My Fellow Cunters, for your Cuntsideration: Pakistani “grooming* gang” apologists.
(*for the avoidance of confusion-it is not “grooming”, it is organised, mass rape.)
To me personally, the only thing worse that the systematic abuse of White, working class children, by Pakistani and Bangladeshi adults in the United Kingdom, are the absolute CUNTS who continually apologise for them.
Example: read how these cunts construct a completely false narrative, around the subject?
This is a modern holocaust, being conducted against our indigenous children, by a primitive culture that is colonising our island. HM Gov, the MSM, the “Police Service”, social services, local councils-they have all been complicit in enabling or covering up this horrific, ongoing crime.
Calling someone a racist, far right extremest, white supremacist or pointing at white or the Catholic church as a defence, makes you an insidious CUNT of the highest order.
How can you, in all good conscience, defend “the indefensible”?
Go and hang your head in shame.
Better yet, go to an outreach and talk to the 11, 12, 13 year old girls who are the victims and tell THEM your excuses for the perpetrators.?
Nominated by: Cuntfinder General
Fucking animals they are. They should be thinned out like we would wild hogs or rats. Use night vision and silencers and post it on you tube.
Utter cuntism of the the highest order. I’m lost for fucking words how it has come to this.
Don’t say anything though as it might just spark a riot and we don’t want that do we?
We all know that an organised march or protest against these cunts would be labelled “right wing extremism” and the rozzers would wade in and cart everyone off. We are well and truly fucked in this country- and all countries by the look of things.
This is appeasement,yet another in the caravan of outright shame by our “leaders” and “authority figures”.
Perhaps in isolation,when this disgusting phenomenon was not well known,social services and the police didn’t know how to respond correctly.
However for the past twenty years it has been common knowledge this awful shit has been going on all over
So anyone involved in a cover up at that stage is a fucking coward and a traitor.
I’d hang every last one of them for the vermin they are.
Authority doesn’t serve the people, it serves itself.
Always has done and always will.
The unworthy cunts…
I blame Tommy R for everything, he is satan, global warming, Covid, Boris Johnson.
How dare anyone suggest that P*ki men in Taxis and Kebab shops have been organising in gangs all over the country to target and rape vulnerable young white girls.
You forgot: real name Stephen Yaxley Lennon.
Stephen Yaxley Lennon
3 words which causes snow to melt in an instant.
Yes, forgot the mandatory real name ?
Do we ever hear “Real name – Bruce Jenner”?
Oddly not.
Good nom Cuntfinder. ?
A couple of old mates of mine are of the bed wetting persuasion and on a recent night out we drifted on to this very subject.
Needless to say their counter argument was Gary Glitter, Rolf Harris and catholic priests which pretty much makes it ok, is just one of those things and not all P*kis blah blah.
Fucking gutless self loathing prats.
These cunts are foreign invaders who hold the UK law in obvious contempt, operate in gangs, raping children without shame.
They all look each other in the eye knowing what they are doing but as the Prophet himself was partial to fucking children and keeping sex slaves – well it must be ok because as we all know – he was the perfect human.
No doubt in every town and city in the UK that has been afflicted with a “community” of them as well.
The dirty fucking barbarian cunts.
I always think what would they do in Pakistan if thousands of men of British descent were doing the same to their girls?
Do these clowns think they’d say ‘Oh look at (insert Pakistan’s Savile equivalent) or the no n ce Imams. Most of the pea doughs in Pakistan are of Pakistani origin!’ (when 90 odd percent of the population are Pakistanis)
No, they fucking wouldn’t. I’ll tell you what they’d do. They’d hunt down all honkies, even those nothing to do with the crimes, and butcher them in the street. Not that I’d condone that, of course, but it is what they’d do. The government would also deport every fucking white Briton in their country overnight, not that they’d ever let us move there en masse or be MPs and mayor’s! And not that I’d ever want to, but the point is valid.
Stop shitting all over your own people. These cunts don’t see it as altruistic. They see you as a weak fucking cunt and will carry on doing what they do even more.
Spineless fucking cunts.
Keir Starmer should be first against the wall in all this.
If it was face first he’d probably get excited…
I didnt like them before grooming gangs, they are foreigners after all.
Why are our politicians so keen on them?
They are privy to whats happening,
Dont seem to care?
The police try to stifle witnesses who speak out about it,
(West Mercia police sent officers around to the home of a victim who appeared on GBnews)
Why havent any of the parents killed one of these taxiphiles yet?
It was my daughter the cunt would be receiving the worlds widest centre parting courtesy of a felling axe .
“…Why haven’t any of the parents killed one of these taxiphiles yet? … It was my daughter the cunt would be receiving the worlds widest centre parting courtesy of a felling axe .”
Fucking A! It is an amazement to me that this hasn’t happened yet, the filth even arrested one Father OUTSIDE THE HOUSE WHILE HIS DAUGHTER WAS INSIDE BEING RAPED!!! I mean .. what can you say to such abject cuntery?
When I was involved in a certain political party we had a young woman come to us desperate for help as her 13yr old daughter was getting serious shit from a gang of, not mudslimes in this case, but a troupe of ‘muh dicking’ 15yr old ***** on her way home from school. The police had fucked her off and the fucking school didn’t want to know (we contacted both to confirm this) So with the groidal types given a free pass this situation was only going to escalate to an inevitable conclusion.
At the end of the meeting two of the lads who did our security came forward and offered to do ‘obs, intel and escort’ duty. Both were ex C18 (with an ‘uninsurable’ attitude towards any who dare lay hands on a young white girl) both lived within minutes of the family so instantly available and both members of a local Shotokan/Shaolin dojo with a posse of similarly inclined and trained short haired individuals to call on as back up. Definitely not the sort to fuck about or be fucked with!
Escort ‘at a distance’ began immediately and after a few days we knew the principle crotch grabbing playa’s and their addresses so there’d be no dodging retribution should it be deemed necessary.
On day 5 the two lads had seen enough and they and their Alsation stepped into them. I was assured that no punches were thrown or needed (faced with these two I can believe it) but the dog was pissed off because it “didn’t get a taste o’ chocolate”… fair enough, no problem with that.
Escort continued for a week or so after that as a double check that the message had been fucking received, it apparently had.
Vigilantism? Call it what you fucking like… We did a good thing
This story is about a year old and took place in Greece, but it sums these fucking cunts up.
I’m pretty sure I read a similar story in the UK a few years back, but I can’t find it.
Anyway, this is just fucking disgraceful.
Why does the U.K. give more foreign aid to Pakistan than any other toilet?
Levelling up?
Another thing I find particularly fallacious in the reporting of this cultural phenomenon is the media all too often describing these filth as “Asian” even when there are North Africans involved whilst interestingly enough there are never any Japanese or Chinese involved.
I fear I would be in jail had these dirty animals got anywhere near my daughter when she was young. No questions asked, baseball bat around the head until the brain leaked out. I hate what we have become as a ‘society’ we have been poisoned and there’s no antidote.
“Diversity is our Strength”. It certainly is for gangs of feral Stanley’s who target exclusively White girls, aided and abetted by gutless authorities.
Castrate and deport first the perpetrators, then the apologists, then those who failed to protect.
All P*kis are cowards. They only ever do anything in gangs.
What I’d like to know is , what race is pisslam?
This is a very good nom and a subject that makes me very angry, especially when these cunts should immeditately be removed from detention and taken to a place where they can enjoy eternal glory, i.e. 6 feet under.
I saw this on the link that was provided:
“we need to unpack the dangers of viewing sexual violence through a primarily racialised lens”
Let’s dissect this. We are NOT viewing sexual violence through a racialised lens – and perhaps someone can correct me. These were Dakis that did this, or were they maybe whiteys who had been on long holidays to hot lands and managed to start speaking the local lingo?
It’s ?????? as if the powers that be want the destruction of our once beautiful, wonderful country.
What a cess pit we have become. Pakıs and sootıes festering everywhere, along with all the sponging third world flotsam and jetsam that washes up on our shores.
And like Cuntfinder General says in his excellent nom, the biggest cunts are the ones who allow it all on purpose.
They ought to be charged with high treason, hung, drawn and quartered and every darkıe who arrived since 1990 repatriated onto vast container ships at gunpoint.
Afternoon Thomas.
Kalergi Plan.
Apparently it’s a “far right” conspiracy theory (as is The Great Replacement)
Which bright spark (or sparks) decided that filling English industrial towns up with hundreds of thousands of people from a diametrically opposed backward culture, was a good idea?
Wheres these girls parents?
Why arent they keeping a eye on their kids?
Know some of these girls were in social services care,
So why hasnt someone been prosecuted for gross negligence, child endangerment?
Or aiding and abetting the prostitution of children?
Afternoon Mis.
Oldham is the latest in a sorry list of afflicted towns and interestingly enough, one young victim was allegedly collected by a peaceful from the local police station where she’d initially gone to report her abusers but was basically told to fuck off by the cops.
She was then raped the same evening by 5 other peacefuls.
Hello Herman?
Yes, I read that.
Unbeleivable isnt it?
Telford, Oldham, Rochdale, Bradford,
The usual suspects.
Its councils, police, working to try and suppress it in case it causes racial tension?!!
But, by covering it up, (badly) it causes more racial tension than it would of if theyd been honest and confronted it.
Weak, and cowardly.
This is what happens when you scream ‘Racist’ and ‘Instutional Racism’ at these organisations when they do their job – they become afraid of doing that job because of the screaming from the usual minority. A sorry state of affairs.
One of the reasons is that whenever there is any bother in the paki slum areas they turn out by the hundred and there aren’t enough police to deal with them.
Plenty of footage online..
It’s gone beyond the police,they’ve left it too long.
It requires the intervention of the army to clear the cunts out.
This is why politicians run a mile from any subject involving the primitive underhand sneaking ways of the Peacefuls.
They know now that the only way to effectively stop them is with the military.
The cunts who owned the cotton/wool mills,
Cheap labour at the time.
As the saying goes
” the pain of poor quality far outlasts the pleasure of a cheap price”
Ain’t that fucking true…!
Those who seek to destroy social unity.
Hear, hear. I sometime feel like the minority. I live within the South West suburbs of Londonistan but a little away from the posh noshers and yummy mummys.
Our area in the last year (particularly my street) is filling up dakis and sooties and the cunts don’t even say hello or morning when they walk past.
why are speaking the ENGLISH at them? Are you some sort of racist?
Urdu man, Urdu!
They do want the destruction of our country. If the cunts did not, they would have had a couple of meetings.
Traitors any person who contributes to the further decline of the indigenous inhabitants of these islands.
Thank you admin(s) for posting this nomination?
Off to a hospital appointment now, will drop back on later?
Hopefully you’ve not been the victim of a severe Lubbocking, CG?!
Ha ha!
Nothing so colourful-I did notice the queue snaking out of the hospital door, around the car park and around the block, for the “Piss Boiling Cooling Centre”.
Aah, TUT – thermo-urinary trauma…
Ha ha – brilliant?
The Institute for Race Relations = The Institute for Making Excuses for Trash and Stirring the Shit.
I wonder how much money this Quango p*nces from the taxpayer? Yes, we’re paying them to tell us that we’re the cunts and these filthy savages are the victims. What a fucking country!
Move their head office to Terry’s Oven I say
MP for Keithly, Anne Cryer highlighted this decades ago and was told in no uncertain terms to shut the fuck up “don’t upset the Pakis”
The powers at be knew all along, but it was poor white trash getting raped so it didn’t matter.
We really do need a reset in GB, time we said NO to all the race equality shite, cunts you are in Britain if you don’t like our way of life,
Is the only way the Anglo Saxon race survives.
Ann Cryer can go rape a fucking cactus!
In 2003 I’d had a fucking knobful of these disgusting cunts and it was this very issue which finally jogged me to join the BNP in 2003 as the ONLY apparent voice offering a comprehensive and UNEQUIVOCATED condemnation of these raping shitstreaks. Every other party/lobby/broadcaster was couching it all in heavily mediated language, pre-loaded with cultural ‘mitigations’ and always… ALWAYS… with white racism as the underlying narrative.
The BNP being the organised vanguard, it took the full force of media ire and the fragrant Ann Cryer placed herself front and fucking centre of its “smash the hate filled nazi BNP” campaign in her attempt to atone for her faux pas of ‘pointing the finger’ where it musn’t be pointed. Ann Cryer; the two faced bitch cow from hell!
To the ovens – Ann Fryer!!!
a bit of info…
It’s all been said before had to comment therefore.
Grooming gangs filthy evil scum
Apologists filthy evil scum loving scum.
Oven the lot.
I’m lead to believe this was hidden by the authorities in the name of racial harmony. Don’t the thick bastards that decided this was a good idea understand it creates the opposite. Had these bastards been sorted out and called what they were in on uncertain terms maybe we’d have less simmering resentment. The apologists need locking up too. We need a massive shake up of law and order in this country, all this rainbow policing needs to stop. All the vast majority of people in this land wants is that coppers and courts do there jobs. Coppers prevent crime and catch criminals, courts punish them. That’s it. Personally I don’t care if the copper is straight or gay, just keep that to yourself and get on with coppering. We’ve lost track of basic standards. Politicians are the fucking same, what starts at the top filters down and it’s just piss poor.
“…I’m lead to believe this was hidden by the authorities in the name of racial harmony. Don’t the thick bastards that decided this was a good idea understand it creates the opposite.”
Of course they know, it’s a winning formula, they engineer social chaos and revolt and the government has just printed itself permission to further tool up, legislate, impose then ENFORCE ratcheting degrees of what will eventually morph into full martial law.
‘Don’t the thick bastards that decided this was a good idea understand it creates the opposite’.
No, because they are thick but move in circles where they all tell each other how clever they are.
Mass delusion in action
I have hesitated from writing because Naz Shah, Labour MP has advised us all to “shut our mouths” for the sake of good race relations, so all I will say is, if Liz Truss can’t win the next election (forget Rishi as he is as bigger a turd as Dame Kweer), be ready to see the posters going up in Rochdale, Bradfod etc: “CHILD MOLESTATION – FOR THE MANY NOT THE FEW”
Personally I hope the author of that laughable article kay Stevens bumps into a few of her cultural enrichers one dark night..I leave the rest to imagination..
The advocates for the Brave New Sustainable Green Built Better Without Borders World Order and their useful Quislings, are not going to apologize for allowing a policy they endorse to be practiced unchecked and unpunished.
To them, it’s about the destruction of Western Civilization, the traditional Nuclear Family and replacing the indigenous Anglo Saxons and other white races. Using these uncivilized, primitive degenerates is a means of accelerating their evil.
You (we) should send them to Heaven where Allah will give them a whole harem of virgins to groom. I won’t apologize for that.
Great Nom CG!
. Illuminating stuff,indeed.You are apparently so desperate to push your shadowy ” New World Order ” cabal agenda that you are prepared to use the rape and murder of children as some kind of twisted proof that such a plot exists.
Tell me..are the ” Brave New Sustainable Green Built Better Without Borders World Order and their useful Quislings” behind every vile crime?…or just the Muslim atrocities that you can use to call for your #Armed Resistance ( which I note that you presumably didn’t follow through on when Trump had the election “stolen”). I’m no fan of Muslims but you really are an unpleasant character when the surface is scratched,aren’t you?
Revolting stuff indeed.
Good afternoon Dick. I trust you are well.
I am,thanks,General…and yourself?
Well said sir.
I’m noit finding anything objectionable in the General’s post Dick
“…so desperate to push your shadowy ” New World Order ” cabal agenda.”
Well the thing about that is… it’s not exactly being hidden anymore is it? There isn’t a politician who hasn’t at some point been clipped to ***tube deploying the phrase.
“…To them, it’s about the destruction of Western Civilization, the traditional Nuclear Family and replacing the indigenous Anglo Saxons and other white races. Using these uncivilized, primitive degenerates is a means of accelerating their evil…”
..and the thing about that is… he’s absolutely correct in identifying the vector by which a minority can conquer a numerically far superior opponent. You can’t dominate them by force of arms so you take them down mentally, psychological and spiritually. Expunge any will or wish to resist, Censor and jail anyone who dare raise a dissenting voice, to the degree that people even forget they have the possibility to do so!
You do it propagandistically: you instill in that opponent a habit of acceptance, of defeatism, apathy, hopelessness, you envelope them in a whirlwind ofparanoic self doubt and relativistic critiques all of which leads them by multifarious paths, gradually (but inevitably) into self loathing. Then you have them in your palm, ethically bereft, physically spent and impoverished, mentally confused and drained and thus unable to raise their voice let lone a fist.
Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin… all knew the process well… because it works.
Kill your TV
Kill it with fire!
@ Cunty Chops
A fine comment.
KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov’s lectures from the early 80s on the subject of the demoralisation of a society and how it’s achieved are an interesting listen.
If anybody thinks these globalist sellouts who are masquerading as political leaders, who for instance are busy pushing their fucking “green agenda” (which is actually the antithesis of “green” with less than a minutes critical thought) aren’t part of a corrupt self serving clique – then you’re wilfully blind. Each to their own though.
Food shortages are the latest installment of fucking over the plebs after the Covid debacle, soaring inflation and the Ukrain/Russia shitfest but I suppose it’s easy to dismiss this as all purely random acts. If that’s how you want to see it.
It’s just a “point of view” (as one esteemed cunter would say) at the end of the day.
What could be a more de-moralizing realisation? that you can’t even protect your own child any more! Yep, that’ll do it.
Any society that can’t or won’t protect it’s children doesn’t deserve to survive.
Cunty Chops-eloquently and succinctly written reply, which is exactly what IS happening to the West.
Well… it’s a point of view. I suppose.
@Cunty….you see a global conspiracy…I see a society that has become so soft,self-indulgent and selfish that it is crumbling under the weight of it’s own corruption.
I’m afraid I don’t see shadowy Chinese or NWO agents creeping about influencing the failing Police and social services to turn a blind eye to bunches of Muzzy taxi-drivers raping children. To me, it’s another symptom of the general decline of our society…I don’t believe it is directed, I believe it is a natural progression.
…and anyone willing to use such a revolting crime as “proof” of something that simply isn’t borne out by any evidence is,to me,pretty offensive.
Build Back Better
@Dick Fiddler
Sorry for the late reply.
Shortly after my last post I was off to the Endodontist for a root canal. All things considered…I’m quite well indeed. Thanks for asking.
A weight off my mind indeed,General
Hey Cunty,
I think your explanation is spot on. But we will never convince the CSI* crowd. They want to watch a grainy surveillance video and then shout…FREEZE THAT! ZOOM IN! Now enhance that frame!
And then they have proof positively that the perpetrator not only had red hair but was left-handed. Other than that you could spend days on end, to no avail, trying to convince them that there are bad people who hold power and wish them ill.
*CSI stands for the television series Crime Scene Investigation. There are several versions on American TV. Through an examination of physical evidence…often using technology that doesn’t exist…they always solve the crime.
Their effect on the general public is profound and has led to jury acquittals because jurors actually believe that the technology really exists and can always be provided.
Afternoon General. ?
Only yesterday I was at the dentists having a filling replaced. Small world, isn’t it?
#Build Back Worse
#Abortion Is Legal
#Buy to Let Is Slavery
PS: I’m concerned that my new filling may have a tiny microphone hidden in it. Please advise.
I must say that I prefer CSI to Fantasy Island.
“De plane boss, de plane!”
Heard a bit of Trump’s speech last night General. What a change to hear a politician talking straightforward sense. No wonder they hate him.
Of all the right wing ‘tropes’ I am guilty of this one. Yes, of course the odd mixed race couple is…to be expected. And you can get together with who you like.
But it is sign that there is something wrong I believe.
Can be summed up by saying Hungary is for er…Hungarians.
I don’t believe in the Great Replacement I better say.
Anyone looking at multicultural, mixed race, LGBTQ loving countries and the shit storm they have produced would want to make sure it doesn’t infest their country.
No doubt Orban will get a spanking from the EU ?
Hey Freddie,
Indeed they do! He is the very antithesis of their Great Reset plans.
A weight off my mind indeed,General.
Personally speaking I think both DF and the General have a point.
The truth, if such a thing even exists, is somewhere in between…
Government wants it all kept quiet as they don’t want local white people kicking off and causing civil unrest, especially as they know it wouldn’t look good when the local plod are shown doubtless only arresting the local white populace
These backward peices of shit are only afraid of sharia law and we dont allow shit like that here, how stupid are we, it should be knives used for butchering pigs used to cut their worthless balls off and the flush em down the fucking toilet followed by deportation for them and their relatives back to Ishittistan.
That will get them respecting the laws here, sharia law is used in tjese shit holes for a reason…..fuck em
Fuglyucker@ There are a lot of “Sharia Law” Courts in the UK – so we have to obey the “law” but these filthy bastards don’t.
It is high time to remove this cancer.
By any means necessary.
Starting with thick, fat, bone idle POS Peter Phile supporting Naz Shah.
If I ever got power I would change the law so not one muslim can have any political position – if muslims want to taint politics they can fuck off to a muslim Country.
No one in the political establishment, media, police or local councils gives a flying fuck about these poor girls. They are the ‘wrong’ type of victim and the ‘wrong’ type of perpetrator.
Where are all these “believe all women” MeToo cunts? Where are the protests from celebrities or the feminist gobshite politicians like Jess Philips or Sugar Tits Cooper who usually never shut the fuck up about sexism and misogyny?
If it had been thousands of peaceful girls didldled by gangs of white men it would have been like the Windrush scandal and Chicken St George x10 outrage. We would have never heard the fucking end of it. And you know what? If it had been I would have been happy to see every last one of the cunts swing regardless of their ethnicity.
To bring the dear old RC Church into it it LL. But yes the Pope at the moment is in Canada to apologise for the brutally run indigenous schools there.
Maybe it is just show. But anyway at least it is a gesture..
Where are the leaders of the Islamic community to do a similiar thing?
First they need to recognise that they have a problem with this in their community, apologise on behalf of the community, develop a plan for it never to happen again.
I heard on Wireless 4 World At One that “Child Q” – the 15 year old dark key stripped searched at school was the victim of “adult-fication” (whatever that is) and of course – racism.
I suggest next time Dawn Butler fiddles her expenses, or gets caught driving a big new car in dark glasses, she is taken off to the local cop house and given a really thorough strip search.
Let’s show them we mean business No discrimination. As for Naz Shah lets arrange an arranged marriage with an old man of 95 – a penniless beggar with halitosis and severe flatuence. .
Clearly a shameful stain on British history where the MSM, Govt and establishment have conducted the biggest cover-up in UK History!
For what?
What do they even owe the perpetrators?
Absolutely sickens me what this country has become.
The list of towns where this mass rape of children has been propagated and allowed to flourish by the authorities we entrust with the protection of children, have a common denominator.
Labour run local authorities.
Jack the Cunter once said: “vote labour, get islam”.
How right he was.
He also has the appropriate response to the cunts: “get-to-fuck!”
Indeed-all the way back to the filthy, third world, backward country that spawned your disgusting carcus.
CG@ Evening General – I was at the Batley and Spen freedom of speech meeting with Laurence Fox – the filthy invaders were outnumbered and resorted to sneaking around the periphery, not one would speak to defend their fucking vile actions because when there isn’t a mob of the disgusting rodents they have zero guts.
I also saw Kim Leadbeater being chased around Batley and Spen by a baying mob of these fuckers as the Police – yet again – stood by and did NOTHING – Dame Kweer didn’t allow that footage to come out did he?
But had I said a word I would have been straight in the cells.
Because far too many of our police are gutless, appeasing traitors.
The investigation should look at what councils were in control. If they are all found to be Labour wards, then the Labour leadership itself needs looking at. I don’t know if this is the case, I think it goes in in every ward where the cunts live in any number.
But my guess is that at least the vast majority of these crimes happen in heavily peaceful areas. These are always Labour run wards. The cover up starts there.
Who put pressure on the police and social services to ignore it? Wouldn’t be the MPs who need the locals’ votes by any chance?
Who knows, but we need that level of investigation, from top to fucking bottom.
And yes, any MP who put such pressure on the cops and social services (if this is found to be the case) should get life without parole for assisting and enabling mass rape, just to protect their seats in Parliament.
Aunty-some of those MP’s have themselves, been prosecuted / proved links for/with habbits?
NOT fucking Aunty,
FU apple
Wasn’t the idea of Police Comissioners to be able to sort out things such as this, and if they didn’t, then the electorate can kick them out? Unless the electorate think this industrial scale abuse is ok?
Unbelievable state of affairs
……and many of this comissioners are retired local council chiefs……