up bare knuckle boxing and daaag thieving!
At least the other cunt turned up in that film.
Most cunts never do, according to The Worcestershire Warrior! We need more of him!!
if you’re driving through Worcestershire and you see a rusty, vintage Peterbilt petrol tanker following you DCI, you’ll know it will be HFC Haulage, with the company motto “wont back down” emblazoned of the front grill!
There’s ‘Last Word’ a programme dedicated to the recently expired. (I like to call it ‘Last Turd!’) A cellebration when a cunt dies! Someone like Cliff Richard for instance. l just cant wait for that one to come along. It’s Usually presented by Matthew Banister, since 2006. A former high up executive of the B.B.C. (l wonder if he can tell us anything? Umm!)
Next will be a show on hemorrhoids and the interesting shapes that curl out when extruded through a deformed o-ring.
It would need a story arc.
Like Noah? ?
Is the picture in the nom a period drama, or some dried up old tart wittering on about toxic masculinity or the patriarchy. If so bacon and sausage sandwich luv and a black coffee.
“28ish Days Later?”
Danny Boyle should sue…
This morning Radio 4 informed me that the wimminz winning the wimminz euros not only changes womens football but changes society!
On top of that the bint taking her shirt off after scoring was empowering wiminz, a man gets a yellow card for taking their shirt off during a match, so much for equality.
So there you go, my own fault for listening to radio cunt. It’s not entertainment, it’s not informative, it’s purely woke agenda.
Radio 4 = audio version of the Guardian ie shite.
Much prefer GB News or Talk Radio for news and comment.
For music, Gold, Boom, Heart 70s. Just need a Heart 60s and my aural pleasure will be complete.
Boom Radio. Lots of sixties stuff, all day and a sixties half hour at 1800 with Roger ‘Twiggy’ Day. Playing the Beach Boys, right now.
Silence is golden.
Get To Fuck.
I listened to radio 4 once and it was women arguing with other women about wome.
That was about ten years ago and everything said or written about it by friends and cunters has just reinforced that impression.
Anyone have Nichelle “Uhura” Nichols in their dead pool?
Boldly gone…
Capt. Kirk boldly went when he kissed her on screen, the first inter-racial kiss, I believe? All downhill from there, Kirk, you cunt.
Apparently not the first.
Bet old Shatner didn’t take much persuading…
‘It’s worse than that’…….
‘She’s dead Jim’
Last good thing I heard on Wireless Radio4 was an interesting piece about the Cold War, espionage and spooks – ‘numbers stations’ and the Lincolnshire Poacher. That was educational and informative. As for the menstrual cycle, I’m sure a programme broadcast at 13.45 at the end of the office lunch period is right up someone’s jam rag street. But not mine.
Nowadays R4, sad really but it’s just another BBC cesspit full of gayness, anti British agenda, fuckwittery, lefties, commies, unfunny comedians, shit gardeners and race baiting white English hating cunts.
‘Linconshire Poacher’? What about The Worcestershire Warrior?
‘Bike Sheds – My Story’.
Hahah. Chimes up every day at o6.oo and 18.oo hrs. Regular as clockwork… broadcasting the same strange code….
5, 3, 6, 13, Hard, 5, 3, 6, 13, as, 5, 3, 6, 13, nails, 5, 3, 6, 13….
A code who’s meaning and instruction known only to the CIA, Mossad, MI6 and natives of Worcestershire…
Before turning on Wireless 4 in the morning, it is as well to phone the Samaritans. Frequent trails for misery memoirs like this weeks “Last Request” 1345-1400 wherein a dreary miserable old Irish cow talks about taking her friend to Dignitas and trying to find his birth mother, Trails for the chattering classes arsehole David Aaronovitch and his fucking “Briefing Room” Saturdays 1100-1130, as for “28 days” about menstruation it has run 7 fucking days a week 1345 Mon-Fri and 1445 Saturday and Sundays. If that doesn’t make you feel sick enough then there is Jay (son of Claire) Rayner and his otiose gabbling show for foodees on Saturdays “Kitchen Cabinet”, much beloved at Waitrose in North London.
One question: why wasn’t Eddie Izzard asked to present the show? – like all laydees I am sure he applies the jam rags on a monthly basis. Is that homophobia, transphobia, pantomime damephobia or a combination of all three?
‘Jay (son of Claire) Rayner’
Given the weight he’s piled on, it’s now more obvious. He should probably jack in the restaurant/foodie stuff before he ends up like fellow food writer Charles Campion.
Or Meredith Merridew (played by Robert Morley) in Theatre of Blood