Abiola Akilla

Your life in their hands.

This will reassure you all that NHS nurses really are all compassion.
You absolutely would put your life in her hands.

Mirror Link.

What on earth did this officer think she was doing, pulling someone over who was only doing 25% more than the speed limit, uninsured and without a licence?

Fancy getting under her wheels as, disregarding your order to stop, she drove over you, clumsy!

Sarcasm over.

Why on earth did this nurse get such a pathetic sentence? No wonder its a struggle to get decent recruits in the police force. Who’d join when they get injured and killed, and the criminal gets a slap on the wrist.

Nominated by: Jeezum Priest

93 thoughts on “Abiola Akilla

  1. Well, thats another nice mess youve gotten me into….

    She been in a housefire?
    Her hair looks like a melted rug.

    • It’s got to be an escapee from one of Uncle Terry’s ovens. We have a problem!

  2. Has she got any actual nursing qualifications or has she scammed nhs like every other Nigerian scammer. They get to bring over their family if they work for the nhs. It’s a con.

  3. Ebola Ikiillher.
    Drink driving oliver Hardy looking, strangely ginger?
    Just a fuckin gigger.

    Imagine a work accident and you limp to A&E oozing blood,
    And THAT pushes through the curtain?!!

    Ill fix it myself thanks Dr zaius.

  4. The narrative being constantly being pushed is that “non white people” should not be convicted of any crime they commit because the crimes committed by “non white people” are somehow the fault of “racist whitey”.
    Fuck off to the African continent and see if it works there.
    Perhaps I could leave you all with sage words of advice from Mr Cholmondley Warner – “Women! For pitys sake don’t drive!” (Hysterically funny Harry Enfield sketch).
    Ouch – lots of coats being tossed by Lady drivers..??‍♂️

      • Mnc@ – Afternoon Mnc – I can’t comment as Miss busty insists she is an excellent driver and the (many) dents on her car were all unfortunate circumstance!
        (But I am fked if I am letting her near my motor! ?)

    • VF THat sketch is too good to waste (I think it’s an old Wolsley?):


      I wonder what the sentence would have been if it had been a young white man or even a younf white unattractive white woman, like the defendent?.

      Apart from the accident, she clearly lied undercaution so the sentence should have been the maximum one.

      • WCB@ – That’s the one! I just crease up laughing whenever I see it – the other Harry Enfield public information films are also excellent – the one featuring the book “Simon shoots the smiling s**bo” is a particular favourite! ??

      • Enfield is a fucking genius for those Chomley Warner sketches. Memory recall the ‘Women, know your place!’ and the sex education ones as being particularly hilarious.

        Also note the size of Britain on the rotating globe. About the size two Africas lol.

        Thing is, something like that could never be made today due to woke outrage at anything funny. Instead we have Nish Kumar and Mrs Brown’s Boys.

        Comedy is dead, but Yankland’s Louis CK is still very funny and somewhat risque by today’s standards (watched his new one, ‘Sorry’ the other night. Pretty funny.)

  5. The wrong side of the law is now the right side apparently. What incentive do I have to follow the law when I see those who completely disregard it being allowed to do so?
    Oh I forgot. I’m the wrong color, sex, and I prefer the vag to punching chocolate donuts.

  6. Fuck me dead!

    That’s the race card, the ‘elf card and entitlement card pulled all in one fell swoop!

    Like the officer who was dragged to death by pie keys case. This sentence is a fucking joke.
    This is attempted murder of a police officer by some utter cunt blatantly breaking the law.

    Deport immediately.

    It can serve its sentence as an exhibit somewhere on safari in Gambia.

  7. If she weren’t an egg and spoon, she’d have been done for attempted murder. Our legal system is a fucking joke and, our roads, full of uninsured cunts with no right to even be on our roads in the first place. Trying to weasel out of it by making up some cunty medical “condition” is utterly depsicable as well. Not a shred of remorse which is just unforgivable. I wonder what would have happened to her if she was still in bongo bongo land and she did such a thing?

  8. To me that’s attempted murder. The heap of shit should be getting a life sentence. I hope she’ll be struck off the nursing list, but I highly doubt it

  9. I thought we’d got the ‘difficult wank’ back again!

    I wonder what her feeble excuse was? “I thought da filth was going to kill me” ?


    • Impossible wank more like. Would sooner dig up Cilla Black again and roger the eye socket. Or am I being too harsh? Off to bed to fantasise about Emma Watson, now that is a difficult wank.

  10. Well it’s cheaper to import Africunt nurses with toy town qualifications than train our own. Then the NHS has more money for layers of pen pushers, diversity officers, climate change officers, tranny operations ……..important things like that.
    Incidentally how does a copper work from home? Oh yeah…..tracking down cunts on the internet saying hurty words about Africunts, diversity, climate change, tranniies etc etc.

    It’s a fair cop guv.

    • FtF@ – Afternoon Freddie – there are a lot of UK born and trained nurses who cannot get jobs because the agencies make a fortune from importing sub standard “nurses” from all around the world and the British (yet again) are actively discriminated against.
      Only in the public sector can you get a job entirely due to anti white racism, be useless at it and never get fired.
      And apparently commit any crime you want..

  11. With a clean licence and 30 years driving experience I still pay the price of a cheap runaround every year for my insurance – and (involuntarily) have to pay a surcharge to the MIB to compensate people who are hit etc by uninsured drivers, which I wholly disagree with.
    Uninsured? Cause damage or harm in your vehicle?
    Asset removal by High Court Enforcement Officers or pay up.

  12. We need the US approach, when stopping a Blick driver shooting is the only sure way to prevent injury to the attending police officer.

    After her 30 months, deport the cunt.

  13. By the looks of it, I reckon it was revenge after someone ran over her head in a 10 tonner Squashed nose, fat lips and her eyebrows pulled up to her foreswede. Ugly cunt.

    • Can only be two reasons why she was treated so leniently, she’s got a good lawyer and a pretty face.

  14. Fucking hell looks like Penis Williams the gorilla, she needs locking up just for that face.
    The f-lip side of this was she ran over a copper, i suppose he saw the underside of her car, thats better looking than her fucking boat race if nothing else.
    Why on earth would anyone want to be a copper nowadays, assaulted be fuckknuckles like this and then they virtually let them off, and yet if i say hang a tyre from the tree in her garden to keep her entertained im treated as a racist crim….bring back the Alf Garnet days i say….

  15. I agree with all of the above.
    The horrible, ugly black cunt should be deported once she has served her token sentence at the tax payer’s expense.

    But how the fuck do they train the police nowadays?

    Leave a suspect in the driver’s seat of a car with either the engine running or the keys in the ignition, while you stand directly behind (or in front) of the car while taking details.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    • 100% agree with that AC, immediate deportation after sentence. That’s what should happen to all the wretched people we have over here who have no respect for our laws.

      I have a feeling the WPC might be swinging the lead, broken bones don’t take a year to heal.

    • That’s the quality of the people recruited and training they get, Artful, so basically, what you said!

  16. I’d rather she ran me over than give me a sponge bath. It looks like a half done Soweto necklace. Since fire doesn’t work and a pack of hyenas would have second thoughts, fetch the holy water.

  17. Soon enough only ugly baboon nurses with fake qualifications will be left in the NHS.
    This fucking subhuman tree dweller should have been broken on the wheel then booted into the Channel.

    What a mess this country is in.

    • RIP Harambe. Elton John wrote a song about bumming guy the gorilla. Michael Jackson fucked a chimp and a rat. George Michael didn’t have the intelligence to buy a primate to suck him off. Freddie Mercury buggered Kenny Everett to death. Forgot the important point I was going to make there, been in pub.

  18. Fucking Hell,I don’t know what the rest of the Plastic Population look like these days,but Yazz has NOT aged well.
    The only way is up,eh !.

  19. If we must have this kind of sub human detritus in this country, could we not at least curtail their movements? Is it not possible to transfer these types to the hospital or cotton plantation by cattle truck perhaps? They simply cannot be trusted with a motor vehicle, the same way as they cannot be trusted with knives, bicycles or swimming pools. And if that seems a little harsh, perhaps herself and the rest of the untermenschen could fuck off back to umbongo land.

  20. Just say ńog, it’s easier to pronounce.
    Kill it with necklacing,finish the kob off.

  21. I bet there are millions of cunts driving around with no licence, no tax and no insurance. Why bother when your chances of getting nicked are close to zero? But if you’ve got all that stuff don’t drive in one of Suckdick’s sacred zones without paying. They’ll have you every time. Cressida’s finest love an easy nick and whitey pays up every time.

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