Human (Mixed) Races

I kept seeing mixed-race people yesterday. Two ‘picaninny’ persons in the bus station. Two more walking past the cinema. A few more singly in town..

And I suddenly thought-that’s the way Racism will finally vanish from the country. When we all have all a bit of black in us. I mean you can’t really call someone a ‘black c*nt’ if you’ve already got some black in you.

Then we will be just be judged by ‘the content of our character’ as it should be.

Trouble is what will ISAC have to talk about then?

Nominated by: Miles Plastic

119 thoughts on “Human (Mixed) Races

  1. I think I’ve got a bit of black in me,
    I like fried chiggun, a warm place to shit and don’t pay for my kids.

    • That’s similar here. I like fried chiggu n and sweet ? juice. I am also dark skinned.

      That said, I’m not rapey and I have never stabbed anyone, so it could just be a trick of the light.


    • Me too Miserable, it seems like only yesterday I was throwing a cinder block through the Nike store window in the name of social justice.

  2. What will ISAC talk about, them damn Y*ds ?

    Fuck mixed race, white is bright, white is pure, I can’t imagine anything worse that mixing white with a P*ki or Somalian ?

    Anyway, trannyism will take centre stage, the cunts will keep on prodding and poking ?

  3. I thought all mixed race people worked as actors in adverts selling Sky TV and sofas. Elton John has probably had a bit of black in him since the 70’s.

    • Hiya LL,
      Miles wants a bit of black in him?!!

      He’s the Katie price of ISAC.

      My underpants were mixed race in that heat yesterday!

      • Alright Mis! Yeah hot one yesterday, mowing some cunts lawn because I knew it was going to piss down today.

        What is Black & White Cunt going to do when he finds out we are all half bakes and he isn’t special anymore?

      • The Kardhasian ladies like Black. I wonder what they have got that we havent?

  4. As Warren Beatty said in the film ‘Bulworth’ back in 1998 – “Everybody just gotta keep fuckin’ everybody till they’re all the same color”.

  5. I don’t see much diversity and white inclusion in countries such as India, Pakistan, most African countries other than SA, and the Caribbean! I wonder why?

  6. If a white and black have a kid and then the kid has a kid with a white and then that kid as kid with a white, how long before the stain of the original black is expunged from the system ?



      Take a pinch of white man
      Wrap him up in black skin
      Add a touch of blue blood
      And a little bitty bit of red Indian boy
      Oh like a Curly Latin kinkies
      Oh Lordy, Lordy, mixed with yellow Chinkees, yeah
      You know you lump it all together
      And you got a recipe for a get along scene
      Oh what a beautiful dream
      If it could only come true, you know, you know
      What we need is a great big melting pot
      Big enough enough enough to take
      The world and all its got And keep it stirring for a hundred years or more
      And turn out coffee coloured people by the score
      Rabbis and the friars
      Vishnus and the gurus
      We got the Beatles or the Sun God
      Well it really doesn’t matter what religion you choose
      And be thankful little Mrs. Graceful
      You know that livin’ could be tasteful
      We should all get together in a lovin machine
      I think I’ll call up the queen
      It’ s only fair that she knows, you know, you know
      What we need is a great big melting pot
      Big enough enough enough to take
      The world and all its got And keep it stirring for a hundred years or more
      And turn out coffee coloured people by the score

      • I think whoever complained has clearly missed the point about the whole song.

        It will be some thick as pig shit wokey type.

        Cook has written some brilliant songs over the years for many artists. And that black lass with nostrils like tunnel portals, and Cook himself can actually sing and perform.

      • A fucking appalling piece of cuntery, hated that song from the moment it aired and hate it more by the day!

  7. According to a recent nom Hadrian’s Wall was built by persons of colour innit. Or so says some bullshitting revisionist historian. Is that one coming up soon Admin, or did I miss it?
    Whatever. Segedunum was the fort at the wall’s eastern end. There was a civilian settlement within the walls which is now Wallsend-on-Tyne, coincidentally my home town. So it seems that Wallsend was an Umbongo settlement. Brilliant, sod City Status, we’ve got Sooty Status!
    Clearly despite our pale complexion we Wallsenders are black victims of the white man’s colonial oppression. I have submitted a claim for reparations with the Italian Government. Get your finger out of your arse Draghi and pay up, you eyetie cunt.

    (That particular nom is scheduled to go live very soon!- Day Admin)

    • “Why eye man, dis is da Coonsend, get fuck back to da Vindolanda where yez whiteys belong.”

      I’ve heard it all now. What a load of bollocks. Two stones and that would have been all of Hadrian’s wall, because sooties would have been too idol to build the structure.

      I think it was actually built by George Best, as it is about as straight as a limp-wristed pôöfter.

      Little known fact; keep it a secret.
      Hexham Cathedral was entirely built by sooties too.

      The Kielder dam was also modelled directly off Dianne Abbott’s torso.

      So, you North East folks have a lot to thank the Sooties for. Be grateful. (And that includes you too Fiddler.)

  8. I’m quite sure that half breeds will become the norm at some stage.

    All part of the moral collapse of the West.

    A damned shame,all that effort and triumph comes to naught.

  9. “Take a pinch of white man, wrap him up in black skin, add a dash of blue blood, and a little bitty bit of red Indian boy, woah woah woah, curly black and kinkay, mixed with da yellow chynkay”

    Melting pot, a song about ethnic cleansing of whitey, should be banned!!!

      • I’ve heard it on the wireless since then MJB, all they’ve done is remove a few “hurty” words from it, so its a bi like Oliver’s Army, lost all context!

  10. Fast forward 500 years and 99% of Western civilisation will be mixed race. Whitey will still be blamed for the world’s ills, of course.

    • Mixed-race, although in Sparkletits’ case totally black. Add to that everyone will be non-binary trans-gender-fluid Muslim benefit scroungers, all of whom no longer talk, but text instead.

      • Good points, Techno. White heterosexual male Christians will be burned at the stake; heretics against the new woke order. Or be locked in stocks and have dog shit and house bricks lobbed at them.

  11. Been at the Communion wine again Milesy lad? Wait until I tell Reverends Roger Bottoms and Ivor Needforboyes about you at tiffin! ?
    Yep, if it wasn’t for permanent anti white racism and the planned extinction of the white species there would be fuck all for IAC to talk about.
    An alternative suggestion – how about we make Europe and America whites only and remove everyone who isn’t?
    Like a kind of reverse “post colonial” Africa.

  12. My God,Miles,you paint a dark picture indeed… This Sceptered Isle reduced to some picanniny paradise…mud huts,witchdoctors,cannibalism…NO, I say, NEVER…I’d rather Putin nuked us than suffer such a fate..

    I give you a toast, ladies and gentlemen
    I give you a toast, ladies and gentlemen
    May this fair land we love so well
    In dignity and freedom dwell
    Though worlds may change and go awry
    While there is still one voice to cry
    There’ll always be an England
    While there’s a country lane
    Wherever there’s a cottage small
    Beside a field of grain
    There’ll always be an England
    While there’s a busy street
    Wherever there’s a turning wheel
    A million marching feet
    Red, white and blue
    What does it mean to you?
    Surely you’re proud, shout it aloud
    Britons, awake
    The empire too, we can depend on you
    Freedom remains
    These are the chains
    Nothing can break
    There’ll always be an England
    And England shall be free
    If England means as much to you
    As England means to me
    Red, white and blue
    What does it mean to you?
    Surely you’re proud, shout it aloud
    Britons, awake
    The empire too, we can depend on you
    Freedom remains
    These are the chains
    Nothing can break
    There’ll always be an England
    And England shall be free
    If England means as much to you
    As England means to me

    • I expect Rastus Fiddler-Um’Bongo will still be a vast Landowner…of course,it’ll all be jungle and banana trees…the cream will always rise to the top.

    • DF-F@ – Afternoon Sir Fiddler – I think the appropriate 2022 title would be “There Used To Be An England”.
      Dark and angry is my mood today.

      • Yes,Vern….I read about your tribulations in the other nom….you must keep us up to date with your progress.

  13. Racism is always portrayed as a negative, and something unkind ( even evil ) There are many positives in racism, such as, preservation of culture, preservation of ethnicity , and preservation of religions and belief systems that relate to a specific tribe or race. We ( in the UK ) are forced to accept that an Asian will marry an Asian as an act preservation. It is selective and is intended to be that way . Is that evil ? I would argue not, Inter racial breeding may well be more prevalent in the future, but History shows that evolutions bring about alternative “diversities”.
    We are animal, and self preservation of what we value is inherent within us, and that is no crime.

    • Racism is a term made up by cultural Marxists.

      The original term was racialism and centred on biological ,innate difference. It had nothing to say about culture. Since the 60s ‘Racism’ has been broadened to encompass the majority of white European cultural norms.

  14. There is a mistaken assumption here that non-white people arent racist. Well they arent, apart from Chinese, Africans, Indian sub Continent people, Arabs etc.
    My own experience is that Sikhs detest Parking Stanleys and that S African blacks detest to the point of murder, other Africans and Indian Africans. Indian Saffas detest Kaffirs, with good reason.
    However, it is easier to blame whitey for everything.

    • All true, Cuntstable. And the suddenly sainted Ukraine is also one of the most racist countries on Earth. I know Mental Vlad is a cunt, but he isn’t far wrong when he says Ukraine is filled with Neo Nazi types.

      Racism – in modern terms – is only ‘racism’ when a dark or peaceful personage is ‘offended’. It is also a point scoring device for despicable opportunists like Megain Mantis and ‘Ooh’ Lewis Hamilton.

      • Norman@ – Hmm, odd one – all the black and brown people who suddenly “appeared” in Ukraine to claim “waaycism and discwimination from howwid whitey” when there were none a year ago..
        And every piece of this wave of black and brown shit is on its way to the UK with the willing help of politicians, the MSM and white traitors.

      • Megain Mantis, the most appropriate description of that succubus I’ve heard yet.

    • The Han Chinese think they are superior to everyone, even rejecting the ‘African’ origin of humanity.

      They consider minority Chinese inferior as well.

  15. Being a Nordic god, I am the father of a mixed race child.

    Me: The Allfather. Omniscient, ever present and endless.

    His mother: Purebred blond Icelandic stunner with banging tits.

    This kind of race mixing works. All the others do not.

  16. Mikes Plastic:

    You are in fact Stephen Von Morrissey-Kalergi.

    I claim my £5 copy of their single “The National Front Disco”

    Or something…..

  17. I drink umbongo and eat KFC now and again. I also have a huge penis. I quite like Audi cars. And I like de wardee melon too.

    Therefore, I must have a bit of the old Lionel Joseph in me somewhere (oo-er).

  18. Apparently you can’t polish a turd! even one that has dried out in the sun.
    Currants and Buns do not necessarily make a hot cross bun.

    • This is easily solved,
      Miles, I’ve booked you in at Tracy’s Salon for a bubble perm and lip fillers .
      Then I’ll give you some dance tuition,
      I’ve got natural rthym I’m like a straight John Travolta!

      After that it’s some shoplifting in JD sports.

      One love!!✊?

      • Mnc@ – Afternoon Mnc – is there room in the schedule for throwing some bricks at “da powlees”? – I REALLY feel like doing them some harm today.

      • Of course dear boy!
        That’s cultural.

        Just make sure to sue afterwards for institutional racism.

  19. I’m afraid it’s a lot more complex than skin tone. Afro Caribbeans hate Africans and vice versa. They have completely different histories and cultures. Indians hate the Joe Dakis and Bangladeshis ( it’s a miracle they’re not at war every five minutes) Slit eyed Chinkies hate the slit eyed Japs. A lot of dark skinned negroes don’t like light skinned mixed race cunts, especially the wimminz. They don’t regard them as “proper black.” The Indians have a whole caste system based on skin tone…..the darker you are the lower your status. Then you’ve got cunts like Sparkletits pretending to be a poor downtrodden negress and that white bitch in America pretending to be black by spending half her life on a sunbed and frizzing up her fucking hair.
    It’s a nice idea Miles but you can’t just wipe away thousands of years of culture and history by shagging Beyoncé. Life ain’t that simple I’m afraid.

  20. I could see a mixed race population being more of a problem. Dark keys can be chippy enough, but imagine a country populated by Lewis Hamilcunts. And just imagine the damage to the gene pool, there’ll be divvy offspring all over the shop requiring lifetime medical attention and benefits.
    The old saying goes, once you go black you never go back. Back to civilisation would be my bet.

  21. Although mixed race far east and honky birds are usually stunning in my experience.

  22. Here’s another thought for you Miles. Try telling Slasha Johnson that she can bring peace and harmony to the world by having whitey’s babies. Ok, you might get away with it in her current condition but before the brothers blew half her brain away she would have gobbed in your face. That’s the truth……gospel truth if you like.

    • I think a pregnant woman who is in a coma will give birth to a mong child. That’s how it works.
      All these posts and no-one’s mention the most unfortunately hilarious mulatto of them all, Harvey Price…

      • In the interest of balanced debate. Which one of the poor fucker’s parents provided the defective genes?

        Considering slapper flaps Price has had several other kids by numerous other sperm donors that look relatively normal.


      • Imagine a breeding programme involving Handsome Harvey and the delectable Grunter Thunberg.
        The cubs from that union would be something to marvel at!

  23. If the Western world is totally awash with the most extreme racism why then are so many ethnics in well paid respected jobs including government.
    Load of manufactured bollocks to keep certain peoples snout in the trough.
    Please will the silent majority pull its head out of its collective arsehole and realise that so much is bollocks. I’m retiring to a cave in Wales to live the remainder of my days as a hermit ( a heavily armed hermit )

  24. It’s really for them to make the effort.

    We’ve mollycoddled them enough.

    Shoes on their hooves
    Swapped grass skirts for tracky bottoms,
    Stopped them eating each other etc.

    Know what I like?
    A sootie in a dickie bow!!?
    Always makes me smile,
    Bigger the better

    So come on you budding captains of industry,
    A smart dickie bow,
    A big pearly smile,
    Cheer the fuck up

    No one likes a glum Robertson?

    • Tch! Mis.

      ‘Shoes on their hooves’ beez all raysis ‘n sheeit.

      They prefer the term ‘hind paws’.

      I’m told.

    • Mnc@ – They still eat each other, they have just been trained to use knives and forks now! ?
      Not simultaneously, obviously..

  25. My son is half Australian. Does that make him mixed race or mixed species?

    • Mixed species? That’s just too harsh. He’s Australian, not Welsh.

      • Right Thomas. That’s it. I’m reporting you to Drakeford for extreme Welshism. And to an displaced E Anglian cunt too.

      • TtCE@ – Shots fired! – By Jingo Thomas – the good Cuntstable will not be pleased!
        I’m off fore t’ big lads start brawling! ??‍♂️?‍♂️

    • Mike…Your blog has been very quiet for a while now…hope it’s not a permanent state,I enjoyed some of your pieces.

    • His accent would most likely pidgeon hole him as a Queenslander, no bad thing, they tend to be more forthright and fun to be around compared to other Skips.

  26. Joy Division comes to mind. That was the Nazis encouraging Aryans to breed wasnt it.

    I think there will be a Joy Division in the future in this country.

    Fronted by Gareth it will be an encoragenent for young men to choose a life partner from another race for the betterment, social harmony of the country.

    Yes let’s hurry the thing along.

    What am I saying encourage? Compulsary it will be.

    • I hope you get assigned Alison Hammond to impregnate.


    • Joy division were an elite group of top notch brasses who were employed solely to service the SS.

      • Lebensborn not Joy Division.

        Ok Mr F I’ll take her on. But only if you take on Dianne.
        That’s only fair.

      • Pity B@WC left. He would have made a great contribution to this.

        I miss your badinage with him.

    • MP@ – Afternoon Miles – The “Joy Division” was Female slaves being repeatedly r*ped, sometimes to death, by nazi butchers (I refuse to call them soldiers).
      It was not a “breeding programme” – it was widespread and premeditated sexual abuse and sexual violence on the defenceless.
      Now where have we heard that before..

    • JM@ – “I say Me Gain – do you have any idea where the Crown Jewels have gone?”
      “Me not know an’ dindu nuffin Liz, you raasclart waaycist!”
      “Who’s that tinted bint – does she need impregnating? Don’t tell me another of my Grandsons is a fucking woofter – those marmite badgers are worse than the fuzzy wuzzies and the slitty eyes together!”
      “Shut up and get out of sight Phil – you’re supposed to be dead!”

    • I assume you mean Megain, who despite being 99.95% white in appearance identifies 150% as blick. Fake through and through.

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