The Residents of Batt Shit Close, Rugby

This bunch of cunts hold their own annual mini pride celebration to show how right-on and progressive they are, probably not realising that most people don’t give a shit, or just view them for the cunts that they are.

I doubt whether any of them are actually gay, apart from, maybe, that revolting looking creep in the gimpsuit (who might have been bussed in from Brighton) and that other fat bearded one in the back row, next to the bird with the sunglasses, who looks like she’d rather be somewhere else.

I pity the poor little kids who are forced to take part in this, could result in some nasty bullying at school and that would be the fault of their cunt parents.

Just for the record, I don’t care if someone is gay, male or female. Live your own life, fine, but stop constantly promoting it, you’re just not that special.

MSN News Link

Nominated by: mystic maven

97 thoughts on “The Residents of Batt Shit Close, Rugby

  1. It’s a good job I don’t live in that fucking street. These pathetic wokies would get told to fuck right off on a daily basis.
    Knowing what wokies are like I expect I would be in a permanent state of war.

    • Only a few miles from me. I’m going to close the windows to be on the safe side I think. Don’t want to catch the gayness.

  2. Lesbians hate blokes, but look out for a bird partner that has bloke characteristics

    Gay blokes…just want to fuck anything that moves. Sex is their only motivation…..if girls fucked anything that moved 24/7. I should imagine there will be fewer gay men around.

    That’s my take on it all

    (The gay community will be mortified if they actually begin to realise no one thinks they are ‘special’ and people accept it as the ‘norm’ They would probably stop being gay at that point.

    • But being accepted as the ‘norm’ is not good enough. They are special and need constant recognition and approval. That’s why they have these marches in the first place……they crave attention and applause. If you don’t give it to them they will put negative labels on you and you will be cancelled. You can bet there are only two or three poofs in that street, the rest of them join in because they are terrified of the label. Try going into work and telling people you think gays are disgusting degenerates…….you will be straight out the door and you won’t get any sympathy from anyone. Even your union will tell you to fuck off.
      Wrongthink I think Orwell called it. This is where we are in the 21 st century.

  3. I see sid snot has let himself go…probably been listening too much Adele..must be water retention needs to get back to gobbing..

  4. ‘A safe space for everyone’, ffs – with that bunch who the fuck would feel safe ?

    You can bet this fucking lot did the knee thing for St George and were all out clapping the NHS, I wonder what the normal residents think of this bullshit.

    • And they have managed to rope in a dark skinned bloke to show they are fully inclusive, obviously not a Mudslime

  5. Bird third from left in the photo, in my imagination is the typical bored young mum who’s husband has pupped her up and now she hates him for doing so, and spends all her day just running after the kids while he’s out at work- just wants a man to show her some care attention and I bet she is right up for a good rogering on a regular basis…as long as you said you loved her afterwards as your wiped your cock on the curtains as you walked out the door before her old man came home.

    (prob just my imagination tho)

    • Sorry mate: she is sharing a “Pride Garland: with her wife.

      They are all gay-even that little rug-rat at the front has They/Them pronouns?

  6. Having a prolapsed sphincter and a miserable old age with no children isnt my idea of a good time. Failed miserable lives and being shunned by the young poofs is not the basis of a life well lived. There is absolutely nothing to be “proud” off. All the advances in being accepted happened decades ago. Im going out on a limb here. I was willing to give them “gay marriage” whatever the fuck that is, but give them a inch and the Qs Ts and Ps are bent on fucking children.

    • ‘Having a prolapsed sphincter and a miserable old age with no children isnt my idea of a good time’

      Yeah…my wife keeps moaning about exactly the same thing

  7. All these wet lettuce wankers lecturing and posturing on social media about “diversity”, “inclusive” and “being accepting and kind to one another” would go straight out the fucking window if anyone on that street dared to stand up and say they didn’t want any part of it.

    Leftists are the most vindictive miserable intolerant fucking arseholes out there.

  8. I wonder if these mouth breathers would be so keen on “pride” if they realised how many associated with “pride” are active, predatory Peter Philes.
    Homosexuality is NOT normal, NOT natural and homosexuals are not “special” – the gay Men I know are sick to fucking death of this of this vile degeneracy masquerading as “tolerance”.

  9. What is it with these miscreants, weirdos, dodgy gees, bull dykes, hatters, fruities and mincers that makes them have to broadcast their unnatural degenerate lifestyles to the world and his dog? They are the ultimate ‘look at me, look at me’ attention seeking cunts.

    It’s more than just ‘the gayness’ it must be a fucking perverted chromosome or gene.
    Perhaps a scientist on is site could explain, perhaps it’s caused by fluoride in the water,

    The country is well and truly finished.

  10. I dunno, these freaks are just wasting their time and energy.

    Being gay isn’t normal in the grand scheme of things. It’s “normal” for the people involved I suppose, but it’s abnormal for the rest of us. But why is that you homophobic bigot, I hear you say? Well, the human race is genetically engineered to procreate, thrive and survive. That’s normal. If you have a lifestyle or sexual preference that does not conform to that model, then I’d say you’re abnormal. Not wrong. Not the devil. Just not normal.

    I include myself in that category as it happens. I absolutely loathe, hate and despise children. Want nothing to do with them. It’s perfectly rational and dare I say “normal” to me because I like to spend my money on me, go where I like and do what I like without constraint, enjoy peace and quiet whenever I want, not have clutter all over the house, sleep soundly at night without interruption, not have my hands covered in runny shit every day, not go to stupid fucking sports days or PTA meetings….you know the list.

    Consequently I made the brilliant decision to not have children. If someone told me I wasn’t normal because of my choice, I’d agree with them up to a point because choosing to have children is normal for most couples. I’m OK with that apart from being taxed to help subsidise other people’s child making decisions. That’s just wrong.

    Having a parade or a whole fucking month to show pride in your sexual preference is insane. That’s really not something anyone should be showing pride in. It makes as much sense as childless couples having a parade and whole month to show pride in our lifestyle choice. Utterly bonkers.

    The push to normalise homosexuality in a general sense is wrong, especially when it comes to brain washing kids in schools. As much as I hate the bastards, young impressionable minds should not be exposed to that kind of crap.

    • So you’re not a big donor to the Save the Children Fund then IY?

      • IY
        If you change your mind and find your shooting blanks,
        I’m selling sperm samples at the moment.

        I’m super virile .?

        Guaranteed a sprog.

        £20 a jam jar of jizz.

        Cheap that.

        Sicky bought a six-pack!?

      • Freddie – I’m afraid not, sir!

        On the odd occasion I get asked if I’d like to make a donation to some scum sucking children’s charidee, I always refuse and tell the person asking I only donate to animal charities. Which is true.

        Proud member of the ASPCA for 15 years straight. I do what I can for our furry friends since they can’t ask for help. Children, on the other hand, can all fuck off. Consumers of everything – producers of nothing.

      • Mis – Yuck! That’s quite the image. Did Sick mention what he wanted it for? We should be told! 🙂

      • He uses it to thicken his porridge.

        Sort of fortified with healthy vitamin and testosterone.
        He’s grown 3inches and has to shave twice a day now.

    • ‘Gupta Patel on the left looks a little uncomfortable if you ask me’

      …quite possibly his first time and not enough lube

      • Mr Puma shirt has 12inch dildo jammed up his arse.

        “That’s it Apu, smile nicely and wave to the camera. Diversity is our strength”.

  11. Child welfare groups are forever banging on about improving their diligence, along with the usual, “Lessons will be learned”.
    Well here’s a photograph of a street full of sexual deviants trying to get children in on the act.
    The kids don’t look old enough to even know what sex is, let alone the abnormal behaviour these sickos are brainwashing them with.
    Get round there, rescue the kids, and jail the ‘minor attracted’ freaks.

  12. I hate street parties, banging saucepans, clapping for the NHS, any of the shite that people try and force me to join in with.
    So this abomination has fuckin no chance.

    There seems to be two type of gay blokes?
    One quiet, unassuming, good at his job, causes no fuss.

    Then there’s the twat who explodes into sight in a storm of sequins, glitter, and double entendre.
    They are camp as fuck and act like 6yr olds.
    These cunts spoil it for everyone.

    Said before nowt against gay people ,
    I like their money.

    But if in a pub and some daft cunt starts screaming Abba tunes and Chris Pinchers me,
    I’ll smack the cunt through a wall.

    • they would refer to you as “a big gay bear”.
      Probably have your photo on the wall of their Gay-Bar?

      • Yeah, ‘bear’.
        That’s what they call big hairy bearded blokes isn’t it?

        Funnily CG I’m very bearlike,
        Like a grizzy bear.

        I shit in the woods✔️

        Like honey✔️

        Steal picnics ✔️

        And root in people’s bins ✔️

    • Mnc@ – I was ordered by “Karen McKaren”, gobby bitch local “wimminz” type to seal clap for the TikTok dancers, I told her to fuck off and made a point of opening the bay windows, turning the speakers around and blasting out some deafening Motorhead when they were outside annoying me by banging pans, blowing whistles and generally being a pain in the arse!
      That shut the fuckers up! ??

      • Afternoon Foxy ?

        My brother in-law is gay.
        He’s a absolute cunt.
        Hysterical if disagreed with,
        Proper little drama queen.
        I can’t stand the cunt.

        Then there’s a lesbian girl where I tip , she’s fuckin ace!
        Funny, friendly,
        No chip on her shoulder,
        I genuinely like her and I’m always respectful to her.

        I don’t need to dress up in a fuckin rainbow or put slogans in my window,
        I treat how I find .

        Some are great
        Some are cunts.

        I know the difference.

        I don’t need fuckin Peter Tatchell to tell me the score!!

        Patronising isn’t it?

      • Evening Miserable.

        I may have mentioned this before, but we’ve had a gay couple living next door since we first moved in 20 years ago. Couldn’t wish for better neighbours… if you passed them in the street you’d not have a clue as to their sexual orientation.

        Damn sure they abhor the current attention seeking, narcissistic, LGBTQXYZ public exhibitionism as much as most cunters posting here do.

        Well, almost as much… ?

      • Evening Ruff?
        When a little lad, my mum and dad would have neighbours round on a Friday night for drinks and chat.
        Two neighbours are a gay couple now elderly,
        They were always very funny, sarcastic, and when I’d beg to stay up to watch Hammer horror films,
        They always sided with me and talked my dad round.

        This small kindness was never forgotten by me,
        They’ve been to family parties at our house and my missus thinks the world of them.

        Like I say ,
        Treat as you find.?

      • @RTC: best neighbours we ever had were a middle aged gay couple. Smashing lads and decent human beings.

      • Maybe it’s a generational thing… like all that other woke nonsense. None of the gays I have known personally have been the sort to go parading their sexuality in the street. In fact most have been surprising socially conservative.

        I suspect it’s another thing that has been whipped up by the Left through their grip on the education system.

      • Exactly. I work with a lot of gay people. Great crewmates, and, I’d wager that even the most vociferous of homophobes on here would be glad to have a gay paramedic there in their time of need. Anyone that says otherwise is a liar.

      • Particularly if you have slipped in the shower and got a bottle of “Head & Shoulders” wedged up your arse?

        Evening DCI?

      • “I just got out of the shower and slipped…”

        Somebody did die from a similar event when the object got ‘sucked up’, for want of a better phrase.

        Evening, CG.

      • Just tell us the fucking truth, mate, we’ve seen it all before. And, yes, we will piss ourselves laughing, afterwards.

  13. Do not give a flying fuck as long as the dirty deed is not made compulsory

    • That’ll be the next thing.
      Youngsters in the future will be forced to do gay, like national service.
      2 years having their ring pieces reamed out by debauched turd burgling bastards and Tory politicians.
      Girls being subjected to the delights of strapadictomy and forced to lick the filthy mingles of filthy fat feminist dykes.

  14. A few stats from HM government.
    Source: The integrated household survey published by the office of national statistics.

    1.1 per cent (approximately 545,000) adults identify as Gay or Lesbian.

    0.4 per cent (approximately 220,000) identify as bisexual.

    0.3 per cent identify as “other”

    3.6 per cent refused to answer the question.

    0.6 per cent provided “no response” to the question.

    an estimated 2.7 per cent of 16-24 year olds in the UK identify as gay, lesbian or bisexual, compared to 0.4 per cent of over 65’s.

    So in conclusion:

    less than 1.8 per cent of the adult population of the UK is not straight.
    98.2 per cent are straight (or asexual).

    Make it stop?

    • CG@ – And I can guarantee those figures will have been manipulated to inflate the result 100%.
      An intolerant, violent, hate filled minority intimidating and trying to force the 99% of normal people to bow to degeneracy and evil – where have we heard that before?

    • Nail on head CG.

      Minority and the left have quite cleverly I would say made all minorities in to victim groups.

      And there’s money to be made from being a victim just as in the same way there is being an Eco Loon.

      As with most things in life if you want to understand the motivation of those who shout the loudest, be them politicians, commentators, so called ‘pressure groups’, charidees et al, just follow the money.

    • I don’t think it’ll ever stop, CG. It’ll be like this (and worse) until the West is conquered and we’re all speaking Mandarin. Who knows what deviances the deviants will dream up between then and now.

  15. These cunts need to be careful. With all this publicity a bunch of Peacefuls might turn up with pitchforks and burning torches and enforce the will of Allah. Now wouldn’t that be a delicious irony? Their safe space isn’t as safe as they think it is.

  16. Save Warwickshire from Sodomy

    a bit like save Ulster from Sodomy in the 80s

  17. Maybe we doing this wrong, instead of ignoring the attention seeking gays perhaps we should applaud and cheer every time we see one.

    Imagine every-time you left the house having everyone’s attention in you all the time?

    Rugby is a shit hole, the gayness street is probably one of the better streets in Rugby.

    • I knew someone from Rugby.
      He was a bonafide high density total cunt .
      He was a cricket vampire.


      • It’s really another midlands shithole, surrounded by Northampton, Coventry and other assorted bigger shitholes.

        Give it to the gays, they will brighten the place up.

  18. Well if it is a shithole the gays will love it. They dream about shitholes don’t they?
    Right up their alley……if you’ll pardon the expression.

  19. “Creating a safe space” another cringe phrase like “your truth”.

    • Or “living your best life.” As soon as you hear that you know you are talking to a complete vacant brain.

  20. They can all go and fuck themselves as far as Im concerned then again they already do fucking perverts

  21. They aren’t serious.
    They couldn’t give a fuck!
    It’s just an excuse for a street party.

    • Absolutely. We don’t need gay pride. It had a point when gays were marginalised and persecuted. Those days are thankfully behind us. Gays are accepted – now its just an excuse for virtue signalling and to wear gimp suits in public.

      • Just thinking back to one or two rough as arseholes streets I have lived on over the years and had a chuckle. You wouldn’t come back alive wearing skinny jeans never mind a bloke in leather hot pants and high heels.

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