The Archie Battersbee Case. And before that the Alfie Evans’ Case.
The issue for me is can they take Archie out of the hospital.
With all the publicity a thought I have– couldn’t they ‘crowd fund’ making a room in their home into a sort of intensive care unit to keep him alive.
But I suspect it will be like the Alfie Evans’ case. Where the court will not allow the parents to take the child because (they have decided) it would be too much for his body.
Or statements like ‘it is burdensome for him’, ‘contrary to human dignity’.
I accept that is a position that one can justifiably adopt.
Cut to the chase- Holly Dance Archie’s mother just keeps asking for more time. She says that the decision by the hospital to go to court to get his life support turned off was ‘within a month’
‘Within a month! Hamlet says exasperatedly when he finds out his mother has married his uncle within a month of his Father’s death.
And Archie’s mother sounds exasperated at the haste with which the hospital went to the court to have the life support for her son turned off.
That’s not long enough. Archie’s mum says that she feels he is ‘still there’ and he squeezes her hand.
You know there are many many examples of people waking up from comas. Sometimes after many years.
Its a terrible situation..
Its for the Doctors to decide. Mmm..
The family it seems cannot make rational decisions because they are too ’emotionally involved’ the argument goes.
The doctors decide and the judges confirm it
Is that right? I remember there were ‘rescue attempts’ by the friends and family in the Alfie Evans’ case. Police positioned outside the hospital when it was thought he could be ‘sprung’.
Mmm…as I say I do take seriously those arguments that all the feeding tubes and wires could be causing undue distress.
I am not for keeping people alive at all costs.
Its just those 2 things I dont like. The unseemly rush to end life support. And this other thing where the parents are physically not allowed to take their children elsewhere (some medical setting) to get treatment or simply to keep them alive in the hope they wake up. The parents should have the last word in my opinion.
Nominated by: Miles Plastic
And on the same subject but different pov, here’s one from cuntator
Hollie Dance (aka Lisa Pittaway) Mother of Archie Battersbeel
I don’t know who’s worse, this foul-mouthed Essex slut, or the presumably legal-aid funded lawyers, who kept challenging the clever-docs at the prestigious Royal London Hospital with regard to turning off the ventilator for her hapless brain-dead 12 year old son who somehow managed to hang himself.
Needless to say the BBC gave her plenty of coverage, portraying her as the devoted mother. Somehow they forgot to mention her previous life as a stripper with a history of violence.
Details of her past are well documented in the link below.
The natural desire to fight for your kids has to be balanced with medical fact.
But it was fucking amazing to get a decision within a month – if the poor little fucker had cancer they would be waiting years for decisions and direction.
Incredible how quick the establishment can move when the spotlight is on it.
Whether the mum was a violent stripper or not has no bearing on this for me.
I understand the denial of a childs mother that to all intent and purpose her kids dead.
Not a nice thing.
I think they should turn off the life support.
No point dragging it out.
The poor kid even if he miraclously regained consciousness would have brain damage.
Hed only get work on Love Island.
You were doing so well until the final sentence lol.
I actually thought ‘fucking hell, first serious comment ever from MNC’…well, for a few seconds at least.
It’s like a type of tourettes MNC.
You should put a spacca claim in, every cunt else is.
I think I might have tourettes CB?
Dont yelp, twitch or tic, but
I talk like I type on here,
Always swearing,
Really have to focus not to swear with customers.
Fanny batter.
K k ki k Kellogg’s corn flakes!
Porky Pig…PORKY PIG!!
If he tried to off himself, at least respect his wishes and let the fucker go.
A very sad case, and one which no parent would want upon themselves or of any other. truly awful . However, the cunting is ( if I am right ) about those who exercise power in the decision to let live, or to not let live. The Law has always been a cunt, and Justice is a rare occurrence which is often achieved incidentally .
In this particular case, it is who decides and what decision they make, and the arbitrary consideration given to the parents. It is my belief, that it is the parent ( who in love ) should have the final say. By all means the opinion and advice of both medical and legal experts should be considered. No parent ( IMO ) would sustain a life in someone they love that was both cruel and unnecessarily unkind.
I will not refer to religion ( its a load of bollocks ) but as a parent, I firmly believe that the interference of both the clinician and the Lawyers is an unnecessary intervention in the role of parenting.
I do agree with Miles on this matter
Yep, what’s actually being cunted.
The doctors, the courts, the mother, the kid.
The kid injured himself and is brain dead, the mum wants to keep him alive, the doctors want to throw the switch, the courts agree with the doctors.
The only cunts are the media, as usual.
The media is defo a cunt !
Well this is a right barrel of laughs.
Fucking hell. Let’s have a nom on watching a loved one die of cancer next and have a proper laugh.
RIP little ‘un.
I find it hard to feel sympathy for any parent who calls their sprog Archie.
Not even jet-setting multimillionaires living in Californian mansions victimized by the right-wing British media.
You have a heart of stone Ruff.
Hand the kid over to the parents and tell them to get on with it if that’s what they want, LL. I’m sure the hospital has enough on its hands without having to be bothered with these time wasters.
She’s devastated as he tried to (did) commit suicide. I guess it’s her way of blocking out the awful truth, keep fighting and don’t accept the inevitable. Who knows what any of us would do under that much duress, I hope I never have to decide.
What would dear old Uncle Adolf have done?
Oh yeah, flicked the switch.
Mind you, he’d have done that if the kid was suffering from asthma.
Quite right too
I hate those wheezing fuckers.
With their sexy raspy voice,
But unable to blow up balloons!
Fuck em?
Me too..if anyone avoided “Games” at school because they sucked on one of those inhaler things,we used to smash it, chase the weedy Cunt the length of the rugby pitch and,for some reason,call him a “Jew”….how our Games teacher used to laugh and cheer us on.
I miss those days.
Absolutely no comment lol
Its a medical FACT that zyklon B cures asthma.
Among many other ailments.
Like that eczema.
I hate those scabby cunts too!
Afternoon MNC.
I used to suffer quite bad with asthma when I was a kid, so I would have gone up a chimney after one of those zyklon showers folks are so fond of here.
Funny thing is, a lot of the sporty fuckers I was at school with are now fat or fucked, and I’m hiking mountains on the weekend.
Eugenics eh? ???
Afternoon Gj?
See your all cured!
Asthmas all in the mind.
Girl I used to work said she was,
“Help, hel..gasp, im,
Im asth..ah, im ….gasp inhaler…
To help her get over her obvious imagined malady I threw the inhaler into the woods.
Best thing I could do for her.
Whats eugenics?
Some sort of sport?
You have a Bitchute video to back that up or is it just anecdotal ?
? Zyklon B zombie ?
Btw, did you know that grîstle is a moderation trigger word?
Yes youve told me an estimated 20 times.
It never becomes repetitive.
Funny you should mention the Jew thing. A lad I was at school with was a jehovas witless, we all just called him Jew boy. No one batted an eyelid.
Some prick in the 1st year thought it was hilarious to throw my inhaler on the school roof, never to be seen again.
Imagine how I felt when I bumped into him at a school reunion a couple of years ago, and the fucking raspberry was on so many tablets he rattled like a maraca. ???
Most insensitive of you Miserable, drawing attention to my late-stage dementia like that. ?
?sorry Ruff.
Have you got that £20 I gave you last week?
He’s like that, RTC.
Incedentally, if he tries to extort money, invite him to your garden party.
” Formal, smart dress required”
Eugenics MNC? Ask the nazi fanboys, they love that shit.?
Naw GJ, I know what eugenics is really.
Did you know it was a cousin of Darwin who coined the term?
They were fascinated by skull structure and spacing of features,
In Eugenics,
My nuts like a neanderthals so im probably queuing for a shower alongside you.
I never doubted you did MNC, you know more than most of these Hitler apologists.
I call them apologists because they don’t even know what a Nazi is, probably get their third reich history from Allo Allo.
Max Hastings said the other day, ‘never trust anyone who compares their opponents to Nazis, or themselves to Churchill’
He was having a dig at Boris, but he’s right on both accounts.
Yeah Eugenics is that band with Annie Lennox,
Always just assumed Annie was a fish supper,
Has that look about her,
But no.
Shes just a bit of a tom boy .
Probably turning his machine off to keep as a spare in case Sasha Johnson’s breaks down.
Black Lives Matter.
Family want her kept plugged in as a human vegetable.
They’ve started a crowdfunder now, you see. Why the fuck do they need money, her treatment is all fucking paid for?
Black lives matter. Hers certainly does.
Ker fucking ching.
You donating to this worthy cause, DF?
….probably not,C.B…..probably not…..although I might slip in and have a bit fumble while the family are out collecting.
Now, then, now then!
Eurgh uh uh uh eurgh uh uh!
Some arsehole called Paul Bialobrzeski seems to have a direct debit keeping this doughnut headed cunt stocked up on baby food.
are those nutters’ comments real? The country is more fucked than I first thought. Vegetables of the world unite – at least she’s got a fucking excuse – those donating are cognisant.
Cuntybollocks@ – A well made point – dribbler is never going to be anything but an immobile vegetable, but no talk of turning Sasha Johnsons life support even though keeping what in now effectively ballast alive is pointless and expensive.
And why would the “Family” (I bet there were howls of misery when they found out they couldn’t sue anyone for a “Floyd payout”) need “donations”? – her treatment is costing them fuck all but one hell of a lump of my taxpayers money.
Black people being greedy whining scroungers and crooks? – Who’d have thought it?
Less like a vegetable, more like a black pudding.
Ghislaine Maxwell might need it, now she’s been put in lower security. After she’s had a long awaited kicking!
isn’t it about time she was rename Spazza Johnson?
Spacca would be good for a giggle.
I find it ironic that a judge can make a decision to terminate life support for a person who cannot make that decision for their self, but are happy to prosecute anyone who helps a terminally ill person end their life.
It seems somewhat hypocritical, to me.
I suppose its all about quality of life or in most cases lack of. If I was unable of communicate, feed myself etc I would expect my nearest and dearest to pull the plug and chuck me on the compost heap. Both my parents have signed up to donate themselves to medical universities. More out of minimising costs from greedy bastard funeral homes than any sense of advancing medical science.
Im surprised minor dignitaries and celebs arent brought in to pull the plug in these cases?
They launch ships and open supermarkets etc.
Theyre missing a hole in the market here.
Leroy Lineker would be up for that, the black bastard.
Its win-win.
Your family get cheered up and get their photo taken with H from steps or Darren Day,
No one feels bad for pulling the plug,
And a celeb earns a few quid!
Id have Bob Carolgess & spit the dog turn off my life support.
Someone write that down!
Harvey Price?
“No Harvey! Pull, don’t eat!”.
I’ll have Carol Vorderman and the Countdown theme tune.
I’ll probably end up with Kool and The Gang singing “Celebration”
Or Elton John singing ‘Candle in the Wind’, Fiddler.
I’ll stage the greatest fucking comeback since Lazarus if I see that todger-toucher sneaking in to abuse me when he thinks that I’m defenceless,LL….”Candle in the wind”?…it’ll be “Iron-Lung up his dung-trumpet” by the time I’m done.
I didn’t see Vernon’s Fat Reg comment below. It seems he is a popular choice involving a vulnerable bedridden cunter and a raging arse diddling fudge nudger.
Fat Reg will be sorely missed when he finally succumbs to The Aids,LL
Whats with the new moniker?
You done that?
Or is it Admins joke?
Evening,MNC…..Nah,not Admin….it’s an XTC song that I hadn’t heard for years..some good memories and I just thought it suited.
Now I’m terribly confused.
How does one address you?
Lord Fidler
The Lord Mayor, Sir Fidler.
Or just he/him?
By the way, you can call me Al.
A simple “You Cunt,Fiddler” would probably be a popular choice.
Mnc@ – A topping idea Sir – Fat Reg barreling in to warble “goodbye dying kid, you’ve got cancer of the balls, and my hand on your cock”..
The dirty fker! ?
Bernie Taupin step aside. The masters in town.
The family must be loaded to be able to afford a legal team and take the case all the way to the High Court..and probably beyond.
Good luck to them..
Unless it’s actually being paid for by us.
In which case Fuck Off.
I wonder what the judges verdict would have been if Archie was a dark key. In fact, would the NHS trust involved have gone to court?
Like many, I am not entirely comfortable with the idea of a judge deciding if someone’s child can live or die. I’m not always convinced by ‘experts’ used in court proceedings either, but there has to be an end. Poor Archie could still be there in 20 years time and mum probably still won’t let go. Is the law an ass in this case? I really don’t know.
FMC@ – Sasha Johnson will never recover, she will always be (more of a) vegetable.
And I don’t see anyone threatening to end our suffering and turn off this parasites life support – seems rather racist to me – turn that switch!
Great point Vern.
They certainly haven’t rushed such a verdict in that case.
My guess (and it’s only a guess, I could be totally wrong).
Doc says she’s a cabbage forever. Turn it off its cruel.
Family think ‘kerching and crowdfunding – we need it kept on’.
“Is you trying to kill a strong black woman, you racist white man?”
No cunt dare switch it off.
Black crowdfunding matters!
A link for those who can’t go five minutes here without shouting ‘nazi’ ‘bigot’ etc.
They wouldn’t last 5 minutes on there mate?
I’m with cuntador on this one.
Anyone see them leaving court….yesterday, maybe the day before?
What the fuck did the grand mother look like? Looked like she had been ‘working’ all night and is 7 months pregant. Scummy cunt
The one with the Red barnet (obv)
Sadly, her boy was being groomed to be a right charver in the future.
Just watched that link, blimey!
Did you see the scrolling headlines underneath? Sheffield is making a bid to host the next Euro vision, fuck me!
Are they mad?
Mrs Fistula used to work for social services. You would not believe the money that’s bestowed on the brain dead. The cost of looking after a Spaztoid vegetable is about £65,000 a year. And in most cases the family are fighting tooth and nail to keep them alive.
I wonder if they would be so eager if they had to keep them at home and she’ll out the cost themselves. ?
That’s my Christian thought for the day ?
Spot on Fenton.
Amen and pass the credit card/equity release form.
Very good point FF and the answer would be “like fuck” out loud, in any one of the multitudes of language’s now recognised in this troubled isle.
At a cardiac arrest, there comes a time when enough’s enough, and you stop. No point carrying on. It’s a joint decision with all clinicians involved, all factors taken into consideration, HEMS consultants, usually decide, and this is discussed with the family. When the decision is made to stop, we will carry on CPR, either manually or with the Lucas, and the family is given time tobsay goodbye whilst they’re ‘Alive’. It is heart breaking, especially when it’s children, and, fuck me, do you fight for them. If there’s a fucking chance, they’re rushed in, preferably in the helicopter. Last one I took in was under escort. Point is, this kid has been given every possible chance. I wasn’t there but I know you pull all the stops out for a kid, I would, have and so would they. I feel for the parents. Having held the hand of a mother, watching her baby have HEMS work on it, unfortunately with a tragic outcome, I can understand her grief. At that point, I would have swapped my life for her baby’s.
Thankfully, I don’t know what her grief is like, or what she’s going through, and, hopefully, none of you do, either.
Sic transit gloria mundi.
You are a good man DCI.
Thank you?
Appreciated, Cuntfinder, but it’s just a job. Difficult, sometimes, but just a job. Besides, I get to drive like like Starsky and Hutch
Decisions like this should be for God to decide, and God alone. Unplug the life support machines and if the vegetable snuffs it, well, so be it. That is the Will of God.
Sorry, I meant to say: if the vegetable lives, so be it. Same difference though.
Off topic but the carpet munchers are practising their knee taking to hysterical crowd support (said crowd being like the front row of a Kylie concert – 10,000 pairs of legs and one pubic hair screaming their little girly lungs out – so popular they have to give tickets away to look like someone actually gives a fuck) – the brainwashing is strong in the Midwich Cuckoos.
Well, best hope the traitors get their racist arses handed to them.
I fucking hate what this Country has become more by the day.
Plenty of men going without their tea tonight. It’s a fucking disgrace.
RK@ – And Dame Gareth Southgate feverishly knitting his little rainbow flag and wetting his bloomers with excitement..
I am going to enjoy getting cuntgate fired.
It’s a fucking puke-fest Vernon. I’m sick to the back teeth of hearing about these slags. My football/sport pages in the paper have been awash with this women’s football bollocks for the last two years . I’ve had enough. Fucking women aaaaargh, they bleed for a week and won’t fucking die. They’re taking over and with pussy whipped cunts like Southgate promoting them we are doomed.
I caught about 5 seconds of it. They were 3-0 up I think and the fairly big crowd sounded like a load of shrieking girls/kids. The noise reminded me of just after Ron Pickering shouted ‘Away you go!’ on ‘We are the Champions’.
Handing out freebies no question. Still,they’ll say it was a ‘record attendance’ and it proves women’s football is the most popular sport in history.
Thing is, some women’s sport is fine. Just finished watching the athletics works championships. The women’s events are just as watchable as the men’s… probably more so when watching that fit as fuck Dutch 400m/cameltoe team, but that’s another story.
But football? As Jimmy Hill once said during World Cup ’82 I think it was, ‘It’s a man’s game. It’s not a game for girls.’
It just doesn’t work as a serious sport. They are all fucking hopeless.
To be fair Vern, if I had been offered a front row ticket to a Kylie concert when she was In her prime, I’d have been getting as many upskirt views as possible, cock in hand. The audience would’ve been wondering what that trembling head was doing, following Kylie around at the front of the stage.
I’d definitely have got my money’s worth before the police arrived.
I would watch the after match clam jousting. Oh yes siree.
It is totally wrong that, in one breath, the doctors and courts say it’s ok for this poor kid to be switched off, the next breath the parents are not allowed to move him. First part of the Hippocratic oath is ‘Do no harm’. Except when it comes to killing kids, obviously. Either inside or outside the womb.
These fuckers think themselves divine. I’m sure the Almighty has a special place for such arrogant scum.
I don’t think it’s the doctors that actually make the laws…
Unless you know different.
“These fuckers think themselves divine.”
Jesus-H-fucking-Christ, you do realise you typed that and we can all read it? Have YOU ever been in the position where someone’s life is in YOUR hands? You, peronally, and your team have done all you can to save that life? Do YOU know what it’s like to watch a child die? Have YOU experienced that more than once? Have YOU ever held the hand of a mother whilst your colleagues are trying to save her baby? Have YOU ever had to explain to that mother that her child is dead? Have YOU ever had to explain to parents that their child is brain dead and the best and only course of action is to switch off the machine that is keeping them (technically) alive? Do YOU live with the nightmares that these things bring?
I fucking doubt it.
Yes, they/we REALLY think we’re/they’re divine. We/they do get a great feeling when we actually save them, but I’d happily swap the fucking grief when we don’t.
I have replied but pressed the wrong button, scroll down.
Good job I’m not in charge of the respirator machine 😉
BTW, you are not divine, as you will one day undoubtedly find out, when it’s time for your ‘machine’ to be switched off.
“Except when it comes to killing kids, obviously. Either inside or outside the womb.”
You’re not from Worcestershire, and have a thing about bike sheds, by chance? Hmm…
I really don’t know what that means.
Well… it’s a point of view. I suppose.
My objections to this situation are that medical professionals have decided what they think the best course of action is, then the courts, in record time, base their decision on the medics opinions, so yes, it appears medics are making up laws. Do you think someone else in a more privileged position would suffer the same fate? Prince William, God forbid, for example?
It appears being a Dr trumps being the parent.
It’s the refusal to allow him to be moved to alternative facilities that really irks. They seem determined to off this kid asap.
To answer your questions, yes, I have had a person’s life in my hands, and but for my actions they would have died.
Yes, I know what it’s like to be in a similar situation. I have had two children on life support for over 3 months, both of whom survived with no apparent ill effects apart from attitude problems. At one stage I was told my daughter would not last the night.
Yes, I have broken the news to someone that their loved one has died, and also been on the receiving end of such news more than once.
Again, my objection is not so much this particular group of medics’ decision to withdraw life support, it’s their refusal to allow others to continue to provide it, and the State’s interference in such matters in such a negative way.
To other commenters, his mother’s reputation, social standing, financial stability or previous employment choices are utterly irrelevant to whether or not this child should or should not receive continued care.
Sorry, I don’t believe you, because, if everything that you say has happened to you had actually happened, I’d put a fair sized wager that you’d have a different viewpoint in this case and certainly a different attitude towards the medical staff that you say saved your childrens lives.
I assume you disagree, but at least you haven’t got all pissy about it. Thank you.
Pressed wrong button again. I attempted to thank you for not being pissy in your apparent disagreement.
You seem to be comparing apples with pears here.
Comment for Termujin, BTW.
Please expand.
Mr Hunt,
Further discussion appears pointless. You obviously know everything and what you don’t know you make up.
I assume by your histrionics that you are a female. I assume by your high handed, know it all attitude you work for the NHS. That you call me a liar at the drop of a hat, for disagreeing with you, then presume to tell me what my attitude to NHS staff should be after claiming to be divine shows me how far up your own arse you are, which appears normal for NHS staff nowadays.
BTW, if you are not s female, you need to sort your testosterone levels out. You whine like a girl and appeal to emotion and not facts. Maybe a visit to the GP for a blood test, if you can get an appointment this year?
Eloquently put, but, unfortunately incorrect (apart from one point) and, not without a touch of irony.
All this pain woe and misery could be done way with if the government did the decent thing and banned string, rope, twine, cable and any nasty ropey stuff that could be used to hurt oneself. Fucking obvious answer really.
The father in his hospital now with a suspected heart attack.
I ask the question again-what’s all the rush?
In the news-there will be a delay so that they can try one last time with the European Court. But the British Court didn’t use the word delay but ‘stay’.
A ‘stay’ of execution.
Cut to the chase-like the Abortion debate it is.
Let’s just get the ‘problem’ over.