Deniers Everywhere

(Note – We have a bonus nomination at 5pm this afternoon. Currently trending in the MSM – Day Admin)

People, who like to throw the words ‘deniers’ or ‘denial’ at you and think it shuts down any argument.

First up. Do I believe that the Holocaust during WW2 was real? Yes. However, I don’t have problems with it being questioned.

My main gripe isn’t so much that, it’s that we’ve now got cunts who attach the word ‘deniers’ to various belief systems. Climate Change being the main one.

‘Climate Change Deniers’ gets thrown about casually by the media, our politicians and in our schools.

In other words, you are like Hitler himself if you argue or even question their claims. Some of which are pretty outlandish. Things like we will all die due to climate change within 12 years. Or that we need to stop using oil completely. Do these idiots not realise the world would cease to function with no oil based production of any kind?

Question it though and you’re a ‘denier’.

I have even heard it being used with the Bat Flu. I’m not getting into the covid shite again, I’ve made my points many times. However, calling someone a ‘covid denier’ is cunty as fuck.

It seems our shithouse politicians crap themselves if the word ‘deniers’ gets attached. Therefore, expect to see the following:

Critical Race Theory Deniers
Transgender Deniers
Diversity is a strength deniers
Socialism is the best deniers

I’m calling them ‘My belief system deniers’ from now on.

By the way, ‘Google’ the following – ‘BBC Climate change denial’.

Fucking cunts!

BBC News Link

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks

(Please keep this civil. No personal abuse or shit-slinging. Thanks. – Day Admin)

126 thoughts on “Deniers Everywhere

  1. We are all going to die. Life is temporary, and unguaranteed. What we die of is our chosing, and what we hand over to the next generation likewise. Climate change or not, what I can say for sure is that our undoing is our greed. That is what will kill us all, whether it is greed for territory, fame, possesions, power. That will be our undoing as a species, time to let the ants and bees take over the world, they don’t have egos…….

  2. Good cunting this, got here a bit late.
    Obviously some deniers are bonkers and facts can be used to point out the error of their ways ( such as satellite images for the flat earth lot).
    But contentious stuff such as climate disasters using emotive language ( note this you Wikipedia police) needs questioning.
    They like to make everything black or white and close down debate.

  3. Stop using that word.
    Makes me think of nylons.
    And the noise they make as one leg tube against the other.
    Just stop it.

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