Woke Supermarkets

This is a bit of a bug bear of mine. We get Christmas shite promoted in September, Valentines Day crap from Boxing Day onwards, Fathers Day (June) in early April, Eid (what? whenever), Easter (previously from January but now cancelled) and so on. Supermarkets are evidently not averse to making a bit of coin many months ahead of an actual event.

So, why is it that on visiting any Supermarket’s home page (or actual shop) two weeks (I’m nomming this 18 May) before the Platinum Jubilee weekend you can take note of the glaring omission of anything vaguely suggesting the Union or English flag.

I appreciate that royal occasions are not everyone on here’s cup of tea, but I’m a proud patriot desperately clinging on to any last vestiges of English tradition amidst a rapidly evolving global cesspool shitshow of dumbed-down diversity and ensuing squalor. The millennia-worth of monarchy & its pageantry and history characteristic of these isles, of which the Queen – whatever her own ancestry – is the most recent manifestation and symbol, is something I’m happy to celebrate in these circumstances. Even Waitrose (holder of 2 royal warrants, is ignoring it).

What really pisses me off, ultimately, is the suspicion that our national flag, head of state, or anything symbolising an old nation with a very distinct culture and values, is somehow offensive and “non-inclusive” to a small but ever growing minority of apparently “oppressed” and their woke wanker supporters and wanktivists.

Well fuck the Supermarkets, personally I’ll observe the weekend with supplies from my local east Anglian butcher, veg from my Victory garden and booze from the still in my shed.

God Save the Queen! and England / Britain / the West

Links (said supermarkets may have begrudgingly updated their sites 2 days before June as a nod to the occasion) –


et al.

Nominated by: Fuckwittery

62 thoughts on “Woke Supermarkets

  1. You couldn’t give us your address, could you Fuckwittery?
    It’s that still in your shed that sparked my interest.

    • Be careful, a few years back in Wales we had a Pole brewing up vodka in his all-electric bathroom/still room. Fumes ignited, no more Pole.

      • Did you hear about the hard of hearing sports reporter covering the Olympics? He went up to a tall man doing athletics? The reporter asked the man if he was a pole vaulter? The man replied with a huff and said no ! My name is hans and I am from Germany!…… I’ll get my coat… taxi

    • You’re all welcome around for a few welcome swigs before we gather our pitchforks

  2. Well, our local Sainsbury’s is awash with Union Jack bunting.

    Maybe it’s been left up to individual stores as to how they conduct themselves? Personally I couldn’t give a shit either way.

  3. Last year Sainsburys announced safe spaces for their black workers in their supermarkets so presumably any flags or bunting in the stores would be akin to the Nuremberg rallies as honkey shoppers goosestep between picking up their green pitted olives and halloumi.

    • Fuck me, that’s why the police were called when I went in to get some firefighters. I thought it was about my work knife but in fact my white pointy hooded dressing gown must have upset some a worker.
      Live and learn eh.

    • Would the safe space the aisle with the kitchen knives and fried chicken.

  4. Couldn’t give less of a fuck that we are supposed to seal clap, cheer and touch forelock for someone who has managed the difficult job of not dying for 95 years and charging us – against our will with no choice – for her life of luxury and ease.
    HMQ Could have used her massive behind the scenes influence to change, stop and improve a lot of of things for Britons over the time of her tenure, but instead she has presided over the managed decline and eventual destruction of the greatest Country in the world – Queen Victoria built a Country, an Empire and a huge stack of national wealth, this daft bitch has watched and done nothing as it all went to shit thereafter. And if the supermarkets had any loyalty to the UK whatsoever they would start selling a hell of a lot more UK produce and giving UK farmers a fair deal.
    And the brood of shit she has spawned want throwing off the white cliffs of fucking Dover.

  5. Is this lard vegan?

    No dolphins hurt in the manufacture of this steak pie?

    Any connections to slavery in this bottle of vimto?

    Woke cunts.
    Look Tobias it’s made with the tears of starving Africans and the pain of trans suicides.
    Buy it or fuck off.


    Although not a royalist I am patriotic,
    I’ve hung 20ft of Union Jack*
    Bunting along the washing line this morning ?

    *Yes I know it’s called the Union flag and only Union Jack on a ship .
    Letters pointing this out to-
    Mr I. Couldntgiveafuck,
    New Mills

    • Mnc@ – One of my mates is ex RN – he goes mental if anyone dares call the Union Flag “The Union Jack” and as a mate who likes to offer support I normally say “shut the fuck up you knob jockey – I want a flag with a fuckin’ swastika on it!” (how the chaps in the pub laugh at that one!)
      Although I have ordered the Bangladeshi monkeys at the restaurant I have an interest in to hang an enormous Union Flag in the front windows or risk my very, very loud and quite possibly violent disapproval!
      Shifty no good 4 foot tall Bangladeshi monkeys..

  6. Just watching the show, trooping of the colour, and there is the rolling banner on sky news ‘a number of arrests made of people trying to disrupt the marching soldiers down the Mall’
    Why the fuck don’t they move that quickly when the cunts block roads for Joe Public!

    As for the Union flag, well it’s racist, all those poor ethnics on Oxford street getting upset because of so many flags. Can’t have supermarkets upsetting umbongo types, I am surprised that Tesco and Co haven’t started selling Palestinian flags, they seem very popular ?

    I am flying my English flag, racist to the core ?

    • People trying to disrupt to marching soldiers? The guards should have shot the cunts. But – as you rightly say – they don’t give a fuck when those extinction rebellion or BLM scum fuck up ordinary routines.

      • Oh yeah, these disruptive cunts are supposed to be ‘vegan protestors’. No doubt they’ll be trust fund student fucks with names like Milo, Sage, Jocasta and Tarquin.

        Kill them with fire!

      • And while they at it, they should arrest the Megain tapeworm and her orangutan for high treason and making race related slurs.

      • Where is Meg the Han, no doubt she will be sticking her fucking nose in somewhere

  7. I am a republican and anti royalist. I am also proud to be British, first, and a Welsh cunt secondly.
    I would have difficulty if my anthem glorified a fucking parasite as the English one does. My anthem, Land of my Fathers, is about the actual country, not some overprivileged shower of cunts. And sheep.
    Supermarkets are all cunts with Sainsburys deserving a special mention.

    • Welsh Republican CC?, don’t mention that in Pembrokeshire, you’d be stoned to death like on the Life of Brian!

      As i once heard quoted “Pembrokeshire is an island of unionism surrounded by a cesspit of nationalism”

      • I am no Welsh Nationalist, Captain. Those that are are cunts and Pembrokeshire is all the better for spurning the fuckers.

        See you in the Soapy Wanker, Tenby sometime.

    • Agreed CC. But if they can ‘celebrate’ Ramadangdingdong’ they can celebrate something further home FSS. Even if it just to prove they are not all about the coin. Cunts ultimately.

  8. What makes me heave is these woke cunts like ASDA won’t lift a finger for the Jubilee, yet they were full of ‘Happy Ramadan’ only a couple of days after and a couple of miles away from the Manchester Arena mass murder. That was an absolute disgrace.

    They are also full of all that other shite like ‘Pride’ and ‘BLM’. And all their adverts are crammed with ‘diversity’. Yet being proud to be British in any way is ‘wrong’.

    Screw them. I’ll go to my local Spar, where there’s Union flags all over the place.

  9. My supermarket modus operandi: get in, get out, try not to ram some cunt with the trolley.

    I don’t care about the decor, just don’t get in my way, dithering cunts and screaming kids.

    • Kids should be banned from supermarkets. They are cunts. Come to think of it, most modern parents are cunts as well.

      • In ASDA the other day, it sounded like a remake of The Exorcist was being filmed there, FUCK ME.

    • Take away message .. fuck supermarkets (and kids and wokery) shop back on the high street, where it still exists.

      If it doesn’t exist anymore – gap in the market for entrepreneurial British types. ( Look at any typical English market town hanging on to their history: deli and bookshop openings everywhere – just be kind to your local indigenous customers and don’t take the piss; therefore your local English will buy from you). Fuck your locals over for wealthy holiday bizniz and you’ll shut down. Go woke, go broke etc.

      Chin chin, happy Sunday pm ?

  10. Causing offence to the Perpetually Offended might cost them a few quid.

    So anything patriotic to be avoided then.

    The craven globalist cunts.

  11. Cunts like Sainsburys are only too keen to declare support for the rainbow brigade or BLM, but I bet they have to hold their noses at the thought of something celebrating Britishness. Now I couldn’t give two fucks for Lizzy and her interbred offspring, but if we go down the republican route there’ll be nothing left but pride marches and the Notting hill carnival. Mind you, Lizzy won’t last another year, so we’ll end up with wokey Charlie till he carks it in a decade or so, leaving wokey Will. I see the monarchy slowly fading into even greater insignificance anyway. Get those Islamic, rainbow and BLM flags while their cheap everyone, that’s the way it’ll go.

    • If we go down the republic route, we’ll end up with President Blair. Now, that is a terrifying thought…

      • That’s the issue I have. Politicians being elevated to new heights. It would only be a matter of time before we had a dark key or park key president. Imagine that!

      • Or Price, or some brain-dead ball/Cat-Kicker.
        We have to pray that when Liz shuffles off, Charles will do a half-decent job, with Anne guiding him.
        President Bercow, anyone?
        Thought not.
        I am NOT a Sid and Doris Bonkers royalist type, but just pragmatic re what a presidency might bring.

      • He was a sudo president anyway took the queens flight away from the royal parasites then fuck me used the planes himself.

  12. Sainsbury’s said in October 2020: “We proudly represent and serve our diverse society and anyone who does not want to shop with an inclusive retailer is welcome to shop elsewhere.” Thanks for the advice you wokish, virtue signalling, cunts. I’ve given them the fuck off tablet every since. Cunts.

    • I remember that and it is entirely meaningless and serves only to show what a bunch of virtue signalling cunts they are.
      Translation – we follow the law of the land by not discriminating and will serve any fucker. Doesnt have the same pious ring though.

  13. Said it many times; give anyone almost limitless funds and a few hundred fawning, sycophantic flunkies and I reckon they could do as good a ‘job’.

  14. All this Jubilee nonsense is overshadowing the verdict in the J Depp v Bed Shitter, about time there was a result against the poor #metoo brigade.

    • I’m glad old Johnny came out of it better. Granted, they’re both cunts, but Amber Turd is the archetypal textbook manipulative ‘all men are bastards’ Me Too devious slagbag. I agree that it’s about time those uppity misandrist cunts were fucked over.

  15. In all honesty, when I hit Tesco at around 11.20 this morning, I wasn’t really looking at the bunting.

    Just the deals on booze.

    I am now shitfaced.

    Job well done, Tesco.

  16. I’m in castleton parked in a farmer’s field.
    The streets are full of bunting and flags .
    If you don’t like the flag fuck off to Rwanda and take your monkey pox with you.

      • Are you known in Castleton? Good excuse for a Jubilee Flash n’ Dash. It’s every Englishman’s patriotic duty.

      • Yeah CC, I can’t run as fast as I used to.

        Picking buckshot out of my arse isn’t my preferred way of spending a bank holiday ?

    • Mnc@ – That’s the spirit Sir!
      Don’t like my flag, Country, people but love all the free stuff and the chance to behave like fucking savages?
      Them all over, the white cliffs of Dover.
      Our “man in the Palace” B&WC reports preparations are going well but Queenie is arseholed already and it’s not even fkin Monday, couldn’t get any more info – he was dragging that Kate gal into a State room shouting “Laarvly!” ??

  17. My local Co-op had a section set aside for Peacefuls, with “Ramadanadingdong Mubarak “ above it. Top section was full of snacks, so what does a patriot do? Find pork scratchings and tins of spam to display alongside.
    Every day they were gone, so kept putting them back in.
    I have yet to see a musrat shop in there, let alone see any of the cunts in the street.

    • Not often I laugh out loud and spill my tea but that is fucking hilarious
      Top man

    • This is the way forward. My local under the radar mosque has lovely hanging baskets outside to defer from the nefarious activities going on within. Escpecially on ‘Ranty Fridays’. Said hanging baskets need to be adorned with the banned produce. they are probably all cells highly funded and simply waiting to be activated. TBH I’m amazed after the Jubilee Weekend St Pauls and Windsor Castle are still intact. The security services must have been all over it. I cannot help thinking Jihad is coming though. I watch. innocent eg housekeeping / gardening videos on YT and random cunts are saying we’ll take you down and burn your churches n 50 years in the name of M… etc. As an English person the is rather upsetting. Cunts.

  18. I think what finished me with Saino’s was the black history month. Fucking woke wankers. Every cunt in the store was white. FFS.

  19. Hello to all my soul mates in Blighty. Enjoying Meghan’s Jubilee? So humanitarian of her to allow her grandmother in law to join in, don’t you think? And that click/plop sound you’ll be hearing whilst HRH (not HM, the also ran) is swanning about Londonstan, is the sound of Meghan’s stilettos as she walks across the corpses of slaughtered schoolchildren to her next Netflix photo op.

    Now here in Seattle, I saw something yesterday. Just go to google images to check it out: LIFE Explores History of the Rifle. It was on display at my local super store market. At eye level for children to see. At first I thought it was unfortunate timing, but upon further examination, it was published two years ago. The perfect gift to teach your middle school child what to expect next week as they line up for their state funded coffin measurement.

    I love the NRA to the bottom of my Meghan Merched Arsewhole.

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