Black Haircuts Matter

What BLM is all about.

Not looting, posturing, awards on quotas etc. No it’s about haircuts. Or so the BBC alerts us.

Get ready with the hankies:-

”Black hair care: ‘I travelled seven hours to get my hair done”

Yes, it appears that Hair&Beauty is ‘far right’.

”There are fears that unless the staffing in mainstream salons becomes more diverse, black stylists could be negatively affected by the changes.”

That quote makes no sense to me but there you go. Repeat and it still makes no sense except to suggest victimhood of some sort.
Then there’s:-

” The Black Lives Matter movement in 2020 prompted pledges from the hair industry to be more inclusive.”

Que?? Black Haircuts Matter?? God bless St Chiggun George.

So we are to believe that there are no black hairdressers in the cities because of racism in the industry. That might explain why the woman that does my wife’s hair wears Nazi regalia. And I like it.

BBC News Link

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

77 thoughts on “Black Haircuts Matter

  1. I read the article with great amusement.
    It’s on a par with the alleged racism faced by The Dark Keys when up the duff.

    I suppose the intent behind all these lies is go make us feel sorry for this rabble,particularly after we hear about their foul activities in other areas of life.

    Frankly I’d like to be utterly ignorant of these cunts entirely and sorely wish not a single one of the fuckers infested our country.

    Hairdressing? Get to Fuck.

  2. Another bandwagon to jump on. Yeah, the existing black hairdressers really want the competition, they must earn a fucking fortune, being so in demand.

    • With 3% of the population being black I’d say any sensible business would not bother wasting time training their staff on this, but facts and acumen don’t fit the narrative. Still, based upon adverts and tv programmes from the last ten years you’d be forgiven to think the U.K. was 50% black.

      • 90%.
        Now a legal requirement to have dark-keys in adverts.
        Except for contraception, I would imagine?

      • 3% is that all?

        3% that cause 90% of the trouble.

        What percentage is pàki, does anyone actually know?

        Nobody will have a definitive answer as they pass each other off as someone else. They all look similar.

        I’m guessing pàki must be running close to 10%, true figure?

    • Blackie hairdressers probably haven’t got the brainpower to use their operations as fronts for money laundering, like all the pakı and Turkish ones do.

      • We have a frozen yoghurt place near us which hardly gets any business yet expanded into next door, whilst adjoining shops had to close up. Hmmmm

    • Are there many black carpenters?
      I ask, as prior to the arrival of White Europeans, there were no structures with a 1st floor, only huts.
      Fast forward through the centuries and their building skills have improved little?

  3. I style my own Afro at home,I look like a cross between Calvin Robinson and Duncan Goodhew.

  4. Does this mean when I next go to get my hair cut I’ll come out with a 1970’s Afro like the young Michael Jackson?

    Hair is hair. Surely a trained hair dresser of any ethnicity can handle any category of hair type and give it the appropriate style.

  5. A couple of dark keys who had recently found gardening were on a out Kew last night.
    Not diverse enough they reckoned.
    ‘Kew’ the scene.
    Dis is ma grow bro innit. Lots o’dat green stuff innit.

  6. Let it grow. If I’m forced to see a black person of either sex, they’d be much more palatable and less irritating with an enormous 70’s ‘fro.
    Unless you were sat behind one in the cinema.
    Aaah, cinema…it seems so twee post chınkyflu and with the eruption of streaming.
    But back on topic: I’m just printing out some scanned labels of 70’s Robertsons Marmalade to go and stick over their current labels in the supermarket.

    • Thomas: that will increase sales massively-people will purchase it under the mistaken impression that it has a tie in with the new Dr Who-or should that be W.o.g?

      • I genuinely would buy it with the ‘proper’ label on it. There’s no pleasing these cunts, if I had my face on something I’d feel honoured. Apart from the wanted posters it often appears on.

  7. It’s a very specialised job.
    Normally a apprentice will practice for 2years on coconut matting.
    Then after the apprenticeship he becomes a fully qualified Pubeologist.

    He has the right to use the floor sweepings for stuffing mattresses.

    Your average hair on a middle age lady will be akin to a armpit,
    Not much you can do!
    Or crop stubble after a fire,
    So a public wig (Merkin) is used.

    You can earn good money and a decent amount of crack cocaine.

    • Mnc@ Well it’s the last time Mason Greenwood does my hair! (Nicked me watch & stabbed me!??)

  8. More race baiting fucking shite from the BBC. Note the two cunts responsible for this video……..somebody called Sivathason and somebody called Patel. Beautiful British names. Round my way it’s white wimminz who have to travel to find a hairdresser. The only barbers is a bunch of Turkish cunts……..they sit outside smoking all day and blabbering in Turkish or whatever cunty language they speak. I’ve never read such a load of bollocks in my life. Once again the noble BBC coming to the rescue of the poor, downtrodden effnicks. What a bunch of out of touch posh wankers.

  9. I try to visit London as little as possible, due to the fact that I’m a foreigner in my own country. The last time I travelled through one particular borough, though, it’s no exaggeration to say that every other shop on the high street was a hairdresser catering for curly hair. It begs the question, how does that cunt travel for 7 hours to reach a suitable boutique? Does she crawl? This is a another typical fabrication by the BBC to show, yet again, how evilly racist Britain is. Get to fuck.

  10. That fat blob of shite in the header pic,
    What’s going on with his beard?

    Looks like Michael J Fox has done it.

  11. The good old BBC, fearlessly seeking the merest signs discrimination, no matter how laughable. Most of the dark keys I know have a different hair style every week or so, one day a Grace Jones effort, the next a 70s style New York pimp. As Dr Dre almost said, Bitches ain’t shit but hoe’s and hair stylists.

  12. As the legendary Cheech and Chong quipped back in the good old 70’s “IS THAT YOUR HAIR, OR HAS SOMEBODY CRAPPED ON YOUR SHOULDERS”?

  13. Whenever I’m confronted with a ‘haircut of colour’, I automatically have a headache. You know the person’s going to be chippy, entitled, insulting, and with the intonation in the wrong place.

    “WAT ees EET you is COM-plaining aBOUT? WE has SOLD out of dee Gone Wid Da Wind DVDs. “

  14. 7 hours,?
    Take a bus instead of riding a fucking buffalo.
    Plenty of hairdressers in Africa – take all the “pregnant victims of waaycism” with you – I’m sure the local witch doctor will provide an excellent service.
    Off you fuck then.

  15. If you want to look like a grade 9 cunt, save your dosh I’ll do you a wicked bad cut for fuck all. Stupid cunts.

  16. That Harvey Price cunt in the Nomination photo-his appearance would be vastly improved with the application of a large, brown paper bag

  17. The stupid cunts will grow a huge afro and go to the cinema just to piss off whitey. And there is the stupidity of “corn braids”. I’d make all of them have short hair if I was in power.

    • Nearly drowned they said. In a small feature pond lol.

      I notice Ainsley and other dark keys were not even thinking about diving in to save her. Undertaker would be doing overtime for weeks.

    • I’ve got all the kit,
      Hedge trimmers, wire cutters, BIC lighter, sandpaper etc
      But no customers yet!☹️

      You know what their problem is?
      Their racists.

      I might change the sign?

      “Pubeheads welcome!”

  18. The cunts always want to be treated as something special, Hair, make-up, NHS, employment, the right to carry a knife, deal drugs…..

    In a word or two, Black Off!!

  19. Well, I wash my hair in Vim® and paraffin for that extra shiny pubescent lustre.

    … Because I`m worth it.

  20. Are they having a laugh?
    Does the person who has to travel for 7 hours live on Benbecula?

  21. “ Get ready with the hankies.”

    Did Cuntstable have the horn whilst writing this nom?

  22. Calling all Derbyshire Dàrkie women, men and tranniès with fuzzy felt hair.

    Walking round the streets of Buxton looking like a golliwôg that’s been through a boil wash?

    Don’t despair.

    No need to travel hundreds of miles to Stabistan to have Rastus or Charlene cut your barnet.

    Dickvandyke has a well oiled set of Lister sheep shears and can even create patterns for ‘dat authentic Landan gangsta look’.

    Large, comfortable seating to accommodate that ‘phat ass booty’. Stabby music played in the background for your pleasure.

    Moderate rates, located 5 mins off the A515.

    Kool Aid on draught and a free flick knife with your 10th cut, with Dick’s loyalty card system.

    • Morning Dick?

      I’m definitely starting up as a second business!
      Buzz the Fuzz I’m calling it ,
      What do you think?

      My vegan cafe , Lentils for Mentals got shut by environmental health.
      Some whining little anemic found a Pube in their salad.

      “That’s yet protein you skinny little twat!”
      I told him, but bit of a dramatic type.

      • Morning Mis.

        I’m calling mine ‘Trim da Dim’.

        And I’m doing blackface, so I look the real deal. A bit like David Dickinson after his holidays.

        Or I might go balls-out for the Alison Hammond look. What do you think?

      • I think you ought to open a halal takeaway outside Blue John Cavern. The peacefuls have started infesting the area. Just on the bit before the road crumbles away. You’re bound to get planning.
        It will be as busy as fuck in a couple of years.

        Blue John cavern has been brought out. It is now known as Brown Ali’s Greasy Love Cave. Free admission for under 16’s when not accompanied by an adult.
        “Whooh, what was that Ali?”
        It’s ok little lady, you’ve sat on a small stalagmite, but don’t tell your mum”

        Come on Mis, seize the opportunity, before someone else cottons on to this unique business opportunity.

  23. Come to thuink of it, you don’t get black wimminz advertising shampoo on the TV – that is covered by that Claudia Open-Your-Legs;For-My-Winkle-Man.

    Just picture Dawn Butler or Claudia Webb doing the Head & Shoulders ad “Wha you say? – take TWO bottle in to da shower, bruv, innit” Mammy!!!

  24. Chinese/Far Eastern people have notoriously difficult hair to cut and style, but we don’t hear them belly aching.

    This suits the BBC ‘waycist’ narrative down to the ground.

    • “we no berry ache abou it,
      We get inspiral carpet haircut.
      Chop chop!

      -president xhite.

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