Nicola Rollock – Professor of Race Policy

Some horseshit for your consideration.

”Black students frustrated at lack of action on university racism, MPs told”

This was told by — Nicola Rollock, a professor of social policy and race at King’s College London.

Yes, a professor of race. She is apparently passionate about ‘race equality in education’. So that’s colour above merit as usual then.

Attached is the article from the good old Guardian. For those of you that can be bothered to read it, not one single piece of evidence or incident is reported. Just the opinions of cunts whose job is to stir this shit up and destroy race relations in this country.

Guardian News Link

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

90 thoughts on “Nicola Rollock – Professor of Race Policy

  1. I would take her more seriously if she was white.

    I suppose that makes me a racist, but I’m not. I just believe in genuine racial equality not this faux shite that is being dumped on the white majority…

    • Racial equality?

      White working class, indigenous British citizens (particularly males) are at the very bottom of the pile, when it comes to opportunities in education in Great Britain, in 2022.

      I am sure the chippy effnic race grifter is fully aware of this FACT!

    • Whitechapel? They should rename it Black chapel but that might be construed as racist.

      Things will never change until they rename Whitehall…

  2. “Because the topic is one of racism it gets relegated to the sidelines.”

    Yeah……we’ve noticed that. You never hear anything about racism do you? It all gets covered up and swept under the carpet. It’s a disgrace!

  3. Race equality in education?
    Check out any school, college or university where white students are in the minority – no “race equality” for them.
    Only revolution will save us now.

    • I had the misfortune to drive through Dagenham at school chucking out time. Fuck me – used to be an area that was 100% white. I know why I saw the advert for stab-proof hoodies on the side of a fence.

      • Fuck me, I was born and brought up in Dagenham and both my primary and secondary schools were 100% white. It is unrecognisable today, the neat tidy street I lived in looks like a street in Umbongoland these days. I can recommend the book by Paul Emberey ( also born in Dagenham) ……”Despised: Why the Modern Left Loathes the Working Class.” He tells the whole story, a story which has been replicated all over this country.

      • I had a similar experience in Whitechapel two days ago.

        You’d honestly think you were in downtown Islamabad.

        All the kids, and I mean ALL of them were Peacefuls.

        We’re fucked.

  4. I bet she believes she’s rollicking good at tackling Racism. And if you disagree with she gives you a good rollocking.

    • Nicholas Bollock must be right, she’s a professor apparently?!!

      Well, I never.
      I assumed all professors were over excited bald whiteys with specs an a liking for tweed .

      I thought Nicholas was the char lady or the cleaner.


      • Always to be looking for racial undertones to everything Miserable?

        What a miserable existence.

        They are slaves to it.

      • I laughed at GB news the other night Miles.
        There’s a Canadian comedienne called Dana Alexander.

        I truly despise her.

        She has 2 topics, race and slavery.
        No conversation can’t be turned to these topics.

        But she came unstuck.

        She thought she was on safe group spouting about Rwanda and how the country is racist, because two other panelists were black.

        They turned on her ?
        Saying that their parents didn’t jump the queue in a dinghy,
        And that this country is more than fair.
        Her jaw hit the table!!

      • Just googled her Miserable. What I was expecting. Two jokes in and then Race.

        Matt Walsh is making heroic efforts to find a left- wing Feminist comedienne he can laugh at.
        He’s made about 5 videos now.
        Sits there in silence waiting for the laugh that never comes.

    • I’ve just worked my way through all that stuff in your link Lord C. It’s fucking devastating, not to say depressing isn’t it?

  5. The best education for the darkened types is teaching them how to use a spoon so they don’t look uncivilised in prison.

  6. What a load of Rollocks!

    The only reason that these ethnics feel they are suffering racism is because all the white folk are so afraid of saying ‘the wrong thing’ or something being misinterpreted.
    Who the fuck would want to engage with these cunt who always on the lookout for an opportunity to shout Waaaaaaaaaaacism.

    Just thankful I am out of the workplace so I don’t have go anywhere near a fucking umbongo or Stanley,


  7. Mrs Bollock wouldn’t like us
    She certainly wouldn’t like me.
    I’m unbowed, I’m proudly white, and show it.
    From me walking in and clicking my fingers

    “Letitia or whatever your name is, fetch me a cup of tea, 2sugars, and hop to it”

    To the inevitable

    “I’m a professor!”

    “Course you are.
    Look Donkey Kong I’m taking off my belt, whobetide you if my tea isn’t here in 20seconds..”

    Once the boundaries are set out it’s usually plain sailing..

    • Mnc@ – “Taking off your belt?” – don’t be going all upmarket on us now – a steel toe capped size 11 is the traditional trainer! ??
      A good lashing with a belt would of course be acceptable after application of the boot..

      • Foxy @

        I take that belt off she’s got a simple choice
        Both will sting and make her scream!

        Did you see that knobhead get knocked out by Julius Francis?
        Hahaha ?

        Shut him right up!

  8. So, black cunt basically says, against most evidence, that all whites are racist, so being racist herself, then complains that more and more whites are actually becoming more racist because of all the moaning about almost non-exidtent racism. I was never a racist. I fucking am now and it’s so-called educated arsewipes like this that have made me so. She can so fuck off!

    • So, despite hating using the word ‘so’, I’ve used it several times, so fucking there. It’s the racism in me made me do it.

  9. She’s got a face like the back end of a bus that’s just been in collision with a hippopotamus’s uncle. When she was born the midwife thought her mother had diarrhoea.

  10. The first part of the 2021 census will be published next week, we will have to wait until the autumn for the juicy stuff.

    I don’t need to wait, I have already made up my mind

    Too many soots
    Too many Muslims, especially the Stanleys
    Too many foreigners in general, especially to ones who aren’t white

  11. Mis, fire the panzer up!!! To the rollock hunt. Tally Ho. Who served the happy bitch up with a plate of dog shit? An Iron cross to the man who puts an 88 mm round up her arse.

    • Cuntymort@ – An Iron Cross you say?
      Splendid – I can put it on the shelf with all the ones Granddad left me! ?

  12. It is very much in her interest to stoke the fires of imagined racism. Where else could she find a cushy, well paid job with a splendid pension?

  13. When you work with a lot of people you will get on better with some than others, that’s just obvious common sense. If, after a hard day detecting racism I invited Professor Bollock down the pub for an after work drink I’m sure she would be bored shitless by me ranting about that cunt Wokegate and whether England should play a back three or a back four. She would probably decline any further invitation and who could blame her? I certainly wouldn’t turn round and accuse her of raaaaay-sism would I?
    But I’m not in the race baiting industry so it wouldn’t cross my mind.

    • Sorry Freddie I thought you said black three or black four. Must be the hot weather. Southgate’s final insult will probably be to field 11 darkèys not donkeys.

      • Nearly there Rob-7/8 plus subs, recently.
        Result? Worst home defeat for 80 years.

  14. All one has to do is assert something occurred because you are of ethnic extraction and pow that is a totally valid affirming incident which proves that whitey is a racist bastard.
    Proof as in scientific proof or heaven forbid anything based on logic is not required in this realm of total wankery. All that counts is assertions and opinions.
    If you want to really experience racism and tribalism and every other kind of ism I suggest that these parasite fucktards riding on the back of the evil whiteys money, institutions and so on take a trip to various parts of Africa, Indian and the rest of the non whitey infested World. How long would you last in say China?
    So another woke wankers face joins all the others that are or will be affixed to my archery targets or if real cunt material stuck on a boiler suit stuffed with straw and soundly thrashed with a very sharp Shaska.
    Does more good than pills for my blood pressure ( obviously after the arrows or frenzied cutting and stabbing)

  15. The cheeky cunt!

    Professor of Racism?

    That’s my job.I never was a racist until hordes of unwanted rubbish washed up illegally and didn’t get sent packing.

    But now I’m an emeritus Professor and a right cunt.

    Give this ungrateful Quisling the Spanish Boot.

    Fuck off.

  16. “First rank. FIRE!”
    “Second rank. FIRE!”
    “Third rank. FIRE!”*
    Repeat several times and then sing Men of Harlech.
    The only language these cunts understand.
    (*With apologies to the producers of Zulu)

  17. I’ve just been to Tesco and there seem to be silvery moons everywhere. Is it benefits day today? Fucking cunts – very rarely see them in this neck of the woods. Perhaps it’s an advance party sent out to make sure there are enough ethnics and not too many whiteys.

    • It might be because it’s fucking hot and it reminds them of being back in Ooga-DoogaLand. Don’t be surprised to see more litter, more shitting in the kerb, and more news stories of rape mentioning place, time, but no description of daa ray-pist.

  18. There are now 1000s of these cunts, otherwise unemployable race specialists. They are making any chance of fairness and equality impossible.
    They are aided and abetted by middle class white cunts who dont see the inevitable result of this bollocks — themselves being marginalised and colour trumping merit in all spheres.
    Can anybody name a single black scientist of note? One?

      • There was that one who historically discovered that fire needs oxygen to thrive.

        I say historically discovered that fire needs oxygen to thrive, I meant he discovered fire.

        I say historically discovered fire, I meant he put his hand in a fire.

        I say historically, I meant last Thursday in Woolwich.

      • Professor George Floyd
        Inventor of the Banana sandwich ® and stress test expert?

      • But blacks did invent the folding cabinet bed and potato chips, OK its not Frank Whittle and the jet engine but people have to sleep and eat.

        And the home security system. Oh the fucking irony.

      • To be fair the electric drill was invented by a Black. With a bit of help from a Decker.

  19. ‘Girls Day School Trust Alumnae’ it says in the top right corner.
    So I take it that she was privately educated here in Blighty. In which case she’s clearly a victim of white colonial oppression.

  20. Perhaps the good lady was misnamed at birth. Nicola Bollock seems more apposite. If memory serves “Ooooh me Rollocks” appears in Shakespeare somewhere when a character is afflicted in the lower person – or it may be Jonesy from Dad’s Army.

  21. Fucking sick of hearing about, they have taken a massive backwards srep by creating a problem just as waysism was on its last gasp, by the minority acting like cunts on a regular basis they are damaging peoples opinions, same as the LGBGTYEASSFUCK cunts and cyclists.
    Act like a cunt and you will be treated as such, no matter your colour, kink or mode of transport.
    These waysism cunts just want attention, the only thing they have to use for the is the endless whinging about being of colour, when will they realise no one give a fuck about that anymore, if they just shut the fuck up and left it alone it would be dead soon enough, forget 500 years ago is fucking history tha can’t be changed, so for fuck sake, shut the fuck up about, silly cunt of colour….

    • The Left lost all the other arguments and race was all they had left.
      All they are concerned about is their own advancement, at any cost.
      Even if it costs civilisation itself…

  22. Never Mind the Rollocks.

    Yet another chippy, race grifting cunt seeking to make an abundance of coin and pension from creating more divisions in society.

    Is there a factory somewhere in Tower Hamlets hatching these cunts in empty Robertson jam jars?

  23. Oi Miserable you fired up that fucking panzer yet? Hup two three you orrible man. Its melting me in this Field grey uniform.

    • I can’t get the fuckin thing started!!

      How do you hotwire a tank?

      Moggies Ukrainian, he’ll know!!

      MOGGIE!! HELP!

  24. I was at “uni” in the 70s, height of the NF. There wasn’t any racism at all I suppose there isn’t any now. Just another self important fuckwit, finding issues to justify her pathetic miserable existence. Get a gun lady and fight the Russian Orcs…. fucking cunt.

  25. Oh great another rambling race baiting socialist. All we need. Brain washing toads in the droves.

  26. Left wing journalism has never had it so good. They can claim whatever they like, without fear of cross examination. Same with black footballers who claim they are racially abused on social media after playing shit. No proof is offered because it is simply not required. To ask the race baiters to come up with a recollection of abuse is to be met by bleeding hearts claiming it’s too painful to relive.
    If a story can stand up in a court of law, by all means print it or broadcast it. If it can’t, it’s obviously bullshit. Which is exactly what this is.

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