The Social Care Ombudsman

This is a real piss boiler and likely explains many of the shortcomings in relation to people who get mistreated by carers whilst enjoying (lack of) care in the community.

A few weeks ago I felt that my neighbour, who is severely handicapped and is not able to communicate verbally, was being ignored whilst I considered her to be in distress.

My initial intervention was met by the two carers with retorts of ‘don’t tell me how to do my bloody job’ whilst one of them filmed me – illegally – on her iPhone. They then called the police because I was apparently harassing them. My bad!

When I complained to the carers employers, it became clear they were acting as judge and jury in any complaint made against them, replying that ‘we’re awfully sorry’ and ‘your complaint has been partially upheld’ – whatever the fuck that means.

Therefore having received what I considered to be the written equivalent of being given the finger, I escalated my concerns to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman. I expected a repeat of being told to bugger off, and sadly I was not disappointed.

My complaint was rejected on the basis of :
(1) the company already gave you lip service so we consider that adequate and don’t need to do it again
(2) I am “clearly concerned about his neighbour, but he does not have consent to complain on their behalf”

Explain to me in words of one syllable exactly how I get permission to complain on my neighbours behalf when she is severely mentally disabled and NON-VERBAL

FFS where do they find these people!?! No wonder people in care get abused and murdered.

What a fucking joke…

(There’s no applicable link to this but I have extensive written correspondence to back up what I’ve said)

Nominated by: Dioclese

(More info here: Day Admin  – Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman )

31 thoughts on “The Social Care Ombudsman

  1. Good cunting.

    Unfortunately a situation that is shit and, due to the ongoing deepening demographic shift, piss poor pay, ageing population etc etc, is only going to get worse. Far fucking worse I would imagine.

    There’s a care home not too far from me and to be honest, looking at the state of some of the so called carers and overhearing some of the conversations – I wouldn’t let them clean a dog kennel let alone care for the vulnerable or elderly.

  2. Sadly social services (SS) are just like the German SS and a law to themselves.
    I suggest, without having read your correspondence, to ask to speak to the social worker assigned to your neighbour. They will have one. Write down your concerns. Once you have done this allow a period of time week or thereabouts then contact them asking what has been done if anything to address your concerns. If not satisfied speak to the social workers team leader.

    Your neighbour will have a named social worker as I’ve said above but another way would be speak to the out of hours social team asking for an emergency 🆘 social worker to get involved.

    Good luck

  3. I forsee a situation whereby it becomes policy to offer everyone over 75 a free lethal injection.

    The state pension is very expensive and a burden on the taxpayer.

    Best to cap it by getting rid of pensioners,the Carlton Club needs to restock the wine cellar.

    • This is why I would NEVER consider living in some arrangement that is described for over 55s only.
      I would be too worried that it is fully plumbed for gas, and not the energy-giving sort, in every room.

  4. Whenever you see some poor fucker dying because the care was inadequate it is followed by the investigation which is usually, to sum up in a few words, ‘neighbours were raising concerns’ same as when some kid get mauled by a fucking pit bull.
    When people raise concerns and they are ignored, what is the point, lessons are never learned and all that matters is covering arses and looking for a fucking scapegoat.

  5. They were probably surprised that someone actually cared enough..the percentage of Me me selfish fucks in this country must be nearing 75%..maybe when they are in trouble help will be at hand from their facefuck friends…
    Good luck with that..

  6. Social services & social workers are amongst the biggest cunts on Earth.
    I base this conclusion on numerous conversations with people who have been overlooked, let down or had their lives destroyed by inadequately experienced cunts.

    I fear Unkle Terry’s comments are closer to the truth, than most of us would have ever believed:
    -disabled care homes slapped DNR’s on residents in Spring 2020
    -council run care homes were filled with C19 patients, discharged from hospital

    Boris and his cunt if a father are big fans of “eugenics”. Stanley has written several books in the subject….

    An excellent and very thought provoking nomination.👏

  7. A relative of mine (now deceased at the grand old age of 92) spent her lifetime working and saving. She and her hubby bought their home and cleared the mortgage 25 years ago.

    Soon after her husband died from a heart attack and from that point on she went down hill fast, not least due to a broken heart and sense of loneliness living in a 3 bed detached.

    Her children recommended a good care home, but typically she would have to sell her home to pay for her time there (something like £600w some 15 years ago)

    And then you read of cunts who have never worked, never contributed and then somehow managed to wrangle their way into care homes with the taxpayer footing most of the bill.

    • That’s the perverse logic of the bureaucrats and politicians..

      The less you do for yourself the more free stuff you get given by an official.

      Totally arsebackwards situation…which is a large part of the reason the social care section is a mess and also why so many foreigners are desperate to get here.

  8. Face it, once your perceived productivity is over you’re considered 2nd class and surplus to requirements.
    Forget all the years of graft,family raising and contributions, fuck off and die, these kids think you’re selfish for surviving.
    Biggest cunts in the world = political establishment.
    Second biggest cunts = generation snowflake.

  9. Depressingly familiar.

    We used to care for our own elderly but now we farm it out. Expecting minimum wage carers to give our elderly the care we can’t be arsed to is just pitiful.

    Now the government of this country has made it impossible to stay home and care for our own elderly we have few options.

  10. I’ve been told by someone close that the care homes are staffed by two types of carers : hard working ones who are generally bullied by the second type – the lazy ones who are well in with the management as they’ll cover up any mistakes. It’s a shit show and I can’t see it getting better. Piss poor pay for the real workers and massive profits for the owners, who aren’t too keen on changing this situation,

    • I’ve just shown your comment to the other half, who has worked as a carer all her life, and she reckons you’re absolutely spot on…

    • My mates daughter worked in a care home and was driven out by bullying staff. She is a very caring and sweet lass, such a shame, a few rotten apples can fuck everything up.

  11. Yes but lessons have been learnt. A fat lazy slug, which most of them are, is not going to learn anything. Useless fucking cunts.

  12. Fuck me,
    Sounds like you drew the short straw there .
    Neighbours are a pain in the arse.
    Always mithering.
    I wouldn’t get involved.

  13. Fair play to you, Dio.

    At least you have a sense of decency and a set of stones big enough to stand up for your neighbour’s wellbeing.

    They say a nation can be judged by the way they treat their senior citizens.

    In this respect, we should be fucking ashamed.

    • Absolutely!
      Kudos for Dio for being a “Human”, in a world of narcissism.

  14. For thousands of years we have cared for our own. At what point did start handing our loved ones over to disinterested 3rd parties? Can we no longer be bothered to take in a loved one and give them the care we wish for them? Do we honestly think the State or some state subsidized company or even a private one can give care like we would?

    • Multi generational households or co-located dwellings were the norm for countless millennia. Then there was the industrial revolution, I guess. People are still unlikely to travel far from where they grew up.

  15. As you can guess, I have a lot to do with carers and care homes. Some are great, but, a lot aren’t. There’s a nursing home, near the station where we spend more time than we actually do on station. Pull up just as another truck’s leaving. “We just want him/her checked over”. You’re SRN’s, you cunts, do your fucking job, the job the residents pay fucking handsomely for. Or “We’ve got a No-Lift policy”. Yeah? That’s illegal so let’s see what the CQC have to say about it. “You’ve just had inspection? You’re going to have another one then, aren’t you”? Or the ‘carers’ that left the wife of a 95 yr old ex-Lancaster pilot, on the fucking floor, call us and fuck off. Seven-stone, wringing wet, covered in fucking piss. Picked her up, cleaned her up, made her and her husband breakfast, looked at all his memorabilia, log books etc, and waited for the cunts to come back… I did get a complaint about the lambasting they received. Boss laughed when I told them why. Fucking useless wankers.

    Try the CQC, Dioclese.

      • Problem being, General, while we’re there doing the carers fucking job for them, we’re unavailable for that paediatric cardiac arrest in the next street. All our training and years of experience, and we’re picking up an uninjured woman off the floor. Fucking disgusting. We also called the RAFA for him to see if they could assist in any way, and the British Legion. (About the only time my old rank and squadron comes in handy).

      • Good afternoon DCI. I’ve had the privilege of knowing two RAF aircrew who served in WW2. I used to do odd jobs for a guy who was a navigator in Bomber Command, one of the most kind, unassuming and generous men I ever met and of course one of the lucky 50% who survived. The other was a Hurricane pilot who took out a 109 in a dogfight over Coventry but was wounded by a piece of shrapnel which came through the canopy. When he called in and asked to put down immediately the controller told him to land on the taxiway so that if he died on short final he wouldn’t close the runway! They made me feel humble. When I was up in the Cessna my only worry was that if I got lost, or as we say was “temporarily unsure of my position”, I would have to call in for a QDM.

        Keep up the good work.

      • I took an ex-Lancaster navigator in, once, arfur. He wasn’t a well man, we pre-alerted and blued him in. Handed him over to Resus, and, this stays with me, he grabbed my hand and said “Thank you”. I just mumbled that whatever we did for him, we could never repay the debt we owed him. Did another job, took her in, went to Resus to find out how he was, but, he’d died not long after we left. Only time I’ve ever got in the back of the truck, locked it, and cried over an adult who I never knew. (Few times for kids, but, that’s different).

  16. On my travels I noticed someone who was being treated like shit who was disabled I reported it and never heard anything back. Last time I saw same ‘carers’ and everything.

  17. What a sad nomination in the sense of the story itself.
    I must have been extremely fortunate to get my mother in law the care she needed and she lived her remaining 7 years in a happy cheerful care home.

    When I had to get her consent to be her representative I went to the daycare centre to meet with herself and the SS.
    I got there first spoke to the mother in law and she was alert and on the ball. The SS woman came in and asked her if she’d like me to be her representative.
    I stood smiling as the mother in law turned to me and said “Who the fuck is he?”
    Dementia for ya

  18. It’s like a nightmare to think about growing old and being at the mercy of these uncaring cunts, especially if they’re employed by the local council. I remember some of them who used to visit my mother when she loved in sheltered housing. The district nurses were ok but most of the others left a lot to be desired.

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