Calvin Klein – All Inclusive Mother’s Day

Calvin Klein, made a post on Instagram, allegedly for Mother’s Day: ‘Today, in support of women and mothers all over the world, we’re spotlighting the realities of new families.’

Nothing wrong with that statement until you look at the photos in the post:
Instagram News Link

In the Instagram post you will see a few photos of this special couple, talked about here NDTV News Link

The one on the left with the beard is the biological female and the one on the right, that looks like a woman, is the one that got the bearded woman up the duff.

And here’s what Rebel News had to say on the matter. Better pictures of the pregnant one (warning: may induce vomiting)

Rebel News Link

I hope this has not ruined your breakfast, lunch or dinner. If its any consolation, the first comment on the Instagram post was ‘Well never buying Calvin Klein ever again.’

I doubt Calvin Klein gives a hoot about trans people or real mothers; they just want the woke crowd’s cash. Cunts.

Nominated by: Cuntologist

57 thoughts on “Calvin Klein – All Inclusive Mother’s Day

  1. Loved the comment at the end of the Rebel News link.
    Just summed it up nicely.
    Attention seeking media whores.

    • Tbh, I used to wear Eternity back in the late 80s – not exactly sure when, too busy going ‘out out’. I remember liking it – oh what a young, spendthrift idiot I was. Anyway all I was going to say is that I also remember smelling that overpriced, bottled stink bomb called ‘Obsession’ (for men) by Calvin Klein and the lingering waft it left behind.

  2. Fuck me… yet another business apparently falling over itself to go broke. ?

  3. Just when you thought ‘civilisation’ couldn’t stoop any lower. Fuck Calvin Klein and fuck these deviants. Bury them all in landfill.

  4. Seem a nice young couple?
    I wish them all the best for the future..


    • When I first clocked the pic without reading the nom, I assumed it was some fat cunt who’d downed thirty pints and the world’s biggest vindaloo. The reality is infinitely more sickening.

  5. Liberal Liquidator…in response to your query about my “Challenging Wanks Series” on the previous nom…I’d much sooner knock one out over a pic of a limbless sack of putty with a head than one of the disgraceful freaks shown above.
    I trust the whole of ISAC is excited than the entire month of June is given over to a celebration of tuppence-sucking, fağģotry and tran§bumderism with shitty companies pretending to care about the alphabet weirdos.

    • Yes, there are limits to what determines challenging. That poor kid is due for years of therapy after being used as a social media prop by his mental and selfish parents.

    • TtCE@ – This evil can only be properly cured with a hammer methinks!
      So when is national “take a hammer to a freak” day?

      • Can we combine it with national ‘Take a sickle to s Marxist’ day and declare a bank holiday?

        Somewhere around late June would be nice.

  6. We have a woman pretending to be a bloke and a bloke pretending to be a woman.
    In other words, a partnership between male and female.
    How old-fashioned, how bigoted.
    Stupid cunts, napalm !

  7. Belongs in Barnham and Bailey circus as the bearded woman. Ugly bird at that

  8. Poor kid! The kids don’t get a choice!

    A: Do you want to grow up in a standard nuclear family as served humanity throughout all of known history?

    B: Do you want to be the child of a man who thinks he’s a woman and a woman who thinks she’s a man. Mother’s Day may be interesting eh?

    C: Would you like to be the spawn of a council estate council estate Katie Price and your fathers name be a multiple choice quiz?

    Traditional families produce better outcomes for children. If you want to be a freak show it’s your choice but don’t bring kids into your personal circus!

  9. Calvin Klein?
    AKA “Cock crushers”.
    Do American Men all have miniscule cocks?
    Anyway – fuck off and die, Calvin Klein.

    • Don’t go near Hugo Boss then.

      Whoever wears their undershorts must be hung like a Hamster.

    • No such thing as Calvin Klein really. Just a part of yank fashion conglomerate PVH (Phillips-Van Heusen Corporation). The marketing department talking out of its Calvin Kleins.

  10. No such thing as Calvin Klein really. Just a part of yank fashion conglomerate PVH (Phillips-Van Heusen Corporation). The marketing department talking out of its Calvin Kleins.

    • PVH aren’t short of a few bob – just looked them up thanks to your post. Wiki say in 2021 revenue was $9 billion and net income $952 million. Staggering.

  11. Who is this Calvin Klein bloke anyway? Is he a poof? Does he eat da poo poo?

    • FTF@ – Who is Calvin Klein?
      Someone with a micro penis – they seem to be made to fit the genitalia of 10 year olds.
      Nothing worse than undies which are “tight in all the wrong areas”.
      Ralph Laurens – MUCH better.

    • He got famous/awarded for making jeans and this ad starring the then 15 year old Brooke Shields:

      I was only 11 or so when I saw that ad and it made a big impression on me. I remember that I liked it, didn’t see it as dirty because my brain didn’t really work like that then but I guess in hindsight it has a Lolita feel to it. 40-odd years later, who could’ve predicted the change in marketing tactics, from exploiting under age female sexuality to the overt promotion of gender politics, all in the name of a buck? Well I guess they haven’t really changed their tune, any controversy is all for money.

      Calvin himself is 79 yrs old apparently and been married a couple of times and has a child. He’s probably sitting pretty in one of his mansions. Maybe his brand has been completely sold off to PVH, just like Jo Malone sold her business to Estee Lauder – have no idea if he himself has any creative control. My nom was about the current brand as it is today.

  12. A bloke has a pair of tits fitted then shacks up with a woman who has had her tits lopped off and grown a beard, perfectly normal and definitely represents modern society…. In fucking La La Land.

    CK have just done this to get publicity, a calculated risk, hope the cunts crash and ?

  13. I despair.Stop the world I’ve had enough bullshit and bollocks already.

    • Do not click this page, it’s worse than the house of fudge.

    • Do not click this page, it’s worse than the church* of fudge.

    • £22 for a pair of ‘pride’ bollock stranglers. No doubt knocked up in a Far East sweatshop for about 25p. Greedy virtue signalling cunts.

  14. I’ll be God-damned if I will be caught dead wearing one stitch of apparel from this repository of cunt. Fuck them and all their woke-ass staff of fa-guts and ultra degenerate cunts. Scum of the Earth pieces of elitist human trash. Why can’t shooting sprees happen in the corporate headquarters of places like this?
    May every ho-mo disease eat them alive the fucking cunts.

  15. Jesus what the fuck have I just seen? What with pronouns and all the shite going on today I am just glad I’m with Mrs CuntyMort. I hope to fuck I don’t have to rock up to some cunts house and a freak answers the door.

  16. Their child will be a Mental…and probably have a stretched out hoop if it’s left with it’s parents.

    Calvin Klein probably keeps hamsters….up his hoop…the filthy old Cunt.

    • That is it exactly Sir, normalisation of freaks shows coming to life near you.
      So retarded mindsets can create a life that’s more fucked up than they are and the services in place to support it.
      Lunacy has Landed

      • No such thing as Calvin Klein really. Just a part of yank fashion conglomerate PVH (Phillips-Van Heusen Corporation). The marketing department talking out of its Calvin Kleins.

    • Squealing out of its underpants Sir Limpy, about how brave their balls and fannies are, in the correct place for Wokedumb tv trends

  17. Not stunning and brave, just sick and disturbing.

    Did you know that the full freak and weirdo alphabet is now LGBTQIAPK?

    Wonder what the P stands for.

  18. Oh fuck off Calvin Klein. The dude (or whatever) on the left has a beer belly.

  19. When you’ve finished with your Kelvin Klein undies, send them back. Preferably after 10 pints and a curry

  20. Men who are pregnant are women who look like men.
    Women who get women pregnant are men who look like women.
    Got a dick not a chick.
    No dick in women’s nick.
    To old to accept that white is black, yes is no. To hell in a handcart off we go.

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