Once again we have the race card. This time it’s:-
‘‘Racist’ overhaul of Human Rights Act to strip protections from people targeted by stop and search”
Now, read this and see if you can follow the logic:-
”Most of the names kept on the Gangs Violence Matrix, a Metropolitan Police database, are those of young black men.
Now Liberty is demanding a rethink as ministers prepare to plough ahead with watering down the landmark 1998 Act through a Bill in next month’s Queen’s Speech.
“Migrants, prisoners and people with historic ‘poor conduct’ won’t get the same rights as those with citizenship, or without a criminal record, which will have racist impacts”, Martha Spurrier, the organisation’s director, told The Independent.”
The logic is that these fuckers are inherently criminal and have criminal records so the proposed law will automatically be racist.
Is this as pisstake? Is Titania McGrath working for Liberty? Or does no fucker in that organisation have any self awareness?
Answers on a Jeremy Corbyn t-shirt.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
It just needs one fucking MP to grow a spine, stand up and say, “Many blacks glorify gangsters and gang violence. They do it through their choices in music and in having a victim mentality. The fault lies in their communities. Their community ‘leaders’ and race baiting MPs are to blame as much as the criminals. It is your responsibility for your behaviours and yours alone. I say sort it out or get out.”
Probably too busy cutting their nobs off and putting frocks on though.
Reality is like fucking Kryptonite to these cunts!
Fact and logic are the direct enemy of the left.
Come at them with a fact based argument, logically thought through and they will whip out the all purpose race card faster than a vegan will tell you they’re a vegan.
I think they are inherently criminal. They fucking love it. Glamor crime lifestyle. I work in London a lot and every time the news comes on with “A 19 year old man was stabbed to death last night in Hackney or two youths were stabbed in Peckham in the early hours..>” I say out loud – “BET THEY WERE BLACK”……..
“Ogu Osanwa and Luther Debrown have been named as the deceased” ……
It’s just the woke mindset which defies all known logical categories and ends by circling back up its own poopshoot.
Everyone knows the problem but the solutions are all ‘racist’, not really but actually stating facts is now deemed to be racist by the woke.
Fuck knows why the government want to send channel invaders to Rwanda, China already have purpose built facilities to sort out Muslims, I am sure they could do a good job with all our invaders ?
Just watching Euronews, and one of the headlines caught my eye, in Sweden 3 police officers injured at an anti Muslim protest, so I thought I would have a look at more detail.
It was a protest/riot by rag heads against a anti Muslim rally, cunts attacking police cars, but if you just go by the headline you would think it was ‘far right’ injuring police.
I wonder if Martha will still feel the same, after she’s been gang raped by a bunch of dinghy riding, first generation non cannibals ?
Get To Fuck.
Then Get To Fuck some more.
Stupid bitch.
Mabye if the blackies who went to university set up businesses that didn’t involve drug ,pimp ,dealin ,credit card stealin enterprise and instead offered employment to their communities that meant getting up early for a real working day in the architects office
I bet the enterprising entrepreneurs would be waiting forever for posts to be filled from their communities
It’s easier to blame someone else than actually “ do sumit abouhht it”
They don’t want to work. In fact, the best way to starve them to death is to hide their dole cheques inside their work boots.
PC@ – Outstanding! ??
Great handle, Pablo?
This race card thingy sounds like a good idea. Is it like a Nectar card and can you get money off at the supermarket checkout?
Anyone know how I can apply for one?
Not sure about that, GT – but you easily make a pack of non-racist playing cards by simply removing all the spades.
Indeed, then remove the Queens to avoid offending the gaylords.
It’s the one where the card holder pulls out a shooter, points it at the checkout assistant and says, “Fill da bag, biatch, or is gonna pop a cap in yer ass. I only doin’ dis ‘cos of colonial repression and institutional racism, innit?”
Every one of these do goofing split arses like in the MSN article above, should be forced to get in one of these dinghies with the 30 or so dark key/peaceful blokes.
They would realise the errors of their ways after the gang rape as they are thrown overboard.
“Do gooding”
Get to fuck
I think you were right the first time CB.
The logic appears to be, that keeping a record of a black persons criminality creates a resentment that leads to more crime. Therefore, MI5 and the FBI must have created more vehement communists than would otherwise had been the case if they had simply ignored them. The Metropolitan Woke Force and Suckdick will be all over this logic too if it keeps the knife crime levels down. It’s all another attempt to rewrite history by making it look like racist whitey was wrong all along, when all the spear chuckers wanted to do was live in peace in their communidees. What a pile of cunt!
That’s the new logic of dealing with BAME criminals: “they aren’t criminals! They are the VICTIMS, you evil racist!”
God help us.
Nothing new though is it? Look at Nelson Mandela, a self confessed terrorist who’s acts of violence have been completely forgotten.
That’s a great point. MPs and police chiefs will welcome any old shite that keeps the crime figures artificially low, particularly with some of the ‘diverse’ types.
Talking of knife crime, the London stabby season officially starts today, stabby stab stab it’s what long evening are made for. Knife play on the towpath as the sun sets behind the multicultural gender free vegan community action centre. Liberty crock of wank.
Get used to the name, Patrick Lyoya, he is the new Saint George Floyd. He was brutally shot to death by cops in Grand Rapids, Michigan, over in The Colonies and there were hundreds of people of the streets yesterday shouting his name.
His father brought Patrick and his other kids from the Congo (don’t laugh!) in 2014 anf well, they integrated nicely, I’m sure into the honky-centric Utopia that is 21st century Michigan.
Video of the shooting of Lyoya:
Dumb cunt. Just comply and go to the station, make your call. Now he’s a martyr to all the BLM loonie tunes. Let the hysteria begin…
Driving a stolen car. Check.
Refusing to stay in the car. Check.
No licence produced. Check.
Fights with police officer. Check.
Continues to resist arrest. Check.
Grabs policeman’s razer. Check.
Thick umbongo who got what he deserved. Check.
Massive chimp out on the way. Check.
Get to fuck he caused his own demise, the thick cunt.
Grabs his ‘tazer’.
He didn’t fancy a shave in the middle of the struggle.
Cuntybollocks@ – Our kid used to live in Florida – millionaire Jews in gated communities and violent, savage black criminals on every street corner.
The police are naturally cautious and tend to have a “shoot first” mentality when faced with violence.
Everyone knows how things operate, but nobody hears of the white people shot by cops.
This looks like justifiable homicide in self defence to me.
You can take the subhuman savage out of the jungle but you can’t stop it trying to re-creat it’s natural habitat in every inner city that it infests in the UK.
The trendy apologists for rape looting and murder are a fifth column within our society and require the Full Rwandan.
What an appalling set of cowards.
It’s not just for thick, indolent, violent black rapists. Even Rishi Sunak played the Race Card the other day, despite embarrassing wealth and status. There was no need.
The whining, little, Indian monkey.
Well I’m all caught up here. Is it me or has it been wall to wall piss boilers for days now. Come on admins, lighten the tone for the weekend.
Oops, almost forgot, the long, holiday weekend. There’s fuck all mention of Easter stateside unless you append the word bunny to it. It’s only the most important Christian holiday so we can’t mention that can we. After all diversity is our strength.
Cheer up BH, things aren’t that bad. The sun’s out here and the Ukrainians have just sunk the pride of Mad Vlad’s Black Sea fleet.
I laughed my bollocks off.
I´ve mentioned before how this insidious modern obsession with “racism” – remember it used to be called “racialism” – is undermining English language and grammar leading to an Orwellian Newspeak. For example, the adjective “black” now routinely appears as “Black” in the US in some kind of twisted appreciation of black “culture”. The term “people of color” is now used for Latinos although they are not remotely black. Words like “sn**gger” and “n**ggardly” -which I have to censor here – and have nothing to do with race are now frowned on and virtually banned.
I saw a perfect example of this idiocy in the Netflix series “The Andy Warhol Diaries” when a black artist called Basquiat was asked if his work was “primal expressionism”. Basquiat accused the questioner of being racist as “primate” meant “ape”. In fact, “primal” and “primate” are two different words which happen to share the same Latin root. His preposterous claim, based on ignorance of the language or a wish to be offended by anything, went unquestioned.
Here is an example of one of his shitty “paintings” made with Warhol. Fortunately for grammatical purists and art lovers Basquiat died of a heroin overdose aged 27.
Warhol at the Whitney, Basquiat at the Brant and Their Collaboration – Art Zealous
You are quite correct Mr P. Even the use of the word black as a description of the colour of an object is under scrutiny.
I suppose the physical concept of blackbody radiation or the astronomical moniker black hole are racist too. They were discovered by white men so they must be.
Primate is also a bishop in the Christian religion but we already knew those cunts are institutionally raaaaay-sist. We really need a new religion, a non racist, tolerant religion of peace. I think I’ve heard of one like that but I can’t remember what it’s called. Oh wait a minute…,…..Alan’s Snackbar!!
Break out the goats and the camels!
I’d be more inclined to file his work under “infantile expressionism”, after the movement pioneered by Tony Hancock.
All foreigners are criminals.
The darker they are,
The more criminal the behaviour.
So your swarthy Spaniard all greasy and sly might pick your pocket.
A sootie will murder you
Then pick your pocket.
Its just scientific fact.
Nowt racist about it.
Id like to have a say in the Human rights Act myself!
Theyd be a lot of lawyers defaulting on their mortgages,
And a lot of trainee skydivers from Africa.
Middle of the North Sea no parachutes,
Complaints department is at 2000ft.
I note that the Notting hill riot with a soundtrack is going ahead this year.
We’re so racist in this country that a bunch of drug addled immigrant thugs can stab, rape and mug their way through a crowd and have dat raysis popo do absolutely jack shit about it.
Well this year, whitey had better stay away. Deyonte has a two year simmering beef with Trevon and any honkey dat be gettin’ in da way is gettin’ bagged and dere iPhone 13 finessed. Innit. The police will do nothing.
Thick blue hair bints from the Cotswolds who support uncontrolled mass gimmegration are going to experience gang rape for the first time and first hand. Courtesy of the AIDS infested illegals in the Olympia hotel. The police will do nothing.
There will be stabbings, theft, Twocking, drug driving, burglaries, drug dealing, gang warfare, rape, murder and muggings galore. The police will do nothing.
Because they’re scared of being called racist. FFS.
If black people don’t want to be stopped, arrested, fined, imprisoned etc how about trying this:
The word Race in itself is a joke as we have been sitting at the bar, feet up having a whiskey whilst the MunKey contingent are still negotiating the starting blocks.!!