Speed Limiters

Speed limiters – Big Brother in your cockpit.

An obnoxious piece of legislation is about to be proposed by the Department of Transport in mimicry of the detested EU. The government proposes that all new cars must be fitted with speed limiters. This devil spawned technology sets off an alarm in your car when you go over the speed limit and automatically reduces the power of the engine or even retards further depression of the accelerator pedal to ensure compliance with the limit. These measures are rationalised on the basis of safety and the governments moronic quest for net zero. In effect, Big Brother hand in hand with Extinction Rebellion will take over your vehicle.

This hateful legislation originates in the EU and the Department of Transport wants to keep us aligned. But we left the EU precisely to get away from this crap.

The car industry is split on it. Performance and luxury car manufacturers say it will destroy the market for them – which it will. What’s the point owning a McClaren when you can’t push it any more than a Ford Focus? However, the Society of Motoring Manufacturers and Traders, welcomed the measures and say that diverging from the EU regulations would be bad for the industry given the close ties between the two. This is bollox – the UK industry has survived for years with right hand cars diverging from the EU so why do we need speed limiters.

The proposed legislation also misses an important safety point. There are times when a driver needs speed to get out of a dangerous situation.

This is a serious and intrusive infringement of individual freedom and yet another manifestation of the Blob’s demonisation of drivers. Of course we should all drive safely and adhere to the speed limit (ahem!). But why can’t the Blob trust to the common sense of most drivers to drive safely and responsibly? The vast majority of motorists are safe and sensible drivers and, if not, there’s already an arsenal of penalties to deal with them ranging from speed awareness courses, fines and points through to disqualification.

The good news is that you can deactivate the system but you need to do it every time you start the car as it resets automatically. On principle I object to having this ghastly technology installed in any car I own and will seek to rip it out entirely. I’m lucky enough to own two performance cars in addition to the daily charabang – a V6 Morgan and a V8 Ferrari, and I’m going to be clinging onto them for the rest of my life, because they don’t have this shit technology installed. The best cars are just an engine, chassis, wheels and coachwork with no or minimum computerised interference between the driver and the engine. That’s real motoring.

Fuck off and leave my cars alone! Motorised cuntishness at its worst.

Daily Mail News Link

Nominated by: MMCM

81 thoughts on “Speed Limiters

  1. This, if introduced will spawn an immediate market for permanent removals,which will lead to more laws making that illegal, or somesuch. 😉.
    If folks hold onto their old cars and refuse to buy into this fuckery it will die a rapid death.
    Fucking nanny state commies.

    • Yes, this is probably the only way around it otherwise the Blob will find a way to stop limiters being removed. As for being able to deactivate it when you start the car, drivers will probably have to access numerous complicated menus, sub-menus and sub-sub menus to do it. Pain in the butt.

      • I’ve got 1 car left in me and it’s going to be either a V8 or V12 and will be purchased before any of this bollox comes in. What model of prancing donkey have you got?

      • That’s why the EU have been continuously pushing for compulsory scrappage for all vehicles at eight years old.
        The cunts…

      • California 30 Handling Speciale. I love it but must admit I’m lusting over as more hardcore V12.

      • Don’t buy a Jaguar with a V12 in it please.

        Well-refined, smooth engine, but performance wise, they are as dull as dishwater. The 4.2 is just as fast, just not as smooth.

        Ok, in a XJ or a Daimler Double Six, if you want effortless cruising.

        Why anyone would want one in an E-type is beyond me, the car just doesn’t seem to be balanced correctly?

      • E Types are beautiful to look at though. Even Enzo Ferrari described it as the most beautiful car ever. How about an Eagle E Type? Only a million quid !!!

      • E-types are nice to look at.

        But hideous to drive hard.
        The nose seems to be constantly diving forwards under heavy braking. Going downhill, whilst cornering only exacerbates the problem, and the back end becomes as light as a feather.

        The XK 150 was a much finer, lighter, engineered machine.

        The XJS is probably the most underrated Jaguar of all time.
        BL poor build quality did not help their reputation in the 70’s.
        But it is a fine piece of engineering, and even in V12 form, it is reasonably well balanced, and sturdy and reliable in downhill cornering.

      • For me, no car has ever matched the beauty of the early 4.2 E-Type. The later V12 models looked hideous by comparison.

        Love the XK150 too. One of our neighbours had one in the 1960s, a left-hand drive, he was in the U.S. military or something.

        Modern cars may be more efficient but they’ve got no soul.

      • Modern cars are just too easy to drive. Everything is electronic and computerized. Power steering and an accelerator linked to an ECU. Porridge like breaking stodgy handling with no feedback. They make crass computerized sounds and flash offensive orders at you through the dashboard display like “ check your tire pressures”, next service 1300 miles”. Just fuck off.

        The joy of older cars and sports cars is that they have none or very little of this. Consequently they are more challenging to drive. You can feel the car responding and you have to keep on top of it. You drive it, not some cheap computer assembled in Shenzen.

      • Late to this one, and other cunters may have commented, but I understand our wonderful leaders are considering further legislation, again copied from the riechEu – that will outlaw all after market non OEM modifications made to any cars.

        This will make removal of limiters like this illegal, and will kill the industry associated with after market upgrades and improvements,

        I’ve said it before, they want you all on a bike or walking.

  2. These cunts won’t be happy until the only cars on the roads are their own. 20th century USSR, here we come at a rate of knots.

    • In North Korea private car ownership is illegal.
      Unless of course you happen to be an “important” person or party member.
      Such nice role models the Fourth Reich has…

  3. Fucking bastard cunts. I’m surprised they don’t just put a device in that just tracks your speed. Then they can fine the shit out of you and, rack up too many fines, they take your car away. Get on the bus peasants!
    This means you won’t be able to do more than 20 in Suckdick’s London. Most of the time you can’t do more than that anyway because the roads are clogged up with immos but imagine empty roads at 2am at 20 fucking mph.
    Drip, drip, drip they are making it harder to own a car all the time. Their aim is empty roads occupied by rich cunts. For us it’s bus, train or bicycle. It’s good for you, it’s good for the planet.
    You know it makes sense!

  4. Simple, technology-free cars of a certain age definitely give best driving experience.

    Cars that have a throttle pedal, connected to a carb, pump, or governor, by means of a cable.
    You can feel it operating under the pressure of your foot. Not some nasty potentiometer stuck on pedal, and fly-by-wire shit to a ECU.

    Steering again, should be connected by the means of rods and linkages, to at very most a steering rack. Again, none of this electronic gizzmo steering.

    Fuck off with your ABS brakes,- if I want to skid into a corner and then power out, I will.

    The real driving experience ended years ago, and unfortunately the modern driver has lost a lot of invaluable skills as a result.

    And this speed limiter bollocks is really beyond the pail.

    • Spoken like a true petrol head. That’s why I love Morgans. No electronic garbage – just a basic unmediated connection with the engine and the chassis. Vintage motoring but with modern power.

      • I’d love a modern Morgan MMCM.

        Unfortunately the cost, and the fact that the waiting list is longer than my lifespan, rule out the concept.

        Even the JAP ohv v-twin Morgans were no slouches.

        I’ve never driven one, but they used to give me a run for my money on hillclimb racing, – as they used to race in the same class as the sidecar outfits.

        They would usually beat me on my Sunbeam ‘90’ outfit, and that was very lively running on ‘avgas’.

        Neither of us could live with a pair of brothers who ran an A series HRD V-twin. They won everything they entered.

      • Sadly the traditionally built Morgans are no longer available new, Dickvandyke. I have one of the last ones made. They were killed off by safety legislation (cunts). The new Morgans look traditional but are built on a modern monocoque chassis (still using an Ash frame). Consequently the handling characteristics are no longer traditional. My traditional Morgan still displays the characteristic “St Malvern’s Dance” when you go over a bump and you can still tell if a coin is heads or tails when you go over it.

        They are great hillclimbers and still feature strongly at Prescott.

      • By the way, the Morgan three wheelers are great. Mines a 4 wheeler, but would love a three. As you say, no slouches.

      • At least they have retained the ash frame somehow.

        Always some legislation comes along to ruin things.

        When were the last traditional chassis and coachbuilt bodied Morgans last made MMCM?

        Monocoque really was the work of the devil. Chassis and body need to be separate for that true traditional feel.

        Even though the two are securely connected, it feels as though the body has to ‘catch-up’ with the movement of the chassis and its components.

        It’s good fun.

      • The last trad came out of the Malvern factory in early 2020, Dick.

        My 2020 V6 Roadster was one of the last half dozen made. I got my order in quick when I heard they were discontinuing the Trads. I had one before in 2013 but sold it to make way for the Ferrari. I always regretted that.

        The new Morgan Plus 4 looks much the same but the driving experience is totally different and, to my mind, has less character. There is not as much body flex as before. And the interior looks hideous. And, horror of horrors, it’s available as an automatic 🫣

      • An automatic.

        That’s horrific!

        They are meant to be for shit drivers, and coffin dodgers like me.

        I’ve placed you on the waiting list MMCM, for an automatic plus 4, with speed limiter technology fitted.
        I’m sure you will appreciate this.

        I must read up on the Morgan Marque, because I have very little knowledge of it.

        They are a mystery marque.

        A bit like Scott’s in the motorcycle world were.

        For the purists and individualists.

        Surely this monocoque crap is going to deter the traditional buyer?

        Why can’t legislators just fuck off and leave things be?

        I’d happily sign a disclaimer, stating, I understand I might injure myself or die in this traditional-built motor car.

      • I’ll pass on any Mog with a speed limiter, automatic transmission and boot, thanks Dick.

        Morgan have a terrific history and well worth reading into. Get Morgan – First and Last of the Real Sports Car by Gregory Houston Bowden. Also the Osprey Marques book on the trad Plus 8 is terrific.

        Morgans put hairs on your chest and are for drivers that like their cars undistllled and pure. The only rule is that you must never put the hood up – ever.

    • Too fucking right. We were supposed to vote Remain like good little sheep so they gave us Remain anyway the cunts. You have to hand it to the Jellyfish……he’s done us up like a kipper. (Which are being stolen every day by the greasy Frenchies.)

  5. Not to worry,this won’t apply to us after private car ownership is “phased out”.
    We can enjoy the real delights of public transport,which is usually very expensive,late/never arrives or with assorted cunts amongst the passengers.

    What a set of toadying meddling vermin.

    Unlimited oven.

    • Fuck this shite.
      Who would want this?!!!
      Well played cuntservative peoples party.

      Westminster twinned with Pyongyang.

  6. Looking on the bright side. Anyone with anything mildy sporty, made before this bullshit is introduced will be sitting on a four wheeled gold mine.

    I can’t see it lasting too long though, after the first few hundred deaths of poor souls who couldn’t accelerate out of trouble. This will die a death.

  7. Cars were a luxury item from 1900-1945, then every cunt in western Europe and USA wanted one. Now the Chongs all want one. It’s over, lads. Cars will go back to being a luxury item by 2035. “You will own nothing and be happy,” remember? That will mean NO CAR, Barry, take the driver-less electric bus that can detect when you fart and your social credit score is automatically lowered, you smelly pleb.

    • The peacefuls are fucked then, their social credit score is only just off the floor as it is.

      • Maybe smelly ratty beards will give you 1000 credits? Sticking to the edicts of Ramadan gets you 1500 credits? Opening a barbers that has your wife sitting in the corner giving customers the evils, gets you 20,000 credits.

    • Nice. What Lambo do you have? A Countach is still my dream car. Countach in Italian basically translates as “what the fuck was that”.

  8. Turns out my GSX-R 1000 has a limiter too…it won’t rev past 14500 and limits its top speed to a somewhat pedestrian 185mph…

  9. They had these devices in the car when I was in the Middle East. Locals just ripped out the wires to the alarm.
    As has been pointed out, sometimes you need to speed up, like when a lorry pulls out into your lane. If you can’t zip past it, then Splat and the on board computer orders up a coffin for you.

  10. Speaking of cars there was a car at the lights yesterday, windows open, stereo blaring out.
    Guess what? The cunt was playing Black Sabbath…….”Paranoid” no less!!
    What the fuck? Where’s the umbongo music? If the coppers come across him they’re bound to pull him over. Highly suspicious behaviour.
    Black Sabbath…….that’s “far right” innit?

  11. I’m going to drive in my 1.6 Fiesta ST whilst eating a greasy burger in one of those old styrofoam containers then thrown this out of the window along with a non degradable plastic Lucozade bottle filled with my piss. Greta and the eco warriors can suck on my hairy balls, the cunts.

  12. What’s next? Limiters on the TV?
    “NOTICE: You have exceeded your limit of content containing toxic masculinity!”
    Then it switches over to wimminz lacrosse.
    It’s coming I’m afraid.

    • Amnesty bins outside the cop shop for DVDs containing “socially unacceptable content”
      And a media campaign to inform on anyone possessing them.
      Remember the “video nasties” bullshit from the 80s?
      That was a dry run…

  13. Can they put speed limiters on the dirty vermin arriving on boats?
    Or, put a nuclear, turbo-charged Boeing engine on them and point them at Rwanda.

    • One it comes to speed limiters the Government can’t wait. Immo limiters is another matter.

    • she was obviously the winner, not the old fella I assume. Otherwise, she would have been out the door and replaced with Ukrainian hookers.

      • I’d be awash with Ukrainian hookers if I won that amount.

        I would be limping all the time.

  14. Having the engine cut as I am overtaking a dawdling Doris on the M62 doesn’t sound very safety orientated to me.
    As with the Blair push for compulsory ID cards I feel this is just another way of controlling us and gathering data – I do not believe the proposed speed limiters will be just be monitoring speed – methinks the speeches of Chairman Mao or Uncle Joe will be coming out of the fkin satnav next! 😀 Shifty no good commie bleeders..
    Fuck off – This is the UK not the Soviet Union, although it would help greatly if the silent 90% of the people started shouting about the ongoing theft of our rights and liberties from right under our noses by those so brazen they think they can do what the hell they want.
    Because if we don’t – and soon – we are royally fucked.

    • This government doesn’t give a flying fuck about safety, that’s why we have ‘smart’ motorways which are anything but.

      • and bojo “saving us money” by only having an MOT once every two years.

  15. “But we left the EU precisely to get away from this crap” = WRONG

    “But we voted to leave the EU precisely to get away from this crap” = CORRECT

    We are still dancing to the EU’s tune more than ever – for example: we didn’t annex Northern Ireland before did we?!

    • You are on to something here, lets invade ireland, threaten any one who proceeds to interfere with nuclear missiles, and lose masses of troops in the “special operation”. Seems to be working so far for the senile parkinsons cunt Putin. But apparently party gate and Angela Rayner’s vagina seem more important these days

  16. Many cunts already drive like they have speed limiters fitted. These are the ones that drive well below the speed limit. I would personally call this a form of dangerous driving, because it encourages others to overtake, often on busy single carriage A roads. I have followed some doing between 35 & 38 in a 60, but they are probably thinking it’s only a 50 anyway. In Europe I have seen minimum speed limit signs, a thing I have not seen over here. I always give myself extra time when I travel, but many don’t. There are some lethal roads where I am, & most of the accidents, many involving death, & the closing of the road, have been due to chancers overtaking cunts like this.

  17. You can bet the insurers are in this already, two quid ‘discount’ if you declare you’ll never, ever switch it off and when a lycra cunt nudges your car and puts in a claim they’ll want to see the onboard log that proves you a liar.
    Ferrari? Nah, anyone want to buy my Dutton Phaeton? Real man’s car it is.

  18. Why copy the EU? Why not Japan, they’re restricted to 112mph.
    Fortunately, I managed to bypass this. Just a wire going to the injectors that cuts them off as soon as the speedometer reaches 112.
    I’ll be keeping my Cobra, and they can suck my sweaty balls.

  19. Speed should be limited to, errr, the speed you can achieve. Doing 140mph in a 30mph zone may be impractical but it would certainly weed out shit drivers, via trees, lampposts and brick walls along with dozy wankers crossing roads whilst engrossed in their fucking phones.

  20. All my driving life I have been fitting speed unlimiters. Bigger jets in the carbs, larger coils ect. Best speed unlimiter is a regular shot of vodka.

  21. I don’t go past the speed limit but I like being able to get to that limit really fast. A 1987 Buick GNX please.

  22. If you gave me a new car with this shitwizzle in it, first thing I’d do is get it removed.

    Fuck the EU and pandering to this shit whilst India, China and god knows elsewhere smoke us all out.

  23. In my half-century in field service I drove a range of mass-market cars and over recent years they turned up fitted with ever more of these gadgets. Last company hack I had was a Skoda which was a decent car but the gadgets were bloody dire. If you left them on they would try to steer for you, apply the brakes and prevent anything more than perhaps 0.2g lateral acceleration. The “adaptive cruise control” was hilarious; if you changed lane in fast moving traffic it would scream in terror and the words “Brake! Brake! Brake!” would flash on the display in front of you. Fortunately all of this junk could be switched off. About twenty years ago I was in a new Astra heading home at 3am one day on a deserted dual carriageway and intended to negotiate the approaching roundabout at speed. The car had other ideas. As I turned the wheel left on entry the machine closed the throttle and applied the brakes hard. That was enough, I dug out the handbook and worked out how to switch it off, which established a habit with every new car I got from then on. On said Astra I wrote the sequence to switch off the ESP on a label and stuck it on the dashboard. When the car was returned to the leasing company with this label still attached they wrote to my boss to complain! I advised my boss to tell them tough shit.

  24. Fuck it. This nom has genuinely twisted my arm into getting the rear quarters, arches, and sill ends sorted on my old 1986 Vauxhall Senator, and the rest of it wants a respray and touching up here and there.

    I looked at it in the Pay And Display car park today. It was sat on it’s own with just a 51 plate Audi A4 for company, the A4 was mint, and I thought what a bag of shit the Senator looked in comparison. But I like driving around in it, – and polluting the atmosphere at the same time, and I like your green velour aspirational interior. I feel like a failed 1980’s bank manager, it’s great.

    I was uming and arring whether to spend 5k on a car that is worth less than 2k on a good day. But, if I don’t do something with it soon, it will be past it in a couple of years.

    The fear of enduring modern motoring hell is so mentally costly, that 5k seems a small price to pay.

    And why don’t modern cars have oil pressure and voltmeters gauges fitted, and an analogue temperature gauge? Fucking useless piles of crap.

    I had a Ford Puma as a courtesy car last year.
    This big glitzy puma lit up on the dash when you turned the ignition on. I kept turning the ignition on and off again just to see the puma, – I found it highly amusing. Sometimes the puma wouldn’t appear though. Heap of shite it was.

    • Most modern cars are heaps of shite and if I were you I would lavish some money on the Senator. At least it’s a real car rather than a video game on wheels.

      • My old man had a 24v senator for the time it was a bit of a beast, twokers chiselled the door handle out and smashed it through a five bar metal gate and then burnt it.

  25. Comments assume this is for 70mph maximum, but the next step they may have planned is linking to GPS. This would enable tracking the car, so its speed could be automatically reduced to the zone’s limit, i.e., 20mph, 30mph, etc.
    There’ll be a thriving new industry modifying vehicles to remove this crap if that happens!

  26. We are naturally limited by the arsehole in front of us and increasing traffic. I got rid of my faster car out of frustration as I was getting 25mpg sitting behind some grandad in a nissan micra doing 30 mph in a 50, and wearing a hat even though he is in a car with a roof. Now I am in a ford focus sitting behind the same stereotype wanker, but at least I am getting 45 mpg

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