The Justice System (4) and Young Offenders

The little piece of shit who murdered young Ava White is a complete and beyond redemption cunt.

A 14-year-old boy has been found guilty of murdering the 12-year-old Liverpool schoolgirl Ava White after he stabbed her in the neck.

The shambles that is the British Justice System is preparing its excuses and arse wiping techniques already. They have already stated that ‘we’ (we? Not fucking me, you cunts!) have to keep in mind this satanic little turd’s age. They have also said that their ‘sentence’ may seem ‘short’. But, again, we have to keep in mind the little fuck’s age.

Didn’t see that coming, of course. If history is anything to go by, this evil little bastard will have his arse wiped in ‘care’, then the cunt will be let out before he is 18 with a new name, new house, new car, money for life, and free tickets to Anfield. Just like that piece of sadistic filth Jon Venables got all that, as well as freebies at Old Trafford (because he did!).

This ‘nameless’ 14 year old murderer will eventually live better than a lot of decent and innocent people. And certainly a lot better than poor Ava White will now ever get the chance to (RIP).

14 years old or not, name or no fucking name. This cunt is the scum of the earth.

BBC News Link

Nominated by: Norman

36 thoughts on “The Justice System (4) and Young Offenders

  1. There are forces at work behind the scenes. They are funding and facilitating the destruction of law and order. Any society must have law & order to be prosperous and perpetuate. The sick New World Order cunts.
    Criminals now have more rights and protection than the law abiding. Everything is ass backwards in today’s world.

    • MC@ – Correct. The Antifa/BLM riots, the toppling of the Coulson statue, the pigs “taking a knee” for shit, the pakiticians saying we should not report the mass rape of white children, ER and defecate Britain get fuck all done about their illegal behaviour except the odd warm blanket and a nice cup of tea from Officer Rainbow – but try being white and heterosexual and protesting – the pigs are flying straight in with the boot.
      The law MUST be for all or for none, or it is not law it is a militia doing political thuggery. Which is exactly what we now have.
      I have always been, and always will be, of the opinion that murderers should be incarcerated for their entire life until they die – it’s a fucking great way of guaranteeing they will not reoffend. Given that we have “laws for some” I can see vigilante justice is an inch away, and when the police, CPS, Courts and “politicians” do fuck all unless it’s against “waaycist whitey” who would blame them?

      • Blame the Markist Blair Creature for this, their plan is coming to fruition….?

  2. Hasn’t Venables been back in gaol a few times for having kiddie porn on his taxpayer paid for computer? What’s the point in trying to change the unrepentant? Wouldn’t it be best just to use cunts like this for medical research then zoo meat?

    • Personally, I would send them to Gruinard Island to mine for Anthrax. With the promise of a very special ‘prize’ for any of the little cunts who find it.

  3. Jon Venables was practically rewarded by the UK state for what he did to that little boy.

    Fast forward a few years and they find child pornography on his computer. Well imagine my shock.

    Repugnant evil bastard’s like Venables and this little cunt (who can’t be named) should be hanged by the neck and I don’t particularly give a fuck how old or young they are.
    Leopards like this seldom change their spots and the eternal pain and suffering they cause the bereaved families is something I couldn’t even imagine.

  4. A child is stabbed to death by another child. Never mind, some football supporters clapped for a few seconds, there was a vigil and lots of people turned up for her funeral. So that’s okay then, we all feel better now.

    Great Britain, 2022. Happy Jubilee everyone. Rule Britannia.

  5. I think part of the sentence should automatically include a fucking good whipping.
    I wonder if the good Captain has any spare sjamboks?

  6. Meanwhile a 16 year old in Suffolk got 26 years for attempted murder. This little cunt should’ve got more. Our criminal justice system is beyond a joke now.

  7. I never got that ‘They were just kids, you can’t lock them up forever, they didn’t know better’ excuse.

    If a kid of 4 or 5 killed another kid, you could excuse that in some cases I guess. They really don’t know right from wrong properly at that age.

    But 10 or whatever Venables and Thompson were?

    Nah. You know damn well that torturing and murdering a little toddler is fucking wrong by then. Not having it.

    The little cunts should’ve swung.

    Instead, we now spend fucking millions protecting, feeding and housing the cunts, at least one of whom has been n o n cing by all accounts.

    They live the life of fucking Reilly. Don’t need to work. Free house, free fucking everything.

    String ’em up!

    • Cuntybollocks@ – I have seen some of the interviews with those two little bastards – sly, cunning, deceitful little animals who knew full well what they were doing and enjoyed doing it – the only thing they were bothered about was being caught, and they constantly tried to play the victim, sob, cry and shout and blame everyone else (I wonder which team they support..)
      And a lot of what they did to that kid was not publicly disclosed because it was so horrific, and even after all these years it still enrages me these two child murderers have not faced any meaningful justice.
      I have never hit a kid in my life, but I do not know if I would have the self control to be in the same room as Venables and Thompson and not kill them.
      Getting angry, time for a cup of tea.

      • Young Offenders’ Institution, then the present of bag over head, rope, trap door on 18th birthday.

  8. “17 year old white boy gets 12 years for having hair of a similar colour to Hitler”..
    Tongue in cheek but this is where we are.
    When Sir Robert Peel created the Police it was with one important caveat – the Police do not SERVE with the consent of the State, the Crown or the “politicians” – they SERVE by the consent of the people.
    And having dealt with North Yorkshire Police on occasion I state for the record that I have never met a more lazy, stupid, sly, vindictive, nasty, incompetent thick bunch of human sewage in my life – it would be fair to say I hate them.

  9. Not condoning what happened but according to the evidence Ava White was no Angel. Tanked up in cheap Vodka she tried to start some shit which didn’t end well for her! I have no issue with these nasty little cunts thinning out their own vile herd. For these fucking vermin, I have not one iota of sympathy, NOT….FUCKING…..ONE!

    • Apparently 2 groups of youths were involved., all of them drunk. Several questions arise, is it legal for 12 to 16 year olds to be drunk and disorderly in Liverpool or do authorities just tolerate it for a quiet life? Do their parents give a fuck what the little cunts are up to ? If the ‘pool is such an upcoming and vibrant area why does shit like this keep happening? I blame the immigrants, the Irish ones in this case. Without the rigorous application of punishment and deterrant society is condemned to fail. Any nation which cannot control it’s borders is fucked, Britain is falling. (along with the rest of the civilised world) China widely expected to invade Taiwan by October, a good nuclear war might be exactly what the world needs.

  10. Cards on the table from me. I do not believe in the death penalty. It’s my belief that nobody has the right to take a life.

    Now I do believe that we have been soft on punishment for crimes and in schools since around the 1980s When the do gooders rose in numbers and voice enormously.

    Now I do believe in corporal punishment. For me a name and shaming for this evil Cunt plus 30 years without parole and several strokes of the birch every week for the dirt 10 years televised would be appropriate for this evil Cunt that has in part been created by the do gooders would also act as a proper deterrent.

    Fuck his and others like him human rights they are barely human therefore they get barely human rights until punished

    • Everyonesacunt@ – I do not believe in Capital punishment for “ordinary” criminals, as it were – it was not so long ago broke people with nothing were hung for stealing bread, and far too may innocent people have been sent to the gallows due to incompetence, rigged juries, corrupt Judges and pressure for a conviction.
      But I strongly believe in Capital punishment for treason and terrorism – if the evidence is incontrovertible and proven beyond a shadow of a doubt then hang them – it will make others realise the consequences of their actions.

      • Vernon. I take on board your point. Along with the injustices you mentioned many years ago I had a long chat with a chief inspector regarding capital punishment and the upshot in his experience was that a modern jury up to abolishment much more likely to acquit a guilty defendant than send it to the gallows. His argument was better in jail than being let off by a jury that didn’t have the stomach to send someone to hang.

    • With the great leap forwards in forensics if there is enough physical evidence to 100% convict then the death penalty should be applied, but no sitting around on Death Row for 20 years. No appeal and no namby pamby dogooders getting in the way. Found guilty, and shuffling off this mortal coil inside 24 hours. End of!

  11. Everyonesacunt@ – If Capital punishment was reintroduced half of IAC would be getting dragged to the gallows – they are knaves and scoundrels!
    I of course would escape punishment by grassing everyone up! ??

      • Moggie63@ – Me being a wimminz (now) and everything I think we are both safe (mind that Zouma cunt though!) – I would not fancy being any of the rest when they are brought before “Hanging Judge Fiddler” though!

  12. We’re as soft as shite. Here’s another cunt that has done a runner from an open ‘prison’. The police have advised he’s very dangerous. 1. Why do we have open prisons? 2. If the rozzers have described him as very dangerous then why on earth is the cunt in an open prison and not in solitary confinement with only his cock to play with. 3 Who decides who goes to these places and how do they keep their jobs? Questions no one will ask Boris.

  13. Bring back both flogging and hanging. Cleanse the earth of these cunts.

  14. Murdered a child?

    Regardless of age these cunts have demonstrated they are of no use.

    Hang the fuckers.

    Then hang a convicted File every hour after that.

    Terrorists? Yes those cunts get burnt at the stake.

    What a mess we are in as a country.

  15. I wonder if he would have remained nameless if he killed a muslim child (if he is indeed white)?

  16. Justice system in U.K.!! There has been little justice since the 1950s. We are blessed with a legal system that has no need for boring old justice. We have a legal system nothing else. Someone or something appears to be fucking everything up.

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