I’m not sure if this ad has been nominated before so if it has admin, bin it please.
(Virgin – A similar nomination but that was 3 years ago: Day Admin)
I never usually watch ads or mainstream TV although Mrs infidel will watch any ol’ shite but last night this ad. came on and it’s truly fucking sickening. Another one to add to my list of never giving any business to.
This is beyond a challenging wank.
Nominated by: Infidelgastro
You can bet your last pound coin that this has the full blessing of that yellow-haired, beardy, toothy, arsehole.
Wouldn’t want a nosh from that MILF who was caught at that metal detector!
Snakes on a plane?!
In that ad Virgin don’t know who to fawn and pander to the most?
They try to tick all boxes in the virtue signalling stakes .
You’ve more chance of God striking down your plane if you fly with Virgin.
Fact .
Funnily it had the opposite effect on me?!!
The filthy old boot gave me a stirring in the undergrowth!
Makes me want to boak every time it comes on!
Fly Virgin? Not on your life.
“I am what I am”? You’re a pile of wokie, “inclusive” shit and you need a new advertising agency. It’s bad enough being trapped in a metal tube with dozens of cunts but you don’t need to be reminded that plenty of them will be poofs and w*gs and other shite.
Fucking awful version of the song too…… far too effnick. Fuck Virgin Atlantic.
If you were on that flight and it started to get into difficulty,
The pilot announced
” One of our engines has stopped , we need to get the weight down”….
Who would you throw off first?
I’d push that twat in a wheelchair off!!
Imagine how everyone would laugh and see the funny side when the pilot then said
“So we’re going to have to jettison the baggage’…
With the cunt with the eyeshadow enabling the exit. Sick fucker.
Maybe the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was chock full of freaks like that, and the pilot did the World a favour..
God forbid that they could make an advert where normal people get on a plane, sit down, shut up and enjoy the flight as best as you can.
No, we have to show every trendy variation of arsehole sticking their tongues out.
What’s next? Demanding the right to curl one out in the aisle? It’s my right to crap where I want.
“….I don’t want praise…” blasts out the ( very good ) singer…but that’s just wrong…”Praise” is exactly what both the Freaks and Virgin are looking for.
The Freaks are insecure because they know,in their heart of hearts, that their “alternative” lifestyle is wrong..they hope that desperate attempts to convince us all of how much “Pride” they have in their deviancy will also assuage their own guilt and self-disgust.
Virgin and their ad-agency seem to think that the majority of people support the Freak choice ( perhaps they’re right ? ) and believe that their virtue-signalling is a good business decision…. Branson wouldn’t allow it otherwise…unless he thought the taxpayer would bail him out if it all went tits up,of course.
I wouldn’t be seen dead on a Virgin plane…have no desire to be roofied by a homosexual trolley-dolly and subsequently botted by him and the full gamut of mental sex-offenders that appear to make up the entire passenger list…..I’d prefer to travel on Con Air with Cyrus the Virus and his crew of psychopaths…I’d happily kill Nicholas Cage as we all listened to Sweet Home Alabama.
Your annual rugby club jaunt to sunnier climes must have been just as debauched, Lord F?
Shoving mars bars up the rectim of new players, then forcing them to eat it, vomit flying around, dirty song lyrics-and that would be the wives and girlfriends ?
We stopped going abroad after a particularly enjoyable trip to Paris,General…couldn’t find a coach firm willing to take us abroad that particular jaunt…couldn’t find one willing to take us anywhere in this Country either,come to that.
….we once booked a coach for an away-day trip to the races….claimed to be an angling club when we made the booking..fucking driver recognised us as he pulled into the carpark where we had arranged to meet him…didn’t even stop….took one look,gunned the engine and fucked straight off.
Ha ha ha ?
I don’t t fucking well blame him ?
Well, if Virgin really do have flight attendants like that mincing, sexual degenerate, I’d rather cross the Atlantic in a Somalian freighter.
I once new a woman, decent looker who spoke three languages, who was turned down by British airways when she applied to be a flight attendant, because she was not tall enough. Now it appears the industry have gone for sexual deviants instead of multilingual, intelligent, good looking ladies of old. I feel sorry for the pilot’s. They used to look forward to shagging the trolly dolly’s in their away day hotels. Unless the pilots are now all ethnic cross dressing irons too.
I assume it’s a distraction from their shit service.
I quite liked it anyway,occasionally it’s nice to see all the shit piled in one heap,tidier.
The Virgin “brand” is complete paki puke anyway.
Fuck em.
Let’s not forget it was the Mega Cunt Branson who went banging his begging bowl for our money when his airline was grounded.
All of a sudden he’s got money to burn on degenerate shitfest ad companies and their awful abortions.
1st class Oven.
These advertising cunts must live in their own bubble where they think that people actually give a flying fuck for such cuntishness. Here’s news for them: 99% of the population are repulsed by transgender, disabled, shirtlifting ethnics. If they’re not, they fucking well should be. Unless it’s all part of a long term strategy by advertisers, schools, MSM etc of brainwashing the population. Fuck Virgin.
Unkle Terry’s heater please
It’s bad enough being stuck in an overcrowded, tight pressurised toothpaste tube at 36,000 feet without having to do it with a bunch of tranny freaks. No thanks.
Not to worry.
Shortly we won’t be able to afford to drive our cars never mind fly.
Seen the cunts throwing their hats into the ring for Boris’s job?
Our first black female PM?
First peaceful PM?
Vote Tory
Same old turd floating
Should we end up with a Stanley PM I may even consider flying with these Virgins out the country for good..
Not sure my blood pressure could withstand the affront of the depths this country has sunk to.
It was bad enough when the Yanks voted in that atrocious mulatto Obamma and his husband Michael.
Jesus wept.
If passenger numbers fall dramatically for Virgin, then the beardy cockwomble will hopefully realize that this virtue signalling nonsense is sooo last year to the point of becoming bland and boring.
God, looking at that you’d think normal people are in a minority and the freaks rule the earth…
Get a job in a side show.
Flakes on a plane.
I pity the passengers when the first degenerate sperm container farts.
No, I don’t.
Illnesses of this nature can be cured by Gatling gun.
99% of people hate this shit.
The following is a comment someone has left for the youtube video….sums it up quite nicely:
monica hall
1 month ago
Great music, and better than Gloria Gaynor’s original version. The visuals, though, leave me feeling battered by virtue-signalling from a very profit-oriented corporation trying to lure (mostly the young I guess) via that contemporary advertising must-have – diversity. I worked in advertising for years, and now my son does. If you could eavesdrop on their private strategy / creative meetings, you would despair at the naked opportunism of it all. In the meantime, I just can’t help trying to figure out exactly what / who all the characters are in this advert are supposed to represent. I’d have been very interested to be at the casting auditions … “Now, what have we got so far? They need to be recognisable, but not caricatures, and it’s really important the the airline captain should be completely androgynous …”
Fuck that lot on a plane….in an emergency they would either start shagging each other or run around wildly worrying about their make up and image….cunts
How many fucking different toilet cubicles would that lot need……??
They’d all be full up anyway………with all the deviants fucking each other! Watch out for the flying spunk!
Slightly off topic, but I have just seen a grown man dressed as Alice In wonderland strolling down Kensington High Street carrying a stuffed Cheshire cat.
I have a feeling today is going to be a weird one.
Fucking hell, you start early!
Or were you just going home?
Morning Odin.
Morning CG.
Mushroom season not until the end of next month.
At that point, you will probably find me strolling down Kensington High Street stark bollock naked and towing an oven ready chicken on a lead.
Sounds like that cunt Grayson Perry
Looked more like Niel out of the Young ones in drag..
Likewise, today I found to my cost that there was a Bristol Pride event on the Downs. I walked down the main road towards town and saw every kind of weirdo including one that was topless with surgically enhanced or created breasts and also a full beard. I managed not to say anything, amazingly. The amount of people that take their small kids is unbelievable as well! I can’t help wondering what sort of questions are asked by the kids when back at home, or how you stop them making candid comments when faced with some peculiarity. I thought all this nonsense was over by end of June and it was safe to come out again. Also First Bus laid on free buses for the cunts to get up there. Hey ho, back to the usual shit overpriced service for the commuters on Monday morning.
That advert needed a happy ending-the wimminz pilot parking it in the Palace of Westminster.
At 350mph.
Well, if that video doesn’t put people off flying then nothing will. Must have been made on behalf of Extinction Rebellion.
Take into account there is not much choice to fly to certain places
It’s either virgin or ba
I therefore choose virgin as better value
Hate to be boring but we were served by smart friendly ladies of various ages and a couple of polite slightly mincing young men
The folks travelling were normal families and business people
So why oh why do the decision makers produce such pointless shit
All it does is put off your normal passengers
It ain’t cheap so why piss off your base clients
The whole advertising regime of today is responsible for a whole world of fucking shit
“I am what I wham”
Which is probably an arse or two before take off
I think that flight attendant is Prince or symbol or such bollocks
Taking a flight with Virgin is anything butt
I’ll bet he’s got a lovely bottom though.
Not surprising, not even unusual these days. Corporates love the freak show, they use the alphabet people as a shield to deflect attention away from the bigger problems they cause society.
An advert with a few alphabet people and an aged whore of Babylon deflects attention away from their green credentials in their greedy minds.
Wokeness turns on itself every-time due to its basis in victimhood. It’s only a matter of time before the woke turn on virgin.
As a fifty something, white, heterosexual man, married to a white woman and with two white kids (by the same parents), I am now thoroughly confused as to what I am allowed to buy, where I can bank and with whom I can fly. Oh well, I try and make a point of not buying any product that uses blacks, poofs or trannies. Little victories.
Thank the gods of cunting that I’ve not actually seen that one on the TV so far, but that video link should’ve come with a double barf-bag warning! Utter cuntery.
I boycotted this ultra-smug airline many, many years ago back in 2001. Refuse to use them. They treat you like fucking cattle and expect you to be bowing to them for the privilege of being on one of their overpriced flights. Cunt of an airline just like their greedy cunt of a chairman.
Anti aircraft guns at Heathrow I say! – BRING DOWN ANY RAINBOW PAINTED PLANES!
Probably some fkin no good namby pamby law against it – anything good generally has a stupid fkin law stopping me doing it.
Now let me just check this post for “toxic white supremacy, waaycism and offensiveness” – oh, nearly forgot – I couldn’t give less of a fuck ??
Where’s Major Gennadiy Osipovich when you need him?https://www.thisdayinaviation.com/tag/gennadiy-nikolayevich-osipovich/
‘Good afternoon and welcome aboard Pan Am flight 103 to New York. We will shortly be flying over the town of Lockerbie…….’
If only.
If our mate Branson thought he could make a few more pennies by investing in an advert espousing the delights of necrophilia he would not bat a heavily trimmed beard hair.
At least he would have an easy run with the actors, hospital electrician and that illegal peaceful who broke into the undertakers. Look at that ticked the boxes, fucking deviant and peaceful ethnic pow that would qualify for some government grant surely? Quids in Branny old thing