Break Dancing and the IOC (3)

Break Dancing as an Olympic sport.

I thought I’d mentioned this pile of stinking cunt before, if not it’s about time.
The ridiculous pastime of break dancing has finally stepped out of its normal role of pissing people off in the street, to force its way into the now woke and destroyed institution known as the Olympics, in Paris 2024.

Paris 2024 News Link

If it’s not bad enough watching men competing in women’s events, drugs cheats, political stupidity and Tom Daley, now the twats expect people to watch a bunch of epileptic fuckwits throwing themselves about.

A sport should be measured by time, distance or scoreline. Not a bunch of crooked and biased judges who are coerced or bought off before the stupidity starts.

Bring in some real sports like Tiddlywinks, Welly Wanging, or Bog Snorkelling. Or better still, my own personal favourite, Piano Smashing. (Preferably with Elton John tied to it).

Nominated by: Duke of Cuntshire

101 thoughts on “Break Dancing and the IOC (3)

    • but no cricket (it’s been ruined anyway by the infiltration of the woke. Gone are the great voices and entertainment of Botham, Gower, Lloyd, Boycott and others due to ‘bollox and waycism’. Replaced with useless know nothings. There aren’t even BATSMEN anymore. For fucks sake make up your own words, BATSLAGS, BATBINTS, CUMDUMPSTERS, whatever pick anyword you like but just leave what works alone.

      The new cuntoid commentators. fucking Ebony Rainford-Brent, a know nothing gas headed filled talentless pratt. In the T20 yesterday for Jordan’s over, ‘that’s dot dot dot’ she said (but the score says 1,1,1) is a dot ball now worth one. No one said anything, I’m sure if they did all the men would be fired. I am sure some ‘executive’ pointed it out then gave her the line to ‘make excuses’. Rather than tuffers stoned out of his fucking mind saying you stupid chocolate bint a dot ball is a fucking dot you thick cunt. Or something more clever such as ‘that’s a hat trick of bollocks you just heard from Mrs. Batbint-Brent’.

      Her full name is Ebony-Jewel Cora-Lee Camellia Rosamond Rainford-Brent and is famous as she was the first Nigeria vs Germany to pick up a bat and swing it at her rape moan key. There’s also the idiot slut Isa Guha again talentless and know nothing and always slipping in what she wants to do the men she has a wide on for the tall ones.

      Just look at the brilliantly written entry online on 888

      Isa Guha, Kate Cross, Alison Mitchell and Ebony Rainford-Brent are the most frequently heard female cricket commentators in the UK. Former England captain Charlotte Edwards has worked for Sky Sports, and brings incredible knowledge of the international game, having led England to multiple Ashes wins and world titles in both limited overs formats.

      Useless talentless cunts with no knowledge. Just put them on wimminz cricket and chuck em off of mens, they simply can’t step up nor have the depth of knowledge necessary.

      • Same with rugby. ITV fawn over Maggie Alphonsi, a black bint who played for the England wimmins team. Yeah? Great. You’ve never played at the fucking level you’re spouting shite about, so, your ‘analysis’ is as much fucking use as mine. In fact, I’d bet my fucking pension that the team I fucking played for, until injury precluded my ‘glittering’ career, would hammer the England wimmins team.

        Fuck RIGHT off.

      • I agree with your comments on the girl commentator at the match last night – she is inept.
        Welcome to the new world, no more knowledgeable sports commentators just boxes to be ticked. Viewing figures plunge. The two are not unconnected.

      • I can’t watch any sport with wimminz commentating. How can they possibly commentate on a game at which they played the equivalent level of U15 boys? You may as well ask my old pissed up games master to commentate – at least you’d get a laugh.

      • getfuckedwokecunts@

        I pretty much stopped watching the game when these cunts came along. I tried last night with the sound off which isn’t the same but those wimminz voices are only heard by dolphins when a six is knocked.

      • Athletics, tennis, football, golf, rugby, gymnastics, swimming, cricket and many other sports have been around for over 100 years.

        Men were the first to initially play these sports in front of paying spectators. These sports became professional and these men became quite well off, as did the TV companies showing their skills. Women also, on their own merits, forged their own careers as professionals too.

        But only in those sports where the entertainment and skill level was good enough, on its own financial merits, to attract spectators, sponsors and television money.

        However, some sports suit one sex over the over. Certain gymnastic events suit females more than males (the beam, the floor etc). Some suit males more (the rings).

        You could say netball and hockey suit females more.

        The reason women’s football started (women’s teams were around in the early 20th century) and didn’t grow like other women’s sports, is because there was no market for it.

        It just didn’t work. Same with cricket and rugby.

        But here we are, having this substandard nonsense thrown down our throats. Not one of their top teams could pay their players, coaches and other staff (bus drivers, admin, physios etc) one the income they generate themselves. Not one!

        It is all leached from the men’s game and from TV money (people do not pay Sky and BT for women’s football, rugby or cricket!)

        If it was as great as the keep telling us, have their sports on a channel called ‘Women’s Premier League’ or ‘Women’s Cricket’ or whatever.

        They can have an all female commentary and punditry team.

        But they will never do this.

        Why? Because there is no way these events can survive on their own merits and they know it.

        The BBC comments (only the positive ones survived, of course!) on the ‘Lionesses’ semi final win were filled with those saying that women’s football should be shown more and paid the same as the men.

        But not one of these cunts would ever pay to watch them play, either in real life or via a TV subscription!

        Mind you, with Henderson and Wokegate going on about ‘sexist hate’ perhaps they should all be forced to hand over half of their salaries to the women?

        Now that would be funny!

        And yes, Rainsford Brent is insufferable. She did very well out of the BLM bollocks and started a ‘charity’ (publicly funded btw!) that helps disadvantaged/poor kids to take up cricket. Offering them free equipment (a good bat can cost close to a grand and you need a few). Offering free lifts to and from games and free refreshments/hotels if playing away in a different city.

        Sounds great doesn’t it?

        There is a catch though and you’ve probably guessed already.

        Only non white kids. Those disadvantaged white kids who want to try?

        They can fuck off!

      • Cuntybollocks@
        ‘no market for it’
        I’m no lover of women’s footy or cricket but women weren’t allowed to play football as the FA deemed it unsuitable.
        Just saying.
        Totally agree btw.

      • getfuckedwokecunts@ Ebony Rainford-Brent (now there’s a name straight from the local Council estate) was offering free cricket equipment, training etc – but only to black children.
        I contacted Cuntford-Brent to make a formal complaint about her disgusting racism – still waiting for an answer..

  1. It’s to enable the untalented in any other way, shape or form to be an “Olympian”

    • Correct JP. Inclusivity, soon enough ,all competitors will get a gold medal irrespective of their placing.

    • JP@ Morning JP – I thought that was Laura Muirs job.
      And a hell of a well paid one by all accounts.

  2. Next it will be
    synchronised shoplifting
    Cross-Country Drug Running
    1500 meter joyride
    Modern Swimming (with Dinghy Provided)
    Figure Stabbing

  3. Breakdancing was big circa 1984,
    Never seen anyone do it since.
    Bit old fashioned innit?

    May as well be the charleston or twist.

    Ive better things to do than watch the unemployed do the caterpillar …

    • The local stasi council banned the cheese rolling down that steep hill so nobody hurt themselves, they even threatened to prosecute the cheese maker if she supplied the cheese wheel.

  4. About time. This can only increase the reach and inclusivity. We already seem to have knitting.

  5. Fuck me I thought this sort of thing had been banned thirty five years ago.

    Or was that head banging?

    I must write to Lord Longford to enquire.

  6. Let’s get Twerking on the bill as a new Olympic sport – I can just picture Emily Thornberry in her little briefs and enormous buttocks shaking it about a bit and going for gold.

  7. That means a paraplegic version is on the cards!
    I might give that a look.

    • “Joey, congratulations for the Gold Medal in the Disabled Breakdancing. You were terrific. Any comments?”

      “I…I…I’m not a com-petitor….I was on th-th-the way to the bar for a packet of crisps!”

  8. New sports to be considered. Fried chiggun eating, watermelon seed spitting, 100 metre stabbings drug dealing and being chased by the police, not forgetting Alans snackbar bombings. Something for everyone (except whitey)

  9. Sport, as with almost everything else, has been fucked into a cocked hat by all this bullshit.

    Utterly depressing and it’s only going to get worse.

  10. Just mentioned on the radio that the rates in Brum have risen 35% to pay for the Commonwealth games. Fuck me I’m glad we left. Wonder if they’ll come down again afterwards?

    • Arfurbrain@Morning Arfur – nearly 800 milliin of MY taxpayers money on this shitfest of wokery and fascism.
      And, yet again, the BBC studio will look like the set of Zulu, illegal immigrant Mo, Bungu, Ugadooga or whatever this criminal is calling himself this week arrives in the back of a lorry at 3AM accompanied by the stench of corruption and the rattle of syringes..

      • Wonder how many will ahem “stay on”. According to a mate 3 teams are still missing from 2012

  11. That commonwealth games shower of shit starts today in Birmingham.

    Ironically the filth of the third world competing in the toilet of the 1st world (Brum).

    Couldn’t make it up could you? Jeez……

      • Wireless 4s Today programme seemed to consist of nothing except Lesbian ladies football and the Commonwealth games. I thought I was on R5 Live or Talk Sport

  12. “The IOC is keen to set a new standard in inclusive, gender balanced, youth centred games.”
    So in addition to this shit that nobody does anymore they are also introducing sport climbing (whatever that is), skateboarding and surfing. Yes, it’s all about the yoof market and no doubt somebody on the IOC will be getting nice brown envelopes from the manufacturer s of certain “sporting” equipment.
    Follow the money.

  13. The Olympics are already a bloated, overlong shitfest as it is, why add more pointless events like this? I guarantee this is a woke driven way of getting more dark keys and dark key ‘culture’ into the whole charade. And god help us if a ‘Brit’ ends up competing. Even worse, they could come third and be given an OBE, along with a lifetime job at the BBC.
    I see Paris is hosting the next one in 2024. I’m sure the french people will be delighted to see their money being spunked on this shit in the wake of a huge financial and energy crisis. Virtue signalling just gets more and more expensive.

    • They’ll be able to pay for it with the money we give them for their ‘help’ in stopping the dinghy paddlers from arriving here.

    • He was a part of most peoples childhoods. I see the bbc website are saying he was a Dr Who star. Fuck me, he did a fucking lot more than that. Self promoting cunts.
      RIP Bernard.

    • Poor old Bernard.
      A oldham lad, decent bloke and star of the Railway Children.


    • Mine too G.C. as well as Bernard Manning. & the original Railway Children, is being shown today, in my local Silver Screen Cinema, Classic Thursday Event! I must remember to take a hanky

  14. Epilepsy an Olympic “sport”? Imagine the stench of weed and BO on the rostrum as the foil wrapped chocolate medals are handed to the mentally deficient 35 year olds – they can tell everyone at the jobcentre about their jolly day out.
    When my Mother was alive she used to love athletics and the Olympics in particular.
    Awful as it sounds part of me is relieved she is spared this fucking joke.
    All that was good is disappearing.
    By deliberate design.

  15. Hands up anyone they know who still breakdances? Let alone knowing anyone who does it competitively? What the fucking age of the competitors? Gotta in their 50’s

    • I wonder if these old biddies we keep going to with NOF injuries are practicing break-dancing? I shall have to enquire.

  16. I was under the impression that this form of dancing became culturally insensitive when plod was issued tasers. I feel triggered.

  17. When there is Olympic dinghy invader machine gunning? – I expect to see IAC 1,2 and 3 on the medal podium!
    To my great disappointment my school 100 Metre record no longer stands – some fker called Ben Johnson broke it – I haven’t been able to catch up with the cunt to congratulate him!
    Olympic carpet laying – “and here come Great Britain with a lovely piece of Axminster”..
    Another great institution destroyed so fucking clowns can pretend to be athletes.
    Hang about – there’s someone going through my bins – OI! Johnson-Thompson! Get your thieving scouse hands off!

  18. Well, it’s still Graeco-Roman wrestling for me: Two scantily-clad well-lubricated men grappling with each other inappropriately. It doesn’t get better than that.

    • SB@ – My word – just make sure Mr Beau is at work at the Foreign Office before turning on the videographical machine!

  19. How many countries actually do breakdancing?

    Karate is practiced in hundreds of countries but it is not in the Olympics as it is ‘too violent’.
    Instead they have the watered down version of Taekwondo where I have never seen an effective punch and the competitors don’t even block an attack.

    Netball (Mrs Cunter’s favourite) also does get a look in at the Olympics despite teams from all over the world.

    Breakdancing, synchronised trampolining, BMX riding, climbing and skateboarding.
    All there to pad out the Olympic wank fest.

    • TAC@ – Olympic/world level Taekwondo is just holding and collecting points – utter shit and very boring to watch.
      I used to compete in National Taekwondo competitions (I actually won some things back in the day, but had to retire after a ruptured ACL) – much more brutal – broken bones, teeth knocked out, people knocked out cold, it was marvellous! ?

  20. Will they be drug testing these highly trained elite “athletes” I wonder?
    The interviews should be interesting, trying to get a coherent comment out of a pig shit thick cunt innit.
    Even if it could be heard over the diabolical fucking nig-rap they’ll no doubt be playing at top volume,these fucking louts have nothing a normal human would want to hear.
    They’ll be on the new year’s honours list too. MBEs handed out to bastards whose only talent is spinning round on the back of their fucking neck.

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