Annoying Tunes

Annoying tunes stuck in your head.

What, like One Day At A Time by Lena Martell? That sort of annoying? – NA

I don’t even like the song, but for a few hours now I’ve had ‘Cotton Eye Joe’ stuck in my head.

I fucking hate it when you get a shitty tune in your head you just can’t get rid of.

People who then pass these tunes into the heads of others by telling them about it are even bigger cunts, of course 😉

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks

94 thoughts on “Annoying Tunes

  1. I like to do this.
    When in the van ill whistle a tune,
    Theme tune to the Persuaders,
    Miss you by the Stones,
    The lad who works for me was a guitarist in a band,
    Loves music,
    And sooner or later itll seep into his psyche…..

    “Whats that tune your whistling?”

    But I dont tell him!😁
    Im not fuckin Google.

    It drives him mad.

  2. A common term for this is an Earworm. I get all sorts of shite songs stuck in my head. I change the words. It makes the song a lot more interesting. Normally so it becomes crude. I laugh, Mrs K thinks I’m mental.

    • Morning Rob 👍
      The latest one stuck in my head is ‘saw the light’ by Todd Rundgren.

      Thats been rattling round for days now.

      • As earworms go…that’s a not too shabby ditty.Stock,Aitken.Watermans vast canon of aural excressence,entering the sweed, is akin to a sub-project of MK-Ultra torture programming.

    • A classic example of this is Zombie by the Cranberries. ‘In my head’ becomes ‘In my shed’. At the start of Get Lucky by Daft Punk Pharell Williams sings about the legend of the Phoenix. I won’t have that. It’s the legend of the penis.

    • fuck! … I had to click it didn’t I… SHIT SHIT SHIT, LA LA LA LAAAAH…

  3. ‘Dancing in the moonlight’ by Toploader does me every time. It’s like the theme tune to a children’s tv program.
    You bastards! It’s in my head now! Arghhh!

  4. “ I know a snog that’ll get on your nerves get on your nerves get on your nerves “
    Sang some comedian whose name I’ve forgot. I used to wind grandkids up by constantly singing it to them till the bastard thing got stuck in my head. Cunt

  5. 🎶 Agadoo doo doo, push pineapple, shake the tree 🎶
    You’re welcome.
    Get To Fuck.

  6. Meanwhile…. behind a bike-shed somewhere in Worchestershire. a shadowy figure impatiently shadow-boxed as ” Eye of the Tiger” played on a continuous loop between his cauliflower ears……

      • He seems to have dissapeared since his nom?!

        Although this is the busiest time for MMA and the bare knuckle circuit?

        Also missing is Foxy?
        Wheres he at?
        Hope hes not been locked up again!

      • ‘Hate filled cunt’ is very conspicuous by his absence. He was quite a prolific poster for a while, but, as you say, since his nom, he’s very quiet. Shame, as I’d wager that some of the responses to his posts would be absolute comedy gold. I’ll bet Dick Fiddler’s got a few retorts on Standby!!😁 Maybe he’s dealing with a queue of Keyboard Warriors, or there’s no signal behind the bike sheds.

        Somewhere in Worcestershire.

        Foxy’s anger’s probably caused an aneurysm, but, I hope he comes back, too.

      • It’s alright for you,DCI….you can lock yourself in your Ambulance when you see Worchestershire’s answer to Chuck Norris barrelling towards you…what if he decides to flush me out of my lair by coming to Northumberland and cunningly disguising himself as a rambler/pushbiker/mobile-home owner ?… fucking goose won’t just be cooked,it’ll be ploated,stuffed,roasted and served up on a platter….Oh,my days..what have I done?….my Mother always said that my big mouth would be the death of me.

      • Don’t worry, Dick, you’ll get ample warning of his presence by the sound of the gnashing of his teeth, the cracking of his knuckles, the spittle foaming around his chops and the swivellin’ of his eyes, giving you plenty of time to run away, just like a Keyboard Warrior!! Just remember though, he won’t back down🤣🤣🤣

      • @MNC… Foxy’ll be back,I hope. I expect he’s currently engaged in important work of a highly-classified nature.

        PS…They say that the next James Bond will be coloured….they were wrong.

      • Fiddler@

        Hes a sensitive soul for all his anger and passion,
        Dio upset him somehow, fuck knows .

        If ISAC had a christmas party the seating arrangements would be more delicate than the Warsaw pact.

      • Dick, your Chuck Norris worries remind me of the creepy thing said by an Alexia to it’s unfortunate owner – “ If Chuck Norris wants you to know where he is, he’ll find you. If he doesn’t, you won’t know until it’s too late”.

      • Chuck Norris already knows where you live! He knows where ALL of us live!

    • @DF


      That is hilarious.

      That comment just gave me a vision of the training montage of a very angry Clubber Lang in Rocky 3.

    • @DF


      You’re on your own there though.

      “He came in the room and Jack the Hat and meself messed in our trousers, right there and then in front of our families.”

      Mad Frankie Fraser

      “What, he’s in town? Reggie, get your cock out of me arse now, we’re leaving Dodge.”

      The Kray Twins

      “Thome theriouth shit if thith man hit you. Like being hit by a frieght train.”

      Iron Mike Tyson


      Charles Bronson, Broadmoor.

      • Or:

        “Any issues feel free to come visit me, lets have this discussion face to face, not that the sackless cucks on the internet are generally brave enough. I live in Worcestershire so any takers drop me a message as I’d never back down. Keyboard warriors need not apply as those cunts never turn up.”

        Hate filled cunt, 2022.

        Written, behind the bike sheds with the ‘Rocky’ theme tune playing in his head. (Or ‘Grange Hill’)


  7. Mmmmmmmmbop ba duba dop, etc.

    From that pubescent group, Hanson.

    A real earworm.

  8. “Where’s your mamma gone…… where’s your daddy gone …. far, far away…….”

  9. This thread is a public health hazard and should be nuked. I now have dozens of conflicting songs buzzing around in my head, fighting each other for dominance. No doubt after I go to bed tonight I’ll wake up in the middle of the night screaming.

  10. “little arrows” by Leapy Lee

    it was number 1 in Rhodesia for fucking weeks, if I hear it now the fucking song is on fucking loop in my head!

    that Leapy Lee needs a Sjamboking if he,s still with us!

    • Don’t know where he is now Cap’n but I do remember he was jailed for stabbing a man in a pub.

      • Last I heard (from Ma Chops who retired to Benidorm) Leapy was writing regular pieces for the local ex-pat newspaper. This would have been about 10yrs back.

  11. Since waking this morning I’ve had ‘If you pina colada and being caught in the rain’ living rent free in my fucking bonce.

    What’s worse is they are the only words I know and it’s driving me mad.

  12. If you like penis colada, sucking cocks in the rain.
    If you like mincing after midnight…
    Let’s do the time warp again…..

  13. ‘Whatsa matta you, hey, gotta no respect, hey,

    Wadda you think you do, hey,

    Why you looka so sad, hey’

    A shaddupa you cunt.

    • That’s another one I often get stuck in my bonce.

      It’s never a good song.

  14. 🎶 oh, there once was a ship that went to sea and the name of the ship was the Billy o’ Tea🎶

    Try and get that out of your fucking swede🤣🤣

  15. I feel gratitude to the modern giants of popular music. They havent written a single memorable tune in a decade. So no earworms.

  16. The Streak and Camoflauge are yet to be bettered in the musical world…both excellent.

    The Devil Went Down to Gerogia sometimes gets in my head too and I end up singing it all day.


  17. Read in one of the local rags last night that Bolton Wanderers are bringing out a new electric blue kit for next season and now can’t get Bowie’s Sound and Vision out of my head this morning –
    Blue, blue electric blue
    Thats the colour of my room
    Where I will live
    Blue, blue…

  18. Not ‘really’ a song, but I’ve got one you can’t get rid of.

    “R-Whites Lemonaaaa-ade, I’m a secret lemonade drinker!”

    Was that ‘song’ a euphemism for being a secret bender, now I think about it?

  19. Ain’t Got No, I Got Life by Nina Simone.

    Once I’m reminded of that song I’m whistling it for days.

    Oh ffs

  20. Morning all – Das Rheingold for me! 😀👍
    Reminds me of “a more efficient time!”
    3 days of groundwork before the heat hits and I fry, but it gives me time for the never ending grind of legal things (needed – never go into battle unarmed) – with regard to “a recent contretemps” with another cunter I said what I had wanted to say for a damn long time and consider the matter closed.
    And vote Fox or I may have to send HFC round! 🤣

    • The Worctershire Hammer?

      I hid in the attic with Miles!

      Alright Foxy?!👍

      • Mnc@ – Afternoon Mnc – I tried hiding in the attic but that noisy bitch with the drumkit made life intolerable!
        Luckily some Men eventually “rehomed” her..

      • DCI@ Afternoon DCI – I do not recall ever going to Worcestershire that I can remember – I have it on good authority from a tribal elder that there are storms and sea serpents!
        Hang on – that could have been the Atlantic..

      • “I do not recall ever going to Worcestershire”

        Afternoon, Vern, Hate filled cunt, aka Captain Irony says:

        “Just as fucking well, son, but I’m waiting if you do. I never back down”

        as he jabbed his keyboard furiously, behind the bike sheds. Somwehere in Worcestershire.

      • Gene: be very cautious. I once spent a weekend in Evesham, “The Railway” pub, which has a great music scene. Even the girls are as hard as fucking nails😳

  21. That Ace of Base song ‘All That She Wants’.
    Horrible pan pipes sound mixed with crappy ‘Pigeon Street’ style reggae.
    And some tart droning ‘All that she wants is another baby’. Utter shite.

    Every song they ever did was like that. They were cunts.

  22. Always had an aversion to Duran Duran when I was a lad. I think it was my sister going on about them all the time. But then I met three of them in the Living Room in Manchester in 2004. Top lads who could hold their drink and get their round in. Not at all cunts.

    And a tune of theirs that used to make me cringe was on the radio yesterday. ‘The Reflex’.
    I hear it now, and it’s an absolute banger, a top tune. I must becoming a mellow old cunt.

    • ‘Notorious’ and ‘Skin Trade’ were also top tunes.

      I love the Troggs version of ‘Love Is All Around’. But the Wet Wet Wet one is fucking dreadful. A Satan’s fart…

  23. I thought I’d got rid of it for 40 years, but, after reading this nom it’s back!
    Over and over again..
    “Mull of Kintyre the mist rolling in etc etc argh yuckk vomit”!!

    • And Linda sat in the middle doing fuck all.

      Apparently, tightwad Macca paid the Campbell Town Pipers next to nothing for playing on the record. What a cunt.

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