The Media Agenda

So Amazon have dropped the BLM fund raising from its charity platform as 60M Dollars is unaccounted for. Anyone see that on the BBC or Sky or ITV ? No and you won’t as it doesn’t fit their agenda

When was the truth dropped from being the most important thing in the news ?

Cunts – on the bright ide, the amount of my money that was swindled from the charity was , err , Zero

BLM and Amazon No Longer Friends.
(Link provided by his Lordship, Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler)

Nominated by: Just a bloke

75 thoughts on “The Media Agenda

  1. I saw the fact millions had gone missing from BLM,
    But hardly something the Independent or Guardian would shout from the rooftops?

    God helps those who help themselves.

    Hope theres enough left to buy that nice Sasha Johnson a new beret?

    • She can get one of those propeller hats with matching bib for when she is wheeled around to see the ducks in the pond.

    • On the joyous night, they spent longer getting the beret out of a tree, than jumping to the conclusion an evil whitey put manners on her.
      I saw a picture of her in hospital she looked like the big fucker in The Goonies.

    • Did you notice the CPS dropped the charges against the four non-white accused – presumably so the whole thing will just slide into obscurity without the chiggun chuggers getting any distasteful bad press.

  2. Sixty million Pounds…fucking peanuts….Diane Abbot claims more in expenses just to pay off her monthly Kentucky Fried Chiggun account.

  3. Sixty million, eh?
    Well before we all leap to condemn them, let’s just remember that top end property doesn’t come cheap, does it?

  4. Oh no! Was it all a scam after all?

    Surely a Nigerian prince who just needs access to my bank temporarily will sort out all the problems.

    • Or perhaps the FBI could find out who stole it all and stick them on Old Sparky.

      Never in a million years.

      The cunts.

  5. What did you expect from a load of Pat Boons? It got blown on mansions in whitey areas, hoes smack and chiggun and watamelon. Move along nothing to see here.

  6. It’s funny how this shit happens. Anyone could misplace 60 million. One moment it’s there and the next it’s gone.

    Happens to all organisations, take the US government for example. The day before 9-11 the announced they’d lost 2.1 trillion dollars from the defence budget.

    BLM must try harder!

    • Agreed, its easily done .
      I cant find my 60 million either.
      Thats why my direct debits will bounce this week.

      Is theiving a act of militant revolutionary action now?
      Fight the power

  7. Either nobody gets caught, or they’ll discover that a honky blagged it and it’ll be international news.

  8. No different to our government losing untold billions during the COVID nonsense. Well, to be fair, there is a difference……..the 60 million was GIVEN to the thieving silveries whereas the government STOLE it from us.
    Fortunately I had the sense to start a Grenfell charity so I’m fucking laughing at you poverty stricken cunts.

  9. I find it surprising that so many individuals and companies jumped onto the BLM bandwagon, any dealings with this foul ‘organisation ‘ would reveal to any sensible person that BLM is evil.
    ‘Marry in haste repent at leisure’ has never been more appropriate.

  10. Evidence grows year on year of the widespread corruption in the charity sector. Best bet is to follow the example of more and more people and do not give.

  11. The minute I hear charity mentioned the tighter the grip i have for my wallet
    Fuckin shysters all of them

  12. If you are dumb enough to bung money to charidees the best you can hope for is that 10% gets through to the people you intended it for. It’s a fucking con.

    • Can I just say, please, that there are some very worthwhile SMALL charities that do not waste money on adverts on Talking Pictures and other media, that you would know little or nothing about because they can’t afford to publicise themselves as all donations go on, for example, animals. You might Google Hillside Animal Sanctuary or The Donkey Sanctuary.

      I have given money to chairty for years – just feeding the spouse and paying the TV LIcense for her to watch Emmerdale Farm.

      As to BLM (why white millionaires felt they had to grovel to the dark keys, or they (BLM) had such lack of self repsect to take white man’s money, I know not), but I imagine the Rastafarian gentleman who passes by my home at 7.30 every morning (to buy a newspaper, not to work for heavens sake – he’s 30 and a devout Sun and Star reader) takes a cut because the smell of gunga every morning is overpowering. A policeman passed him the other morning and not a word was spoken by the officer.

      David Lammy has been getting fatter, and it must be good news for the British Steel Industry that he and his fellow fat club members Thornberry and Abbot are buying new corsets for the spring.

      • A policeman in the street? Was he lost? Had somebody nicked his rainbow car?

      • You saw a policeman on the street! Wow, seen three police cars drive up and done our road in the past sixteen months.
        As regards 60:million unaccounted seems they use the same accounting methods as the cunts in our foreign aid department. You may as well dig a hole throw the money in shit on it then bury it, That way you may remember the location of the hole as to what happens to the moolah who knows who cares it ain’t their money.

      • Sorry to burst your bubble. Mr Boggs, The donkey sanctuary are very profligate. If you donated foreign currency there is a very good chance it ended up in a skip. A very good friend of mine over the past 50 plus years used to work for the skip firm.

        If any of the lads wanted some foreign currency it was a case of help yourself.
        If they changed the stationary, all the existing stationary was skipped.

      • WCB@ – Well said Sir – the only time I give to charity is to local good causes I have vetted personally, my charity bike ride is coming up (NO lycra warrior beats the Fox on a bike – I find the fact they even try to be a personal insult!) and all that is raised goes to good causes where I live.
        None to black thieves, or thieves of any colour come to that.

  13. The truth the media. Two words that haven’t belonged together for maybe 25 years or more. I still don’t understand why. Cannot they see the dystopian dysfunctional society they have helped feckless politicians create ???

  14. Peanuts compared to how much loot the Tory donors are making from the entirely pointless 100 billion HS2

    • Another witless idea dreamt up by baldy q ueer Lord Adonis as he sat on the lavatory with his keyboard trying to produce shit from either end.

  15. You’re always hearing stories about how some “CEO” of a charity or some other higher-up shitbag has helped himself to a huge overblown salary for doing next to nothing. I don’t trust YT to run a competent charity. I sure as shit wouldn’t trust Basketball-Americans to run one.

  16. I hear the fine chaps at BLM have donated the 60 million to people who now need new knee joints.

    • They also spent five dollars to send some KFC to Derek Chauvin in the nick. Only fair, he made them fucking millionaires.

  17. Talking about missing from the news. I wouldnt recommend watching the saintly Ukraine Azov battalion crucifying and burning alive Russian prisoners of war.

  18. The Libtards and MSM have made themselves look utter clowns over BLM.

    Just as with Biden, they were determined to “ construct a narrative” to fit their their woke theories that they blinded themselves to the inconvenient truth that BLM are no more than a bunch of terrorists and racketeers.

    When future historians write of this period they will call it “the Age of Gullibility”.


  19. The Libtards and MSM have made themselves look utter clowns over BLM.

    Just as with Biden, they were determined to “ construct a narrative” to fit their their woke theories that they blinded themselves to the inconvenient truth that BLM are no more than a bunch of terrorists and racketeers.

    When future historians write of this period they will call it “the Age of Gullibility”.


  20. Probably gone on crack and corn bread.

    Most can’t count so I am sure some slick lawyer has got this sitting in some nice trust fund, or perhaps it is #putin_fake_news

  21. Like most large do good organisations, they start with the best intentions, become a business and then a scam.

    I would never give to any large charity or cause because there will be multiple layers of people scamming off the money…it’s human nature.

    Oxfam, BHF etc all pay mega salaries and fund company cars and property…it may be hidden under things like “leasing” or “performance rewards” but in the end, it’s legalised theft from the people who gave.

    Good luck finding that money or bringing anyone to justice.

  22. I notice that when BLM founder Patrice Cullors was taken to task over several unexplained property purchases & financial irregularities in the ‘charidee’, the first defensive move was an accusation of racism. Well, fuck my old boots, I think I’m going to have a heart attack at THAT fucking surprise!! Thieving cunts.

  23. Hold up – just had a thought. Snoop Dogg just bought a record label for 150 Mil.

    Maybe that’s where it has gone!

    • I can just hear him rapping now: ‘Black Lives Matter, you motherfucking white cunts’

  24. Just like the kids charity kids company that that fat multi coloured rag wearing bitch camila batmangillfd or whatever the fuck she is called giving away to money to little spooks to go and buy new trainers, and eventually the charity went bust, if some white kid from Epsom or seven oaks or Guildford asked the same what do you think the answer would be? Black charity? Fuck off all I would give them is a good slamboking

    • Sid@ – The “charity” was wound down after that fat ugly freak bitch had twisted a fortune of taxpayers money and waddled off with it.

      • I think it was a chauffeur driven Merc and a fucking massive house with private swimming pool she spunked all the cash on.

        As well as keeping the local weed dealers in business when ‘pocket money’ day came round.

        Apparently Thursdays were the day that council estates would reek of weed, KFC and new Nike Air clown shoes.

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