The Collins family and their monstrous grave.
This cunt and his family of traveller criminals not content with causing chaos a couple of years ago with a horrible funeral have put up, a horrendous monument.
The so called traveller king of Sheffield (no one in Sheffield was aware of his kinghood) was a con man who conned old age pensioners and his family
And many more of his clan if you Google Collins Sheffield court.
Family are threatening violence if this unplanned monument is knocked down.
Bunch of cunts.
Nominated by: John McCunty
Seconded by: Jeezum Priest
I’ve lived in Sheffield all my life and I’ve never heard of this so called King of Sheffield.
It was only a broadsheet report about this graveyard monstrosity that bought the cunts to my attention.
All I’ve got to say is they ought to be glad Dave Lee is dead, because he’d have battered the lot of you, and kicked that memorial to powder.
With a third by: Miles Plastic
The King of Sheffield
(Those people complaining about his memorial)
One of 19 children and the father of 9. ‘Big’ Willy Collins the bare-knuckle fighter has passed away.
What a marvellous spectacle it must have bern what with a horse- drawn carriage followed by a lines of Rolls Royces for the funeral. (All paid for by hard-earned graft) and his 37 tonnes gravesite Memorial made of Carrara marble.
Here is description of it-
‘It features two life size statues of Willy, a stone seat engraved with the word ‘King’ and a solar-powered jukebox playing his favourite songs’
‘It is surrounded by four flagpoles bearing the Irish flag, depictions of Jesus Christ and biblical scenes and is lit up in LED lights that change colour. It is also under 24-hour CCTV monitoring, which his family have access to in order to see and ‘speak’ to him.’
How innovative they have been in designing it.
I would much prefer this ‘ostentation’ than a hole in the wall cremation with no ceremony and just thrown to the four winds without a suitable place to be remembered
Willy has inspired me to save up for a burial and suitable Memorial for myself.
To be fair a gyppo funeral passing down my street every day of the fucking week would be ok in my book.
All Pie keys should be used as human shields in Ukraine.
Maybe if some members of the public did some “fly tipping” on this monument to good taste..
And I bet there were fk all brass handles left on the coffin before it went down! ?
I do not despise the soap dodgers because they are different – I despise them because they are fucking vermin.
I thought Sheffield had been taken over by the Roma pie keys? Another lot of cunts well have to put up with forever thanks to the cunts in government.
Do Irish gypos and Roma gypos get alone?
In a word, no.
They hate each other.
They get on long enough to both be involved in people smuggling and modern slavery.
Stick his initials on the front, & you have a rather elavorate gents walk in urinal.
And how dare they fly the Irish flag, this filth have no loyalty to any country. In fact the Irish hate the cunts just as much as we do. Like the French and their dinghy raiders they are just grateful that we welcome the trash with open arms. (and wallets)
Surely a fitting monument would be a very thin layer of tarmac mixed with sovereign rings as a base, with a statue made of a mixture of dog and human shit, emblazoned with polished copper railway cables, and a flag pole with a piss stained white vest flapping in the breeze.
Pikies and peacefuls should be banned from self employment. They should be banned from the UK altogether, but that’s another matter.
They don’t pay a fucking penny in, run our services into the ground and grab everything they fucking can. And they create a whole lot of bother we could fucking well do without.
Fucking leaches.
That new pikey shampoo is in the shops now.
Go and Wash
After the funeral of this pikey cunt, I decided to look at some of the floral tributes
He had some really big bunches and they all had really heartwarming personal messages like,
‘Happy Birthday Mum’,
‘Good luck in your new job’
‘Congratulations, it’s a bouncing baby boy’
And my favorite, which was a big array of flowers that spelled out the word,’GRANDMA’.
It would be great if it could be painted over in red, white and blue by some chaps during the night…
or orange?
I ‘ate fuckin’ PieKeys.
D’ya loike dags?
The local council should cover the vulgarity with a sarcophagus, claiming the hum emanating from site is of toxic proportions and a health risk to the general public.
Or claim that the visual display of this monstrosity is upsetting the LYGBG groups because no rainbows were painted on the structure and is causing offense and prejudice and they demand its removal or have it painted ? and admit that Willy was gay.
That would stir the shit up no end
I live in Sheffield and have to drive through the Roma / Gypo area of Fir Vale on my way to work. It is an absolute fucking disgrace. Litter piled high, dumped mattresses etc on the pavements, dog shit, the gypo’s pissing and shitting in the street. Terrorising the remaining indigenous white people who have lived there all their lives and are afraid to go out of the house. Diversity is our strength. Bring Gary Lineker and Lilly Allen and the rest of the immo loving cunts to have a look and then let the cunts find their own way home at 1am. Our despise the NIMBY woke bastards. And they wonder why Adolf hated Gypo’s? The evidence is there to see.
was watching one of those cop shows on tv last night. Some stinking roma was 3 times over the limit. Pulled out on a biker who twatted him one when he got up off the road – said roma then ha fucking cheek to complain about an assault. They soon learn that the coppers will do fuck all to them. The copper was being as nice as pie to him, while i was shouting “kill the fucker” at the telly. Adolf had the right idea with these cunts. If he had just left it at that, and not started on the 4x2s, no-one would have cared.
BTW, an off topic, when did Ukraine’s AZOV battalion go from being vilified as nazis (as that’s what they are) to heroes by the media?
The only GOOD pie-key is a DEAD pie-key.
So he gets a ?
Can someone tell me how the family of a deceased infant get a threatening letter from the council for leaving teddy bears on the child’s grave, yet pie key filth who have contributed nothing but crime, violence and misery to society get a free pass for a tacky pile of shit like this?
It’s not like it just appeared overnight. That taste-free, vile monstrosity would have taken a good week to put together and no cunt at the council said a fucking word.
Please explain?
‘It’s not like it just appeared overnight’ …. Don’t kid yourself ..These fuckers built a village ( big static caravans all round) not too far away from me (but far enough) over the space of a couple of days … tarred driveways the lot, on what was a green field site a few days before. … and then put in for planning permission. Of course it went back and forth with the council and planning departments, and the cunts were allowed to keep it.
I’m sure while they are ripping off Granny and Grandad Public, they would turn a (fictitious) 10 minute job into a two day job … but when it’s their own ….
Like the way the locals round my way get nabbed for 2mph over the limit, yet the rozzers won’t follow farm machinery with trackers into the pikey camp.
The council would have been shit scared to intervene.
Anyone who touches or dismantles this tacky pile of shite will have a death warrant on their heads.
No council worker is going to put pen to paper to order a demolition warrant.
The only solution is that the military come in fully armed and tear this piece of shit down.
Then leave some bags of dog shit, some old paving slabs, and some empty 46kg propane bottles on the site.
No class in life and none in death. These cunts are incapable of any kind of dignity.
Gypo’s are white N!!gers. That grotesque pile of tack should be the Main Attraction at Blackpool Pleasure Beach where punters could queue up to throw shit at it for £2.00 a bag.!
The pikeys are lower then animals when it comes to a pecking order.Shoot the lot of them in the face at close range.
too kind
Steam roller, then oven for the surviving family.
I could tarmac that for £50 missus
I’ve had dealings with this Cunt in bookies and boozers around Sheffield, my mate proper smashed him to fuck once, pikey Cunt.