PLC Britain

I’ve had enough of this bollocks. I’ve transferred all my pensions to PensionBee, which soon I’ll be transferring them back out because they were a private company managing others money and now they are PLC. This is all they deal with pensions. I want my pension to make profit not pay shareholders of shareholders. I want people to have a job and be happy considering all the fucking unions wreck them.

How can you have other people making money from people’s pensions other than the people who manage them? It’s the same as retail banks offering all sorts from customers deposits, if I want a loan that should be funded by fellow citizens or maybe a credit card. Which in turn makes interest. If I was to go bankrupt, I’d expect a public flogging. Albeit minor, not no raghead style.

Where people’s money is made is via commercial investments not from direct people… Jesus wept at this bollocks the regulator needs to have a word. It’s some sort of Piramind scheme again.

PS – if you want a busy bee stick Soros head on a fucking bee. He is busy screwing every fucker going.

Nominated by: Clown Clown the Cunty Man

27 thoughts on “PLC Britain

    • I don’t mind paying taxes for a basic (I mean basics too like heart attack treatment etc, maternity, attacked by thugs etc, basic diagnosis of cancer etc – people should then have to pay privately for long term treatments) well run NHS or a decent military and police force. I do have a problem paying my taxes whilst third world illegals overrun us who have zero respect for our culture. Taxes should be wayyyy lower it’s just the thick ass chancellor on the fraud bandwagon with his matey boys.

      • I agree, CCtCM.

        I think most people would be OK paying towards services and infrastructure which are available for the nation to use as a whole.

        The fact is, the government doesn’t have any money of its own. The money it spends comes from the population. I don’t recall the population agreeing to some of the egregious spending we see, especially when it doesn’t benefit the indigenous population.

  1. I think pensions are a scam. You work hard to put a little money in them and then get 40% stolen by the government in tax and receive diddly squat. I have a very small private pension with not much in it and when I retire (some years away yet) will get the state pension. I’ve put money in property instead.

    • Sensible plan, that man. I’m doing exactly the same. Just enough pension contribution to qualify for the 5% stakeholder contribution.

  2. All these companies are like parasites….pensions, equity release, investments etc are all designed to part people from what little they have and give it to people who already have so much they could never usefully spend it.

    I avoid all these companies like a week old Greggs pasty.

  3. They certainly don’t behave like charities.

    Oh silly me.
    They are all the same.


  4. Did you know that before qualifying as pension providers, most have to complete a 4 year apprenticeship selling double glazing and offering to tarmac drives door to door.

  5. Dont get me started on pensions. The UK government made a ‘law’ a few years back that they would take 25% of the pension pot of expats on retirement just because they live overseas. There’s no logic here, an expat is not using the country’s resources, the NHS. It’s just theft. Cunts.

    • Presumably though you got UK tax relief on your pension contributions while working here so I for one can see some logic in the government effectively clawing relief back. If you aren’t putting the tax relief back into the UK economy by living abroad why should the economies of France, Spain, Italy or wherever benefit from tax not paid here.

      • I too have a personal pension in the UK. When I moved abroad, I had to cease contributions to it because I wasn’t a resident UK tax payer. Fair enough. However, when it matures I could choose to take the full lump sum. At that point, the UK government will likely want to tax it over and above the level of tax break I received when I paid in pre-tax contributions. Hmmm…so they want money off me when I don’t use any UK infrastructure or consume any UK services. Doesn’t sound very fair does it?

        Same applies to death duties. When my folks pass away, if there’s anything to be shared out to the children, presumably the UK treasury will be all over that as well. Erm….I don’t live in the UK so why would I pay anything to the fucking UK treasury?

    • Hi BH – Presumably you’re talking about the state pension here, not personal (private) pensions? Fuck I hope so. I’ve never factored in a UK pension into my retirement planning. Same goes for US social security. I worked in the UK for 12 years before I fucked off to the US. So I made 12 years of income tax and national insurance contributions. If the UK cunting government want to cut me a cheque for what I paid in less the income tax at the prevailing rate when the contributions were made, then fine.

      Oh wait, there’s a boat load of illegals checking into a 5 star hotel to pay for. It’s better they should have MY FUCKING MONEY.

    • BH – Your mention of the NHS reminded me of something that happened a few years ago. I was working in an office where a Brit unfortunately had some form of leukemia. I don’t know all the background details, but I do remember him saying moving back to the UK for treatment was not an option. My memory is a little hazy on the details, but I think he said something like he was told he’d lived abroad for too long and was therefore no longer eligible for treatment on the NHS. Despite being British and despite having presumably paid into the system before he became an ex-pat.

      Doesn’t sound right does it? Of course, the British being denied treatment from its own national health service in favour of offering a full range of services to any old piece of foreign filth that rocks up does sound more plausible.

  6. Go to an independent pension advisor, yep great so they can charge commission on whatever deal they sell. Save yourself several hundred or even thousands by going direct to the pension providers and getting your own quotes.

    I made the mistake of using an advisor and got stung for about £600 on part of my pot, when it came to place the rest of my pot I went direct to the same provider and saved myself some cash and got the same deal.

    They always ask if you have had advice, the answer is yes because the government provide a free service called pension wise (something like that).

    It’s a fucking racket.

    • I will however say some pension providers give a much better return and some have IHT benefits so you have to be savvy because if they get good returns and high management charges it almost doesn’t make sense. It’s value for money so advisors do sometimes pay for their selves.

    • Hi SOI – Over here they have things called “independent financial advisors” and “independent insurance brokers”.

      You’d think these people would be able to offer/broker services from ANY financial institution or insurance company, right? You know, due to the word “independent”. Nope. These cunts sign deals with a small select group of institutions and are therefore only able to offer services provided by those institutions. Regular Yanks know this. I’ve had to learn the hard way, but it doesn’t stop me having conversations like this:

      Broker: Yes, we’re fully independent and I’m sure we’ll be able to find the right policy for you.

      Me: Sounds great. So you offer policies from State Farm, Geico, Travelers and Farmers Insurance?

      Broker: Yes. Those companies all have a great range of options. Let’s look at your situation and see what works best for you.

      Me: Well, I’ve done some research and AAA Insurance looks like a good deal with great coverage. What about them?

      Broker: Erm…..we don’t have a brokerage deal with them. But similar or better coverage is available from these other companies.

      Me: I thought you said you were an independent insurance broker.

      Broker: We are!

      Me: If you cannot offer me insurance through AAA, then what’s your understanding of the word “independent”?



      • This is the problem with business to business matters not the employee. I have enough problems with the taxpayers bailed out businesses in the UK. Personally I think it’s one big game of perky blinders.

  7. I liked the one where Arthur Daley decided to retire and went to the DSS to ask for his “ lump sum”

  8. The point I don’t get how can you be a PLC pension provider? Surely that’s just making money from other people’s investments. They effectively can short other people’s funds. Cock gobblers.

  9. Didn’t the one eyed Scotsman start the robbery on pensions, back in the ‘glory days of nu-liebore?

    I see the current occupant of 11 Downing Street is getting dragged through the press.

    What’s surprising about his and his wife’s antics. Second or Third generation gimmegrants of a dark hue, who have no allegiance, loyalty or cultural ties to this sceptres isle.

    Quel Suprise?

    Get to fuck. That is all.

  10. Every thing about tax and pensions in the country is a cunt.
    So effin complicated and clearly unfair.
    Example : you need 35 years paying NI to get the State Pension, but if you work longer they carry on taking your contributions, and if your wife hasn’t got enough contributions she won’t get the full amount of State Pension. You are treated as individuals. But when it suits them, she can’t get any kind of break or benefit because she’s married to you!
    Example: one retires to one country and gets the State Pension with index-linked increases; another person retires to another country and the State Pension is frozen. It depends which country has signed an agreement. What bollocks.

  11. Private pensions are a scam, a ponzi scheme. If you have money left over at the end of the month use it to pay down any and all debts you have including any mortgage. Start with those carrying the highest APR and work down. If you have spare cash and are debt free take it down the pub and drink it.

  12. I’m 52 this year and quite happy to pop my clogs before the age of 60 the way my country is going. Shit, isn’t it? Is there an alternative for us old school folks? :-/

  13. Get that shitting Gupta cunt Rushi Cunti’s wife to pay taxes, that blackened sow has taken non-dom status to avoid duty on the tens of thousands she collects daily.
    Or Google.
    Or Ama-fucking-zon.

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