Before I start I apologise for including a link to a lefty, wokey, virtue signalling, politically correct electronic bog roll. I trust you all have strong stomachs.
Opinion polls. Pretty much confirm whatever their sponsor has asked for.
Mainstream Media. Relentlessly pushing their agenda to appease the globalist elite in a politically correct bubble so far divorced that they couldn’t recognise reality if it kicked them in the face with a size nine hobnailed boot.
Here’s the threatened link:
Do I really need to say more here? Probably not, but I’d be delighted to elucidate if anybody would relish a 5,000 word rant!
Nominated by: Mikdys
Public opinion has become the guide for all politics, business models, and even law enforcement. Principles are out the fucking window.
100% of opinion polls agree with the people who paid for them.
The first casualty of war is truth.
And we are at war. That much is obvious…
Personally, I’d have thought that most parties would gain from ditching net-zero bollocks.
Perhaps The Jellyfish needs HIS bollocks removing, then Carrie Pooter won’t have such a malign influence…
An opinion poll I carried out in my head decided in favour of Oven.
Net zero?
Lose votes?
All shite.
Fuck em.
The public voted 52% – 48% in favour of leaving the EU. But according to some, that opinion wasn’t acceptable and therefore doesn’t count.
Here’s me always thinking that a majority of 1 would carry a vote, how dim am I…?
Quite, Techno. Remember ALL the opinion polls said we would remain which clearly was designed to influence people.
I reckon Remain would have won if the polls had said that Brexit would win because a large number of lazy Brexiteers, like me, would have stayed at home. As it happens, the reverse was the outcome and the Remain cunts have only themselves to blame as other intransigent cunts, again like me, went to vote leave.
Was every past election and referendum has shown, opinion polls count for diddly-squat and are usually wrong.
Part of the issue is that those questioned will often give an answer they think will be socially acceptable rather than reflecting their true intentions when they get in the voting booth. Hence the wildly inaccurate polls for Brexit, Trump and the Scottish referendum. It’s like the ego and the id. The ego says one thing to fit in and be socially acceptable whilst the id pulls in the other direction and usually wins, even if it has to resort to subterfuge.
“In todays polling 100% of 6 students who were paid to say Keir Starmer is the best thing since sliced hammers and sickles agreed”..
A Guardian Poll. Carried out in Waitrose, Islington. Next door to the artisan quiche stall.
100% of exiled Welshmen in Yorkshire prefer sheep to goats.
What about the fuckers in Lincolnshire?
A select opinion poll of 1000 very rich people living in Kensington said all northerners are cunts!
A select opinion poll of 1000 very poor people living in Barnsley said all southerners are cunts.
In fact this reminds me of when I lived in Birmingham, and back in 1998 there was a national opinion poll about where the Millennium Dome should be built in time for 2000. The majority of the country went for the NEC near Birmingham, but despite that it ended up being built in the Smoke.
Similarly the replacement for the old Wembley stadium. A national poll again suggested the NEC not least for its central transport links for all fans to easily access from all 4 corners of the country.
But of course the FA allegedly said bollocks to that and built it in London again.
yes. I am a southerner, but what stupid cunt decided that the national football stadium should be in Wembley. An arse-ache to get to, full of people waiting to stab you and fuck all public transport. I can get to most places in the Midlands quicker than I can Wembley, and I live near London!
It’s the Gaurdian for gawd’s sake. And I bet it was put around by the Cuntservatives to gauge a reaction. The truth would be more like gain a few million votes. I don’t know anyone who wants this shite – that’s my opinion poll.
Oh how I’d love to read your 5000 word rant Mikdys.
Sadly I guess I won’t get a chance because I agree with your every word in the Cunting.
Maybe I should carry out an opinion poll on here to see if I should write a lengthy tome in this
In the meantime can I just say:”f*ck the globalist el1te, the MSM, the Un1party, Boris f*cking Johnson, Net bl**ding Zer0, Pr1ncess Nut Nuts and all who sail in her, and especially opinion polls!”
Even though the Conservative party seems to have gone ga ga at the top level, I don’t believe for a minute that it’s traditional voters believe in this net zero tripe.
Utter bollocks
Sorry to barge in but got a problem….I recently got a new router and now I cant connect to printer…keep getting a box saying Bad Password..tried entering the passwords off the sticker on the router but wont accept them.
Anyone able to help ?
Try asking any child that lives near your estate that is between the ages of 7 – 13. Failing that sadly you’re fucked my lord
Fucking typical that when I really need it the fucking thing won’t work….piss is reaching boiling point.
Hard reset, wait a few minutes otherwise its over to Technocunt Rescue.
No idea what a hard reset is but thanks all anyhow.
It’s a little button on the router, you have to stick a pin in it and hold it for a few seconds. When the lights go out the password on the bottom should work. Use the SSID code not the router password. After this go in Search box next to windows and put in CMD and then in the box type IPCONFIG and write down the 192.168.x.x number and type that into your browser without Https or www and then you can log into your router and change security settings/password and broadcast name.
Too late….I’ve solved the problem once and for fucking all…smashed the cursed thing to fucking bits…go and buy a new one tomorrow and get some Cunt to do it for me.
Just out of interest, it is also best to change the default password on the router. You can normally change router passwords via the router console manager via your browser.
But if you haven’t, have you connected any other devices via WIFI to the new router? Did you have any password problems with those?
Haven’t connected anything else…as much as I could manage to plumb in the chromebook to the new router…someone else set the printer up originally,I’ll have to try and track them down again.
There could be a variety of reasons why your printer won’t connect, but if you have the same issues with other devices then it could be something to do with the router setup and whether it uses WPA or WPA2 security.
You could do a Google search by entering something like “wireless printer won’t connect to router incorrect password” and that will give you a few clues
DFF@ – Afternoon Sir Fiddler – the printer will be configured to work with the original network access password so try inputting the password from the original router to connect it to the printer ?
Fucking beyond me…I’d best stop afore I smash the fucking thing to fucking bits.
Opinion polls carry as much cachet as fact checkers, the square root of jack shit.
Any ‘poll’ the Grauniad conducts is going to be both woke and biased. And anyone who goes against their ‘views’ will be ‘cancelled’. Those cunts at the Grauniad are still wanking themselves silly over the black poove who is the new Doctor Whoke. To say that they are ecstatic is an understatement.
See also, the next James Bond. It’s as inevitable as Gary Lineker still being a cunt when the film comes out…
Future Guardian poll:
100% of those surveyed* said that the Illegals arriving via boats from France were decent, conscientious, loving people and none were terrorîsts or rapîsts. Conclusive proof.
(* Surveys were conducted in Pashtu, Iranian, Kurdish, Arabic, Albanian, and Somalian so the Illegal fuckers could answer them)
The Grauniad story sums up this excellent nom perfectly, It’s basically a bare faced lie. Net zero policies will ruin this country and send most of its citizens into poverty, and most of the public know it.
I just polled the homeless person outside Aldi, Scunthorpe. He said stick net zero up your arse.
He probably thought you meant Coke Zero!
Any cunt who has studied and worked with statistics knows there are a thousand ways to ask a question to get the answer you want. Market research companies tend to give newspapers and political parties the results they want to generate repeat business. Ask yourself, if the result had gone the other way would the cunting Guardian have published it in the first place? Of course not. They would have commissioned another company to get the result they wanted. It’s all bollocks, all a massive con.
This reminds me of an episode from “Yes, Prime Minister” and how questions can be skewered in such a way to get the kind of response the client wants.
In this instance its “do you favour the return of national service (or not)”
Not convinced these ‘straw polls’ – for that’s all they are, actually take place – too much work for the people who have to do them. Telephone poll: “fuck off you cunt”; street poll – wot hospital you want go to?.etc.
The none-responders are the key to real public opinion
Opinion polls are bollocks..
No ones ever asked my opinion on any subject.
I give it anyway , but its nice to be asked.
Dont recall anyone asking about net zero,
That Albino took it upon himself to shoehorn that in,
The cheeky fat Turkish cunt.
What a load shite. ?
78% of all statistics are made up.
And the other 46% have been misinterpreted.
Why are those commie bastards at the Guardian asking the general public anyway when they’ve got the opinion of a retarded Swedish truant to work with? They don’t fucking care what we think anyway.
And where does their ‘research’ for these surveys come from? Lobbyists, left-wing thinktanks, quangos, NGO’s and other fart sniffing twats.
“Do you think Keir Starmer is a lying cunt?”
The Guardian – 95% no
The BBC – 85% no
Daily Mirror – 80% no
Times – 61% no
Daily Mail – 48% no
Telegraph – 35% no
The Sun – 20% no
Daily Star – Who?
mostly on the NOs then
My opinion right now is I can’t be arsed to keep trying to get through Wordfence (glad I didn’t start on my 5,000words just yet)…
(For some odd reason two of your posts (variations of the same thing) ended up in spam rather than the Mod Q. No idea why because you weren’t flooding. I’ve released one of your posts and binned the other because it was just the same thing but worded differently – Day Admin)
Thanks DA?
100% no shiny shits given
This is the same as that specky twat from just stop oil, boldly stating on the wireless ‘The majority of thd British public want to do away with hydrocarbons’.
No, we don’t actually, you little gobshite.
In fact some of us are invested balls deep into British oil and gas companies and are about to make a fucking killing thanks to Kwesi Kwartang backtracking at a rate of knots on the whole net zero shitshow.
Opinion polls.
Has anyone ever asked for your opinion?
Never, in 60 odd years.
Load of bullshit; and usually incorrect (more recently).
Tommy Robinson has more chance of winning an election than Keir Starmer, a shock new opinion poll shows.
The far-right activist Tommy Robinson appeals to more voters than the current leader of the Labour party. The poll conducted by the left leaning thinktank Dickvandyke research, complied the compelling evidence from over 20 million voters.
You can print whatever shite you like, it doesn’t have to be the truth.
The far right does not exist In this country. The only thing that exist is truth benders. I could tell you a pelyrã of it. But it doesn’t matter because they are always right.
I’ll never be reconditioned.
In a recent survey, results indicate that 9 out of 10 people enjoy gang rape!
A quick straw poll of my drinking buddies – all tory voters (or were, up until now!) all said the same thing – “grow a pair of bollocks Boris and give it a whirl, ditching net zero. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the result”