Cunters, for your pleasure I give you one of this sites pin up jihadi’s brides. Apparently she could face either 20 years in prison or death. Oh boo fucking Hoo bitch. Want to live as a savage? Enjoy the fucking backlash from people you and fellow savages pissed off.
Apparently the other two bitches she fucked off with are dead (Oh shame) I reckon a dangling might put everything in perspective as she drops down the trap. Anyway zero fucks given from Cunty Towers. Plus I have Cuntvid what a cunt.
Nominated by: CuntyMort
Hasn’t this thing died yet?
Matte if time until some shithouse yooman rights lawyer gets her back to blighty.
New identity, free house, free car, education, cash and a chance for her to plot blowing up some kids. After more of her kids ‘die’ of course (she kills ’em imo – didn’t they ‘starve’ while she looked like she’d been in McDonald’s all year?)
She’ll cost us millions every year. I hope the courts in peacefuland give her the due process ISIS showed others and string the ugly cunt up at a minute’s notice.
And more importantly, send all the other extremist peaceful cunts we have here on watchlists over there, for third world justice too.
‘Matter of time’
Cunt of a phone.
Fucking spot on CB. And if it gets back in here it’ll live in comfort to a ripe old age at our expense. Hopefully it will be killed soon.
It needs to be killed before that bbc Iranian get a hold to free it
The slag says that at school teachers favoured white kids over Peacefuls……..well we know that is a fucking lie, that would never happen. Besides which she went to school in Bethnal Green………how many white kids would there have been? Fucking zero, that’s how many. Hang this bitch before the ECHR get her in through the back door. That fat cunt in Number 10 doesn’t give a shit that’s for sure.
Spot on FF you would be lucky to see any white kids in a class in that part of the Smoke. Maybe she confused the teacher translating the lesson into English for the benefit of the token whiteys as some form of favouritism.
Always the fucking race card when the outlook is not gravy all the way.
So sick of all this guilt tripping white mans burden slavery bollocks also very sick of the mis representation of historical facts etc that these race card cunts use. Sort of begs the question if we are such a racist shithole why does most of the coloured World risk life and limb to get here? Which leads nicely into why does the government do something constructive to solve this massive influx of humanity. Sending a few back would be a start lol.
I don’t think she should be executed, if found guilty ( if!!, hahahaha).
20 years in a Syrian jail, that will make that camp look like a 5 star resort, seems appropriate.
I see she’s hoping to jump on the back of another case, and claim she was sex trafficked into modern slavery.
Yes, we all noticed how you were marched at gunpoint onto that plane.
Anyway, she’s not British, so where is it our problem what happens to her?
Silly bitch, not laughing now, are you?
This is lovely,I think I’ll bookmark that page for if morale slumps.
Perhaps the noose will finally shut the conniving little cunt up.
Regrettably it’s possible Kweer Stormer will be the next PM and that greasy pig will let her back in.
Unless it’s been hanged of course.
Chop chop Syrians..get it sorted.
If this nasty sista of Izlam were drowning, I’d offer the fucking cunt a cup of water. I bet the snaggle-toothed witch has a Middle-Eastern quim that smells of over-ripe onions on a warm day.
I’ve just watched the 1968 fi ‘Witchfinder General’, with Vincent Price, about Mathew Hopkins, the witch catcher. Now THAT bloke had some get-up-and-go ideas how to get a confession from someone – perhaps he could be resurrected to deal with trollops like this, and her nefarious ilk.
*film. Dickhead…
You do realise that Fiddler was/is the Witchfinder General.
I thought he looked familiar and had a great turn of phrase!
Where is Lord Fiddler?
Use it to fill the potholes in our knackered roads…
If this uglt bitch were in a film (I’d get fucking Zara Sultana to play her as she is just as ugly as the original,) I would get fragrant Cherie Blair to get her released, and, just as she boards the plane to Benefits City, UK, some old peaceful, with a rifle would shoot the bitch in the back of the neck – as Winston Smith said in 1984 “they always shoot you in the back of the neck”.
Cherie would not get her fee, she would become a peniless prostitute, and, when caught turning tricks, would be whipped and stoned in the desert. On hearing the news loving husband Anthony, goes all Ophelia and hangs himself in one of their palatial homes. You still get a hanging and everyone’s a winner.
I can’t see the wokies allowing that film in the cinemas. Straight to DVD, £50 a pop. I’d fucking buy it.
Can you fit BoJo and Carrie in there somewhere?
Begone, foul begum.
It looks worryingly like Cheroot B Liar.
20 years for being part of ISIS and another 10 for taking off all that black bin bag shit.
Why doesn’t this creature just perish?
She should be canned and sold as dog food.
Wouldn’t feed it to a dog.
Cats on the other hand….
Cats have more taste and wouldn’t even sniff at this piece of shit.
Ours is a right fussy cunt.
Fresh mackerel or Bobby Sands level hunger strike seems to be the thing at the moment.
Even the most ravenous dog would spit this filthy bitch back out.
Mine would be licking his own bumhole trying to get the taste of filthy peaceful out of his mouth.
Skin the ugly cunt alive, I wouldnt torture my dog with the Jihadi spunk trumpet Norman, little Jack the Russel has a sensitive little tum and Mrs Fugly would probably make me pick up the recently recycled Shammishatta Begum or hose the remnants of the gormless cunt down the drain.
Anyway, its not like the goat fuckers to wait when it comes to lopping off heads or stoning people to death, just fucking get on with it before this fuckers wanker, vulture of a solicitor gets the whore back here [ the cunt should be stood next to her for the first rock throwing i think], anyway good nom ACWCC,S
I doubt the two cunts who fucked off with her are dead.
Probably already back here, along with thousands of other ISIS shit bags courtesy of the Calais to Dover dinghy service.
Shame they waited with Vasaline Ziggyzaggey Ratshit, zero fucks given for that ungratefull cunt as well, thats what happens when you save the cunts, all they do is whinge, fucking leave them there, infact i can send some nice rocks over to get them started off….
Immolation in a cage hoisted up, like what her mates enjoyed doing.
My day which has been less than satisfactory, has taken an amazing upturn at this most wonderful news ! The Begum Bitch who has dropped a couple of Muzzie Terrorists, is soon to experience one more drop , not from the snatch, but down the Hatch.
Couldn’t happen to a more deserving piece of Camel dung.
Shamima has made a grave mistake….she should have announced that she still hated the “infidel dogs” and intended to continue jihad by setting off a bomb at a pop concert after she had milked the benefit system for a few years and bred a few mongy brats with her uncle/brother/cousin to continue her bloodline for the glory of Allah.
The luvvie brigade would have gone into overdrive…chartered a plane,held a fundraiser,lobbied M.Ps…and,of course, screamed “Racist” at anyone who objected.
Short rope and long drop
Hang it until it stops breathing resuscitate, stone to death cast in resin, place resin block at front gates of Pork Farms processing plant, broadcast across world, start ethnic cleansing.
This particular piece of shit presents a wonderful problem for those lefty twats who wish to reduce the voting age whilst arguing that she was too immature to understand the consequences of her actions.
Cake and eat it?
Fuck Off!
Give her to the Kurds or Yazidis – let them administer justice.
In a related article she’s claiming she was trafficked.
This woman is pure bad and she’s not British!
If her family want her with them they can fuck off to Syria….
I’d let her family have her back, in installments.
This Muslim slut should just be roasted over a slow ?…..☠️
Long pig, oh the irony.
She’s getting a lot of stick on here but I bet you’re all quietly wondering what it would be like to perform oral sex on her. Especially after she’s taken yards of Islamic cock. Does she shout ‘God is great!’ when she has an orgasm? The thought of her untrimmed pubes and her sweaty unshaven armpits stirs something within me. I shouldn’t have waited till after tea to let my imagination run wild.
It’d be akin to sticking your head in an unemptied dumpster, rummaging among the foul bags of old burgers, then licking the floor. I suspect the inside of her fish tunnel would smell like human waste floating in a sewer.
She ought to go to America…they’re letting in darkies of all sorts at an even higher rate than our dinghy arseholes.
Wonder how many American lunatics (on both sides of the argument) are going to lose their lives during tonight’s inevitable Roes vs. Wade verdict riots?
She ought to go to America…they’re letting in darkıes of all sorts at an even higher rate than our dinghy arseholes.
Wonder how many American lunatics (on both sides of the argument) are going to lose their lives during tonight’s inevitable Roe vs. Wade verdict riots?
Fuck me, yeah. That’s thrown the cat among the pigeons. The blue and pink haired brigade will be out in force and screaming like banshees. I love to see lefties crying.
Trump’s revenge!
I think we should have her butchered and thrown on a big barbecue.
Fillets and loin of Begum in a honey glaze anyone?
Would go down lovely with a gin and tonic.
And the rancid stink of your shits the following day would soon sober you up.
What’s not to like?
Mis, I’ll save her piss flaps for you, and serve them rare, – in a salmon sauce. They would be a true delicacy.
Only the most complex palate would fully appreciate the delicate flavour.
Drop her into the Donbas with a sign around her neck saying “Fuck off you Russian Cunts’”. Hopefully some cunt with a gun like Blaine in Predator will be slightly annoyed at this transgression.
I think it would be fair to say that Shamima Begging ( to come back) is not winning any kind of sympathy votes here.
Lie down with dogs, get fleas.
I would dump her on Linekunt’s doorstep. As a fellow effnick and all round wokie he would be forced to take her in.
Of course she knows he’s really a stinking Infidel so , with any luck, she’ll cut his cock and balls off in the middle of the night. She could submit a new recipe to Walkers………..Snowflake Scrotum Flavour! I’d fucking buy them!
Few comments about throwing her on a fire. Her fucking mates were keen on that idea, setting fire to aircrew, (shot-down Jordanian F-16 pilot – made me almost fucking weep, that did), so, I can see the thinking…