Deniers Everywhere

(Note – We have a bonus nomination at 5pm this afternoon. Currently trending in the MSM – Day Admin)

People, who like to throw the words ‘deniers’ or ‘denial’ at you and think it shuts down any argument.

First up. Do I believe that the Holocaust during WW2 was real? Yes. However, I don’t have problems with it being questioned.

My main gripe isn’t so much that, it’s that we’ve now got cunts who attach the word ‘deniers’ to various belief systems. Climate Change being the main one.

‘Climate Change Deniers’ gets thrown about casually by the media, our politicians and in our schools.

In other words, you are like Hitler himself if you argue or even question their claims. Some of which are pretty outlandish. Things like we will all die due to climate change within 12 years. Or that we need to stop using oil completely. Do these idiots not realise the world would cease to function with no oil based production of any kind?

Question it though and you’re a ‘denier’.

I have even heard it being used with the Bat Flu. I’m not getting into the covid shite again, I’ve made my points many times. However, calling someone a ‘covid denier’ is cunty as fuck.

It seems our shithouse politicians crap themselves if the word ‘deniers’ gets attached. Therefore, expect to see the following:

Critical Race Theory Deniers
Transgender Deniers
Diversity is a strength deniers
Socialism is the best deniers

I’m calling them ‘My belief system deniers’ from now on.

By the way, ‘Google’ the following – ‘BBC Climate change denial’.

Fucking cunts!

BBC News Link

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks

(Please keep this civil. No personal abuse or shit-slinging. Thanks. – Day Admin)

126 thoughts on “Deniers Everywhere

  1. Denier
    Conspiracy theorist
    Far right

    All labels which mean the same thing. We define reality so shut your fucking hole.

    • “Far right” is the one that boils my piss. During the fairly recent French elections the BBC never failed to refer to Marine LePen as “far right” but I have never heard them describe Jeremy Corbyn, Richard Burgon, Tariq Ali et al as “far left” and you can’t get much more left than that shit stirrer race bating Ali cunt who has launched a fresh attack on Sir Winstone Churchill. When he was a student he was clearly drawing attention to himself, but that was long ago and he is nearly a pensioner now. Shut the fuck up Ali.

  2. Refuseniks.
    Covid deniers.
    Conspiracy theorists.
    White supremacist.
    Tinfoil hat wearer.

    All terms used by cunts who have no reasonable argument or sufficient wit, to debate in an adult fashion

    • I don’t think I’d include Conspiracy Theorist or Tinfoil Hat Wearer in that list. Some people genuinely seem to believe complete nonsense without any evidence other than the circumstantial and speculative……. hence the use of those terms occasionally being valid.

      • Whilst you do make a valid point, they are predominantly used as a slur or to shut down debate.

  3. Truth welcomes scrutiny. Lies do not tolerate it.
    Two years ago if I had said that we would be stopped from doing our jobs if we did not take a shot which might kill us, locked in our homes like prisoners in a gulag, told injections which do not vaccinate are “vaccines” and ordered to believe this bullshit, constantly lied to by “politicians”, health experts, the MSM and corporate pharma, arrested, assaulted and incarcerated by the police for breaking no law as fat bastard and the cabbages in Parliament fuck, party and trough our money with no restrictions whatsoever (how they must have laughed – “don’t kill Granny” says the fat controller then they have a piss up and laugh their bollocks off at how stupid and easy to control the sheeple are) and threw away half a billion quid on “Nightingale hospitals”, some of which closed without treating a single patient, allegations of “overwhelmed” hospitals and outright lies about people “dying in ambulances waiting” when the evidence I have gathered categorically proves this was just a lie, forced to wear a shitty face rag to go shopping FOR FUCKING FOOD, ostracised from society for refusing to be stabbed with a chemical cocktail concocted for profit and population control instead of health, to have “Leaders” installed by the apparently non existent NWO (Australia, New Zealand, Venezuela, Canada, the US and now France) in rigged “Elections” where the “winner” has been decided and installed before the polls even opened, food rationing, fuel prices up by 50P a litre in a few weeks with the fake excuse of a Ukranian conflict to engage in racketeering, and, not forgetting – being lied to, fucked over, robbed blind and left in a hundred years of debt over a non existent and completely fabricated “pandemic” I would have been called a nutter, a liar and a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist. (And was, by many).
    Well, here we are – nazi Germany being recreated every day, but as long as the unwashed masses get their Just Eat, faecesbook and Netflix they do not know and could not care fucking less.
    In just a century our greatest generation has turned into our worst.

    • Refused to get the clot shot, walked the dog twice a day, refused to wear face pants (I have asthma), refurbed the house under lockdown, visited my Dad to drop in food every Sunday and had family round for Christmas.

      Basically saw through the glaring pack of lies that the government were peddling and even though I had ten months off and folded my company, somehow came out the other end of it financially and mentally better off with no help whatsoever from the same bunch of political cunts who, it turns out were throwing parties left, right and centre while everyone else was hiding behind their sofa.

      Ever get the feeling you’ve been conned?

      • No question in my mind Odin. What has surprised / disappointed me most, is the number of highly intelligent people I know who went along with it all; some even recoiling in shock if you hadn’t had the requisite amount of ‘vaccines’.
        Is COVID real……….yeah maybe.
        Should we have reacted the way we did with the OTT lockdowns, bullshit contradictory rules etc, get to fuck.

    • “I would have been called a nutter, a liar and a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist.”……that was me,LOL.


      • DF-F@ – Morning Sir Fiddler – I am used to being called a nutter, tinfoil hatter etc – usually by people wearing face masks in cars! ?
        Well they won’t be so fkin clever when I cement my alliance with the MoonMen and take over! (Luckily only Mnc knows about my evil plot and he ain’t no grass!)

      • @Vern, Ukraine will be over by the Autumn just in time for Covid mark 3, the new variant will be more deadly than a Diane Abbott fart.
        No lockdown, no restrictions and everyone will die.

      • Blatant profiteering by the Govt. too….. 80-90 pence per litre in fuel duty and VAT.

      • Yes, they did us a real favour cutting 5p (6p if you add the VAT) off the duty but knew full well that the increased VAT receipts would more that compensate for the reduction in duty. Cunts are quite happy to see the prices rise.

      • Soi@ – Well I’m glad I pinch mine on a night – saves me a fortune it does!
        Like wholesale electricity and gas prices fuel prices shoot up and crawl back down, if at all.
        There is a concerted effort to starve, bankrupt and freeze the people into submission the world over, and it’s at the stage where it is no longer a conspiracy theory it is now “how the fuck can people still say this is not happening?”.

    • @Vernon Fox

      Even though everything you said would come to pass, has come to pass – those people who called you a nutter will probably now say that it all happened completely organically and wasn’t done deliberately. Most accurate guess in the history of guesses.

    • I’m 85, got lungs full of tar.
      Had no covid vaccines.
      Had covid, felt a bit rough.
      I’m still here, – if I can survive it anyone can.

      But the MSM loved reporting the odd 30 year old who had succumb to the virus to scare us all. It didn’t scare me.

      Grandad didn’t need saving and never will.

      When you’re numbers up, it’s up.

      • Aye.

        The little spiky cunts saw the state of their surroundings and a topped themselves 🙂

        (Only kidding DVD)

  4. It depends what’s being denied. Nothing wrong with questioning climate change, for instance. And I agree in this cases the term “ denier” is used to shut down debate.

    But denying plain obvious fact is often perverse. Moon landing, holocaust and 9/11 deniers being a case in point, such denials not being motivated by reason or logic but prejudice or muddle headedness.

      • I agree. That crosses the line from the realm of logic to the realm of absurdity. Anything that defies scientific fact is ridiculous.

    • The problem with that is how you define a ‘fact’? Who gets that right?

      Politicians? Good luck with that.

      Greta, the msm and most MPs will say you are denying facts with regards to denying the impact of man made climate change (if you do, I don’t know if this is the case).

      Btw, I think the moon landing, 9/11 and the Holocaust were very real too.

      • Some things are debatable. Some things are proven. Some are not. Most people have the common sense to see which is which. Climate change is highly debatable. The science behind it is not proven or accepted by all scientists.

      • I’m pretty sure there are a few scientists who say the moon landings were faked.

        And if you tell your kids to say the effect of man made climate change are debatable, they’ll lose exam marks. Or perhaps your employer will discipline you for not refusing to take part in some ‘save the planet day’ bollocks.

        Again, who decides what a ‘scientific fact’ is?

        ‘It’s common sense’ doesn’t work I’m afraid.

      • Mmmm. Not aware of any scientists denying the moon landings, Cuntybollocks. It’s mostly conspiracy theorists. But I take your point about common sense. Problem is many people don’t exercise it and will believe anything if it’s woke.

      • Calling someone a conspiracy theorist is fine in my opinion. It’s all subjective again, mind you. I get called it sometimes for thinking honky is deliberately being demonised and discriminated against. I couldn’t give a fuck. They’re just my opinions and they can play with themselves for all I care.

        I think I and a few others are getting muddled between a conspiracy theorist and a ‘denier’.

        My opinion is that calling someone a ‘denier’ is becoming the norm for disagreeing with leftist views, and it’s sneaky.

        The link to ‘holocaust denial’ to facilitate this is fucking out of order. They know exactly what they’re doing so watch out for it. That goalpost keeps moving more and more to the left when calling someone a ‘denier’.

        I think (my opinion mind!) those saying the moon landings were faked are conspiracy nutters too. Ditto the 9/11 mob and lizard people bellends.

        I still wouldn’t use ‘deniers’ though.

        Slippery slope and all that.

      • @ Cuntybollocks
        “I get called it sometimes for thinking honky is deliberately being demonised and discriminated against.”

        That’s not a theory that’s fact. Verifiable by experiment, as demonstrated in Ruff’s helpful link.

      • Not sure what you mean there.

        Are you saying honky being discriminated against and demonised is a conspiracy theory or a fact?

  5. Denial or acceptance, or something in between.

    Twitter is just a bunch of bullshit thriving on bullshit but when it comes to facts and figures it is a minefield

    As Covid was mentioned, certain things could be seen as reliable facts like the numbers being vaccinated, it’s recorded, name and NHS number but ‘modelling’ as we debated is a whole other ball game.

    If something is countable and verifiable then fine but when you get into the territory of estimates, projections and models then there has to be a degree of scepticism.

    Is the climate changing, well probably, is some of it driven by interventions by humans I think the answer is probably yes, are we heading for a disaster if we don’t stop using fossil fuels, I have no fucking idea.
    The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing, that is something that can be measured and verified but will it fry the planet in 10, 50 or 100 years, that is an unknown and can only be assumed, it’s not fact neither is is something can be denied, however the I would say that it is very unlikely certainly in 10 years promoted by some.

    Does it make sense to reduce the effects of human activity, yes, but that doesn’t mean you need to buy into the doomsday scenario promoted by the climate crazy brigade.

    • Totally agree with this. I think on balance the evidence is that we are damaging the planet, but the scale and urgency it is very debatable. Trying to reverse it in 10 years or sending society back to the Stone Age, like Thundercunt and the Stinky Rebellion want, is crazy. It’s a long term plan that’s needed – maybe over a 100 years, to develop and encourage new technologies.

  6. I don’t agree with everyone on everything. Nor does anyone else, but calling anyone a ‘denier’ in order to try and negate an opinion, no matter how much you or I disagree with it, is very cunty and ridiculously arrogant.

  7. The suffix ‘deniers’ is used by ignorant blinkered lefties who can’t formulate a cogent argument. I can’t deny that they’re cunts.

  8. Sweden walked through covid without restrictions for the largest part.
    It would be the country to analyze the data from deaths and number of cases and so on and compare to other countries that had severe restrictions.
    I suspect that won’t happen as the truth would be too much for the “we are all going to die” brigade.
    An old friend returned from Sweden only a couple of weeks ago and said it was just normal there , as he worked through the whole affair .

  9. Many of you are very quick to call religious people ” nutters” and will brook no argument,resorting to name calling at the drop of a hat…are you not as guilty of shutting down other people’s views by honking on about “Sky Fairies and God-Botherers” as the people who attach “denier” to a cause to invalidate it?

    • Not me DF.

      I’d have these heathens flogged to within an inch of their lives.


      But that makes them ‘God deniers’ I think?

      It’s all very confusing.

      But bring back the Spanish inquisition, that’s what I say.


      • I’d nail the blasphemers to a Cross and then cement their tomb doors up.

    • I might be an atheist and used to be a smug, angry atheist when I was younger but there’s certainly no good reason to call God-believers nutters. The only reason people do that is in bad faith (no pun intended).

      • Jordan Peterson’s video on YT , the untold meaning of Christ’s Resurrection. Is fascinating to listen to as he describes the metaphorical message of Christian faith and much more.
        He has returned to his best recently and so much to learn even if one is a non believer
        I’ve never heard someone speak on this level ever.
        One can now understand him much more clearly than before.

  10. The best way to decide the veracity of a “fact” is to look at who’s mouth it is coming from. If it’s coming from the BBC, the UN, WHO, the Chinese Communist Party, the MSM, the WEF, Jellyfish, Starmzy, Joe fucking Biden (to name but a few) then you are listening to the words of proven liars.
    Treat with extreme caution would be my motto.

    • Official White House demonrat press release, this week:

      “…..before Biden, there was no vaccine…”


    • Back in the late 40’s, Gandhi licked out Mother Teresa gash so disappointingly that she had him assassinated.

      • TtCE@ – “That’s the smallest brown cock I’ve ever sat on!”
        Mother Teresa, deceased, M Whitehouse, deceased.. ?

  11. If you don’t believe all the bullshit that is being fed to you, you are a ‘denier’, or lunatic, or worse.

    We have lengthly studies carried out by so-called academics at tinpot looniversities, where common sense alone could have drawn the obvious conclusions.

    I suspect some draw skewed conclusions by manipulating the evidence to suit their narratives.

    Statistics are the same. If you flip them around they often paint a very different picture.

    I went on a drink driving course in 2007. The opening gambit was, “15% of all accidents are caused by drink drivers”. To which I replied, “that indicates that 85% of accidents were caused by people who were sober”. I was shut down immediately. If the tutor had had said that drink drivers only make up 2% of drivers, but cause 15% of accidents, that would have been quite acceptable.
    But no, nothing. Just be quiet, “these are the statistics.

    We have some very talented academics doing some great work I’m sure, – we also have a fair amount of charlatans and fraudsters, applying underhand tactics, in order to satisfy and fuel the needs of the loony left and the MSM.

    And the almost hysterical reaction people give you when you challenge any of these ‘accepted’ theories makes me chuckle. Anger and disbelief, but never any argument, evidence or answers.

    I’m wearing my tinfoil hat with pride, because people cannot be trusted to tell the truth.

  12. The thing with that bullshit “in 12 years we’ll all be dead if we don’t tackle climate change” claim is that it’s pretty much unfalsifiable: if we’re all dead in 12 years, we won’t know about it but if we are still here then the climate loonies will just say “See! We tackled climate change and now we’re still here!” Classic Kafka trap.

    • I’ll be dead in 12 years anyway.

      The planet will outlive me.

      Even if the planet lasted another 500 years, that would do wouldn’t it?

      Nothing lasts forever.

      Greedy bastards.

      You wouldn’t buy a dog and expect it to live until it’s 80 years old.

      Anyhow, I have conducted extensive research into the earth’s condition.

      I conclude that a few needles have fallen out of earth’s northern axis bearings, hence the slight wobble.

      This has caused inhabitants in the northern hemisphere to act in strange and irrational manner.

      The further towards the pole, the more this behaviour is pronounced, as so is the wobble. Some inhabitants have become so deluded that they now believe there are over 100 genders.

      • It’s only 9 years now. ?

        12 years was the prediction back in 2019.

      • I also must’ve missed the ice age in the year 2000. You know, the one that my primary teachers and the telly warned me about.

      • And I’m not sure what all these vehicles are running on, since oil ran out 20 or so years ago.

      • I remember both of those predictions very well CB.
        One of the best things I ever saw on television was set up by channel 4 if I recall correctly. They arranged an interview with a man who had written a book about global warming and they stitched him up like a kipper. At the start of the interview he greeted them with a beaming smile. First question posed was; “How is it that you are peddling global warming when a few years ago you were in the vanguard of those predicting an imminent ice age?” The smile vanished and he did a passable imitation of a goldfish struggling to breathe in water with low oxygen.
        Channel 4 was often brilliant in earlier times, it’s decline is a shame.

  13. It’s the Flat Earthers who amuse me the most. Watched (brave) Phil and (jugs) Holly talking to their President or whatever, using this disc thing with the North Pole at the centre, with the South Pole as a huge wall of ice around the circumference, like in Game of Thrones (their words).
    I mean, could it be ?

    • oh yeah! and you can’t go to the wall of ice because of the ‘Antarctic Treaty’.

    • Flat Earth’s are the most bizarre conspiracy theorists of all. How they can construct a conspiracy theory when every piece of evidence puts in the other direction is downright weird. And to what purpose? If the world were flat what possible purpose does it serve to go to such monstrous lengths to conceal it?

      • Can’t take away those old paintings though. One showing a round face blowing galleons over the edge, where a massive dragon awaits their doom. Such art! Such immagination!

    • They all laughed at Christoper Columbus when he said the earth was round.

      It is round, obviously.

  14. Don’t forget it’s the Wimminz FA Cup Final at 2.30 this afternoon. I don’t want any cunt denying that this is an important feast of entertainment which will draw a huge TV audience (the size of which we don’t need to know) and we’re all looking forward to it.
    You know it makes sense.

    • All those shrieking, fishwife, split arse pundits and commentators, need to fuck off and work on wimmins’ football and rugby only.

      Who wants to hear those thick, gobby shriekers after a hard week?

      You know what they remind me of? When I was about 8 or 9, I pretended to be footy commentator and recorded myself on one of those little cassette players, with a microphone attached which my parents owned.

      It sounds like that when they commentate. Even as an 8 year old, I heard it back and thought, ‘Sounds fucking horrible.’ I had hoped of being a footy commentator, but hearing that put me off ever trying again. Who knows, I might’ve been ok after my voice broke, but the damage was done.

      In my head I was Barry Davies. When I heard it, it sounded like an 8 year old boy – which is similar to a woman’s voice it seems.

      It does my ears in listening to them going “Oh what a goal!”

      Fuck off.

    • I am watching the comedy hour, fucking short arse goalkeeper who can’t reach the crossbar, they should just admit that the full size goal is for men only and have a smaller goal for wimminz ?

      • It’ll be even easier for the silly mares to miss the target though.

        You’re right though.

        They need smaller pitches, smaller goals, lighter balls and bigger tits.

        And to get off the telly, it’s shite.

      • Bigger tits ???

        The two goals that Chelsea have scored were because the poor little fucker in the goal was too short.

        Now I must admit that I have just seen a little tart score a pretty decent goal, actually good skill (must have been a fluke ?)

    • Thank you Freddie.

      To make sure I get maximum enjoyment of this superb event I’ve cut the plug off the TV.

  15. There is only one narrative , it is the narrative to which we will all conform, and echo. The narrative was written for us, and we will obey. No other narrative exists.
    All Hail the Chief.

    (now Ive got that over with…..Fuck the narrative ! Question everything !

  16. Well, I called it. The sympathy vote. How on earth will Ukraine host the Eurovision next year?

    • The result had been predicted by everyone days before, if not weeks.

      • Yes it was known by everyone RTC
        Finland resulted in a bid for NATO
        The anti has been raised

    • Ukraine will host somewhere in the UK, ‘cos they’ll all be living here, amongst all the darkıe spongers.

      • Not only that but it is very expensive to stage and the BBC is awash with our money. They’re not going to miss out on a gay fest like that.
        The cunts.

      • I think Sellafield would be an excellent outdoor facility for hosting U-paine’s Eurovision bash.

      • Nah. Let them host it in a Ukrainian city under siege.

        Will be interesting to see all the benders and trannies hiding under their tables as the roof caves in.

      • Which is the worst Workington or Whitehaven?

        One you sort of look down on.

  17. I enjoy labelling people nutters and deniers.
    Thats my hobby.
    And if it overrides the argument?
    So much the better!?

    Same with holy roller types,
    I call a christian a jesus cabbage or bible spastic,
    And they take offence?
    …….then forgive me.
    Jesus would of.

    • You’re the type who would steal a Vicar’s wig and use it as a merkin.

      Vile despoiler.

    • Careful there, MNC.

      Satan has his red hot poker at the ready to shove up your pipe with that sort of talk.

      I, on the other hand, have angels fluffing up my cloud and tuning my harp – although I’m not ready just yet if that’s alright, God?

  18. Can’t mock cranks and loonies for spreading lies and bullshit?
    Fucking cancel culture! ????

  19. Truth doesn’t fear questioning. You can infer Prince Edward is bent all you like but questioning the holocaust puts you in jail in some countries. Just for asking questions, think about that.
    If you want truth then 3 little words will tell you all you need to know:
    Follow the money.
    Or,seeing as this is IsaC :
    Follow the fucking money,cunt.

  20. And it’s no conspiracy theory that the ‘hello possible’ bird on the Sky Mobile ads is sending me secret, telekinetic messages through the telly.

    Some of the things she wants me to do to her…goodness me, it’d make a navvy blush.

  21. When I see the word ‘denier’, I think of sheer stockings and the sweaty gussets of worn tights.

    Is this just me?

    And do I need help?

  22. Did Hitler really die in his Berlin bunker or was he secretly flown to Spain whereupon he was smuggled on to a U-Boat to Argentina? Mmmmm! an I a denier in denial me thinks or have I just been watching too many documentaries on the History Channel.

    • Hitler had a son when in Argentina and that son of his, fucked off to ukranny to see his nanny, i saw that one a while back but i forget which channel

      • Allegations that he knocked up one of the Mitford sisters-the other was with Britain’s Blackshirt Union of Fascists leader.
        Interesting theory?

  23. Oh and the NASA moon landings never happened, it was filmed in the Nevada desert at Area 5. The sound stages are still there. I saw this on the History Channel too! Must be a hotbed of denier gear.

    • Nah, the faked footage was made by Oliver Postgate, using his set for “The Clangers”.

      In fact, the antics of the Soup Dragon & co, is just as realistic?

      • Yeah and Mr Spoon on Button Moon, Looked like he made it up there in an old Hienz Baked Bean Can! NASA eat your heart out!

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