American Media

Absolute bombshell. Hilary DID (it is alleged) spread false information about Trump. That he had Russian ties and skewed his election. It has been revealed in Court. The Durham-Sussmann case it is called.

It was Hilary all the time according to testimony.

Allegedly as I say. But it looks damning.

His whole Presidency taken up with it. And the Mueller report which vindicated him in the end.

Surely this is one huge major news story. A massive story surely? Not a word from the liberal press. Well not quite but not in the headlines at all.

After all Trump went through. After all the American people went through. The hours and hours of investigation. The hours and hours of interviews.

And it was Hilary Rodham Clinton all along (allegedly).

Fox News Link

Nominated by: Miles Plastic


And speaking of the MSM in the States, here’s one from Le Cunt

No coverage on the American media of Dinesh D’Souza’s explosive documentary on the rigging of the 2020 Presidential Election, either. 2000 Mules, it is called. Dinesh is a regular on American TV news shows, but he was blackballed in promoting his film.

You can watch it here, but you’ll need a good adblocker like AdBlock Plus, which can be downloaded for free. Otherwise, you’ll get pop-ups galore.

Actvid Link

I think it’s on Bitchute too, in 480p. 2000 Mules, 88 minutes.

Bitchute Link

36 thoughts on “American Media

  1. Fuck me, where do you start with this shibboleth of shit? The American mainstream media, damn… it’s like some Hydra monster that spews bile, piss, shit… how many heads did the Hydra have again?

    CNN, when it started in 1983, was amazing, it has hard-hitting journalism, but after a few years it slowly became what it is now – pure shite, there to bolster-up the bullshit narratives of modern America and the world. The masks are off now for all the mainstream media channels as no one is watching them in the huge numbers of 30-40 million they had in their heyday because most people are either totally apathetic or glued to alternative media and many people will go down the deep dark rabbit holes of, “KONSPIRACY THEORY!!!”.

    It’s over.

    People have had enough of being lied to. They want truth or they want silence. Biden and his cronies in Washington are beyond satire at this point, Joe and Hunter are sexual degenerates, never mind totally corrupt politically. A reckoning is coming for America. I’d get out of that country if I lived there. Go to Mexico. Go to Costa Rica. Go to Antarctica.

    • Of those 3, Antarctica is probably the best bet.

      Mexico – dead in 5 minutes at the hands of drug cartels.
      Costa Rica – disappeared in a week.
      Antarctica – bit of frost bite, but you’ll probably be alive.

      Maybe not even frostbite these days because according to cunts like Al Gore, it’s probably warm and tropical there these days.

    • I admire the Foxes on Fox enormously. I’m sorry , if you ain’t Blonde , Blue Eyed and you don’t have a photogenic chest , you can fuck off.
      You don’t have the authority to shit in my nest thanks very much, and you certainly can’t be trusted with officially confirmed rumours of the day !
      CNN is nothing more than a San Fanny bath house these days . Every fucker is as queer as a hatful of arseholes.
      And the wokeness on MSNBC, Bloomberg etc is enough to enrage any erudite sophisticate like me with the most Royal cunt venting.
      The tail wags the dog in the good ol’ do as I say!

  2. We’ll be seeing this happening in the next elections here. Although they needn’t bother, that blond cunt in No10 is gifting Labour the win.

  3. Big Donald upset the whole rotten barrel of both Republican and Democrat complicity.

    All smiles those cunts no matter who was in charge.

    Then Trump turns up and starts a populist political movement that makes him President.

    It scared the Clinton and Pelosis of this world shitless so they set out to destroy him and the media played along nicely.

    Some of the truth is starting to emerge but they couldn’t care less as they know now that any level of corruption is possible.

    The whole thing stinks.

    Nowt new then.

    • Oh fuck aye. It’s almost time to enact the Mad Max films are a reality over there.

      • FBI, but others have parts of it. And he himself had a PornHub account, now deleted, but people saved some stuff and it’s FUCKED UP. Hunter is a sick, creepy cunt, just like his incestuous diddling father… who is Commander in Chief of the world’s biggest military. Oh boy, gonna be a fun summer…

      • But the worse scandal (even worser? than what the emails reveal) once again is how the liberal media over there ‘dismissed’ the story as fake. The laptop as fake.

        Almost all of rhem said it was a Trump ‘plant’ to discredit Biden.

        Now they’re owning up to it being authentic very very meekly.

        Buried in the 25th chapter in one admission.

        The Washington Post I think.

        The lack of any investigative interest in finding out about it astounding.

        We’re a very long way from Woodward and Bernstein.

    • Spot on Uncle T.

      Given the scale of the corruption with much of it in plain sight, but simply ignored by those in power and the media, is it really a stretch of the imagination to think the 2020 election was in any way ‘manipulated’? Really?

      The scale of the corruption and illegal activity will not be fully investigated and punished by the Yank political system for one simple reason. The Demoncrats control the House of Representatives and the Senate. With the mid terms coming up, there’s a possibility that could change and the Republicans could be in charge of 2 branches of government. They’ve already said if that happens they’re coming after Biden et al. Biden has already engaged a high powered ‘legal eagle’ lawyer whose remit is to basically keep Biden out of jail.

      Why would Biden be gearing up to defend himself if he’s done nothing wrong? Think about that. Also think about the fact the Demons are choosing NOT to do anything about the corruption and illegal shenanigans despite what has happened being wrong and erm…..illegal. As elected officials shouldn’t they be acting in the best interests of the country? But when you consider it’s them who are centre stage of the corruption/illegal acts, of course they don’t want that investigated and punished.


  4. Any election that has millions of postal votes and ‘counting machines’ is at best doggy, as for spreading misinformation, the internet is a minefield and MSM is even worse.
    I guess Americans are more susceptible to group think than some other nations, and we are heading in the same direction.

    • You’re right about that, Sick.

      I guess the US is no different from many countries in that there is a % of the population who are thick as pig shit and shouldn’t be allowed to vote. The “low information crowd” as Rush Limbaugh used to call them. The MSM know that if you repeat the same lie often enough, some people will eventually believe it.

      Elections in the US now are a struggle. There’s a % who will vote Demoncrat regardless. A % who will vote Republican regardless. The people in the middle, the “independent voters” swing one way or the other depending upon who’s got the best ideas/arguments/etc. When the media favours one party over another and worse than that, constantly trashes the party they don’t support, many independents will be swayed by that. I’m sure there are many who even today think Trump was a terrible president and a corrupt liar who should be in jail for his political misbehaviour. Fact is Trump was a great American president who really turned things around for the country and the people. But that’s not how it was reported and not how his presidency is perceived by many because of that.

      It’s difficult to see how America will be able to move past this era of divide. Many older Yanks that I know think the America they grew up in is gone forever. The American experiment of personal responsibility, wealth creation, freedom and liberty is over. It’s hard to accept that’s probably a true statement.

  5. Honestly, that documentary, 2000 Mules shows you the actual surveillance video footage of people in various U.S. states stuffing votes into outdoor ballet boxes at 1am, 4am, it’s shocking. The “mules” of the title are the ballot stuffers and their whereabouts were legally tracked via their mobile phones. But it’s all being ignored. America has finally fallen.

    2000 Mules, 480p, 88 mins:

  6. Watching MSM news is easy, they point in one direction, I look in the opposite and see the truth.
    Load of fucking wank for intellectually lazy, low IQ mouth breathers.
    Anderson Cooper is a fucking turd tapping simp. Don (the) Lemon the same only in a different colour scheme.
    The truth is too much to seek for the majority.

    • ALL those TV news people cannot mask their cuntery these days, they’ve nowhere to hide now and no one left to lie to – well, maybe a few, but it’s almost all over for mainstream media.

  7. Trump leaving aside whether or not you would vote for him, clicked with the average Americans and other countries for that matter.
    they fucked him from the start and never let up until they ran him out the door.
    As i said years ago talking with an average American contractor when he asked us what we thought of Trump, i replied “well he isn’t exactly a diplomat”
    the Chicago man (early sixties by the look of him) replied.
    “you don’t think we no what Trump is? we know exactly what he is, but he got America working again and we loved that man for doing that”

    Now look what they have in America and always had,
    a bunch of vindictive cunts looking out for the interests of world banking control of all nations by any war, famine or pestilence backed up by MSM and BENT policy

    • The current rulers of America give absolutely ZERO FUCKS about the average American, even their babies. NIHILISM has became the philosophy of the government it seems. But they want those GUNS!

  8. US MSM is just a propaganda machine for the bought and paid for socialist “politicians” – it is wholly evil.
    I used to be on Gab, and (with no discourtesy intended to my American chums) the average American seems to have an IQ similar to a cucumber and they still have their quite frankly pathetic love affair with the same Republican “party” which has betrayed them and done NOTHING about a stolen “Election”. Clinton and Pelosi are swanning round laughing their mangy old tits off because they know they can do ANYTHING and get away with it, but the Yanks are too busy a whoopin’ and a hollerin’ for their MAGA clowns Wendy “couldn’t get a fuck in a prison” Rogers (who charged people money to take part in a fake comedy AZ “Audit”) and Marjorie Taylor Greene – net worth 42 million Dollars – but this grifting white Orangutan (seriously, she is one weird, roided up freaky looking bitch) still charges the desperate, the gullible and the deluded a fortune to stand in a field and listen to her whine “someone should do something about this” – and not one fucker has the wit to shout “Isn’t that YOUR fucking job Marjorie?” – and MTG went VERY shy when I asked her how much profit she has made from her pharma shares – the fucking hypocrite snake.
    And now the Yanks are bitching about expensive fuel, degenerates and groomers infesting education and “Government” overreach – well welcome to our fucking house boys and girls, suck it up or do something about it.
    Because nobody is doing a damn thing about the stolen “Election” and subsequent CCP backed socialist takeover of the worlds most powerful Country, and China Joe and The Hoe are determined to disarm Americans (start with your taxpayer funded private armed security then you cunts) – this is what communists ALWAYS do before butchering the people.
    Give me fucking strength.
    Congress is a mafia of grifters, carpetbaggers, liars, chancers, snake oil sellers, con artists, thieves, degenerate Peter Philes and murderers, and they are one party behind closed doors when they are doing their dirty deals and handing out the Yuan.
    Bastards, one and all, and I have left Gab after receiving an account warning for “advocating violence” which I DID NOT DO! And I told anti Semite low life grifting piece of shit and “pretend Man of God” Andrew Torba exactly what I thought of the cunt before I did. Gab is useful for information Stateside, but packed with scammers, fuckwits and dangerous, nasty people of exceptionally low intellect – it’s not for me.
    I imagine there are some seriously unwell people who still actually believe Trump lost, and Trump may not be everyones cup of tea but I firmly believe he was (and still is) one of the best Presidents in US history.
    I can now regrettably see no way to put this right except a revolution.

    • Washington DC. Forget “draining the swamp,” just nuke it. Satanic shithole infested with child rapists.

  9. I get feeds from Epoch Times, which seems a refreshing and intelligent source. Natch, wiki describes it as far-right.
    Hillary Clitworm is unspeakable, needs to burn for all eternity.

  10. What pisses me off most is their preposterous claims to be impartial. Back in the day when people actually bought newspapers they all knew which ones swayed which way. No pretension of being impartial. Not like the MSM of today that does.
    Do they actually think they are fooling anyone???
    Sadly they are. It’s a Cunt

  11. Gorge Carlin called it years ago:
    “There’s a reason. There’s a reason for this, there’s a reason education sucks, and it’s the same reason that it will never, ever, ever be fixed. It’s never gonna get any better. Don’t look for it. Be happy with what you got. Because the owners of this country don’t want that. I’m talking about the real owners now, the real owners, the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions. Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the senate, the congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying, lobbying, to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else, but I’ll tell you what they don’t want: They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. Thats against their interests. Thats right. They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table to figure out how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago. They don’t want that. You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it, and now they’re coming for your Social Security money. They want your retirement money. They want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street, and you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it all from you, sooner or later, ’cause they own this fucking place. It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club. And by the way, it’s the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long beating you over the head in their media telling you what to believe, what to think and what to buy. The table is tilted folks. The game is rigged, and nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. Good honest hard-working people — white collar, blue collar, it doesn’t matter what color shirt you have on — good honest hard-working people continue — these are people of modest means — continue to elect these rich cocksuckers who don’t give a fuck about them. They don’t give a fuck about you. They don’t give a fuck about you. They don’t care about you at all — at all — at all. And nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. That’s what the owners count on; the fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red, white and blue dick that’s being jammed up their assholes everyday. Because the owners of this country know the truth: it’s called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.”

  12. Ha ha – Prince Peedoe is pretending to have tested positive for Covid!

    Do the royals think we were born yesterday? Virtually nobody has tested positive for that in the last 3 three months! Besides, no-one with any sense would have come within 5 miles of the Queen’s favourite sociopathic son, so who the fuck did he supposedly catch it off? I’ll tell you who: no-one, that’s who.

    Fucking no-one!

    • He tested pos for Monkey business more like the rancid cunt that nobody wants.

    • Oh that’s fucking mental. I was looking forward to zooming in on him on my 55 inch TV to see if the cunt was sweating on the Mall. Bugger!

  13. I know that its been quiet on here tonight and understandably so.
    The Irish guards will always be Micks despite some cunts trying to make issue of it.
    they call each other Micks for fucksake as a badge of honour and it goes back to Napoleonic times.
    Most Irish people get this despite media trying the click bait trap

  14. Nice one for posting the link to 2000 Mules Le Cunt, a very insightful documentary evidencing some very suspect behaviour by Sleepy Joe’s Covid Trojan army…

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