Jess Phillips (5)

We all know that the boys and girls and dont-knows who attend St. Keir’s Convent are touched by the Holiness of the political Pope, Kweer Charmer, but I am sorry to have to say that one of the head girls has sinned.

I refer, of course tomouth Almighty, misandrist and comedian Jess Phillips. She appears to be mounting a campaign to rerun the 2009 “expenses” scandal, since she is tardy in declaring the enormous sums she “earns” for airing her little opinion sin the media, and even forgot the trifling amount of £1,500 for reading her “spontaneous” witticisms (carefully scripted of course) on the ancient TV music hall turn “Have I Got Horse Shit For You”.:

Daily Mail News Link

Considering how pious and pure “Mr. Rules” Starmer is, I wonder if he will be calling her into his vestry for a chat about taste, honesty, morals and decency. He has the little ones to consider – Yvette “Sugartits” Cooper, for example. We all want PixieBalls to grow up in a world of taste, deceny and compassion for the transbumders, and this doesn’t auger well. I wonder if anyone has looked at La Gob’s expenses of late? Jamrags on expenses?…. Well, Jess will be Jess.

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

67 thoughts on “Jess Phillips (5)

  1. Politicians should be paid a political salary and receive no outside income – how the hell can they be a “politician” 3 hours a day (if that) and still be doing other work – the people do not pay for part timers.
    Four day week, 16 weeks paid holiday, 2 free homes and all the “expenses” money they can snatch.
    Time to give these bastards their P45’s at the next General Election – ALL OF THEM.
    I am doing my damnedest to stand an independent non party member of the public against every one of the 650 MP’s at the next GE – 100 of us force a coalition, 226 more and we form a Government.
    I can no longer stand idly by and watch my Country being invaded and the indigenous white population being ethnically cleansed.
    “Britain First” etc are constantly tarred by accusations of “waaycism” etc and are unelectable, Laurence Fox and Richard Tice are just chancers looking to get their fingers in the till – there is NO alternative between the the three parties which have a stranglehold on UK politics, and we need one.

    • Should be paid by a percentage of GDP Growth and a Mixture of time in Parliament. That way people would actually innovate and invest without having instability.

    • Send them all to Rwanda and replace with Dominic Cummings and Proteus from Demon Seed.

  2. £1500 for Have I Got Remoaner News for You? I would have thought the BBC would be paying a lot more than that. I reckon they are ripping her off just because she’s a wimminz. I bet they pay a lot more for that trannie they have on there. Get yourself an agent Jess…….he can declare your earnings for you at the same time.
    You bitch.

  3. Fucks sake that’s 4 grand a week no wonder the cunt is smiling wonder how much the rest of them are fucking us for. 650 of them in parliament and god know how many in the lords and it seems the only thing they can organise is a piss up

  4. She had to pay extra for someone to carry those big juggs around Westminster for her.

    • She’s lost weight and smartened herself up since then. All that undeclared income I expect.

      • You are right Freddie, but those fucking ears just keep on giving, and the teeth, you wouldn’t want your manhood anywhere near them gnashers ?

    • Or a fucking decent bra to stop het tits reaching her belly button, she could get some fashion tips from Rachael Maskell ?

  5. She was on the daily politics show today, the usual, showing her two faces, the first is the smug pout and the second the snarling teeth with scowl ?

    Birmingham Yardley must be very proud ?

    I would pay to see her tied to a stake and burned as a witch with a bit of strangling thrown in.

  6. I’m guessing a wedge of it went on toothpaste for those massive teeth, like some braying donkey. The whiney cunt never stops complaining about equality for wimminz and gobshiting off about feminist ishoos but was happy to be elected on an all-woman shortlist.

    • LL@ – Shergar was remarkably silent on the widespread r*pe and sex trafficking of underage, vulnerable white girls.
      As she is about the hideous human rights abuses Women suffer under islam.
      Fuck off Jess.

      • The Fail were also ad ertising an article with the similarly child-rape blind Naz Shit, re a “morbid conversation” with her kids, about the possibility of her getting killed.
        Please, Shaun, put Shit in your Deadpool nom. The sudden and violent demise of Shit would cheer me up no end.

  7. She’s further proof that politics is showbiz for the ugly.
    I hate politicians more with every uptick on the cost of gas for my car. $4.50/gal this morning where I live and that’s lower than most other places in the US.

    • MC@ – Afternoon MC – diesel currently around $10.50 in the UK – it is costing me £100 more a month to fuel up but when your vehicle is a huge part of your business what choice do I have?
      When my Brother was living in Florida there were angry rumblings about fuel reaching $2 a gallon – Americans are used to “gas” costing next to nothing.
      I am reliably informed Dross Phillips gets carrots and saddles on expenses..

      • It was good to see her on parade for the Jubilee with the Household Cavalry although that massive turd on the Mall was a bit unfortunate.

    • Sorry to be a pedant, but a US gallon is smaller than a UK gallon.

      • LC@ – Indeed you are correct – a US “gallon” in terms of fuel is 3.785411784 litres.
        But that is still less than a litre less than a UK gallon so the difference is pretty incidental.
        (And US fuel is terrible quality).

  8. This old nag no longer serves any useful purpose. Sadly it’s only fit for rendering down into glue. Surely there must be a knacker’s yard in Birmingham.

  9. I’ve seen her at close quarters in 2015 when I used to live in Brum.
    She was all nicey nicey in front of the cameras, but a right diva when they weren’t around.

    She, her agent and minders pushed through crowds, barging their way in order to find the right kind of voter she was looking for (either a wimminz or an Asian, or both)

    I seem to recall a bit of abuse from less welcoming pedestrians during the street walk. But Jess turned towards them, gave them the V sign while whispering them to fuck off!

    She also has/had halitosis which could probably stun an elephant (no, not Diane Abbott) in seconds!

    A typical two-faced bitch

  10. £200,000 expenses- typical socialist philosophy; grab as much as you can before your electorate realise that you serve no one but yourself.

  11. Her fellow hagslag Grangela “they’re all thcum Thir Keir!” Rayner has also been VERY generous paying herself and others with our money.
    These rats have zero shame, and need horsewhipping, tarring and feathering and left on top of a nest of fucking ants.

    • They will probably ramp up their discretionary expense claims over the next 2 years given the cost of living crisis (for the plebs only), rising interest and inflation rates, and of course domestic fuel and petrol.

      You ask any of these cunts what the price of a bottle of milk is and they wouldn’t have a Scooby.

      • @Vern.

        Incidentally that is the fate of a pair of ramblers that I saw when driving past Fiddlers pile, before he had hung them from gibbets atop his vast gates.

  12. She’s one of the horsey set.
    Of female politicians.
    Along with Jacinda and AOC.

    • True, Mr P…except I would hatefuck AOC’s beaner pussy until we were both crying.

      • True Thomas, I have shat out more intelligent lifeforms on a Sunday morning but her millennial dimness makes her very fuckable. Maybe you could do the deed in a Trump wig while she livestreams it to her followers on Twitter.

      • I’d give her a “Dirty Sanchez”-the stupid cunt?

        Afternoon Thomas?

  13. No surprises.

    They are all at it constantly.

    Human garbage.

    I vote Military Coup.

    • Do we actually have any military? The adverts show a bunch of uniformed wokes waiting for a terrorist to stop fucking praying. Any real soldiers would put a bullet in the cunt and carry on with whatever they were supposed to be doing.

      • Moggie @

        I was serving with that cunt he’d unfortunately suffer friendly fire ,
        And accidentally bayonet his bullet raddled corpse.

  14. We need a clear out of all the vermin in Westminster.A military coup is a brilliant idea Unkle.

  15. Never fails to surprise me when people are disappointed/angry/disillusioned with the Westminster rats.

    They’re all the same.

    Like that albino last night,
    Metropolitan liberals.

    Every one of them .

    You’ve no choice,
    Vote however you want that’s what you get .

    None wanted Brexit really,
    They loved swanning about on expenses in Europe.
    They’ve no allegiance to this country,
    They prefer France .

    Only good politicians one in the limepit.

  16. This is a grossly unfair cunting! Our Jess is a very active MP, any cause thats mildly woke and Jess is there, it can’t be cheap virtue signalling 24/7?

    Some unkind souls might say it’s only to be expected that a fish wife harpie with no idea of reality would be enable to manage her expenses very well, but not I!

    Jess Phillips, an example of why if you elect Labour your money will disappear faster than a scouse weed farmer running his entire operation on a prepayment meter.

  17. Off topic, but I have seen a shoo in for COTY.

    We are all aware of those cunts on the electric scooters who like to take their life in their hands and dick around on the big city streets, headphones in and oblivious to what is going on around them.

    Today, the cuntishness of the entitled fucktard road user has reached its zenith.

    I bring to you…. Transgender cunt on grass skis huffing and puffing their way up the mild incline of the Lots Road, while 20 furious cabbies and large Merc drivers are going ballistic in their wake.

    Well, I say wake. It wasn’t causing much wake at all, travelling at a dizzying 0.5 mph. Ski poles akimbo, those headphones that look like jizz hanging out of its ears and completely unaware that Abdul in his AMG C63 was about to make the little cretin at one with the tarmac.

    • Nah, I think COTY is going to be a hat trick for ‘arry and his cunt wife. She managed to try and get the ‘all about me’ partian shot to steal a bit of limelight from HM with her sudden release of pics of surrogate baby 2! I have no idea why I have such loathing and homicidal thoughts for some cunt I’ve never met!

  18. Jessica isn’t quite the working class girl from the back streets of Brum that she pretends to be. Her father was a teacher and her mother a NHS pen pusher who rose to be deputy chief executive of the NHS Confederation. (big money for doing fuck all) She attended a grammar school….err…….I thought socialists didn’t believe in selective education? ………and then on to Leeds University. She then worked for her parents events management company ( arranging posh parties for rich people) before discovering what a lucrative piss easy skive politics is.
    I suspect her accent is as fake as she is.
    Fuck off bitch.

    • I read an article years ago, where Jess-the-minger claimed her Grandfather was one of the original Labour shop-stewards.
      Was that bullshit too?

  19. Wrote books including ‘One womans truth about speaking the truth.’ A sequel to that one needs to say what all that “honest money got spent on. Minister(ess) for domestic violence? That’s a tough call! She needs a holiday, somewhere she hasn’t been for sometime. Maybe she could start with the kitchen.

  20. Typical socialist, likes spending other people’s money. Fuck off you hag.

  21. All I know is she is a Brummie, and that automatically makes her a complete cunt! She could be God’s representative on Earth, but coming from that shithole she’s still a cunt!

  22. To quote a certain Austrian bodybuilder in a film from 1987..

    ‘You are one UGLY motherfucker!’

  23. Jess Phillips. No relation to the flame haired porn superstar, Lauren Phillips then?
    Nah… Didn’t think so…

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