The Smart Citizen Wallet

This is a social credit system currently being piloted in Bologna, Italy.

In essence it is a points system based on virtuous behaviour, such as using public transport, sorting out your rubbish and moving away from all forms of fossil fuels in favour of renewables.

In exchange for this “good behaviour” citizens will be rewarded financially or through goods and services (the exact details are still being discussed)

The pilot scheme is purely voluntary in Bologna, but is very similar to an ongoing scheme in China that has been running for years.

To take part it will be necessary to install an app to your phone or tablet in order to have a registered digital identity with the local government and its agencies.

The Citizen Wallet, is being backed by the EU Commission, and in particular, Ursula von der Leyen, who wants it to be used in conjunction with the “European Digital Identity Wallet”, which will store digitized information (supposedly including driving licence, health, social security details, employment, criminal record, banking, passport etc) of every citizen in the EU.

Inevitably, there are concerns about privacy, civil rights, freedom of movement as well as the logic that suggests if you don’t hop on board the “Smart Citizen Wallet” idea, then that makes you out to be a bad person with something to hide (possibly even cancelled for not being virtuous enough!)

In essence, the EU want to move ahead and insist that every EU citizen installs the app so that they can not only have all their personal details digitized and consolidated into one virtual “wallet” (database, to you and me). And if you’re a model citizen you will earn points, while those who do not “conform” will be stigmatised and possibly even fined for being naughty!

And from a technological point of view this means even more dependency on having a smartphone and the way it holds/interrogates not only what apps you have installed, but your contacts, photos, text messages, location, journey tracking, online purchasing, fingerprint and iris scanner authentication. The “wallet” just adds another level of electronic activity/scrutiny on your freedoms and choices.

The pilot scheme in Bologna is for the moment voluntary. But we all know what will happen once approved by the EU hierarchy. And despite Brexit/Brino, it wouldn’t surprise me if this EU policy is welcomed & implemented by Blow Job Boris and his No. 10 knob-jockeys!

The BL News Link
(Link provided by Part Time Admin – PTA in place of link no longer working)

Nominated by: Technocunt

52 thoughts on “The Smart Citizen Wallet

  1. Wow it’s like being sentenced to doing community service without having committed a crime.

  2. They can stick their citizens wallet up their poxy arses. Those cunts in Italy volunteering for this must have a poor understanding of their own history. Have they never heard of Mussolini?

  3. Well I wonder what happens when their phone battery runs out?
    Do you have to go straight to bed while it charges up?

    No phone no money no job no house?

    Pensioner’s aren’t much use with phones either so I assume they will go to a special camp for a “reward”.

    Get to fully digitised fuck.

    • look on the bright side UT, this will pretty much put pay to scheming pie keys, doing over priced hobbles for elderly widows!

      I’m trying to remain positive about this cuntishness!

      • I get the feeling that they will be exempt like other certain religions etc as it’s not their cultcha!!

  4. Ursula von der Leyen? She can fuck right off and go back to her BDSM dungeon, I bet she dresses up like a dominatrix, all latex and high heel boots, with her hair tied back in a pony tail, her and Priti Patel I bet go like the clappers, ermmm…. what are we talking about again?…

    • Ursula von der Layen looks like one of those dodgy old German tarts you see getting peed on by twenty blokes on porn videos (allegedly).

      • Or a Scorpions groupie circa 1986.
        “ Yaa. Let’s vock and voll with der Skorpionns”.

  5. der Leyen doesn’t give two fucks about privacy – it is another way she can play at being Big Brother/Sister, the pen-pushing Adolf currently in charge of the Fourth Reich. I wonder what “rewards” they have in mind?. probably like one of those shitty supermarket rewards whefre for every £2 you spend they give you one penny back, and all the rest of us have to stand in the ever-lengething cue while the old bag, or old cunt, who eagerly collects his/her [enny, goes through pockets and handbags or wallets to find the other card that they need to collect their penny.

    What a load of cunts the EU really are, and arsewipes like Adonis, Kweer and that pansy Femiboy can’t wait for us to rejoin it.

    • “queue” not “cue” I anm getting a right ignorant illiterate old cunt – innit.

    • WCB@ – Afternoon WC – is this the same Ursula Von Der Leyen who, as German Armed Forces Minister “forgot” to order any rifles for the German Army so they had to practice with yard brushes?
      Yep, that’s her.
      The world is suffering an excess of privileged fools.

  6. The first step on the way to all of us being microchipped? I’m nearly 60 yet I can see this happening in my lifetime.

  7. They can cancel you already.

    Genuine far right types have already had bank accounts cancelled. Even payment processors won’t let people donate to them.

    I don’t agree with a lot of what they say at Patriotic Alternative (a bit too blinkered on the four be twos/a bit too conspiratorial for me) but to do such things to people is out of order.

    The dumb libtards are all for it, of course (“Muh they’re private businesses and don’t have to have you as a customer,”)

    They even believe utility providers should do the same.

    Imagine having your bank accounts cancelled as well as all utility companies refusing to provide you with services?

    All because your political opinions are deemed ‘bad’.

    I notice the left also
    used the same excuse with Twitter cancelling anyone to the right of Mao with ‘Muh it’s a private company.’

    Funnily enough, now weirdo genius Elon Musk has bought Twitter, they suddenly want to ‘protect democracy ‘ lol

    Fuck off!

    • That’s when the shit will hit the fan.

      No electricity connection so unable to see Facecunt?

      Let’s have a RIOT!

    • I’m still banned from Twatter Elon shill cunt hasn’t done anything for me I hate him and bezos cunt and their made up rocket shite.

    • In Canada, it was possible recently to shut down the bank accounts and thereby to de-rail the truckers protesting over govt. overreach re Covid and such like. Therefore: freedom to protest or access to basic democratic rights were being controlled centrally and individual rights to privacy and democracy curtailed (in the interests of something you were not given the opportunity to vote for). Indeed yes, Fuck off. Cash (or bartering skills etc when cash is gone) is king. Fuck globalism and the surveillance state.

  8. Von der Liar got elected with a 100% unanimous vote……….because she was the only fucking candidate! That’s the kind of election they love in the EU.
    It’s called democracy apparently.

  9. “Extra credits for loading undesirables onto trains”..
    Orwell should have called his book 2024.
    The people voted for this? Did they REALLY vote for this?
    Just like they “voted” in Australia, New Zealand, Venezuela, Canada, the US and now France?
    The New World Order and Great Reset have gone from “conspiracy theory” to “how can anyone with a functioning brain not see this is happening”.
    How’s everyone enjoying two years to flatten the people?

    • Well said Vern!

      As to the “head in the sand” crowd:

      “There are none so blind as those who will not see.” – John Heywood

  10. Well it’s a bit late in arriving, but it seems that 1984 is here at last.
    All this shit is way beyond me, I’m just too old to understand it or care about it, thank fuck.

  11. No smartphone, no good boy app, no access to the food bank ?

    The real question is why would anyone want to join this voluntary scheme, only cunts who think the state has your best interests at heart and stupid cunts who ‘love apps’

    • The only way forward is the 100% non-smart house. I still use a dustpan and brush. Apps and anything demanding my name can fuck right off.

  12. 100 years ago Lord Bertrand Russell wrote about this becoming a reality for the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Look at their website – every Commonwealth country has one, and other nations like the USA call theirs the Council on Foreign Relations, and the EU has the European Council for Foreign Relations.
    Once it’s been implemented worldwide, the next step will be THE digital currency having a “use by” date. You’ll be paid one week and if you don’t spend it then it will disappear by the next week. If you’re deemed a “good citizen” then you’ll receive payment the following week. You’ll never save any money up. Communism wins and techno capitalists will manage you. If you complain or cause any trouble your weekly payments will be suspended until you correct your behaviour…..

  13. Thank fuck we left the shower of shit EU.

    However, we will probably still follow suit with shite like this though.

  14. These schemes really freak me out. The “track and trace ” system under the covid regime was far too much for me. When I visited a Starbucks or whoever I simply told them I didn’t have a phone. When they then produced a form to fill in with my details I simply dreamed something up and wrote it down. Hopefully plenty of people will treat this scheme the same way.

    • Never downloaded their app never gave my details to anyone and never had any of the monkey spunk injected into me. Oh and me and the Mrs are still sucking breath and drinking far too much wine.

  15. They haven’t thought it through. Italy isn’t the sort of country where you’d want to launch an app. Half the population are pensioners and wont even tolerate a microwave oven.

  16. Crap like this makes me realise how wise we were to leave the EU.

    Oh, hang on …..

    • I bet Boris and his cronies are wanking themselves daft at the thought of implementing this shite.

      “Papers, plizz…”

  17. Sounds like we’re beginning to live in a society where Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four is the guidebook.

  18. You can bet Ursula’s well worn arsehole that EU politicians and their hangers-on will somehow be exempt from this invasion of privacy.

  19. What’s next? Implanted chips containing all this crap? Watch this space… This stuff used to be relegated to Hollywood.

  20. ECHR backdoor bandits will still try and stick it in the backdoor quicker than a 10 in her up old Katie’s Vagina.

  21. I’ve written it before on this site. Honecker and Ceaucescu would be pissing themselves laughing in Hell. So much so it’s part of the predictive text on my phone/ID locator.

    • That other ex- communist dictator, Mikhail Gorbachev ( as far as communist dictators go, one of the good guys) said the most surprising political development in his lifetime has been the re-creation of the Soviet Union in the EU.

  22. Rewards for virtuous behaviour eh.
    No mention of the penalties for non virtuous behaviour in the future yet, but there’s bound to be some catch isn’t there. There’s always a catch.

    Hang on… Wasn’t cuntish dystopian shit like this, up until recently just more tinfoil hat conspiracy nonsense?

    As for it not catching on. Oh it’ll catch on alright because the young smartphone addicted snowflake zombies will lap this shit up en masse and it’ll be a case of fuck the older folk who aren’t so keen because they’ll be dead soon anyway.

    Onwards and upwards comrades.

    • Could try switching to “Aeroplane Mode,” for any “non virtuous behaviour.” Just an idea.

  23. I believe Winston Smith worked in the Ministry of Truth, rewriting history. Well that’s already here……it’s called the BBC.

    • Too right, FtF. Off topic, their latest buzzword I keep hearing is ‘adultification’ of black children (by evil, racist, repressive Caucasians, of course). I might write a Cunting on it.

  24. Virtuous behaviour?

    Can this gadget determine if you are bashing an old lady over the head, buggering a sheep, exposing yourself in a public lavatory or shitting in the mouth of a teenage prostitute?

    These are clearly examples of very non-virtuous behaviour, which the state clearly is none too worried about monitoring. The EU clearly has a messiah complex and thinks it can save the world through administration of greenwash, whilst swelling its coffers through the inevitable fines for non-compliance. What a giant bunch of cunts.

  25. Oddly, I can see the French sticking the sabot in on this. They might even be about to do the same to the granny-shagging snail, Macon.

  26. Bomber Harris had the right idea about this EU shite?

    This sort of thing is one of the exact reasons people voted out – WTF happened about that – oven ready BRINO that’s what. I do so hope the CONservatives are getting a deserved drubbing today.

  27. Strange how the cunts at the EU want all this fuckin private information about individuals, but have a fuckin law, namely GDPR, which is supposed to protect the personal data of the individual. Fuckin double standard, forked tounged snake wanking cunts is what they are.

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