Trigger Point

A TV programme.

I watched this with increasing disbelief.
I found out that:
Most senior positions in the Met are held by efniks.
London apparently has a police bomb disposal squad.
Otherwise competent actors can be wooden and unbelievable.

And best of all —- A bombing campaign to indiscriminately murder civilians, including using suicide vests, was orchestrated by disgruntled ex British squaddies.

I have learned that the evil and danger in our country is down to British servicemen. The ‘far right’.

Whoever wrote and commissioned this horseshit should be working for the Guardian.
What a crock of shit .

No link but probably on some i player or other.
(Helpful link provided by: Komodo)

Hello Magazine Link.
Radio Times Link.
Entertainment Daily Link.
(Additional links excellently provided by Part Time Admin – PTA)

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

Seconded by Dioclese with this:

Seconded. And the cunts have commissioned a second series

62 thoughts on “Trigger Point

  1. Don’t you know black people are the superior race? (well according to most of the media). All back men live in happy, stable marriages with white women – they never fuck off once the sprog arrives. And British squaddies are obviously white working class men, who are invariably racists. By the way, Jim Davidson did a good youtube thing about the wrongs of paying people £350 to have a Ukrainian “refugee”, but not for British ex-servicemen.

  2. I managed the first episode, wooden acting, plot wrote on back of a fag packet plenty of sooties and not surprised the baddies are white. Mercurio hasn’t written or produced anything of quality since the 3 rd season of Line of duty. Bodyguard absolute bollox and the shit on the submarine crowned by the utter shite of the lame line of duty’s last couple of seasons.

  3. Bomb disposal needs steady hands and calm disposition under pressure.
    Id be ideal.

    Ive always been really good at Buckaroo ® and Operation®
    But because im colour blind (color blind for our yank cunters) they wont let me have a go!

    This is clearly discrimination.
    Probably got some umbongo lined up for this plum role?

    When I said this at the interview the copper called me a racist!

    Told him “im colour blind you gormless cunt!
    How can I be prejudiced?
    For all I know you’re a bleeding dark key yourself!”

    Anyway it went downhill after that…

  4. Police technical advisors and story consultants: Neil Basu and Cressida Strapon.


    • I’ve obviously never seen the show but I but I have this vision that the closing credits have an acknowledgement at the end like they used to have in some old movies (films to you Brits) that were made in foreign shitholes…I mean countries:

      The producers of this show would like to express their gratitude to the senior members of BLM without whose gracious assistance this series could not be made.

      Special thanks also to the militants of Antifa for their technical advice in the making of this program.

      Dedicated to memory of Saint George of Minneapolis.

      • No nig…nogs were harmed in the filming of this programme. Although several were massacred afterwards…..

      • Hey Cuntstable,

        Thanks for the welcome.

        They did let me out. But only after I hid the meds under my tongue, registered as a Democrat, identified as a black male and assaulted a female intern.

        At which point they declared me a victim, gave me a ballot and released me into the General Public.

        I don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner.

        Oh, I have court ordered Antifa Riot Management sessions I have to attend too.

  5. It was indeed a pile of crap, a disgruntled ex serviceman the ultimate goal an ethnic labour candidate.

    The plot includes an attack on a mosque, well what else would you expect with the far right ?

    Perhaps there will be a follow up series with Islamic terror plot to detonate bombs on the tube or at a concert, no that’s way to close to reality

  6. I gave this pile of cunt a couple of episodes and then gave up. They had a black bomb disposal officer in the first episode and blew him up! Not very progressive. The main character was one of these geezerbirds who try be one of the lads and keep up with them at the pub and falling flat at banter, all a bit cringe.

    The ‘terror group’ was called English Flag, I mean what the actual fuck. I bet these cunts were the same ones wrapping themselves in the St Georges Cross last year when Gareth Wokegates bunch of multi-cultural diverse knee bending cucks were reclaiming the flag in the Euros and now less than a year later its being appropriated as a far-right terrorist group for a TV show.

  7. I admit I watched the first episode.It turned out to be a steaming pile of horse ?

  8. Ex forces personnel would be more bothered about not freezing to death as they sleep rough than planting bombs. But EVERYTHING in the world from the dawn of time appears to be the fault of some mythical organisation called “the far right”. I have never watched the dogshit in question because all the TV programmes are now pretty much the same – “white Man bad” – and I have better things to do with my time than watch anything demonising me as a monster because of my colour.
    There used to be 10% of left wing extremists, 10% of right wing extremists and a politically central 80% – now we have 1% of the extreme, fascist far left calling 99% of people “far right”. And the irony is that this 1% of evil, dangerous extreme left nutcases call decent people “extremists” because they disagree with the 1% of evil, dangerous extreme left nutcases.
    And the politicians, the MSM and broadcasters constantly empower these cunts by pandering to their vile behaviour and never calling them what they are – extreme, dangerous fascist monsters.
    I have said it before but it bears repetition – we need to get rid of ALL the current politicians, of ALL parties, at the next General Election and get independents in – or the UK is gone.
    That is how serious it is now.

    • Hello Vern,

      It was once fashionable to quote George Bernard Shaw and adhere to the notion that Britain and America are two “…two nations separated by a common language.”

      When I read you posts I’m of the opinion that the new paradigm should be; the Brits and the Yanks are two peoples united by a common wisdom.

      Greetings from the country the Progressives want to turn into; the Land of the woke and the home of the cancelled.

      • GC@ – Hello General – it used to be that the UK did whatever America did 5-10 years ago, that is now reversed – America has a useful idiot installed in The White House in a fraudulent “Election” Trump won in a landslide and the left wing, woke treachery the UK has been suffering for decades is now infesting America.
        And not ONE damned US “Politician” is doing a thing to decertify, which is kind of “their only job” but they always seem to have time to whine online and demand money and votes so they can continue their First Class taxpayer seat on the worlds biggest gravy train.
        Crooks and traitors, one and all.

      • Sorry to all for going off topic but I’d like to respond to Vern’s comment.

        Hey Vern,

        Once again you speak the truth. The existence of voter fraud (which some might characterize as rampant) in the United is denied only by corrupt politicians, judges, liberal media and those who simply refuse to see.

        It is Primary season here in the States. That’s when partisans from both sides hold elections to determine their candidates for November’s General Election. Some state have had their Primary Election and the games have already begun.

        After the last election the State of Texas passed a series of laws to tighten voter ID requirements and “reduce” voter fraud.

        In their recent Primary election according to various local news sources including the Grio, The Caller Times and the Palestine Herald Press (that’s Palestine Texas for the anti-Semite crowd) somewhere between 18,000 and 27,000 ballots across the state have been rejected because the identity of the voter could no be confirmed.

        Liberals say that this is due to the voter’s unfamiliarity with the new law, bureaucratic unfamiliarity in administrating the new law and of course…wait for it…racist voter suppression.

        Separate and apart from the unknown tens of thousands of unverifiable ballots across the state, another situation has developed in Harris County,Texas where Democratic Elections Administrator, Isabel Longoria was forced to resign when it was learned that another unknown number of ballots…but conceded to be in the thousands…were either counted incorrectly, not counted, counted after the deadline was passed or simply misplaced.

        At the risk of timing out…more to follow…

      • To continue:

        In Flint Michigan, Flint Township clerk Cathy Funk, faces 5 counts of felony vote tampering by the State Attorney General. Funk, a Democrat was running for reelection and at one point was ahead in a close race by approximately 350 votes.

        The charges state that when a sealed contained of uncounted ballots came in Funk, broke the seal and left the container unattended for some unknown period of time thereby breaking the chain of custody, spoiling the ballots and rendering them unverifiable and therefore, uncountable.

        The number of ballots are unknown but some estimates range as high as 4000.

        According to a Pew Research a July 2021 audit in Takoma Park, Maryland turned up a number of illegal immigrants on the voter rolls. By Federal law, Illegal voters are ineligible to vote in Federal elections.

        Although unable to confirm or deny if these illegals voted in the last federal election, Takoma Park City Clerk, Jessie Carpenter (described in press reports as nonpartisan) defended this by saying illegals have been legally allowed to vote in local elections since 1993.

        She went on to state that of the 13,500 registered in her jurisdiction only a “few hundred” are illegal aliens.

        And on and on it goes. There’s much more but this in hot the tread to discuss it in and I’ve taken up way to much space already.

        Sorry to Cunstable and cheers to Vern.

      • Correction…this is NOT the THREAD…blah, blah,blah…

        Typing a bit to fast and forgoing the edit is a recipe for disaster.

    • I cannot help but agree, Vern.
      But as the choice of alternatives appears non existent, who do we vote for?
      As long as its not anything other than white, born here, I’ll vote for them.
      My MP is white and English, thank Dog, I vote for my MP every time.
      And my MP has actually done something other than drink for England.

      • JP@ – Evening JP – how about standing as an independent? – I am and I am determined to have the drunken, bone idle (legally proven bit coming up) sexual predator who alleges to be my “MP” out on his fat arse at the next GE.
        100 independents forces a coalition, 226 more and we form a Government – by the people, of the people and for the people.
        By jingo Sir – an Oliver Cromwell type revolution! ?

  9. You have to be lobotomised to watch these series. All the same plot line, all the same cunts getting paid to pretend to be some other cunt. I saw a picture of the heros/arseholes, saw looked so stupid in that helmet…..
    Fuck em, fuck em all.

  10. If ever I’d had an unstable bint like the “Leading Lady” in this programme, she’d have been on the first boat home.

    I have mates who are real ATO’s and they would cringe at this crap.

    The actors, writers, producers and directors are all cunts.

    Good cunting CC

  11. Vicky McClure turns up in any old woke shite nowadays. Shame really because she was brilliant in This Is England.

  12. I can’t watch any of these police dramas, Rather walk around Manchester with a nail in me shoe..
    Fucking tripe.
    Do you have tripe in the colonies General Cuntster?

  13. Trigger point?

    Ask Nigno.g blek lies mither Sasha.

    Weak as piss TV luvvie soy cunts.


  14. Never watch any of this pot oiler crap.
    I’ve episodes of Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes to view.
    DCI Gene Hunt rules.
    Fire up the Quattro!

  15. Sounds like the sort of thing that hairy cunt Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe‘s husband would enjoy watching between crying on the news. What a wet cunt he is. I’d love to slap his sad, bagpuss-like face.

    Fuck your wife, nobody cares.


  16. The media creates the reality for the masses.

    I’ve said it before, the media are being used to erase any memories of this being a white nation. A 20 year old today has no idea this country has not always been a multi colour, multicultural shit hole.

    Entertainment and news output is designed to manipulate the masses.

  17. This Lame plot is in my view is nothing more than Treason, I am appalled, this once great Country is on its way down the Shitter

  18. Some well meaning oversights in the training regime could rid us of some of these efniks who diffuse explosives.
    Suggested by a friend.

  19. Watched the first episode, had a wank at the thought of Vicky writhing over my cock in her pigs uniform, went to sleep, never watched it again.

  20. This is what passes for entertainment now. Every plot line has to be PC with dark-keys galore opposing the evil forces of whitey and Brexit. The exact reverse to real life. I would rather recline in a puddle of vomit than watch this PC-bollox. Give me Rambo and The Sweeney instead.

    • Yes, add Bodie, Doyle and Cowley in the Professionals to this. These classics knock the modern woke shite into a shitty, cocked hat.

      These shows were designed to entertain and not to mither the viewer.

      • There’s one episode of the Professionals that never gets shown – about a black pimp.

      • I see you right about that, Paul.

        I recently introduced Mrs Yank to the wonders of The Sweeney and The Professionals. Got ’em all on DVD. Great story lines, brilliantly acted, top notch.

        Telly done proper, innit.

      • The Professionals was apparently a bit to hard for the American audiences.
        Fucking loved it as a 10 year old boy. Still fucking loved it as a 55 year old man last year when I watched every episode a friend lent me. The first series had a different beginning with a Rolks Royce and an assault course.

    • I would love to start a non-PC TV channel. My schedule would be something like this

      Good Morning with the Black and White Minstrels.
      Love Thy Neighbour.
      The One O’Clock News with Alf Garnett
      The Sweeney
      The Professionals
      Endurance (Japanese making asses of themselves)
      Battle of Britain
      The Nine O’Clock news with Bernard Manning
      It ain’t alf Hot Mum
      Dad’s Army
      The ten o’clock news with Al Jolson

  21. Police dramas full of ‘ strong women ‘ and Pat Boons.
    Ditto, period dramas….. apparently, Blighty was awash with educated dark keys, in positions of influence and high society.
    Social history topics given a woke colourwash.
    And on and on.
    I refuse to watch the shite.
    Never seen this Trigger thingy.
    It can Get To Fuck.
    Ethel laps this garbage up.
    The fucking barmpot.
    Proper telly…..

  22. Saw a few trailers and came to the conclusion that a total load of woke bollocks was in the offering. Fuck me how much of this shit can a guillible public take? Lots and lots is the pitiful answer.

  23. Couldn’t agree more. The regular repeats of “The Sweeney” and “The Professionals” serve to show how far down the shitter television has gone in thirty years.

    Completely off topic, for which I apologise, but have to get this out; filled the tank on the car today…..£102! One-hundred-and-two-pounds!!!

  24. This Trigger Point is unbelievable shite. Shit plots, bad acting from pretty good actors and poor directing.
    Nearly as bad as that bomb disposal film The Hurt Locker. What a pile of shit that was. If I had that guy on my side I would have shot him myself.
    Both utter bollocks!

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