Romanian Street Gangs

Romanian gangs of street thieves and con artists are cunts, these pieces of dog shit turn up here, claim all there is to be claimed under the guise of being dislodged gypsies, then they go to town on how many laws they can break, muggings, prostitution, people trafficking, conning, begging, drugs you name it these cunts are doing it.

Anyway the above spunk trumpet (Stefania Tinica) has been relieving old gents of their time pieces by running up to the hugging them and then separating them from their watches and has got caught and has been given 40 months for her crimes, I hope she gets a good fisting from the dykes.

The fuckers do this all over the world, they need napalming of the return of the third Reich

The bitch should be deported on release, but that won’t happen her and her pack of cunts will Romania for ever until one of their own stabs them….

WatchPro News Link

Nominated by: Fuglyucker

(At time of writing, no mention of Stefania Tinica on the BBC or Guardian. Funny that! – Day Admin)

111 thoughts on “Romanian Street Gangs

  1. These cunts are European pakis.

    No good to anyone at all.

    Deport them all and if they won’t go then just gas them.

  2. Looking at the header pic she’s either dying for a piss or she’s playing for the mental ‘elf card in the hope of early parole.

  3. Filthy Roma trash. They are trained from birth to be the most skilled pickpockets and thieves in the world. As always they are allowed to just walk in, suck up all the benefits and steal what they want. The mistake this bitch made was stealing from rich cunts. She should have stuck to purses and wallets of ordinary people in the street. The coppers wouldn’t have given a fuck.

  4. Place all Romanian gypsy gangs to Irish and England traveller sites.
    As a separate ethnic group surely they will all get along just rosie.

    • They’ll just breed if you do that then you’ll end up with badly-spoken poîkey brats being taught to burgle and thieve from day one. If we could contain all the gýppõs and Romanians in a fenced/walled off area, that might work. Let them all die off like rats in a large bucket. It’d be likec a modern-day Warsaw ghetto.

  5. We keep letting the dregs of the world come here. Are we surprised they are cunts?

    Anyone noticed that there is siddha shortage of workers everywhere? Airports, The sacred NHS?

    The answer will be more immigration, but everything nurse will bring 5 scumbags.

    • Arriving at T4 in Heathrow in recent times was an eye opener. African and peacefuls queueing a mile long to get in.

      I honestly thought I’d got on the wrong plane and landed in some fly blown third world shithole.

      We are fucked.

  6. 40 months for stealing watches, add another 400 for being one ugly mother fucker!
    Must have put the fear of god into the poor cunts getting a hug with that fucking boat ?

  7. I’ve encountered these dirty low life cunts twice.

    The first time we were having some work done on the house and I had a skip on my drive – my property, not in the street.

    There as some lead in the skip, which I had promised to the ENGLISH builders to sell as scrap as this is an unspoken thing and I had no problem with it.

    I saw a bit white dirty looking run down van pull up and two dirty looking gippos get out talking loudly in some eastern European language. Next thing these peasants are rummaging through the skip and I heard shouting from the roof “Oi, get out”.

    I moved my arse faster that Katie Prices knickers fall to her ankles and ran outside to ask what the fuck they were doing – simply to be told fuck off.

    I’ll give you fuck off as I took my phone out and took pictures of these two cunts. One then said don’t take photos so I said fuck off then. During this time the builder had scaled down the ladder and took over – wish he’d hit them but the scarpered.

    Second time was when I was packing our car for a camping weekend and I turned my back for a couple of minutes. When I went back outside I’d noticed some equipment I had put by the car had been taken and my neighbour said “those two in that van just stole you items”.

    Wankers all of them.

  8. I forgot that I left about 20 quid in the centre console of my car when taking it to the Romanian car wash/money laundering outfit down the road.

    This was taken as a tip obviously and I didn’t notice until I got home.

    I could have gone back for a row but what’s the point, they’ll only come and set fire to my house or something

    Filthy cunts

    • Here’s a tip, never give these scumbags a fucking penny. I’d sooner lick my car clean than let vermin wash it,even for 50p. Fuck them, let them starve.

    • CofL, be careful with those Iron Curtain/Muzzie hand car washes/drug dealerships. They scour any posh car for an address (letter in the dashboard or similar) then note it.

      Posh car > address ? Burglary.

  9. He might have gone a bit mental towards the end, but old uncle Adolf was right about some things…….

  10. Like Irish pikies,these toerags aren’t tolerated in their own lands so,as ever,flock to not so Great Britain and get stuck into verminous activities.
    Suckered Liberal GB, a magnet for the world’s dross.
    Bring on the 4th Reich.

  11. Anyone got the horn? Expat cunters? Off shore independence supporters?

    • What a stunner. She can give me a hug any day. And that’s the expression she’ll have as I force my cock up her arsehole.

  12. Still think Great Unkle Addy, got everything wrong?*

    The only mistake he made, was stopping in Paris for a sightseeing extravaganza.
    The silly bastard.

    Next time, hopefully they won’t make the same mistake.

    • *with my blonde hair and blue eyes, I will make a wonderful member of the new model army?

    • Well it appears the democratic system has utterly failed the country.

      A country almost ruined by uncontrolled immigration.

      All in the space of one lifetime.

      So yes,time for a fucking change.

  13. Diversity our strength!

    One reason we voted for Brexit was to get CUNTS like this out of the country.

    Cheers Tories!

    You useless fucking cunts.

    Right now, I’d vote for an Adolf if he’d round up and kick these fuckers out, along with the peaceful grooming mob.

    Adolf was a cunt by the way, but we need some cunt who will actually sort this shit out

  14. Just a warning to fellow cunters. I’ve been told that these Roma bastards have a device that reads your credit cards as they walk past you. If you look on Amazon, EBay etc, there is a card with a metal strip you can buy to put in your wallet / purse that is basically like a Faraday blocker. They then can’t read your cards and blocks their device. Been several instances in Sheffield recently, particularly targeting OAP’s on buses.

    • They’ve been around since the early 2010s but have become more sophisticated now that most everyone is using contactless cards and credit cards etc.

      Some people have suggested wrapping your cards in tin foil before putting them back in your wallet/purse. Don’t know if that’s effective though

  15. Could I be the first to mention that she is a difficult wank?
    Utter scum

  16. The only Romanian I’ve any time for is Vlad Tepes and that’s only because he liked impaling peacefuls.

    Oh and footballer Gheorge Hagi because he had a magic wand of a left foot.

    Good Afternoon

  17. Lot of love today for Hitler and the Nazis today.
    Yesterday, the bbc were Nazis, but you all hated them for it.

  18. Thieving Gypos are hated the world over.
    The Mail ran a story today about Albanian gangs making British Passports replicated in every detail including the biometric strip and the Government haven’t a clue on how to deal with it.

    • Why would anybody need a fake passport? This country lets in any cunt on the planet and then gives them every benefit available, even those mere British citizens can’t get.

  19. Sorry to change the theme but as Urkraine is nearish to Romania it seems fitting.

    Let me start by stating that what is happening in Ukraine is not good and I am wholeheartedly against it, but…

    We came second in the mincing contest which is Eurocuntvision. Now we’re holding it. Doesn’t this country have enough financial struggles without the need to host this batty boy contest.

    Why not let one of the other gippo countries that Border Ukraine host it – I don’t want it here or have my taxes used towards it. Perhaps Ukraine could give back some of the £1billion odd they’ve been given towards this.

    Just a thought…

    • I hate that grinning Sam Ryder chimp


      Ooh look at me I’m on YouTube

      Just fuck off

    • Yep – Ali Beebie also reported this could cost up to £48 – make it £100 given we’re going to be spending triple on energy this time next year!

  20. An old friend of mine manages a charity shop in Bury. And she told me that these Romanian filth (all girls) robbed from the place regularly, From a charity shop. I fucking ask you?

    Mind you, similar scum from the same dirty stock (and again, female) stole the British Legion remembrance collection from Bolton Market too. Gyppo dog dirt.

  21. I watched a group of these cunts once in Greece. A couple of kids were thrown into a supermarket and ran out seconds later with security chasing them.
    They ran back to the flatbed truck whereupon the parents absolutely battered them for not stealing enough and sent them back in.

    Albanians are another bunch of thieving drug dealers. Where I live the police have dedicated Albanian gang teams to try and keep up.

  22. Which cunt PM or succession of cunt PM’s allowed the uk border to be nothing more than a stroll in the park ?
    Cultural diversity at its peak with these pickled brown skinned muggers. The old watch trick. Fkn cunt. She’ll be on the full range of benefits – uc, pip, housing costs paid on UC. probs has a dodgy Romanian landlord on the books as well. Give Radu a bj once a week and she’ll have another house and UC claim onnthat as well.
    Round them up and send the fuckers back

  23. The United Kingdom is now known around the world as a soft touch – we have no borders, no security, no consistent policing, no leadership, no direction, no good plan and a cabal of 650 utter fucking oxygen thieves acting like a combination of Stalin and Marie Antoinette allegedly running the show – a Marx-ist comedy with us as the stooges.
    Jail, deportation and a longer sentence if they try and sneak back in would be a good start with these “impertinent foreign types” (AKA jackals).
    The bill to keep leeches of all colours and nationalities is crippling us, more and more are coming every day and everything it has taken generations to build is being stolen, one way or another, as politicians do the sum total of nothing.
    We need politicians who will bring in harsh laws for foreign parasites (as well as toughening up in a hell of a lot of other areas) which is the only thing which will discourage them, but we have politicians who not only do not appear to be doing a thing to stop the invasion and ransacking of the Country but increasingly appear to be encouraging it to line their own pockets in the hope they can buy somewhere expensive enough not to see the ruin they created and to keep their handlers happy.
    Tracing problems back to the root cause is a good way of working out how to put things right, and in this – as in so many other cases – the root cause of the problem is politicians who now just seem to spend their lives working out how to order us around and fuck us over even more.
    Dictatorship in the guise of weak “liberalism” is destroying us.

    • I was watching Waterloo the other day.

      Harking back to a time when we had something of which we could be proud .

      Now I look at this country and think what an utter utter shit hole.

      I’d be gone if I could

  24. In other news, that Femke Bol and Nadine Visser sorts (Dutch women’s 400m athletes) would both get it. Fantastic arses and cameltoes always evident. Glorious stuff.

    Good afternoon.

  25. What a coincidence!
    Why only today a Romanian fellow has been given life for murdering some lass in London.

    Now we can pay for him to stay in prison.

    Or we could just hang the cunt.

  26. We have a Romanian big eeeeshoo seller ( legal begging) cunt in our town. All the usual suspects fawn over her, lefty, hippy types.
    I only ever spoke to her once, and that was to say “ fuck off you scrounging bitch, you’re not homeless “.
    I’m trying to make her life as much of a misery as I can. My special potion ( stinkiest liquid known to man) was drawn up into a hypodermic, and squirted into her trolley, full of her crap. The stink wafted up pretty quick as I made my rapid escape from the scene of the crime.
    I’ve now decided to have another go, this time from the roof of the shop she stands outside.
    I am of course a proper cunt for doing it, but it lowers the temperature of my piss.

      • I remember when genuinely homeless people used to sell the Big Issue. Now, it’s a dooshka slag who gets into a Mercedes when she’s done her ‘shift’. Every day, this ‘homeless’ person gets into a flash car near McDonald’s in Bury town centre. Fucking scum cunt.

  27. Re.Smugs Big Issue statenent,it begs the question as to how the intentionally and culturally itinerant can claim to be homeless?
    They get driven around, put outside supermarkets in well heeled towns and ponce from the handwringers before moving to the next. Seen it all before round these parts.
    I wish they’d rock up and entrench themselves in the same leafy environs, I bet the goody two shoes posh lefty types who pay the filth with lucre would have an aneurysm.
    NIMBY cunts.

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